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2023-01-16 23:04:31



Everybody is good! Welcome to sightseeing, as cabinet. I am a scenic docentof __, hope that through my explanation, can let everybody to the ancient cityof changsha and the massive historical culture as ancient pavilion has apreliminary understanding.

As cabinet are signs and symbols of the ancient city of changsha, changshais the testimony of history and culture development, ancient times known as"xiaoxiang pavilion, qin and han dynasties city" reputation, as the nationalAAAA level scenic spots. Because its ley uplift, the auspicious trillion, it hasbeen regarded as a geomantic precious place of changsha. Scenic area was builtin 1924, is to protect the ancient city wall with a history of more than 2200years and 2200 years of history of the ancient attic built in changsha firstgarden scenic spot.

First of all you see is "embalm wind pavilion" and "lun jian pool". "Cured"is a kind of vanilla, "kaori wind" namely "sweet wind"; Pavilion built inmidsummer, pleasant fragrance, all around its name. Red rock cliff "Aaron as"two words, "Aaron" is the similar meaning, "learning" as the mirror, meaning isrefers to the water as bright as a mirror. Words taizong account in the proposalmaking official Wei Zheng died, sadness of leaving "for copper mirror, can isthe headgear; with history as a mirror, can know replaced; the looking-glassself, can know the gain and loss" of training, "Aaron as a".

As pavilion is the spirit of chu culture of changsha, changsha is the statecouncil released the first batch of 24 cities in our country one of the famoushistorical and cultural city, heavenly heart pavilion is a symbol of changsha,witnessed the historical development and changes of the changsha. All the citiesin the world history has a city into town, because of the history of the townand city, so the changsha city origin with long history, according to historicalrecords as early as in the shifu, king "of the western zhou dynasty, thechangsha city after thousands of years, don't move don't move, don't change,still thrive, a rare in today's cities. Changsha every construction project islikely to dig up a batch of rare and precious cultural relics, such as thewestern han dynasty mawangdui woman corpse, chow tai bronze ware, cook's floorbamboo slips of The Three Kingdoms, etc... Are legion.

Now you see this piece of strewn at random have the stone forest, is the"historical figures carved stone gallery" scenic area, it is time for us to drawthe 33 hunan had outstanding contribution of historical figures, some of themwas born in hunan, an official in hunan, including XiangJi 16 people. Yanemperor shen nung, tasted grass bouquet to benefit the people, he later becauseof eating a "flame grass" (also known as "graceful jessamine herb") plants andxie in hunan, emperor yandi mausoleum in our hunan ZhuZhou tianxinli; Zhu xi,Zhang Shi under the capital city of changsha yuelu academy lecture; Lee Fei,changsha (called tam states) year hunan conciliation, the late southern songdynasty, yuan soldiers in an attack on guarding city changsha 3 hopelesssituation, bring the whole family 19th mouth people collective suicide, in orderto show the valiant ones; Zeng guofan, hunan hunan assembly of people, the qingdaoguang years one of the westernization movement leader, created the "xiang noof xiang army", was crazy to suppress the taiping rebels, after the defeat bytwisting forces, but his way of life has always been talk of learning, by latergenerations, by income more complete works "once Wen Zhenggong; Wei yuan, fromlonghui, hunan, and puts forward "long skill with barbarians", the Lin zexu,supported by the 50 volumes "sealand 'disposition, known as the world's firstperson, I opened my eyes XiangYin guo song-tao, hunan people, diplomat in thelate qing dynasty, to the west in modern China sent the first permanent chiefs,during the mission's (Singapore), access to public funds only pay to rent two,and said: "budget before the gentleman to remorse, unfavorable to blame others;hui is the gentleman to suicide, unfavorable in hopes to man", said.

Is engaging you see in front of the pavilion, there are "as whirlwind toheaven, to the party engaging" say, mean as natural began. Please note that theabove couplet, top allied "day if sentient days also old," second line is "heartto the selfless heart wide". This is embedded word couplet, poem is orz. Did yousee it, by the way, is the name of our scenic area "as", this couplet acultivate one's morality philosophy in it.

Please look at the other side of the pavilion "chong DE", this plaque forChiang kai-shek, "fresh call forth the past unforgettable a surprised noondream, thousands of miles to see sunrise" according to legend for Chiangkai-shek, built for the 1946 memorial for those who died in the anti-japanese,also known as "the fierce pavilion". From September 1939 to December 1941, theJapanese aggressively attack changsha three times, in the ninth theatercommander Sir Hsueh yueh as the main body of China's armed forces to take theback decisive battle "strategy, strive to resist. Three times in battle, theJapanese were losing from changsha. Changsha become resistance for five years inthe history of world war ii hero city, become one of the main positivebattlefield of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War stalemate. Because, as cabinet inchangsha city high ground, have lost three times as one of the main platforms ofour important department. Hero of changsha city undefeated to figure stands infront of the world, and majestic, magnificent ancient city wall, also became thepride of changsha people.

