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2023-03-12 22:22:05






早在晋代已有文字记载。唐朝文章家、书法家李邕(北海)曾慕名来游,写下了著名 七星岩风光的《端州石室记》,镌刻在石室洞口石壁上。叶剑英元帅于一九六四年四月游览七星岩期间曾写七绝一首:“借得西湖水一圜,更移阳朔七堆山;堤边添上丝丝柳,画幅长留天地间。”七星岩旖旎多姿,集“桂林之同,杭州之水”于一地,自古以来就有“峰险、石异、洞奇、庙古”之说,重点游览区有“七岩、八洞、五湖、六岗”,可供观赏之景点达80余处。天柱岩最高,海拔117米;龙岩洞最奇,洞中有洞,有“千年诗廊”之美誉;石峒古庙最古,洞中有庙。


肇庆市委、市政府于一九九七年底先后投资1500万元,在七星岩景区内的六个小岛、七座山岩,八公里长的湖堤上安装了环湖园林路灯560盏、1000瓦的射灯、彩色泛光灯250盏及3000米的彩虹管,运用目前最先进的第三代光源的变化多姿。以不同的颜色交错投射到景物上,勾画出七星岩景区内神秘幽雅的堤岸、小桥,花木,岩山与湖水交相辉映,使夜幕下的七星岩更加绚丽多彩;同时开辟了星湖夜游项目,为广大市民和游客在夜色中游湖观光提供了一个美丽的环境 ,再造出“第二星湖”。





位于景区中心,共有531题,其中石室洞有333题,是广东省保存最多、最集中 七星岩外拍的石刻群,1957年就列为省级重点文物保护单位。广东石刻以唐为贵,七星岩就有唐刻4题。石刻以汉字为主,还有藏文和西班牙文。汉字各种书体俱全,以楷书为最,行书次之,其中唐代李北海正楷《端州石室记》是七星岩摩崖石刻的珍品。石刻群文体有诗、词、歌、赋、对联、题记,其中诗有252首,陈毅元帅撰诗称之为“千年诗廊”。




位于七星岩东北部,仙女湖游览区内。始建于唐初,明万历十三年(1585)重建,清嘉庆三年 (1798)、道光二十二年(1842)重修,古庙置于岩洞中而得名。庙中供奉附近百姓的神,称周氏神。因传说庙中石钟乳有一小洞曾流出白米,故有俗称“出米洞”。





肇庆裹蒸,是粽子的一种,用糯米、绿豆、肥猪肉,再加入适量的精盐、曲酒、花生油、白芝麻、五香粉等配料精制而成。肇庆裹蒸用肇庆特产冬叶包制,呈枕头状或四角山包形。包制肇庆裹蒸的主要原料糯、绿豆和肥猪肉,其比例为10:6:4,包制好、未经蒸煮的裹蒸一般一只约0.5 公斤。包制好的半成品要置于大缸中用猛火蒸煮8小时,边蒸煮边加入大量的清水,直至糯米、绿豆和肥猪肉溶化为止。目前,市面上个别店铺节日期间制作的肇庆裹蒸,除用糯米、绿豆、肥猪肉外,还在其中加入冬菇、鸡蛋、腊肠等。这种裹蒸被称之为肇庆特种裹蒸王。肇庆裹蒸香气横溢,入口溶化,甘香,是当地居民欢度春节的传统食品。

紫背天葵,名丹叶、散血子,是夏季清凉饮料中的佳品。 紫背天葵属秋海棠科,是一种矮小的草本植物,长在阴暗湿润的山崖上,叶面有毛,呈深绿色,叶背紫色。紫背天葵能清热解毒,润燥止咳。用开水冲泡,其色紫红,味微酸,清香可口,若加入少许白糖,其味更佳,能消暑除热,又有解酒之效。


御寒避暑的游览胜地,七星岩风景区绿树成荫,凉风习习,年均气温摄氏21.6度,夏日最高月均气温摄氏28.9度 ,冬日最低月均气温13.4度,确是一个御寒避暑的游览胜地。这里最佳旅游季节为七、八、九月和春节期间,最高日达4万人次。









