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2023-06-01 23:39:10






各位游客,现在我们已经抵达位于成都西南郊浣花溪畔的杜甫草堂。各位下车前请检查随身物品是否带好,另外,小 还要提醒大家,游览时一定要注意安全。我们今天的游览线路:进入正门之后,依次参观大廨、诗史堂、工部祠、碑亭等,时间大约一小半时。然后我们将在正门集合,乘车前往下一站。

公元759年暮冬,杜甫因避安史之乱流亡到成都,次年春,在友人的帮助下,于风景秀丽的浣花溪畔盖起了一座茅屋。杜甫离开成都后,草堂便倾毁不存。五代时,诗人韦庄寻得草堂遗址,重结茅屋。明、清时期两次大修,基本上奠定了今日草堂的规模和布局。草堂总面积有240多亩,其建筑为清代风格,是非常独特的“混合式”中国古典园林,也是一处颇有特色的祠宇园林。 各位朋友,我们游览了大廨、诗史堂之后,步入柴门,即可见草堂主体建筑的最后一重工部祠。杜甫在蜀中曾任检校工部员外郎之职,故后世尊称其为杜工部,将纪念他的祠宇称为工部祠。在工部祠前之东西两侧,有水竹居、恰受航轩两室相配。水竹居因杜诗“懒性从来水竹居”而得名,恰受航轩取自杜诗 “秋水才深四五尺,野航恰受两三人”而得名。两室与工部祠形成一品字形小院,突出了工部祠作为祭祀飨殿的主体地位,整个小院显得素雅、肃穆。


那何为人日呢?就让小 告诉各位吧!“人日”就是咱中国传统习俗中的正月初七是,即“人类的生日”。在民间传说中,女娲造人时,前六天分别造出了鸡、狗、猪、羊、牛、马,第七天造出了人,故汉民族视正月初七为人类的`生日。何绍基此联一出,文人墨客争相效仿,年年“人日”来草堂吟诗题联作画,久而久之,渐演变为“人日游草堂”的地方风俗。延续至今,活动内容日益丰富多彩,成为广大民众领略传统民俗文化、纪念诗圣杜甫的好时机,好去处。 进入工部祠内,正中设杜甫神龛,东西有宋代诗人陆游、黄庭坚塑像。以陆游像配飨杜甫,是由于他与杜甫忠君爱国的思想感情一脉相承,写下了许多爱国忧民的优秀现实主义诗篇,形成剑南诗派。塑黄庭坚像配飨杜甫,是因为黄庭坚以杜诗为宗,开创了江西诗派。请大家看这幅清人钱保塘所撰对联:“荒江结屋公千古;异代升堂宋两贤”,对黄、陆配祀杜甫作了恰如其分的评价。











Du fu Thatched Cottage

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen: Today we will visit the poet-historian Du fu’s former residence, Du fu thatched cottage.People regard him as China’s Shakespear.It is located in the west of Chengdu.Our touring line will trace along the central axis: the Front Gate, Lobby, hall of Poem history, Gong Bu Shrine, the thatched cottage.After 2hours’ visit we will meet at the front gate at 11:30.Please stay with our group, be carful, and take good care of your personnel belongings and note down my phone number*** and the car plate chuanA4566

In the winter of the year of 759, Du Fu fled from Gan Su into Sichuan province to be away from An-Shi Rebellion.He set up a straw-roofed house named Cao tang nearby Huanhua brook , where he lived for about four years and composed more than 240 poems.Wei Zhuang, a poet in Five Dynasties reconstructed the straw-roofed house.In the following dynasties the site has been undergone with several renovations.The most extensive two being carried out in the 13th year of emperor Hong Zhi’s reign in the Ming dynasty and the 16th year of emperor Jia Qing’s reign in the Qing dynasty.From then on, the lay out of the thatched cottage took on the shape.The cottage is well known as a famous cultural sanctum, featuring the perfect combination of memorial architecture and traditional gardens

My friend, we have visited the Lobby, hall of Poem history.Now we are standing in front of the Gong Bu Shrine.Gong Bu is named after Du fu’s official title.On the west side is Qia Shou Hang Xuan pavilion while on the east side is the Shui Zhu pavilion;both pavilions deriving their names from du fu’s poems

Please look at the ancient couplet hangs on the top of the front door.It reads: you enjoy the spring breeze over the brocade river, I come back to visit your cottage on the seventh day of New Year.It was written by He Shao Ji on his way home, Chengdu, a scholar and calligrapher of Qing Dynasty, after taking charge of the imperial examination in Nan Chong.The couplet means that Du Fu owned the Jinjiang River and the spring breeze;on the seventh day of the first lunar month did I come to visit his cottage.It implies that he want to be dufu’s successor enjoying the fame in Chengdu.In addition, it also tells us a story about Gao shi and Du fu from this couplet.On the seventh day of the first month of the lunar calendar in the year of 761, Gao Shi presented du fu with a poem entitled to counselor du er on the seventh day of new year, revealing his affection and longing for his friend du fu.Seven years later, du fu while wandering in Hu Nan, happened to read the poem again.But Gao Shi had passed away by then.To express his lament over Gao Shi‘s death, Du fu wrote a poem entitled to my old friend on the seventh day of new year.From then on, the story about the two poets who conveyed their friendship by poetry has been perpetuated.Gradually a local custom developed in Chengdu, that of visiting the thatched cottage on the seventh day of the first month of the lunar calendar.Dear friend, please look inside the Gong Bu shrine.There are three statutes in the hall.In the middle of the statue is du fu, flanked by Lu you on the left, Huang Ting Jian on the right which is built in the reign of emperor Jiaqing and emperor Guangxu in Qing dynasty respectively.Both of them are from Song dynasty.You may ask me why two of them are here with du fu.First, all of them cared for the national destiny and the poor people.Huang and Lu both made great achievements in studding Du fu’s poetry and enjoyed their short stays in Chengdu composing many local landscape poems like du fu.Last, Du fu may feel lonely, if there are no any companions.So people put them together to talk about their poems.It is also called the shrine of three sages.Ok, dear friend, that is much to see in the Gong Bu shrine.Please follow me to the last courtyard thatched cottage, which is built on the ruin of du fu’s original cottage where he created his masterpiece song of autumn winds destroying my cottage.That is all!Thank you!

推荐专题: 英语导游词 成都杜甫草堂英语导游词

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