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2024-02-22 23:52:46




第二层是一个暗层,采光和通风均靠人工解决。此层的陈设,体现的是“人杰”的主题。正厅的墙壁 上,是大型丙烯壁画《人杰图》,画高2.55米, 长20多米,画面上生动地描绘了自先秦至明未的江西历代名人,这些人虽然时代不同,服饰不同,地位不同,年龄不同,职业不同,素质不同,性格不同,但是和谐统一在同一的画面之中。这是一幅由江西历史上众多名杰组成的辉煌长卷,展示了伟大华夏民族之雄风。画面人物造型生动,格调雅逸,线条组织富有韵味。

第三层是一个回廊四绕的明层,也是阁中一个重要层次。在廊檐下有四幅巨型金字匾额,规格都是1.5米× 4.5米。 东为“江山入座” , 西为“水天空霁”, 南为“栋宿浦云”,北为“朝来爽气”,这些内容均系清顺治蔡士英重修滕王阁时所拟匾额。东厅两 侧陈列有“銮驾”礼器,取材于“戟”、“帷”等古仪 仗,有朝天镫、月牙戟、 判官手、龙凤屏、金爪等, 由苏州制作。面北耳厅陈列以“物华天宝”著称的江西工艺展品,北耳厅为一茶座,是阁中品茗、小憩之地。  中厅屏壁有2.8米× 5.5米的丙烯壁画《临川梦》,取材于汤显祖在滕王阁排演《牡丹亭》的故事。



地貌以平原为主,兼有广阔的水域和较大数量的岗地、低丘。赣江、抚河自南向北流经境内。整个地势大致呈西部和东南部高,北部低的半包围倾斜状态。年均温一七点一至一七点七摄氏度,年降水量为 一五一五至一五九五毫米。





一九八六年,南昌市被国务院命名为历史文化名城。全市列入全国重点文物保护单位五处,省级文物保护单位六处,市级文物保护单位三九处。著名的八一南昌起义总指挥部旧址,贺龙、叶挺指挥部旧址 及三十年代新四军旧址均设在市内。市内还有全国四大名楼之一的滕王阁。


The capital of Jiangxi Province. As the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of the province, it is a city with a long history and glorious revolutionary tradition. Located in the north of central Jiangxi Province, Ganjiang River, Fuhe Weige, Poyang Lake plain area. The total area is 7402.26 square miles. The urban area is about 1.24 million. The city governs five districts including Donghu, Xihu, Qingyunpu, Wanli and suburban areas, and four counties including Nanchang, Xinjian, Jinxian and Anyi.

The main ethnic group is the Han nationality, and there are 26 ethnic minorities, including Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Zhuang, Tibetan and Miao.

The landform is mainly plain, with vast waters and a large number of hills and hills. Ganjiang River and Fuhe river flow through the territory from south to north. The whole terrain is high in the West and Southeast and low in the north. The average annual temperature ranges from 17.1 ℃ to 17.7 ℃, and the annual precipitation ranges from 1515 mm to 1595 mm.

Nanchang was founded in 2002 B.C. (the fifth year of emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty). Guan Ying, a famous general of the Han Dynasty, was ordered to lead his troops to Nanchang and formally set up Yuzhang county and Nanchang County. The next year (before 201), a local city was built in Nanchang, which was called "Guancheng". After that, Nanchang changed its name: Yuzhang County in Han Dynasty, Yuzhang state in Southern Dynasty. In the Sui Dynasty, Hongzhou general manager's office was set up in Nanchang. At the beginning of Daye period, Yuzhang county was rebuilt by abolishing the state, and Nanchang was changed into Yuzhang County, which was the county, government, county, and Daozhi of the past dynasties. The city was founded in 1926 and the Nanchang Municipal People's government was established on June 7, 1949.

The land is fertile, the water area is broad, and the resources are rich. The total land area of the city is 10.35 million mu, including 4.4698 million mu of cultivated land and 3.3065 million mu of water area. The main economic fish are grass, silver carp, carp, crucian carp, flat, silver carp, etc. The mineral resources include granite, quartz, ceramic clay, coal, crystal and copper. There are many wild animals and plants in lush Xishan.

Nanchang city is located in the north and south traffic arteries of our country. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, most of the official and commercial exchanges between the north and the South passed through Nanchang. The existing water, land and air transportation network can reach the whole province and all parts of the country. Nanchang air station can directly connect with Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan, Fuzhou, Hong Kong and other places. Industry dominates housing. The city's industries focus on machinery, textile (clothing), food and electronics, as well as aircraft manufacturing, metallurgy, light industry, chemical industry, medicine, building materials and other industries.