七星岩,隋唐至宋,称栖霞洞。相传桂林在远古是海,海陆变迁后,隆起而成为今日的七星岩洞,100万年来,石灰岩经雨水溶解成乳状液,后又凝结,日积月累形成各种形状,遂使那石乳、石笋、石柱、石幔千姿百态,蔚为奇观。洞分上、中、下三层,上层高于中层10米,下层为地下河。游览中层,游程820 米,洞内恒温20℃左右。在隋唐时代,这里就成为游览胜地,洞口有隋开皇十年(590年)昙迁题栖霞洞和唐显庆四年(659 年)佚名玄玄栖霞全洞题刻。从岩口沿石级而下,有明朝张文熙写的第一洞天大字。过老君台、白兔守门,就是白玉长廊。这里岩顶光洁平坦,石壁洁白晶莹,有玉为墙壁雪为城之称。继续前行,佳景很多,有仙人晒网,米粮山,唐僧晒袈裟。

















Located about 3 kilometers north of Zhaoqing City, Qixingyan is a scenicspot with a long history. The history of tourists visiting here can be tracedback to more than 1000 years ago. In 1982, Qixingyan's "Star" and Dinghushan's"Lake" were jointly called "Xinghu scenic spot", which was listed as one of thefirst batch of national key scenic spots by the State Council.

In 1999 and __, Xinghu scenic spot was successively rated as "national keyscenic spot", "national top ten civilized scenic spot demonstration spot" and"national 4A scenic spot".

The lake in front of us is "Star Lake" in a narrow sense. It is the "StarLake" of the local custom concept. In ancient times, it was called Lihu lake.Originally, it was the Yuli of the ancient Xijiang River. Later, it was renderedby literati and became the "Yuli of the Milky way in the sky" and known as the"Star Lake". The name of "Xinghu" is most widely used in Chongzhen period ofMing Dynasty. It has a history of more than 350 years. Xinghu is composed offive lakes: Central Lake, Bohai lake, Qinglian lake, East Lake (Fairy Lake) andLihu lake. The total area is about 64900 square meters.

In the Qing Dynasty, Chen Gongyin wrote a song named Qixingyan: "before theemperor wa made up for the stars, the gods and men drove away the stones likeclouds. Ochre whip broken cloud not before, the wind blowing down the West RiverEstuary Qu Dajun's Guangdong new language also says that Qixingyan is "made ofthe essence of Gaidi car". This is the origin of seven star rock. Qixingyanconsists of seven rocks in two long strips. From west to East, the seven rocksare Langfeng, Yuping, Shishi, Tianzhu, Bufo, Xianzhang and APO in the north.

[tianzhuyan] Dear tourists, we have now entered the Seven Star Rock Scenicspot. The area of the whole scenic spot is 8.227 square kilometers, and we canonly visit a few of them today. The mountain in front of us is a pillar, about114 meters high. The star picking Pavilion on the peak is the highest buildingin Qixingyan.

Tianzhuyan is like Optimus Prime. The tianzhuge on the middle of themountain once lived in Chen Yi, Luo Ruiqing and other party leaders. The head ofstate of Cambodia, Prince Sihanouk, also dined here. At that time, Guo Moruoappreciated this pavilion very much and wrote a poem: "the seven stars landed onthe ground, and the pillars of heaven stood in the middle stream. There are manyred bean trees in the mountain, and the window faces Baifu island. Under themoon, there is a diamond mirror and a colorful building among the clouds. Afterstaying overnight, the lights are in Duanzhou. " We look around to see who cansee the red beans scattered on the ground - Acacia beans.

[Millennium poetry Gallery] in February 1962, foreign minister Marshal ChenYi visited Qixingyan and wrote a long poem in ancient style, in which he praisedthe inscriptions on the cliffs of shishiyan: "words on the wall, Millenniumpoetry Gallery".

What is "cliff stone carving"? Since ancient times, Chinese people used tocall square stone slabs with pictures and texts as "steles" and round ones as"tablets"; for pictures and texts engraved on natural rocks, they are called"cliff stone carving", also referred to as "cliff" or "stone carving". Theoriginal purpose of "cliff stone carving" was to record merits and events.Later, it also included poems, Buddhist scriptures and statues.

