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2024-04-23 22:45:34



Dear visitors, today Ill guide you swim and get a glimpse of the west lake and moving scenery!

Look, is the legendary "broken bridge", not far in front of the legendary xu xian and the white niang son is on the broken bridge for life! Everyone looked ahead from the bridge, can see both coasts. It is said that this is the place where method customs pressure the white niang son. Finally by the villagers will take both coasts of brick, makes the white niang son who escape the clutches of sea.

Our next stop, is the place where Lin biao armed uprising. It has two names, one is 704, built in 1970 in April. Another name is 579, and the armed uprising is harmonics. People usually call it 704. You can now go in and see their works. Of course, the so-called uprising was a failure.

Now, we are standing in a the foot of the mountain. The mountains have a well. Is said to be emperor qianlong came to this mountain, very tired, just use it well after washing a face wash feet, feel refreshed, the well water. From the later, the well is as much a mystery. It is said that after washing with the well bonanza, wedding, good a lot. Interested friends can have a try, can guarantee that you later day across the fire! However, water can not be erased at yo, it is better to let it dry naturally. Otherwise, your finances so will erase!

Today I give everybody introduction here, looking for a walk, please! In addition to your joy, laughter and footprints, what all dont leave! Thank you to the west lake, west lake always welcome you!


Dear visitors,

good morning, everyone, my name is Zhu Minjia, you can call me zhu guide. Welcome to "the paradise on earth" - the west lake. We will open the way to the west lake tour, we will go to visit butte, middle-east and three pool reflected on. Wish everyone have a happy travel! Please dont throw the skin rubbish, painting of the scribble.

The west lake is so beautiful, of course, there are many wonderful legends. From many years ago, the sky has a jade dragon and jinfeng, they found on the island which beside the Milky Way a piece of jade, they peck together for many years, jade becomes a radiant orb, the orb of light shine where, where trees are evergreen, flowers are blooming. Then news to the heavenly palace, the heavenly queen sent mountain god snatch like treasure in the future. Yulong jinfeng and hurried to SuoZhu, met her mother refused, then scramble up. Heavenly queen down, with a loose, jade fell, became a Jin Ying west lake, the yulong jinfeng and becomes a feng huang mountain and YuHuangShan, protect the west lake.

Everybody look east, that is the broken bridge! It is one of the most famous bridge in the west lake. It is very interesting: the broken bridge is in the north of lake and lake water. When snow attendance, the positive aspect has deglaciation snow bridge, and the shadow of the bridge still snowy, distance, bridge seems broken broken, hence the name "broken bridge".



Ever been to hangzhou west lake said: "there sky is blue, water is green, the air is fresh, people is enthusiasm". Nominal or real?

从杜桥坐车到杭州大约4个小时。走出车门,风儿吹来那挺拔的柳树在风中热摇着,枝叶梳理自己独一无二的长头发,那一根根如丝般的`秀发在你眼中舞动着,那是柳树在挥动手臂在欢迎你。只见那湖中一层层的小波浪你挤我挤地到了河岸边,碧波里的西湖在轻轻地吟唱着。岸上蜿蜒曲折的小路如同一缕轻烟缭绕,很温柔地缠绕在丛林之间。只见那生意人手中的丝巾,花雨伞……看见游人来了一拥而上,为了一桩小买卖而寸步不离、不 其烦地推销,这过分热情有时把游客追得如鸟散。我们站在湖边纷纷好姿势,"咔嚓……"让自己的倩影永远留在千年文化的杭州。

About 4 hours from Du Qiao to hangzhou by car. Out of the door, and the wind is blowing the tall willow thermal shook in the wind, leaves comb their unique long hair, that their such as silky hair dancing in your eyes, it was the willows waving arms to welcome you. See the layers of small waves in the lake you crowded I crowded into the river, blue waves of the west lake is gently singing. Shore meandering path like a ray of light smoke fills the air, very gently winding between the jungle. See that the business of silk scarves, take an umbrella... Set saw visitors come, pockets for a small business, don't bother to sell, the excessive enthusiasm sometimes chase visitors such as birds. We stood by the lake have good posture, "kacha..." The beautiful image of yourself forever culture in hangzhou in one thousand.


In a lake, heaven on earth, water is all around, set foot on the island of deeply in love with her, fall in love with this piece of land. Hits the trees there is our friend. The pieces of rock is your main "sofa", if you feel special is bad, so charming scenery can make you eliminate troubles, and the layers of small waves come, she also to share happiness with you in the sad, then with the help of wind the mother-in-law the willows dance the graceful dance.


You see, where is your closest friend, nature nature can let a person so cheerful! Nature can let you always remember her good friend - human beings.


Just swim and eat farm-style, a good friend to get to know the nature, carefree, enjoy the beauty of west lake. When I think of wanli "xiao the net Keats temple to send Lin Zifang" : after all, the west lake in June, the scenery in four. Next day even leaves endless blue, video on lotus red.


I revel in the beautiful scenery and the poem.

推荐专题: 三分钟英语演讲稿 杭州概况导游词三分钟英语

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