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2023-09-02 11:04:55



Originally the peony is Chinas famous traditional flowers, wild plants,and thorns, mainly from the qinghai-tibet plateau in China, the Yellow Riverbasin, bashan qinling of zhongtiao mountains, shanxi, henan, funiu and MangShanand other regions, the original peony community can be traced back to 3000 yearsago.

In luoyang peony cultivation, according to historical records: began in suiand sheng in the tang dynasty. "Name of guilin" in northern song dynasty period"SuiZhi ・ plain question" in a "qingming festival times 5, peony China". Sincesui, peony on the basis of folk culture, begin to enter the royal garden, becomea pet palace. In 604 AD, emperor yangdi capital luoyang company, monarch xiyuanweeks in 200, a variety of royal peony peony became the first in the history ofChinese. When tang and song dynasty, luoyang has been in the capital, capitalposition, cultivation, ornamental peony FengRi sheng. The tang dynasty poet baijuyis "flower bloom 20, if people are crazy" of a city is true portraiture ofthe situation at that time. Royal today, temples garden, private garden, withthe song dynasty neo-confucianism shao yung has written "festival only twoworld, the world famous heavy luoyang" of a sentence, can want to at that time,the luoyang garden house, the flower of the spectacular. Each to bloom "emperorcity spring sunset, cry cry chariots and horses, a total of the peony, hand tobuy flowers." Become a beautiful landscape city of luoyang. Poet liu yuxi "butthe peony true national color, the blossoms to move the capital" and the songdynasty scholar sima guang "luoyang spring the most prosperous, red and greenamong 10 m, who is the flower, like the splendid, people will be splendid studygroup spent." All paint luoyang people eat during tang and song dynastiesfrenzy.

All is Chinas famous hundreds of flowers, long, enlisted qunfang, but onlythe peony high grade. It flowers gigantic, wide variety, the myriad of femininebeauty, crown recalled. Concept of "ancient and modern florilegium, more than360 kinds of beauties, none but with peony comparison. Therefore, known as" theking of flowers ". And the luoyang is located in the central plains, mildclimate, rainfall is moderate, suitable for the growth of peony. The songdynasty writer ouyang xiu in luoyang high rank, he enjoyed the luoyang places ofinterest, have a special liking to the luoyang peony, author of "luoyang peony".His "luoyang ley spent the most appropriate, particularly heaven" peony versesays the luoyang peony growing advantageous natural conditions.

It is said that long time ago, wild peony on MangShan people not expensive,often cut the wood, a young very pity, transplanting it hospital, elaboratecare. In a handkerchief, embroidered peony flowers. The young man wondered, wasabout to ask girls suddenly disappeared. XiuPa, but see a top have a poem: "nameof luoyang, Mang range for my home. Are you feeling heavy, spring to see thewonderful work." In the second year spring, the youth was certainly richgorgeous peony trapped in the home, graceful, from then on he would make aliving by planting peony, family became more and more abundant. Point of view,the legendary the epigenetic the luoyang is the earliest "peony growingexpert".

Since the tang dynasty, thousands of years, made a number of cultivation ofluoyang peony skillful craftsman. Liuzhou, record the recorded: "song singleparent, word ZhongRu, poetry, good plant. All peony one thousand kinds, red andwhite color, people do not know its operation,d called to mount li (li) plantten thousand copies, individual color, give daughter, imperial secretary calldivision for flowers." All previous dynasties scholars intone the luoyang peonyflow spit relapsed, KuangDai unique appearance of verse. Tang wang also reallywrite the luoyang peony, "peony enchanting disorderly, a country such as crazydo." Great poet bai juyi wrote in a poem "flowers", "ten households in a clumpof dark flower, fu", "fan of every acquisition for customs, all in one", thepoem says the luoyang peonys precious and peoples love of the peony. It issaid that tang tai years, spring, on the day of li han Leon, the temple to watchthe peony, asked the painter Cheng Xiu f: "sung today Beijing city peony poems,who headed?" Cheng answer: "in the book scheeren lee cloud: freed national colorto the wine, day sweet night dyed garments." Leon listen to praise, he said theluoyang peony "amusement", so the peony has the reputation of "amusement".

