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2023-01-16 22:56:22



It's summer vacation. My family will take me to Chengde Mountain resort fora tour. I'm very excited when I heard that. I remember the teacher told us thathe is a world-famous Mountain Resort and the place where the emperor once lived.I'm very happy to come here.

One day during the holiday, I got on the train of Chengde. My mind wasstill in the reverie of the summer resort. It was as if I saw the royal familysitting in the Dragon chariot, surrounded by officials and guests, marchingmajestically towards the resort. Now, I can feel the beautiful scenery of mymotherland as clearly, truly and emotionally as they do. A breeze came fromChen's face, the hot feeling dissipated instantly, and the fresh air wasrefreshing. I yelled from my heart: "Chengde, I'm coming!"

Stepping into this famous royal garden, the first thing you see is the blueplaque above the gate, on which there are four words - summer resort. It is saidthat Kangxi personally wrote this. We came to the scenic spot, where theconcentration of the beautiful scenery of the motherland, the grassland ofnorthern, the water town of Jiangnan. On top of a mountain stands a huge stone,which is the most famous Bangchui mountain. My favorite is Yanyu building, whichwas built in the 45th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign. Listening to the guide'sintroduction, some scenes in huanzhu gege were taken here. Little swallow'sstudy is there, and in the corridor of Yanyu building, there are still beautifulancient costumes. In the villa, the lake is crystal clear, sparkling, and thefish are swimming happily. The lotus leaves cover the lake like an umbrella, andthe pink lotus flowers are graceful. Like a shy girl, listening to the praise oftourists, the corridor is connected with a unique Pavilion, the willows on thebank are swaying with the wind, and the scenery of lakes and mountains echo eachother, forming a beautiful picture.

In a short day, we can't enjoy the panorama of the villa, but we feel itsbeauty and elegance.

This visit to the summer resort has added endless fun to my summer vacationlife. The beauty of the villa is deeply imprinted in my heart, and I am lookingforward to the next visit to the villa.


Duxiu Peak is located in the city center to Jingjiang King City, Gufengprotuberance, steep, majestic momentum, known as "a pillar of the South". At thefoot of Shandong Province, Yan Yanyuan, a litterateur in the Southern Dynastiesand the Song Dynasty, is the most ancient celebrity in Guilin. Yan once wrote agood sentence that "if you are not alone, you can be alone in the bar". If themorning glow or the sunset glow, the solitary peak looks like wearing purplerobes and gold clothes, so it is also known as Zishe mountain.

Taipingyan, formerly known as Xiyan, is located at the West foot of DuxiuPeak. It is 2.9 meters high, 4.25 meters wide, 31.5 meters long and covers anarea of 140 square meters. North to snow cave. The cave is commonly known as theBangdong cave, which is painted by Zhu Bangning, king of Gonghui. During theredevelopment of jiajingjian (1522-1566) in the Ming Dynasty, a coin of "TaipingTongbao" was excavated. King Jingjiang thought that "this is a good omen, andthe mountain spirit told it to" so he named it Taiping rock ". The name oftaipingyan is still used. Taipingyan has its own characteristics. The rock islike a spacious house. The ground is very flat. There are stalactites hanging onthe top of the rock. Some of them look like neatly combed maiden servant girlhair, some of them look like colorful dragon scales, and some of them aredazzling with strange shapes and shining gold and silver. The vassal kings ofMing Dynasty planted flowers and trees in front of the cave, built pagodas andnunneries, built statues in the cave, personally wrote the story of Duxiu rock,invited local officials to write poems at banquets, and engraved a number ofclan poems on the cave wall.

Yueyachi is located at the east foot of Duxiu Peak in the urban area. Inaddition, the original Duxiu spring was built in the shape of crescent moon. Onthe pool, there is a water pavilion with a curved model and a willow on the sideof the pool. The scenery is very beautiful. Crescent East Notre Dame, Chuntaoand Bailong are known as the four famous pools in Guilin.

Snow cave is located at the northwest foot of Duxiu Peak, facing thecrescent pool, with a height of about 3 meters, a width of 5.6 meters, a depthof 32 meters, and an area of about 180 square meters. "Chiya" written by MingHulu: "the milk stone in the snow cave is the most strange." The wall of thecave is white, and the suspended milky stones are as white as snow. The entranceof the cave is engraved with the word "snow cave" and is flanked by Shuangfengstone. The original poems of Tang Dynasty are lost.

Zhongshan Memorial Tower is a key cultural relic protection unit in Guilin.It is located in the east of Duxiu Peak in Wangcheng city. In September 1925,the famous figures of the Kuomintang in Guangxi, such as Bai Chongxi, LiuWeizhang, Li yaoxuan, Li Weiren, Qiu Bangtao, etc., built the tower at the placewhere Dr. Sun Yat Sen swore the northern expedition in 1921 to commemorate theestablishment of the Guangzhou revolutionary government and the reunification ofGuangxi.

At the top of Duxiu Peak, Duxiu Pavilion is an antique pavilion with twofloors, red pillars, six corners, double eaves and tile roof. It is 7 metershigh, 4.8 meters long and 4.8 meters wide, and covers an area of 23 squaremeters. There are transparent flower windows and east-west double doors betweenthe columns. Beside the pavilion is a Square Pavilion, 6 meters high, 4.7 meterslong and 4.7 meters wide, covering an area of 22 square meters. It wasoriginally an air raid alarm facility. In front of the pavilion, there is aplatform of 10 square meters and a fence around it, which stands on the top ofthe cliff. Climb four look, Yunsheng foot, star line chest, thousands ofmountains, thousands of households, all in the eyes.































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