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2023-03-12 22:21:25





七星岩像一幅泼墨未干的丹青,又仿佛是一个让人流连忘返的仙境一般,如梦如幻。真可谓 “花开红树乱莺啼,草长平湖白鹭飞,风日晴和人意好,夕阳箫鼓几船归”。




七星岩(喀斯特地貌)因七星山而得名,原是一段古地下河道,后来地壳变动,陆地抬升,将其悬挂至半空,成为人间奇迹,至今已有一百万年以上的历史。洞内雄奇深邃,钟乳石千姿百态,五彩绚丽,被视为栖息于烟霞之中的神仙洞府,早在五、六世纪就有了七星岩的文字记载,古时候也叫栖霞洞、仙李岩、碧虚岩。岩洞分为上、中、下三层。上层是顶穹残存的洞迹,下层是脚下仍在发育的地下河,供游客游览的是中层。游程814米,最高处27米,最宽处49米,洞内温度常年保持在20 摄氏度左右。











Qixingyan cliff inscriptions, located in Qixingyan scenic spot in thenorthern suburb of Zhaoqing City, is one of the rare large cliff inscriptions inChina. As far as the cliffs are concerned, the area of the seven stone mountainsof Qixingyan is less than 1. It covers an area of 5 square kilometers, but it isengraved with 523 stone inscriptions from Tang Dynasty to modern times. They arenot only exquisite stone carvings in China, but also important materialmaterials for studying the politics, economy and culture of various dynastiessince the Tang Dynasty.

Among the Qixingyan cliff carvings, Li Yong's Duanzhou shishiji is theoldest. The overall height of the stone carving is 1.07 meters and the width is0.79 meters. The text, together with the title and the inscription, has 18 linesand 386 characters. The date of the inscription is "the 25th day of the firstmonth of the 15th year of Kaiyuan (720__). Because there is a horseshoe shapedmark on the left of the stone carving center, it is also called horseshoe stele.The horseshoe shaped mark was first seen in the early Song Dynasty. By the endof the Qing Dynasty, 319 characters can be seen in the stone inscription.Nowadays, 273 characters can be seen clearly, including 31 fuzzy butrecognizable characters. There are 304 characters. After Li Yong, all theliterati who visited Qixingyan liked to write poems, inscriptions and paintingson the cliff to express their feelings. Among the 523 stone inscriptions, thereare four in the Tang Dynasty, 80 in the Song Dynasty, 13 in the Yuan Dynasty,146 in the Ming Dynasty, 117 in the Qing Dynasty, 10 in the Republic of China,109 in modern times, and 44 in ominous times. Most of these stone inscriptionsare distributed in shishiyan, yupingyan and apoyan, especially shishiyan. Thereare 333 inscriptions, accounting for 63.6% of the total Qixingyan cliffinscriptions.

Qixingyan cliff inscriptions are mainly written in Chinese, Tibetan andSpanish. There are seal script, Li script, regular script, Xing script and Caoscript in Chinese characters. Most of them are more than half an inch in size.Many masterpieces of famous calligraphers have gathered together, forming aunique treasure house of calligraphic art in the south. Li Yong's regular scriptin the Tang Dynasty, Guo Xiangzheng's running script in the Song Dynasty, WuGuifang's and Zhu Wan's seal script in the Ming Dynasty, Hong Yixuan's sealscript in the Qing Dynasty, Li Jian's and Chen Gongyin's official script in theQing Dynasty, and Qi Ying's cursive script in the Qing Dynasty are all famousart treasures in this treasure house.

Qixingyan cliff carvings are a collection of poems, songs and Fu, travelnotes, historical facts, couplets and cliff carvings. Among them, the largestnumber is poems, songs and Fu. There are 206 poems inside and outside shishiyan,so it is also known as "Millennium poetry Gallery". Qixingyan cliff stonecarvings are the largest, most concentrated and highest quality group of stonecarvings preserved in southern China. They record the geographical environment,changes of mountains and rivers, historical events, religious beliefs, templebuildings, rocks, water and soil, and changes of dynasties of Zhaoqing.Therefore, the Guangdong Provincial People's Government listed them asprovincial cultural relics protection units as early as l962.

Li Beihai stele Pavilion, located on the left side of the entrance ofShishi cave, contains the inscription of Li Yong, a famous writer in the 15thyear of Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty. Only Yuelu stele and Duanzhou Shishi Ji inHunan Province are left, and the latter is the only official stele of Li Yong.The calligraphy of Duanzhou shishiji is not only rigorous and dignified instructure, smooth and upright in use, fresh and vigorous in writing, but alsoprogressive in content. He denounced the vanity of fairyland, praised thebeautiful scenery of natural landscape, and left a valuable reference for futuregenerations in art. There were 380 words in the early Qing Dynasty, 319 words inthe late Qing Dynasty, and now only 304 words are clearly distinguishable. Inorder to protect this monument, Li Leifu donated a monument Pavilion in the 27thyear of the Republic of China. In 1962, the government allocated money to buildadditional tile roofs and repair them. Later, a concrete column and ironrailings were added in front of the stele to avoid man-made damage. However,because there was an old mark on the stele with a small hole in the mark,visitors often reached out from the iron railings and tossed coins into thesmall hole, so the mark of the horse's hoof became smoother and smoother. Peopleusually call this stele "horse's hoof stele".