Thousands of years, luoyang peony beautiful, various, gorgeous andcharming. Ouyang xius "guest said recent years old take specific, often conjureup a hydraulic-powered tree-trimmers" speaks the truth. In the history of shengpeony varieties of up to 119 a. Now has more than 500 varieties, in a nutshell,can be divided into three, nine, ten. Three categories, namely, single head,start and mixed type. This is according to the classification in the number offlowers, flower for single headdress flower, flower for double flowers, threefor three peony flowers. Nine color is red, pink, purple, blue, yellow, white,green design and color, such as this are classified according to the color ofthe peony. Ten type mainly based on what the luoyang peony petals, size, flowerarrangement and the morphological characteristics of classification. In the 19thcentury, British scholar evolution Darwin in his masterpiece "on the origin ofspecies" quoted ecological variation of luoyang peony, as proof of his theory of"evolution". The song dynasty, luoyang yao yao peoples yellow and developingthe erros of prime minister Wei Renbo home Wei Zi known as kao, flower afterrespectively. "Yao yellow one, and the brilliant breath is like cutting".Candidates.if your years, luoyang has pressed the song god yao yellow flower,flower large feet 2 inches, he excited, regardless of the reigns of hisidentity, and placed it over his head, visible, the emperors obsession in thepeony, and from then on famously.

Since the tang and song dynasty, many bookman at a magnificently for peonypoem writing, form a plethora of peony culture, and deduces many myths andlegends about peony, soft smell things.

Legend, lunar month two years should, xiking changan heavy snow, wu zetiandrinking poetry, on an impulse drunk pen write fen book: "swim Ming dynastygarden, rushing harbinger, stamen overnight, mo monring winds to blow." Flowersnot this life, open overnight, peony not violations in season alone, shut thecore. Wu zetian rage, peony fall out of changan, sent in luoyang, and to thestake. Peony has been the rule, the body such as coke; But branch do not comeloose, standing still in the freezing cold, next year when the spring breezeblow, more brilliant flowers, known as "focal bone peony".

Another legend of peony, it is tang clear huang lung-chi lee kai jadebracelet ChenXiangTing vigil changan palace, the "harem of three thousandpeople, three thousand pet in a" your princess, hearing the luoyang peony hasbeen in full bloom, and the wood in the JinYuan peony is at the end of the bud,then make the imperial secretary drum rush, flowers are still does not open, shewas in a rage, will all fall to luoyang peony. Luoyang peony in Tokyo, in aflash, bright flowers branches, blooming together. In fact, with scientificattitude, xi an and luoyang on the same latitude line, but the temperature andhumidity are slightly lower than luoyang, luoyang, west across the mountains,and in the MangShan Yang, the chang an early spring. Therefore, generation by LiBaiyou "qingping tune" word "taken two phase huan pour countries, often have theKings grinned see, explain the infinite hate, dongfeng ChenXiangTing north leanon a railing" flea in jade bracelet, is the imperial concubine bear a grudge,derogatory generation by hyperbole, lifelong grief may not be thevolunteers.

These legends show peony jubilant, unwavering in style, it is also theclank iron character of the Chinese nation and integrity.

Since luoyang peony enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad, to buy anendless stream, sui and tang dynasties frequent exchanges between China andJapan, luoyang peony spread to Japan, the Japanese peoples distribution ofwealth. Neighbor north Korea, South Korea is also widely cultivated in China,then, the americas, Europe, many countries have successively introduced, calledthe luoyang peony flower "China" or "flower days god". Soldiers in song dynasty,the central plains, luoyang today, peony cultivation, breeding and subsequentlyfails, moved to the southern city of hangzhou. Jing and bright state, tsaochowpeople since the law transplant peony, become the new peony resort. Sichuan daypeng are luoyang peony famous plant, jiangsu yancheng, since then, luoyang peonythroughout China. After the founding of new China, due to the experienced thevicissitudes of life, luoyang peony only more than 30 varieties. In the autumnof 1959, prime minister Zhou Si to luoyang tractor factory, and specificallyabout the situation of the luoyang peony. Premier zhous concern caused theluoyang city government attaches great importance to, quickly return to expandacreage, one after another in the city park, the peony park; Xiyuan, can garden,open up the peony viewing area, and the new mail mountain national color peony,los pu park formed ten kilometers peony promenade, and built one thousand mu ofpeony gene pool; The peony as the city flower of luoyang NPC standing committeeand was started in 1983 the annual peony show. From then on, the peonyeverywhere, every family, every day, to more than 500 peony varietiesdevelopment. Yellow flowers every year, yao, Wei Zi, tsing lung lie the inkwell,drunken beauty peony famous brand, such as the charming attitude, see the flowerheads, such as chi, like drunk, like a dream, like magic. Luoyang city park hasset a record of every nearly 300000 people a day. Flower stage, residents rushedto view the city, town. Is: "watching flowers peony, everything all forget sinceI dont know."