Nanchang area has a long history of culture, known as "natural treasures, outstanding people". Wang Bo's preface to Tengwang Pavilion in the early Tang Dynasty and Zhu Da's painting and calligraphy in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties are well-known both at home and abroad.

In 1986, Nanchang was named as a famous historical and cultural city by the State Council. The city has five national key cultural relics protection units, six provincial cultural relics protection units and 39 municipal cultural relics protection units. The former sites of the famous Nanchang Uprising headquarters on August 1, the former sites of Helong and yeting headquarters and the former sites of the New Fourth Army in the 1930s are all located in the city. There is also Tengwang Pavilion, one of the four famous buildings in China.







Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, has jurisdiction over four counties, five districts, one new district and two national development zones, with a total area of 7402 square kilometers and a total population of 4.49 million, of which the urban population is 1.96 million. It is one of the 35 mega cities in China. With a long history of more than 2200 years, Nanchang has been endowed with "natural treasures and outstanding people"; its red homeland, green home, ancient customs, special charm and golden fields have made Nanchang "a magnificent city with beautiful scenery". Today, we are stepping into an era of economic globalization full of hope, competition, vitality and challenges. Nanchang is showing its unique potential and attractive advantages.

The name of Nanchang began in the Western Han Dynasty, 220 BC___ Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, sent yinghou Guanying and his troops to Nanchang, built Nanchang City and named it Nanchang, which means "prosperity of the South". Tang and Song dynasties were the West Road in the south of the Yangtze River and the administrative center of Hongqian. They were the famous cities in the southeast, so they were also called "Hongdu".

The tourist areas of Nanchang include the urban area and the nearby Meiling, Jingan SANZHAOLUN, Zhangshu and other places. The scenic spots and historic sites blend in the beautiful natural scenery, and the beautiful landscape sets off the unique style of the ancient city of Nanchang.

In today's economic globalization trend of large-scale industrial transfer, resource restructuring and development alliance, Nanchang has ushered in a new round of development opportunities. Under the correct leadership of Jiangxi provincial Party committee and government, and with the active participation of investors and entrepreneurs at home and abroad, the hero city is undergoing rapid and profound changes. Nanchang's investment environment is improving day by day, its economic development is accelerating, and its market prosperity is rising continuously, especially the entrepreneur confidence index and enterprise prosperity index are both stronger, which fully shows the huge development space and investment opportunities contained in Nanchang.

Nanchang city is now very prosperous. Bayi Square in the center of the city is green and can accommodate 100000 people. The August 1 Nanchang Uprising Memorial Tower standing at the southern end of the square has become a monument of Nanchang's revolutionary history. After the reform and opening up, Nanchang's tourism has developed rapidly. Many cultural relics and historic sites have been restored. There are 26 natural landscapes and 78 cultural landscapes. There are famous world cultural heritage Lushan scenic spot, Poyang Lake migratory bird reserve, Longhushan national scenic spot, Jinggangshan National Scenic Spot and Sanqingshan National Scenic Spot near Nanchang. It has formed a tourism and sightseeing system with Nanchang as the center, along the Beijing Kowloon Railway scenic belt as the focus and radiating Jiangxi Province.

Nanchang is also a heroic city with glorious revolutionary tradition. The August 1 Nanchang Uprising is world-famous. The Chinese people's Liberation Army was born here, so Nanchang is also known as "hero city".

After the reform and opening up, Nanchang's tourism industry has developed rapidly, and many cultural relics and historic sites have been renovated. Nanchang has become a hot tourist city attracting worldwide attention.


《牡丹亭》剧本写成于明万历二十六年,就是公元1598年,第二年,汤显祖首次在滕王阁上排演了这出戏,开创了滕王阁上演戏曲之先河。滕王阁由此而从一座歌舞楼台逐渐演变成戏曲舞台。画面以灰蓝色为基调,采用装饰手法,刻画戏剧人物,体现神灵感梦的故事情节,通过梦幻来体现汤公对黑暗现实的抨击,对理想社会的憧憬,表现出强烈的爱憎。  第四层与第二层建筑上看是相似的,也是一个暗层。此层主要体现“地灵”的主题。正厅的墙壁上,是丙烯壁现《地灵图》,集中反映了江西名山大川自然景观精华。画面从南往北依次是大庾岭梅关、弋阳圭 峰、上饶三清山、鹰潭龙虎山、井冈山、庐山、鄱阳湖、石钟山等。画面严谨,功力深厚,充分表现了江西“钟灵毓秀”的壮丽山川。




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