Now everyone viewed from the looks, is built in the Ming dynasty chongzhenyears ago, has 400 years of history, as cabinet. Attic for a layer, when hefirst built qing qianlong built into two layers, in 1774 as a "ku" always readofficer wang li degrees also made the repairing as pavilion "; As to the qingdynasty jiaqing years, your academy dean luo funding reconstruction, Ohio, southof the city is now everyone can see three layer, and increase the south andnorth two attached to the cabinet, make it more grand, magnificent; 14.6 metershigh, is now the main pavilion two attached cabinet each 10 meters high, theentire attic imitation Ming and qing dynasties south garden architectural style,"not as pavilion, don't know the ancient changsha." Please follow me togetherpavilion to visit.

Main pavilion, a layer for the exhibition in one hundred, changsha,changsha one hundred history of the 20th century is shown. First of all, pleasesee the heavenly heart pavilion overlooking a poem, the poem "tam states that"today's changsha. The poem are taken from the good county annals "(the originalchangsha, good two counties are divided into changsha, as pavilion is a goodcounty), the author YuYi for Ming chongzhen years in Beijing took command, whichcan be concluded as cabinet as early as 400 years ago stand high above the city.Then take a look at the ancient changsha old topographic map, it is the long andnarrow strip, changsha has a picture of a household name, popular pairs: "landand sea chau interstate system boat boat move motionless, as presently livepigeons fly cabinet did not fly", this amphibious continent is j, amphibiouscontinent is about more than 5500 meters long, about 100 meters wide, is thechangsha this special geographic landscape. Changsha geological structure on thebasis of quartz sandstone, through all the year round external force, make a lotof sand and stone are gathered in the surface, thus changsha placenames originin "long Fang Zhou, sandy land".

Main cabinet of the second floor has two large relief, one shows the lateNovember 12, 1938, "Wen Xi fire", zhou enlai and then KMT chairman zhangzhizhong to attic inspect the scene of the disaster of hunan province, wuhan,the Japanese open the portal to southern China, Chiang kai-shek to defend thechangsha lack of confidence; The order after the yueyang lost, zhang zhizhong inchangsha "scorched earth" of the war of resistance against Japan, with theirtorches as cabinet, put a good carry of changsha city into a ruin, destroyed thecity area of 90%, burned more than 3000 people, burns victims of nearly twentythousand people, the city common people homeless, history says "Wen Xi fire",changsha which is listed as a world war ii one of the most serious city fourgreat destruction. But less than three months, heroic unyielding changsha peopleand set up a small hut on the ruins of new changsha, with a burning desire tofight the Japanese again, make the Japanese admitted for the first time in allthe way the successful cases of the Chinese people do not reproach. Second isshown in July 1930, the red headed by peng dehuai SanJunTuan armed attackchangsha, in ShanTing victory stationed in the scene. Hunan liling people atthat time li lisan's adventurism authorized by the communist international, putforward the strategic thought of "armed to encircle the cities", after thegeneral strength is too wide, the red army and take the initiative to leavechangsha.

Why call this building as "pavilion"? According to ancient Chinese starlike learning, heaven have 28 stars, including seven southern provinces as "thelinnet", in its tail there is a main life "star" in changsha, and attic builtafter just on the "changsha star" in the sky, as it is the stars in the sky,therefore, formerly known as "star pavilion", is the star of stars, is theancient worship god, stars "gv 10"; We all know that the ancients has alwaysbeen advocating dao, original attic to worship the statue of Confucius, menciusand others, the moral "for Kong Mengchuan orthodoxy, for heaven and earth andheart", so the star of stars and change to the heart of the heart. Anotherstory, the qing emperor kangxi years, emperor kangxi to changsha southern foundchangsha wooden house much more special, very easy to cause HuoHuan, to save thepeople in distress, and local officials in changsha, changsha is highest, fengshui, the best place to build such a disaster in the town of fire prevention,attic, said "the mind of" son of heaven. Written by scholars in the late qingdynasty Huang Zhaomei yunshan all eyes, all around of fireworks always concernedabout "in the name of the union, better generalization for the cabinet in thefirst place.