With the peony show set each other off becomes an interest is luoyang peonyLantern Festival. Luoyang colored, gu sui, tang, more than 1000 years, hasbecome a big people festival festival custom. In recent years, luoyang lanternsexcellent reputation, become one of the three big Lantern Festival in China. Dayto watch the peony night view of light, the annual peony show to a climax. PeonyLantern Festival every year, thousands of dye flow xia tao drunk all over thesky stars, wanjiadenghuo shook silent night sky. Such as lights, such as poetry.Painting colorful, make you dont know is oneself or human fairyland. More it isworth mentioning, winter 1994, national campaign "national flower" leadershipteam through the press candidates spent solution is: a country - the peonyflower. At this point, an early nine dynasties rong snow clothe with silver, andluoyang refractory research institute a peony flower bed is a proud timely snowin full bloom, people sell, all without exception. Xinhua news agency and otherdozens of news media scramble to report, exclaim, "national flower spread goodnews, the peony should know the snow laugh" wonders in one hundred.

In recent years, luoyang peony not only out of the country, but also soldto Japan, the United States, France, Singapore and other countries and HongKong, Macao and Taiwan regions, the end of the peony "can see cant buy"history. Peony have also made a series of scientific research achievements, thetechnology has the new breakthrough, basically achieved the "flowers bloom aswell, spring to autumn to irrelevant", which laid a foundation for furtherdevelopment of luoyang peony.

Poets in lee ge fei has: "the world of governing revolution, hou to riseand fall of luoyang, rise and fall of luoyang, hou xing in garden waste."Temporal change, things change, all without exception shows people with aphilosophy: goodsky flower glory. Today, our country is coruscate gives newvitality, the peony like rosy clouds in the east, adorn the expeditions of theearth. Peony, this eternal soul, telling us hard to think of the Chinese nationas an epic. Luoyang, luoyang peony to dress for the peony. The peony and theancient capital of blame. Song times flowers, flower pregnant vitality; Luoyangpeony is out of the country, go to the world of tie and bridge, peony, is theancient capital of aesthetic badge, it will accompany the onward march ofluoyang, towards a new brilliance.


洛阳是中国历史上建都时间最早、朝代最多、 时间最长,跨度最大的城市。也是中国优秀旅游城市和“感动世界的中国品牌城市”。洛阳旅游景点有丰富的人文景观,其中龙门石窟是中国三大石窟之一,白马寺是中国第一座官办佛教寺院,洛阳古墓博物馆是世界上最大的古墓群,此外还有二程墓、白园、关林等一大批历史遗迹。 洛阳,因为地处洛水之阳而得名,是华夏文明的主要发祥地之一。自公元前770年周平王迁都洛邑起,历史上先后有13个朝代在此建都,时间长达1500多年。自古以来,这里墨客骚人云集,因此有“诗都”之称,牡丹香气四溢,又有“花都”的美誉。洛阳位处亚欧大陆桥东段,横跨黄河中游两岸,“居天下之中”,素有“九州腹地”之称。是“华夏第一王都”,是八大古都和国务院首批公布的历史文化名城之一,是 “丝绸之路”起点之一,是中国历史上唯一被命名为“神都”的城市。

