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2023-03-12 22:25:18



Hello, everyone, today I take you to visit China's great legacy - the Great Wall.

We see the Great Wall from a distance, the Great Wall is like a long dragon hovering between the mountains. On the Great Wall, we can see the wall, there are many small incision, which is used to shoot nozzle, convex to buttress, where soldiers can hide to shoot outside.

Used by the emperor built the Great Wall and on the building of the Great Wall there is a beautiful legend! I say to you: once upon a time there was a man called Fan Xiliang, he has a wife named meng jiangnu. , Fan Xiliang was levied to build the Great Wall, qin winter came, didn't see meng jiangnu give husband Fan Xiliang woolies husband, when he asked other migrant workers when other migrant workers told her Fan Xiliang is dead. Meng jiangnu cry, tears fell the Great Wall is over 800 meters.

The next free activity, but be careful not to graffito of the scribble on the wall.


Hello, everyone. I'm Kesai, the tour guide of "dinosaur Express TravelAgency". Here I would like to extend my warm welcome to you all. In the next fewdays, I will provide you with tour guide service. I will try my best to arrangeyour itinerary and make you feel happy in this tour.

Now, please follow me to visit the Yellow Crane Tower, the mostcharacteristic scenic spot in Wuhan.

The Yellow Crane Tower was first built in 223 A.D. in the second year of WuHuangwu in the Three Kingdoms. It has a history of more than 1700 years, duringwhich it was built and destroyed repeatedly. The present yellow crane tower isbased on the Yellow Crane Tower of the Qing Dynasty, rebuilt in 1981 andcompleted in 1985.

Now you can see the tall and magnificent building in front of you is theYellow Crane Tower. It is famous in ancient and modern times and is famous athome and abroad. It is as famous as Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi and YueyangPavilion in Hunan. It is also known as the "three great pavilions in the southof the Yangtze River". There was an interesting story about the magnificence ofthe Yellow Crane Tower. It was said that the guests from Hubei and Sichuan meton the river, chatting and praising their hometown. The Sichuan guest said,"there is an Emei Mountain in Sichuan, only three feet away from the sky." theHubei guest said with a smile, "there is a yellow crane tower in Hubei, half ofwhich is in the clouds. "The guests in Sichuan were speechless. Of course, thestory is a bit exaggerated, but the Yellow Crane Tower does attract Chinese andforeign tourists with its magnificent landscape, moving legend and strongcultural atmosphere.

Well, having said so much, let's go to the Yellow Crane Tower.

When you enter the hall, the most attractive one is the picture of whiteclouds and yellow cranes. It is based on the ancient myth of riding a crane tobecome an immortal. It also takes the meaning of the Tang poem that "in thepast, people had gone by the Yellow Crane". Please see the immortal on thepicture. He plays a jade flute and looks down at the world. It seems that he isreluctant to part in the painting. The people below the Yellow Crane Tower singpoems or sing and dance. They wish the immortal Yellow Crane a good morningReturn to the world. In fact, there is a legend behind the mural, which casts amysterious color on the Yellow Crane Tower: in ancient times, there was a mansurnamed Xin who was selling wine at the top of the Yellow Crane mountain. Oneday, a ragged old Taoist came to him to beg for wine. Although Xin was petty, hewas loyal, kind and charitable. Seeing that the old Taoist was very poor, hegenerously agreed. After that, Lao Dao would come every day, while Xin Shi wouldrespond to every request. After more than a year of this. One day, the Taoistpriest suddenly came to say goodbye: "I don't get paid for drinking every day.Only a yellow crane can borrow it to show my gratitude. "After that, he pickedup a piece of orange peel on the ground, drew a yellow crane on the wall, andsaid to Xin," as long as you clap your hands, the yellow crane will come downand dance to cheer the drinkers. "After that, Lao Dao disappeared. When Xinclapped his hands for a try, the Yellow Crane jumped down and danced for thefestival. After the news spread, it attracted tourists from far and near todrink. The business of the hotel was booming, and Xin made a fortune. Ten yearslater, Lao Dao suddenly appeared in the hotel and said to Xin Shi, "is the moneyI earned in ten years enough to pay off my wine debt?" Xin Shi quickly saidthanks. Lao Dao took down his flute and played a wonderful tune to the YellowCrane on the wall. The Yellow Crane heard the sound and flew away with LaoDao.

Thus, the scene on the mural appeared. (in addition to this mural, thiscouplet is known as one of the two wonders of the Yellow Crane Tower: cool aircomes from the west, clouds sweep away the regret of heaven and earth; the rivergoes to the East, waves wash away ancient and modern worries. It means that thefresh and pleasant air comes from the west, dispels the fog accumulated in theclouds, and sweeps away the regrettable things between the heaven and the earth;the surging Yangtze River rolls eastward, and washes away the vexing things ofall ages. )

OK, now let's go upstairs with me.