Now you see, is the ancient city wall in changsha. In 202 BC, that is, thewest five years, emperor gaozu Liu Bangjian han closed his eight majorcontributor to the king, the changsha Wang Wu rui, has formed ram changsha builtthe ancient city wall, according to the present 2200 years of history. In theMing hongwu five years, that is, in 1372 AD, changsha command make Qiu Guangdefence, content of the wall for masonry building, the purpose is to strengthenthe defense, makes changsha is solid "citizen". Ming scored changsha yellowtiger rate army onishi, the wall had been destroyed; Qing shunzhi eleven years(AD 1654), seduction on the plains of hunan, in changsha, dismantle MingFan fubrick building the wall, to return to the old city walls. Two years qingxianfeng (1852 AD), the walls and damaged by taiping rebels, after successivehunan governor LuoBingZhang, Mao Hongbin repair reinforcement, such as designand additional battery around, the ancient city wall to a pattern of arch ringtype in Minnesota. Original ancient city wall is 8.8 kilometers, the north andsouth long and narrow strip, in 1914, the kuomintang government in order torepair the ring road, retain only 251 meters at present this period survives, asan important witness of changsha history development.

Please look the direction of my finger, this is an important component ofthe ancient city wall in changsha - "around", also known as the barbican. As thename implies, named after the deep shaped like a half moon, is an ancient riotpolice, according to the place and the battery. It usually consists of twoparts, the long-range artillery is placed above, the following placed close toTom. In the city as well as storage of ammunition and food with warehouse andthe secret to the outside, it are of great value to the research of ancientChinese military fortifications. Interested friends can visit it.

Tourists friends, everybody in the official kilns are everywhere on thewall. The brick kiln with Ming and qing dynasties, which was the ancient brickfactory brand, another is "responsibility" for the Great Wall brick sample.

Now watch, please "changsha fire" phantom imaging, said it was justintroduced in 1938 "Wen Xi fire".

Occurs under the ancient city wall of the most famous battle, is "the dukeguan war changsha". Chibi war, zhuge liang detachment of the will, andenterprising lingling, guiyang, wuling, changsha county. Guan yu at the gates inchangsha war ShouJiang huang zhong, alternate admire: each a 50 rounds the firstworld war, regardless of the outcome; World war ii, the duke guan "knife meter"and huang zhong up, close the second brother to win and aboveboard, so put huangzhong; Three wars huang zhong cheat, go back to the GuanYuFang three arrows, thefirst two arrows to close the second brother, also Huang Zhongfang is empty ofarrows, in return for first don't kill the grace of huang zhong only shot atguan yu's head scarf, this time to turn off the second brother know huang zhong,frighten when hands are off, so today changsha and "fishing knife river". Backto changsha after the satrap han xuan yi huang zhong collaboration, will launchhim beheaded. Saved huang zhong wei, han xuan, han xuan for wei, deliberatelyput the two boots the south and north two places, so today, changsha, and"south, north to take off the boots. Wei yan see through the trick, grasp itskill, the changsha has given "idle lake" (thorn Han Hu). After Wei Yanxian city;Huang zhong home anyway, guan yu, please visit to surrender.

To this end, the interpretation of good, I thank you for your support formy work, I wish you all a pleasant journey, bon voyage!


Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Quanzhou, a famous historical andcultural city_ A tour guide in a travel agency_ Our driver's surname is Yang. Heis a very experienced driver. He can make the motor ring as soon as the key isinserted and the wheels move safely. Today, we are going to visit Kaiyuan Templein Quanzhou. We are here for one hour. Please get on the bus at 11:00. Pleaseget off with me, close the window and take care of your valuables,

Today we are in Quanzhou, a city with 20 cities_ Quanzhou, a famouscultural city with many years of history, is known as the "Museum of WorldReligions". Here, Taoism, Islam, Confucianism, Buddhism, Buddhism, Taoism,Islam, Taoism, Islam, Taoism, Islam, Taoism, Islam, Taoism, Taoism, Islam,Taoism, Islam, Taoism, Islam, Taoism, Islam, Taoism, Islam, Taoism, Islam,Taoism_ The peaceful coexistence of Buddhism also reflects the tolerance andbroad mind of Quanzhou people. The Kaiyuan Temple we are visiting today is oneof the most outstanding and representative ancient temples of the millennium.The East-West tower of Kaiyuan Temple is the symbol of the ancient city ofQuanzhou. We Quanzhou people often say: stand like the East-West tower and lielike Luoyang Bridge. It can be seen that the East and West towers play animportant role in the minds of Quanzhou people.