Qixingyan cliff inscriptions mainly focus on the inside and outside ofLongyan cave and Lianhua cave. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, there has beenan endless stream of poets and scholars writing poems and inscriptions here.There are more than 410 cliff stone carvings. These stone carvings includeancient and modern poems, long and short sentences, four character rhymes, fourand six parallel prose, song lines, prose, travel notes, couplets, titles, listsand scriptures. On the font, Zhuan, Li, Zhen, Xing and Cao are all complete. Itmakes people feel as if they are in the palace of inscriptions and calligraphy,and browsing the corridor of poetry and prose.

Among these stone carvings, the most valuable one is Li Yong's Duanzhoustone chamber. Like other prose in the early Tang Dynasty, this article stillfollows the sentence pattern of Fu style parallel prose in the Han, Wei and SixDynasties, which is cadenced and catchy. Unfortunately, due to the long history,some characters are incomplete and difficult to distinguish. In the SongDynasty, there was a horseshoe shaped damage mark here, so later generationscalled it "horseshoe stele". The value of Duanzhou shishiji lies in that it isthe earliest one among the existing cliff inscriptions in Qixingyan. It wascarved in the 15th year of Kaiyuan (720__) of the Tang Dynasty, more than 1200years ago. Even Li Bai and Du Fu adored and praised him. His exquisite art ofcalligraphy, a generation of calligraphy style, confirmed the early Tang DynastyShulang? Jin calligraphy wind, the Tang Dynasty period of rich and majesticcalligraphy style change.

The famous people inscribed here in the Tang Dynasty were later Li Shen. LiShen was a famous poet in the middle Tang Dynasty. You may not be familiar withhim, but he has two old sayings, which are well-known to everyone: "weeding dayis at noon, and sweat drips down the soil.". Who knows, it's hard to have aChinese meal. " "One millet in spring, ten thousand seeds in autumn. There is noidle land all over the world, and the farmers are still starving. Since then,Bao Zheng, a famous official in the Song Dynasty, Zhou Dunyi, the author of thestory of love lotus, Zu Wuxuan, the philosopher, Guo Xiangzheng, Yu Dayou, afamous Anti Japanese general in the Ming Dynasty, and Chen Zizhuang, one of thethree loyalties of Yongli, have all left cliff stone carvings here, and thestone carvings in the Qing Dynasty are even more numerous. Therefore, in __, the"Millennium poetry Gallery" was listed as a national key cultural relicsprotection unit.

[Shuiyue palace] you can see the three words "Shuiyue Palace" under theeaves of the mountain gate. The name of the palace is "Shuiyue". On the onehand, there is a Guanyin hall under the rock, which worships Shuiyue Guanyin; onthe other hand, it means "Shuiyue Shuangqing". Shuiyue palace was built inJiajing period of Ming Dynasty. It was rebuilt and expanded in the third year ofWanli period, and then abandoned. It was rebuilt in the ninth year of Chongzhenperiod, and bronze statues were cast. In the spring of 1985, it was rebuilt withstate funding.

Shuiyue palace covers an area of 6000 square meters, with red walls andyellow tiles. It adopts the traditional Chinese courtyard pattern along thecentral axis. In the main hall, there is a special worship of "morichitian". Theso-called "heaven" is actually a synonym for God. Buddhism says that there are20 days in total. They are originally 20 gods in Indian mythology who punishevil and protect good. Buddhism continues to use them as gods who protectBuddhism. In many temples in China, there are 20 gods on both sides of the mainhall, but they are not dedicated to worship. It is rare in China that they arededicated to worship as the main God.

Morizhi is a transliteration of Sanskrit, which means "Yang Yan" and "WeiGuang". According to the book of morichih, she often walks in front of the sungod, but there is an invisible method, so that the sun god can not see her. Soin ancient times, morichitian was the idol worshipped by samurai. Xiong Wencan,governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Ming Dynasty, set up a special hall tooffer sacrifices to her. It is said that he sent Zheng Zhilong, the father ofZheng Chenggong, the commander of Guangdong and Guangxi, to fight against LiuXiang in the sea battle. He won the battle with the help of morizhitian. Thebronze statue of morichih, as you can see now, was recast in 1986. It is 5meters high and weighs 6 tons. Next to him are two fairies. It is the springbreeze of reform and opening up that makes the manichih Tianzhi Bodhisattvarecast his golden body.