Longyan cave

Shishiyan cave is located under shishiyan in the central area of Qixingyan.It is divided into four caves with different scenery, namely Longyan cave,nuanyan cave and Bixia cave. The cave is 2 meters to 30 meters high and covers atotal area of more than 1000 square meters. Longyan cave and nuanyan cave arewater caves, which can be visited by boat; Bixia cave and Lianhua cave are drycaves, which can be strolled.

Each cave has its own characteristics

Longyan cave is full of stone milk, which looks like human things, such asbergamot rafters, carp beads, hens, upside down lotus, lion guarding dragon'sgate, stone chamber dragon bed It's a wonderful scene, full of fun. Warm rockcave has Weng's gold and stone named by Song Dynasty ancestors. At the end ofthe cave is Baozhu well, "the former Pearl does not come out, but the later onedoes not come out. It seems that there are hundreds of millions of pearls in thewell. Bixia cave is full of stalagmites and stone curtains. There are cowslooking at the moon, fairies coming down to earth, lonely sails sailing faraway, golden maids with longevity stars, Huaguo Mountain water curtain Cave Forma magnificent natural picture. In the lotus cave, there are Xuanji terrace, theterrace and the cliff. There are a variety of ancient cliff carvings. There aremore than 300 cliff carvings with different fonts, such as seal script, officialscript, regular script, line or grass. Some of them are natural and graceful,some of them are vigorous, some of them are like mountain dancing Silver Snake,like a poetry competition hall, like a calligraphy art exhibition hall.

There is a cave in the cave, which is a combination of mountains andrivers. It is very beautiful, spectacular and fascinating. Besides, there aremany cultural relics. No wonder the ancients carved six characters "Lingnanfirst wonder" on the cliff.

Shuiyuegong, located at the south foot of shishiyan in the Central Districtof Xinghu, Zhaoqing City, is close to Songtai in the north and faces Honglianlake. It was once famous for its 6-meter-high and 7-ton-heavy bronze statue ofBuddha, morizhitian, in Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia. Shuiyue palace wasoriginally Guanyin hall, built in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty(1522-1566), but "the frequent years were broken by the wind and rain", andlater the officials and the people were "happy to pursue things", so in thewinter of the second year of Wanli (1574), it "opened up a broad and elevatedarea, strengthened the site and spread the foundation". It is said that Guanyincan show 32 different hues, among which the hue of "Shuiyue" is the most noble,because it is called "Shuiyue Palace". After the palace was built, it was brokenby wind and rain. In 1636, Xiong Wencan, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi,spent more than 100000 yuan on reconstruction. In 1943, the Moon Palace wasdestroyed by Japanese air raids. In 1957, the water Moon Palace was rebuilt asit was. Shuiyue palace covers an area of 6000 square meters, with a constructionarea of 2500 square meters. It is a reinforced concrete antique hall structure,which is composed of four parts: the main hall, the East chamber, the westchamber and the back chamber: the main hall, with cornices and brackets,colorful glaze, gorgeous and magnificent; the East and West chambers, beautifuland simple, spacious and bright, are connected by corridors; the East and Westchambers are connected by corridors; The back hall, a two-story Pavilion, isbuilt on a high platform according to the rock, which is particularly majesticand majestic. In the main hall of Shuiyue palace, there used to be a Buddha (6meters tall) and his two daughters (5 meters tall), standing tall and barefoot.The Buddha's eyes looked down slightly, smiling, warm and kind, and the name of"the sea of bitterness and mercy" was on the list. The statue of Buddha was castin 1636, the ninth year of Chongzhen reign of the Ming Dynasty, in recognitionof Zheng Zhilong's victory over Liu Xiang under the protection of the morizhiGod. It is a pity that all the original castings have been destroyed in theflames of the "Cultural Revolution". Now we can see that the second daughter ofTiankai is a replica cast in 1986. The water Moon Palace is surrounded by redwalls. In front of the main hall inside the wall, there is a courtyard stylegarden, which is full of flowers in four seasons. In front of the gate outsidethe wall, there are six banyan trees with a hundred years old, which areintertwined and luxuriant in branches and leaves.

The main scenic spot of Qixingyan: "Oriental Zen forest" is located in thelarge-scale Buddhist stone carving art garden - "Oriental Zen forest" in thenational scenic area of Xinghu Qixingyan. It is one of the sub scenic spots ofZhaoqing Xinghu international tourism and culture scenic spot "Oriental ZenGarden" under construction. Relying on the beautiful seven star rock scenicspot, the Oriental Zen forest shows people the cultural features of ChineseBuddhism and the charm of Zen from its profound cultural connotation, exquisitestone carving art and unique garden layout.

The scenic area of "Oriental Zen forest" is about ten hectares. It iscomposed of Luohan Island, Lianhua Bay, foguangdao and zushigang, including 15scenic sections and stone carvings of more than 1000 years old.

Seven Star Rock main attractions: out of the rice hole out of the ricehole, out of the rice hole, white rice from a small hole, a person living in atemple, rice a liter, two monks are too greedy, he asked white rice to fill theurn, one morning dance hand beat, Ding Dong Ding Dong to make holes Ding DingDing, Dong Dong, the rice cave will become a stone cave.

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