Kaiyuan Temple was built in 686 A.D. in the second year of Tang Dynasty. Ithas a history of more than 1300 years and covers an area of 7.8 square meters.It is one of the largest temples in Fujian Province. Well, members of the grouphave come to Kaiyuan Temple. Here I want to ask you, look at the two towers froma distance, and guess what they are made of. Ah! Just now, someone said thatthey are made of wood, brick and copper. Let's go to the nearest place and havea look. Ah! Everyone runs to touch them. You should know the answer. Yes, theyare made of stone It's very similar to wood. This tower is made of imitationwood structure, especially the imitation wood bucket arch structure withgranite, which is the most authoritative achievement. This pair of sister towersis also the largest existing stone tower of Song Dynasty in China. It is alsothe symbol of Quanzhou ancient city. He is an old man who has experienced windand rain. At first, the two towers were wooden towers. Later, they weredestroyed by fire. Later, they were made of bricks. Finally, they were rebuiltinto the current five storey stone tower. After more than 740 years of wind,rain, lightning and even the 8-magnitude earthquake, the East and West towersare still towering and can be called the top stone towers. The "Zhenguo tower"in the East Tower is more than 48 meters high, while the "Renshou tower" in theWest Tower is more than 45 meters high. At that time, the craftsmen built theEast Tower and the West Tower, especially the East Tower, with life sizeBuddhist figures carved on the eight walls of each floor. On the surface, thesolemnity of Buddhism. Look at the relief of the characters in the East Tower.Their facial expressions, hairstyles, costumes, weapons and gestures are sovivid. There are dozens of patterns on the tapers of their clothes. If they arenot familiar with life, they can't be designed by imagination. You can take acloser look at the pagoda. We can see the relief sculptures of Bodhisattvas,eminent monks, Arhats, generals, and Vajra. Today, I would like to introduce toyou the 16 dwarfs on the corner of xumizuo in the East and West pagodas that donot attract our attention They are often slaved as coolies by high-rankingofficials. In ancient Chinese architecture, a short column is often erectedbetween two beams as a support. Because it is short and thick, it is called"dwarf column". In the book "building the French style", this importantcomponent of the building is also called the pygmy column. In the art ofBuddhist statues, the powerful man carrying xumizuo is often portrayed as adwarf. The earliest can be traced back to the sangqi Pagoda in Madhya Pradesh,India. On the pagoda, there is a relief of "Asoka saluting Buddha". In thepicture, Asoka, surrounded by court maids, comes down from the kneelingelephant's back and is ready to go to the society to worship Sakyamuni zuduslope. He takes the creeping dwarf as a step, so the dwarf lifts the load, whichhas become a common form in Buddhist architecture and statue art Elephant. Thereare 16 dwarfs in xumizuo of Quanzhou East West pagoda, each of which is only 30cm high, using the technique of deep relief. These dwarfs, as you can see, areall squat, bare chested and protruding bellies. They use their bodies as pillarsand make the posture of shrugging their shoulders, arching their backs andsupporting the huge tower; Some of them are wearing sleeveless shirts, some ofthem are sliding under their navel, some of them are kneeling on one knee, someof them are half squatting and half rising, some of them are holding their kneesup with both hands, some of them are closing their sides, some of them areholding their breath, some of them are showing their teeth, some of them aremaking faces, and some of them are full of bitterness. They all work hard andcan't bear the weight. Every tower has a dwarf who whistles his thumb and indexfinger in his mouth He seems to be a leader, directing everyone to worktogether. These lifeless stone dwarfs are pitiful and heartbreaking. They aremore artistic and profound than the relief of figures on the pagoda and therelief of Buddhist biography of xumizuo. The dwarfs in xumizuo, East and Westpagodas of Quanzhou, can be regarded as the portrayal of the society at thattime, truly expressing the Dwarfs' sufferings. Quanzhou East and West pagodascreated the plastic arts of the Song Dynasty. We can also see the scientific andtechnological level of the Southern Song Dynasty from the twin pagodas. Inrecent years, the East pagoda has been selected as China's "four pagodas" stampissue. From the layout point of view, the East and West pagodas are part of theKaiyuan Temple complex. From the perspective of the pagoda itself, they are alsoindependent buildings. Maybe it can be said that Kaiyuan Temple is like a pot ofgood tea, which needs to be tasted slowly and tasted carefully. It has its ownendless charm in mind.

OK, everyone, after seeing the East West Tower, now we have 15 minutes totake photos. After 15 minutes, we will continue to visit Kaiyuan Temple. Thankyou!

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