[langfengyan and yupingyan] the stone mountains in front of us areconnected from east to west, powerful and juxtaposed like a screen. In ancienttimes, they were collectively called "pingfengyan". When the Ming Dynasty openedup this rock, people separated the East peak from the West Peak. The East peakwas called "langfengyan". According to ancient books, "gaomen is Langfeng, andLangfeng is the gateway to the top of Kunlun Mountain"; the West Peak is called"yupingyan". Marshal Chen Yi described the "jade screen as an iron wall". Asearly as the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, Dengdao was built here, and itwas rebuilt again in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, so the cliffinscriptions of the Ming and Qing dynasties can be seen along the way. Allright, let's all come up. This pavilion is called "Shiyou Pavilion". You canhave a panoramic view of the secluded dike of Pinghu Lake and the village fromhere. Please come and have a look at this stone carving. It's called "No.1stele". The poem was written by Huang Peifang, a poet and calligrapher in theQing Dynasty, and the character was written by Lin Zhaotang, one of the topthree scholars in Guangdong in the Qing Dynasty. Later, we can also see thefamous stone inscriptions of "three great poets in the south of the five ridges"in the early Qing Dynasty: Chen Gongyin in Shunde, Liang Peilan in Nanhai and QuDajun in Panyu. Ladies and gentlemen, after visiting the three immortals templeand passing the Fuxiao platform and Huancui platform, we finally come to theJade Emperor hall. It was built in the 46th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty(1598) and rebuilt in the 20th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1681). Thebuilding is of brick and wood structure, with double eaves resting on the top ofthe mountain. The bucket arches under the eaves are various and delicate. Look,this is "lianhuatuo", this is "swallow tail ang". The four golden wooden pillarssupporting the top of the hall, the first two of which are carved with clouddragons, have scales and are shaped like flying.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's go west, past the small stone forest of Yupingpeak, dingdong well, yixiantian, Shuangzhu path, and then go down toma'anting.

[apo rock] the stone mountain we look up and see now is apo rock. Apo isthe sound of "apo" and "HEPA". It is said that in ancient times, there was afairy who taught the villagers who lived by fishing to plant big rice with highwater level, so that the four townships had a good harvest of fish and rice.When she was old, the villagers called her "Ho Hou" and "Ho Po". Up to now,there are three big characters "he Hou Yan" carved in the Ming Dynasty at theNortheast foot of Yanshan mountain. The cliff carvings of contemporarycelebrities are all over the stone walls around the bottom of a PO rock, whichare of great calligraphy value. The water cave under the rock, with a totallength of more than 300 meters, is the longest water cave in the eight caves ofQixingyan. It's a cold cave. When you go in in summer, it's cool and refreshing.If you go into the cave by boat, the stalactite in it will be the best of theSeven Star caves.

[wetland park] Dear tourists, the lake in front of us is a part of the EastLake, which is called Fairy Lake because of the legend of Hehua fairy. It is thecore of Xinghu Wetland Park, with an area of about 2 square kilometers and anaverage depth of 2 meters. It is the best tourist area to reflect the wetlandenvironment. Now, please take a cruise. Have you ever heard of Wetland Park?Wetland refers to natural or artificial, long-term or temporary swamp, peatlandor water area, static or flowing water body, or fresh water, salty water, saltywater, and sea area with water depth less than 6 meters at low tide. Wetland isknown as "cradle of life" and "kidney of the earth". It is the paradise ofbirds, reptiles and mammals, and the gene pool of species. It is also known asthe three global ecosystems together with forests and oceans.

The concept of wetland was proposed by the U.S. government in 1956. In1971, the United States and other 36 countries signed the Convention on Wetlandsin Ramsar, Iran. In 1994, China began to fully implement the Convention onwetlands. On December 12, __, Zhaoqing Xinghu Wetland Park, the first wetlandpark in China, was officially confirmed.

