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2023-09-02 11:06:39






合肥市素以“三国旧地、包拯故里”闻名于世,具有“淮右襟喉、江南唇齿”的战略位置,常为兵家必争之地。三国时魏将张辽大败孙权十万大军的逍遥津战役,即发生在这里。两千多年前,这里就已开始形成商业都会。秦、汉在此设郡县,明、清为庐州府治,时为安徽省省会,如今已是千樯鳞次、商贾辐凑的商 业都会。



合肥的名胜古迹甚多。从前有镇淮角韵,梵刹钟声,藏舟草色,教弩松荫,蜀山雪霁,淮浦春融,巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞八处,统称 “庐阳八景”。其中巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞等景,现已不属合肥市;镇淮角韵等景,因天长日久,物换星移,已荡然无存,成为历史陈迹。现在的名胜古迹以教弩台,明教寺,逍遥津,包公祠等最为著名。



Believe that everyone heard of bao zheng, he is a impartial officials, to be honest and clean, many animated films, TV show him. This summer holiday, my parents and I went to visit his hometown - hefei, feeling his special charm.

In hefei, I must go to hatosy park to take a look at. Into the hatosy park, will meet head-on guided a group of tourists. Guides to show visitors: "we in the river, called hatosy, a total of 15 hectares of the water. The fish in the water, the back color is black, called 'tough fish; the lotus root, in the water cut is said to have to pull out silk, called' selfless lotus root. These together is called the 'untouchables'. The river a vivid interpretation of bao's character and quality." I listen to the tour guide also beside the introduction, I understand the knowledge, also enable me to further understand the significant influence to the later generations "bao zheng" spirit.

Those who go after, we continue to move forward. I saw a gate hanging on a plaque, it reads "BaoXiaoSu male shrine". Began to also don't understand what meaning, listen to the mother's explanation, I didn't know, "filial piety mood is bao died people addressed to him. The male temple, a golden bao zheng big statue stands in the center of the hall, both sides still stand dynasty, mahan, get, yan-fang. In the left of "leading", "tiger", "dog" three Zha, is dark and solemn. Take photos with people here. In addition, on the statue and hanging five tablets, and inscription respectively for "guang Yang vital qi", "color is cold mountain", "straight" of the century, clean "justice" and "cool breeze bright day", they gave praise bao's personality and sentiment.

Then, we went to the "CV 23", "liufang pavilion", "rings back porch" and "the wind pavilion". Standing on the "wind pavilion" overlooking the distant scenery is really good.

By the way, we also went to "packet cemetery". Into the tomb, a chill. Cliff in QiYou side wall on each side, with 24 filial piety stories, I was particularly impressed with the carp lying ice o, cry bamboo raw bamboo shoots, traces of "orange", they are both in the interpretation of the meaning of "filial piety", praising bao zheng is a model of filial piety family, elders. Burial chamber head on a glass door, there are bao's coffin and relics, many people came to visit. Looked at bao zheng had left by the ruins, we also miss the impartial "bao zheng".

Visited hatosy park, I think, we all should learn to zheng make a man of integrity.

推荐专题: 包公园导游词讲解

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