洛阳位于豫西山区,东临嵩岳,西依秦岭,南望伏牛,北靠太行,地形、地貌复杂多变,孕育了名山大川、河湖瀑布、溶洞温泉、原始森林等风景名胜。 北25公里有中华民族的母亲河黄河及举世瞩目的小浪底水利枢纽工程,270平方里浩淼水面与崇山峻岭融为一体,构成一幅北方千岛湖的壮观画面。东80公理有中岳嵩山及少林寺名胜, 青山叠翠,峰峦耸峙,寺庙巍巍,武校林立。南部和西部50到160公里范围内,分布有国家森林公园白云山、龙峪湾、花果山和国家级自然保护区伏牛山,有栾川老君山、洛宁神灵寨、嵩县天池山、新安青要山等8个省级森林公园和自然保护区,还有“北国第一溶洞”鸡冠洞、“北国水乡重度沟和陆浑水库旅游度假区等景点。

洛阳是个古老的城市。当你走进老城,你一定会深深地迷恋上她那质朴的气息。她就像是一本沉甸甸的书,在等待着你去细细品味;她更像是一位饱经沧桑的老者,在等待着与你倾心交流。老城里最不缺的就是一座座瓦片屋顶的小楼,木刻的屋檐、窗棂,还有那古色古香的街道,仿佛都在向你讲述着洛阳曾经的辉煌。 四月的洛阳城牡丹怒放,城内变成了“国色天香”的海洋。细嗅芬芳,置身花海,动人的牡丹娇艳欲滴,让人忍不住心生怜爱,醉入其中。龙门石窟的.鬼斧神工,让你不得不赞叹古人技艺的出神入化,震撼人心。历经岁月更迭的白马寺,依然在古城中静默如初,散发着她的光芒。在老街闲庭信步,细细品味她的与风韵,让历史诉说,让时间停驻。






White horse temple in luoyang in henan province 12 km east of the old city, create the monastery yongping eleven years (AD 68), is China's first ancient temple, the world famous kuan ti, is the first temple built after the Buddhism was introduced into China, has the Chinese Buddhism "cradle" and "interpretation of the source," said, it has a history of more than 1900 years. The existing site sites for during the yuan, Ming and qing. Temple save a large amount of yuan dynasty clip Zhu dry paint Buddha statues such as iii, two days will be, and 18 arhats, precious.

In 1961, the white horse temple published by the state council of the People's Republic of China for the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. In 1983, by the state council determine of national temple of Chinese Buddhism. In January 20xx, the white horse temple was named the national tourism administration led by batch AAAA level scenic area.

Yongping seven years (AD 64) of the eastern han dynasty, han emperor liuzhuang (Liu Xiuzhi) night, dream a tall, the head of light gold man from the west, in the court to fly around the house. The next morning, han Ming emperor will tell the dream to ministers, Dr Fu Yi speak said "western god, known as the Buddha, like your dream". Han Ming emperor listen to exultation, sent secretary Cai Yin, Qin Jing, such as more than 10 people to the western regions, worship the promise, the dharma.

Yongping eight years (AD 65), CAI qin, qin people say goodbye to the imperial city, such as on thousands of miles journey to "the west". In big moon people (now the Afghan border to central Asia area), met Indian monk teng, zhu flange, saw the white felt like buddhist scriptures and shakyamuni Buddha, pleaded with two monks in east China's buddhist teaching.

Yongping ten years (AD 67), two Indian monk was invited along with the angel of the eastern han dynasty, with the white horse bearing load buddhist scriptures, the Buddha with returned to luoyang. Han Ming emperor see sutras, the Buddha, very happy, to the two monks is extremely heavy, personally to reception, in charge of foreign affairs at the time and arrange their partners stay "crack hon temple".

Yongping eleven years (AD 68), han Ming emperor decree in luoyang west harmony three mile okimichi north monastery built outside the door. In honor of a white horse, carry the name "the white horse temple". "Temple" the word that comes from "hong crack temple," the "temple", then "temple" the word became a general Chinese temple. Taken the teng and zhu flange in the translation of "medallion 42", as China's first Chinese sutra existing.

After taken "teng and zhu flange, and a number of western monk came to the white horse temple by the translation, in the year 68 after one hundred and fifty years, one hundred and ninety-two, total three hundred and ninety-five rolls of sutras translation out here, white horse temple worthy of the first Chinese translation of the dojo.