This is the racetrack on the first floor and a half. Now you may havenoticed that the Yellow Crane Tower has five floors on the outside, but not onthe inside. It actually has nine floors. This is because in ancient China, thesingular number was called Yang number, and "9" was the first number of Yangnumbers. It was also homophonic with the long-standing "jiu" of Chinesecharacters, which means "forever". In this horse racing Gallery, we mainlydisplay some famous calligraphy and paintings for you to watch.

Dear friends, when we come to the second floor of the Yellow Crane Tower,we can see the history of the Yellow Crane Tower. First, please look at thismural entitled "Sun Quan building the city", which reproduces the historicalbackground when the Yellow Crane Tower was built. After the battle of Chibi, LiuBei borrowed Jingzhou and took Sichuan, but he refused to return it to Jingzhou.Not long after LV Meng, the general of the eastern Wu Dynasty, killed Guan Yuand recaptured Jingzhou, Liu Bei personally led more than 100000 troops toattack Wu. Knowing that the war was inevitable, Sun Quan, on the one hand, askedWei Chengchen for peace, and on the other hand, concentrated his strengthagainst Liu Bei. In order to command the battle nearby, Sun Quan built Xiakoucity on the edge of the Yangtze River according to the danger of Huanghemountain, and built a building on huangheji at the head of the city forobservation. This is the original huanghe tower.

Let's look at the story of the Yellow Crane Tower in the middle. In termsof the three famous towers, the Yellow Crane Tower ranks first. In terms of thestory of the tower, the one with the least name is the story of the Yellow CraneTower. The article we see now is selected from more than ten records of theYellow Crane Tower. It focuses on the real scene. The whole article is less than300 words, but it clearly describes the geographical location, architecturalform, legend and people's activities in the Yellow Crane Tower.

In addition, there are six models of the Yellow Crane Tower of the pastdynasties on display here, which also reflects the vicissitudes of history ofthe Yellow Crane Tower from one side. Our present yellow crane tower isredesigned and built based on the prototype of Tongzhi tower in the QingDynasty. Next, please go up to the third floor with me.

The third floor shows the cultural origin of the Yellow Crane Tower. Thisgroup of board paintings in the collection of literati reproduces the scene ofliterati coming to the Yellow Crane Tower to chant poems and write Fu. In themiddle of the mural, you can see the poet in red. He is Cui Hao. Although he isvery talented, he is not satisfied with his official career because he is atraitor. This kind of state of mind makes him have the idea of learning Taoismand becoming an immortal. The poem "Yellow Crane tower" is the expression ofthis kind of mood.

Now we can collect more than 1700 poems about the Yellow Crane Tower, butdue to the limited space, only 11 famous poets are selected here.

On the fourth floor of the Yellow Crane Tower, you can see that this is thecultural activity place of the Yellow Crane Tower, which specially displays theimpromptu works left by contemporary calligraphers and painters visiting theYellow Crane Tower. In the middle is Mr. Li Keran's landscape painting, on theright is Mr. Li kuchan's work, and on the left is Mr. Wu Zuoren's "flyingthousands of miles" for the Yellow Crane Tower. In addition, there are fourtreasures of study for tourists to improvise. (if you are interested, you canhave a try. Maybe your works will be displayed here in the future. )

Well, friends, next we are going to climb the top floor of the Yellow CraneTower (, see if you will have a different feeling there?).

On display in the hall is a group of paintings entitled "the vastness ofthe Yangtze River". Covering an area of 99 square meters, it is the largest inthe whole building. It is composed of ten pieces of splendor heavy colorpaintings, showing the natural landscape of the Yangtze River and the origin ofhistorical civilization.

From here, you can have a panoramic view of the three towns in Wuhan. Youcan either overlook them or overlook them. It's a beautiful scenery, which ispleasing to the eye. The Yellow Crane Tower is located at the top of the SnakeMountain, which is commonly known as the snake mountain because it stretchesfrom east to west and looks like a long snake. On the other side of the river isGuishan mountain in Hanyang. Due to the dislocation of strata and the impact ofthe river, the two mountains of Guishan and Sheshan face each other across theriver. The Yangtze River Bridge connects the mountains on both sides of theriver. In this way, the East-West mountains and the South-North Yangtze Riverdraw a huge cross on the land of Wuhan, and the Yellow Crane Tower is just nextto this intersection.

Looking to the East, it is another scene, with rolling mountains andscattered lakes. To the east of the snake mountain where the Yellow Crane Toweris now located are Shuangfeng Mountain and Hongshan mountain. These twomountains are the religious resorts of Wuhan City, with several famous Taoisttemples and temples. Further east, there are the famous East Lake Scenic Areaand Wuhan cultural and educational District, where some famous colleges anduniversities are concentrated.

Well, dear friends, I'll introduce you to the Yellow Crane Tower. I hope myexplanation will leave you a little impression. Please forgive me for thedetails.





























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