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2024-01-22 23:31:37



Liaoning Travel Guide

Liaoning Province, often called 'the Golden Triangle' because of its superior geographical location.It includes boundaries on the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Gulf, and the Yalu River, which makes it the closest gateway to the Korean Peninsula.Its close to the sea has given it commercial and strategic advantages throughout its history.The east and west of LiaoNing are mountainous.In contrast, the middle part of it is a large flat fertile plain.LiaoNing consists of 14 cities, among them ShenYang is its capital.It covers an area of about 148 000 square kilo-meters.Its permanent resident population is about 40 millions.LiaoNing has a long and cold winters, warm and rainy summers and relatively short and windy spring and autumn.January is the coldest month with an average temperature of-17C to-5C, and July is the hottest with an average temperature of 21C-25C.The best time to visit is from May to October, but winter is also a pleasant time to enjoy the ice and snow scenery and winter festivals.Liao Cuisine from Liaoning is one of the famous regional cuisines of China.This cooking style is typically strong in flavour and heavily spiced but not hot.Chinese dumplings(jiaozi)and noodles form the staple foods of the area.Laioning has a large and growing Korean population and so Korean style food is readily available.Korean BBQ is popular here.The coastal areas of Liaoning are famous for their sea food such as sea cucumbers.Liaoning has an ancient history.The area has become famous for its fossils.In 1984, the scull and other bones of Jinniushan Man were found.These date back 280,000(28万)years.It’s the oldest site of Old Stone Age in northeast China.Historically Liaoning was populated by the Manchu ethnic group.It’s the cradle of the Qing Dynasty.Lasting from 1644 to the 1911 revolution, Qing dynasty was set up by Manchus.At the end of 19th Century,Han ethnic group became dominant because of a large amount of immigration from other areas of China.During the first half of the 20th Century, Liaoning came under Russian and then Japanese influence.It was in Liaoning that the Mukden Incident occurred that is considered to mark the start of the Japan-China war.Under Japanese control, the region became part of the puppet state of Manchukuo.Post world war II, Liáoníng played a significant part in the domestic war between the PLA and the Kuomintang.The famous LiaoShen battle happened here.After this battle, the whole northeast of China finally achieved victory and liberation.Today, Liáoníng became famous for it's heavy industry.Liaoning is one of China's most important industrial bases, covering a wide range of industries.These industries are very important to the region, for example the iron and steel production in Anshan and Benxi as well as ship building in Dalian and aircraft and car manufacturing in Shenyang.Because of its natural beauty, archeology treasures and legacy of architecture and artifacts, LiaoNing is an area you will want to visit many times.I would like to introduce a few attractions to you.In Shenyang, Liaoning's capital city, there is a Manchu version of the Forbidden City known as the Shenyang Imperial Palace.It was built on the same principles as the Forbidden City in Beijing, although much smaller in scope.Second only to the Forbidden City, it is the most intact imperial building in existence in China.The Imperial Palace is a museum that features extensive exhibits of jade(玉,翡翠), ivory象牙, artworks of Ming and Qing dynasties, musical instruments, and a large display of 17th and 18th Centuries military equipment.The emperors that built the Imperial Palace also built their burial sites in Shenyang.Emperor Nurhachi and his mistress are buried in Fuling Tomb.Nurhachi's son, Huang Taiji and his empress女皇 are buried in Zhaoling.The large and beautiful Zhaoling tomb has been compared to the Ming Tombs in Beijing.A third tomb, Yongling Tomb, completes the famous tomb group known as the 'three tombs outside of the Great Wall'.Southeast of Shenyang is Benxi, which has the largest water cave in Asia.It’s about 5800 meter long.The Water Cave has an underground river with water so clear that the riverbed is always visible.Take a ride on the sightseeing boat and enter into the magic and mystery of the stalactite钟乳石 formations that have formed over millions of years.Surrounded on three sides by Sea, Dalian is a charming coastal city.Here you can experience the garden-like downtown streets that are bordered by Japanese and Russian style buildings.It’s a perfect place for a leisurely stroll.With mountains on one side, and fabulous beaches all around the city, Dalian is a great place to escape the summer heat and have a refreshing vacation.Liaoning Province is opulent富裕的 in natural beauty as well as interesting attractions.Aside from the ones noted above, there are also many other places I will introduce to you in the coming days.



你们好,欢迎你们来到惠州旅游,我是你们的导游xx 东江纵队纪念馆,坐落在博罗县著名国家级风景名胜区罗浮山朱明洞区内。三面环山,前面是秀丽的白莲湖,右侧不远处为东纵司令部旧址冲虚古观。四面环境优雅,景色宜人。20xx年底,12月1日,在抗日战争胜利60周年之际,东江纵队纪念馆在罗浮山下建成。"东江纵队纪念馆"馆名,为原全国政协副主席叶选平题写。纪念馆建筑面积为3300平方米,目前馆藏文物85件,历史图片350多幅。











"东江纵队可以说是白手起家,是在曾生、林平、王作尧、杨康华等主要领导带领下,从无到有,从小到大发展起来的。" 八年抗战,几经整编,终于发展成为11000多人的抗日武装力量。据战后统计,东江纵队先后作战1400多次,毙伤日、伪军6000多人,牵制了日军两个半旅团的兵力。











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