Cao Wei Jiaping two years (AD 250), the Indian monk haze ke and came to the white horse temple. The street folk Buddhism also come into the palace. Then caleb haze ke luo in the white horse temple translation out of the first Chinese buddhist precepts "monk only guard". Rest at the same time, the monk haze truths, but also in the white horse temple monk of youth translation out of the specification of the haze karma without virtue ". At this point, the laws and the articles of association of the monk delegations have ready, maintain the practice of a middle is predestined friends the human tonsured paved roads, for the beginning of middle-earth in discipline.

Dew cao wei five years (AD 260), a bar mitzvah held in white horse temple, this is a doomed to imprinted doctrines on events in China. On this day, zhu zixing boarded the precept platform, in accordance with the act of karma to kneel in front of the Buddha, is China's first official of han been bhikshu precepts of the family. Since then, the Confucian "body hair skin, by the parents, afraid to damage" of the ancient tradition was broken.

Buddhism takes root in China, the original in two hundred, the entire process is closely related to the white horse temple. Here is the product of China's first western religion, was among the first to come to China missionary of buddhist monk's residence; Here was born the first Chinese buddhist precepts and Chinese, produced the first Chinese monks of han... Is the white horse temple, in short, China's Buddhism so many "first" closely linked together, which makes it become the cradle of Chinese Buddhism and the interpretation of the source.


Located in the West of Henan Province, Luoyang got its name due to its location in the adret of the ancient Luoshui River. It is a historic city with more than three thousand years history. It was the capital city for nine dynasties, including the East Zhou, East Han, Caowei, West Jin, North Wei, Sui, Wuzhou, Late Liang, Late Tang, so it is named as the "Ancient Capital of the Nine Dynasties", ranking top one among the seven ancient capitals in China. The Heluo area with Luoyang as the center is the important origin of the Huaxia Civilization. The most prosperous period of Luoyang was in t

LuoYang City Instruction

Luoyang is located in the western part of Henan province, stretching across the middle reaches of the Yellow River. It has jurisdiction over 1 city, 8 counties and 6 districts with a total area of 15,208 square kilometers including 544 square kilometers of urban area. Its population totals 6.24 million of which over 1.40 million living in urban areas. As a city famous for its splendid history and profound culture, Luoyang has become a shining gem in central part of China for its abundant and characteristic modern civilization.----Luoyang has been known as "an ancient capital of nine dynasties ". It is among the first cities to be declared by the State Council as the ancient capitals and famous historical and cultural cities. Starting from the first dynasty of China---Xia, it served as capital for 13 dynasties---Shang, Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, etc. It served as a capital for 1,529 years, and thus of the 7 great ancient capitals in China, it was the first one to have served as the capital for the most numerous dynasties and for the longest time. Luoyang is one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese civilization. Culture in the Yellow River and the Luo River symbolized by the Pattern of the Yellow River and the Writing of Luoyang is regarded as a key origin of the ancient Chinese civilization. It was here that Taoism initiated, Confucianism originated. Buddhism first introduced and Li School--a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties born. Many Chinese descendants found their roots here and cherished a deep love for the homeland.----Luoyang is one of the top tourist cities in China with its numerous cultural relics dotted everywhere, picturesque landscape and national flower-Tree Peony. The city has inherited from history such cultural heritages as ruins of the old capital, temples and stone caves, and tombs and steles. It has 10 national sites, 75 provincial sites, and over 571 municipal sites to be protected as cultural relics with nearly 400,000 items of relics having been unearthed and kept in museums. The rare ruins of the capitals from the Xia, Shang, Zhou, Han and Wei, Sui and Tang dynasties are named "Assembly of Five Capitals ". Longmen Grottoes is one of the three great banks of Chinese stone sculptures that is a World Cultural Heritage. The White Horse Temple is the first officially built monastery in China after the introduction of Buddhism. In the Mangshan Mountain there remains the largest group of ancient tombs in China featured by royal tombs, which took form since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. To the north of Luoyang is the Mother River of the Chinese nation---the Yellow River that together with a tourist resorts around the Xiaolangdi Reservoir and Wanshanhu tourist area in Xin'an. To the south are spots of interests such as the Songshan Mountain which is the central one of