Please look on both sides. More than 20 small islands, such as zhaoniaoisland and Yueliang Island, appear on the lake. The island ahead is the largestRed Crowned Crane garden in South China. At present, there are about __ redcrowned cranes in the world, and more than 1000 in China. There are 50 in thispark, ranking fourth in China. Red Crowned Crane is known as the "God ofwetland". The Idioms "Tongyan Hefa" and "Songhe Yannian" mean longevity. Thereare hundreds of rare birds in the park, such as flamingo, white stork,Demoiselle Crane, white naped crane and crowned crane. This is a world full ofcharacteristics, joy and poetry.

Dear tourists, in 1961, Marshal Ye Jianying gave the most accurate summaryof the scenery of Qixingyan in a poem: "with the help of the West Lake, we canmove the Qidui mountain in Yangshuo. The willows in the sky beside the dyke, andthe painting remains in the sky and the earth for a long time. " Today we havevisited a lot of places, but this is only a part of Qixingyan scenic area. Infact, Qixingyan scenic spot includes "five lakes, six hills, seven rocks, eightcaves" and "twenty sceneries". There are still some scenic spots that we haven'tset foot in yet!

This is the end of today's journey. There are many scenic spots waiting foryou to visit again!































今天有幸陪同大家一起参观,我很高兴,望各位能够一起共度美好的时光。首先,自我介绍一下。我是这次行程的导游,我叫_X,大家可以叫我明仔或朱仔就行了。 下面,我就来讲一讲大家最关心的行程,看看我们都要去哪些好玩地方玩。我们这次是游览肇庆,肇庆是国家级历史文化名城,首批中国优秀旅游城市。以七星岩、鼎湖山组成的星湖风景名胜区是国家首批重点风景名胜区,也是全国首批十大文明风景旅游示范点之一。我们今天第一站首先要去的就是七星岩、七星岩,湖水面积达 530公顷,七座挺拔的岩峰,状如天上北斗七星。湖中有山、山中有洞、洞中有河,被誉为“岭南第一奇观”。有“岭南第一奇观”美称的七星岩位于肇庆市区北郊。

七座形态各异的峻峭石灰岩屹立湖上,其布局形似天上北斗七星,故名“七星岩”。分别命名为阆风岩、玉屏岩、石室岩、天柱岩、蟾蜍岩、仙掌岩、阿坡岩。七星岩由五湖、六岗、七岩、八洞组成。列峙如北斗的七座岩峰镶嵌在六点五平方公里碧波荡漾的湖面上,构成了如诗如画般的景观;东有仙女观佛、千年古庙(出米洞);西有波海朝晖;南有牌坊夜色、亚洲第一音乐喷泉;北有阿波涌泉(双源洞)、东方禅林(五百罗汉岛);中有玉屏叠翠、状元留芳、水月岩云、石室藏奇、千年诗廊、天柱摘星、仙掌秋风等景点,让人留连忘返。 七星岩以集“桂林之山,杭州之水”而闻名海内外。七星岩坐落在城区中心,背靠北岭山脉。因七座奇峰列峙如北斗星,故得名。

七星岩的来历传说很多,有说七星岩的七座山峰是女娲补天时留下的七块灵石;有说是天上七仙女羡慕人间、独爱肇庆而下凡不归,等等。 七星岩的开辟,始于唐代初年,此后历代皆有开发建设。新中国成立后,通过理山治水,园林绿化,修葺古迹,增添新景,建设旅游设施,使七星岩更添迷人风韵。1982年成为国务院批准的第一批国家重点风景名胜区。 七星岩风景区由阆风、玉屏、石室、天柱、蟾蜍、仙掌、阿坡等七座奇峰以及东湖、青莲湖、中心湖、波海湖、内湖等五个大湖组成。整个景区山环水绕,亭楼阁榭,波光岩影,浑为一体,自然风光绝佳,向有“岭南第一奇观”、“人间仙景”、“天然山水盆景”之美誉。千多年来不知倾倒了多少名人墨客,留下了不计其数的诗文。“借得西湖水一圈,更移阳朔七堆山;堤边添上丝丝柳,画幅长留天地间。”叶剑英委员长的诗句高度概括了七星岩风景的诗情画意。

推荐专题: 丽江古城导游词 英语导游词 肇庆七星岩导游词

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