the Five High Mountains of China, a national forest park at the Baiyun Mountain, Longyu Bay and Huaguo Mountain, a magically shaped Cockscomb Karst Cave, and tourist area around Luhun Reservoir. Known as national beauty and heavenly fragrance, peony has been planted for nearly 1,500 years in Luoyang. Around April every year, the peony comes into full bloom, decorating the urban areas with flooding colors. Especially the Luoyang Peony Festival to be held every year, which has become an occasion that attracts millions of tourists both at home and abroad. A long history, a brilliant accumulation of culture and a variety of beautiful natural scenery all combine to provide Luoyang with exceptional advantages in tourist business. With rich economic resources, strong sci-tech power and concentration of many large enterprises, Luoyang is one of the important quicke industrial cities in mid-west part of China. During the first Five-Year Plan period, 7 of the 156 key projects in China were set up here and nowadays it has developed to a new industrial base with 6 pillar industries in machinery and electronics, petrochemistry, metallurgy, building materials, textile, and foodstuff. Large-sized enterprise groups appear such as Luoyang Petrochemistry General Factory, the China first Tractor Group, Luoyang Ball Bearing (Group) Corporation, Luoyang Bronze Processing Factory, Luoyang Float Glass Group and these enterprises are fairly strong in their competitiveness in both international and domestic markets in their respective fields. Luoyang enjoys an apparent advantage in science and technology. It seats 14 scientific research institutions attached to various ministries of the State, and 18 backbone institutions of the province and the city. 1,972 out of every 10,000 employees are professionals, which is a proportion above the national average. Many institutions are leading the nation in testing and research, presenting new projects and products in such high-tech fields as new materials, aviation and aerospace, electronics information, and integration of machinery and electronics. New & High-tech Industry Development Zone has become a base for transforming traditional industries with new technology and a window open to the outside world.----In recent years, Luoyang has grasped the opportunity of west development and pro-active fiscal policy of the State, deepened the reform and ned the development. In 2001, a GNP reached 46.57 billion Yuan and the local revenue exceeded 2.42 billion Yuan. The rural economy has seen stable development, the reform of the state-owned enterprises and readjustment of industrial structure have been deepened, and rising industries such as petrochemistry, electrolyzed aluminum, coal and electronic information have been developing rapidly. Focusing on to develop the southern new developing zone, we will speed up the infrastructure and comprehensive management with contents of " Greenness, brightness, cleanness, prettiness and smoothness ". The urban infrastructure and management ability has further improved, as a result of which in 2001 it has passed appraisai of the country being a Garden and Forest City and has been enlisted as Top Tourist City of China. Environment for tourism has been improved greatly. In 2001 the city received 106,000 tourists from abroad, 12.31 million tourists at home with total tourism income of 6 billion Yuan. The strategy of achieving development through reform has been implemented actively and friendly ties and exchanges with foreign countries and regions have been strengthened. And by the strategy of

rejuvenating Luoyang through science and education, various social undertakings have been making progress. Social security system has been perfected, peoples living standard upgraded and buildind of spiritual civilization and rule of law further promoted.----At present Luoyang is facing favorable development opportunities and conditions. Completion of several key projects such as key water control project at Xiaolangdi, the chemical fiber, laid a solid foundation foundation for city’s development in the new century. In years to come, Luoyang will implement the policy to build up our city into a strength city in industry and tourism, further improve strategic readjustment in economic structure. Efforts will be made to speed up upgrading and perfection of traditional industries and growth of rising industries, to actively develop non-state-owned economy and to constantly increase both quality and benefits of the economic growth. Given primary construction to high-standard planning and high--quality in infrastructure construction, the city will quicken urban development, further improve its environment quality and cultural connotation and speed up process of urbanization, thus developing tourism as an important backbone industry, Construction on culture, democracy and rule of law will be actively enhanced. It is hoped that through endeavors in the 10th Five-Year Plan period, the goal of developing Luoyang into a modern industrial city equipped with advanced science and education, and an international city backed by rich historical culture.----"If you want to know the rises and falls in China, please just look at the city of Luoyang. " We warmly welcome people from all over the world to come to Luoyang to go on sightseeing and make friends, to search for roots, to build industry and business, to pursue joint development with us, and to reconstruct the splendor of the ancient capital

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