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2023-01-04 20:36:39


































Ladies and gentlemen, the scenic spot we are going to visit now is Liyuan.Liyuan, 10 kilometers away from Wuxi City, is located in Qingqi village on theNorth Bank of Qianhu lake. It is a famous garden in the south of the YangtzeRiver.

[a brief history of Liyuan: origin of its name - History of itsestablishment - distribution of scenic spots]

Liyuan is named after Lihu lake, formerly known as Wulihu Lake. It is aninner lake on the Northeast Bank of Taihu Lake, covering an area of 9.5 squarekilometers. It is said that more than 20__ years ago, fan he, a senior officialof the state of Yue, helped the king of Yue to perish the state of Wu. He becamefamous and lived in seclusion with Xi Shi. Later generations called the WulihuLake, where Fan Li and Xi Shi were boating, Liyuan also got its name.

The earliest construction of Liyuan was in the early years of the Republicof China. Yu xunzhen, a native of Qingqi village, planted willows and lotusroots on the Bank of Lihu lake. Then he built embankments and built thatchedpavilions to form "eight sceneries of Qingqi" such as "fragrant snow in meibu","spring dawn in Nandi" and "fish watching in Quyuan". He also set up a "scenicarea with bright mountains and beautiful waters" to show visitors, thus layingthe foundation for the development of Liyuan landscape. In 1927, Wang Yuqing,another native of Qingqi village, got rich in flour business in Shanghai andreturned to his hometown. On the basis of the "eight sceneries of Qingqi", hecreated 30 mu of land, dug pools to divert water and piled stones to form apeak. It took three years to build Liyuan. In 1930, Chen Meifang, anotherbuilder of Taiyuan, built another garden beside Liyuan. According to the rumorthat Fan Li raised fish with his villagers here, he named it "Yuzhuang" andclaimed that he would surpass Liyuan, so he named it "sailiyuan". In 1936, WangKangyuan, the son of Wang Yuqing, built Huxin Pavilion and Ningchun towerrespectively. After liberation, in 1952, after comprehensive renovation, WuxiMunicipal government built a thousand step corridor between Taiyuan andYuzhuang, thus connecting the two countries, collectively referred to as"Liyuan". In 1978, a new garden was built in the east of the corridor, formingthe scale of today.

Taiyuan now covers an area of 123 mu, of which the water surface accountsfor more than 40%. The whole garden is divided into four scenic spots: BaihuaMountain House, yuebo pingting, Nandi Chunxiao and Siji Pavilion in the East;Qianbu corridor, Huxin Pavilion and Ningchun tower in the West; rockery groupand Lianfang in the middle; and Chunqiu Pavilion in the new.

[Liyuan gate Baihua Mountain House] ladies and gentlemen, we are now at theLiyuan gate, which was rebuilt from the original Yuzhuang gate. The entrance isa 90 square meter open hall with a landscape of Liyuan on the right wall.Passing through the dark corridor, moon cave gate and rockery barrier, you cansee the famous Baihua Mountain House on the right side, which is piled with lakestones and rockery. It was built in 1934, the appearance of long windows for thefloor, with a variety of patterns carved. The hall is furnished with ancientfurniture, and plantain and palm are planted behind the house. The wall in thecloister of Baihua Mountain House is decorated with painted murals, whichvividly shows the main experience of Xi Shi to Sheng with the story of Xi Shi asthe clue. Xishi is one of the four beauties in ancient China. She was born inZhuji, Zhejiang Province. In the war between Wu and Yue, fan he, the counsellorof Yue, helped Gou Jian, the king of Yue, set up a "beauty trick" and offered XiShi to Fu Chai, the king of Wu, so that Fu Chai indulged in wine and sex andfinally perished.

From the corridor forward, the two-story building is "Zhuojinbuilding".

[rockery group Lianfang xierquan Tianxiang, Guilin]

I'll be a tour guide. Rockery and stone formation is the main feature ofTaiyuan scenic area. When Chen Meifang built the fishing village in 1930, hebuilt rockeries with Taihu stones, which were designed and built by JiangZiyuan, a native of Dongyang, Zhejiang Province. When you come to the rockerygroup, you can only feel the twists and turns of the road. It's like entering alabyrinth. The construction of rockery group enriches the content of garden,increases the wild interest of mountain forest, and separates the space ofscenic spot. These rockeries are all named with the word "cloud", includingyunwo, yunjiao, Chuanyun, Duoyun, Panyun, Guiyun, Liuyun, etc. The highest partof the rockery is Guiyun cave, which is 12 meters high. Here you can have apanoramic view of the whole garden. If we come here, do we have the feeling of"living in the mountain, not knowing the depth of clouds"? Although the rockeryis small, the scenery is unique. Beside the rockery group, there are alsopavilions, ponds, streams, curved bridges, stalagmites, and various kinds ofprecious flowers and trees, which have the scenery of Kuaiji OrchidPavilion.

The largest building in the rockery group is LIANHANG. It was built in1930. It faces the pond on three sides and connects with the revetment on oneside. It is divided into three compartments: the front compartment is a longlanding window, the middle compartment is decorated with low wall flowerwindows, and the tail compartment is separated by a pink wall railing.Navigation is a kind of boat shaped building built in the Garden Lake, which ismainly for people to stop and watch the waterscape during sightseeing. Mostgardens in the south of the Yangtze River Center on water, and Li Garden isbuilt on the edge of Taihu Lake. Therefore, Chen Meifang built this lotus boatin the rockery group, which makes visitors feel like they are in a boat insteadof rowing in the water, which fully reflects the intention of the gardener.

After the visit, we went south along the stone road. In front of us, thereis a spring well about one meter in diameter. The surrounding rocks are likeauricles. This is the famous "Xier spring". The big stone beside the spring,like a lion, seems to be guarding the spring. If you look at these Lake stoneson both sides of the stone road beside the spring, if you carefully identifythem, you can see the animal forms of the 12 zodiac animals. There is the word"Qianyu" on the stone bridge across the river. The landscape here is likescenery, so we have to admire the ingenuity of the gardeners.

Next, let's go around the rockery and come to a suddenly bright scenicspot. There are ten ancient osmanthus trees planted on the flat land, which arefull of green and fragrant, so it is called "Guilin Tianxiang". If you come hereduring the Mid Autumn Festival, you will be able to feel the taste of "Tianxiangcloud floating outside, Guizi moon falling in the middle".

[Jiuxu Pavilion - Siji Pavilion - yuebo Pingtiao - kongjie bridge]

I come to be a tour guide. I walk out of the rockery group and cross thestone arch bridge of Yuelao Pavilion. The pavilion that I see in front of me is"Hanxu Pavilion". This pavilion was originally located in the east of Liyuan. Itwas moved here when the fishing village was built. Originally, the pavilion wasdivided into eight sides, with low walls and long lattice windows on it. When itwas renovated in 1958, the flower windows and low walls were removed, making itthe open appearance now. In 1983, there was a statue of "Xishi Huansha". Infront of Hanxu Pavilion is the four seasons Pavilion. Although the fourpavilions have the same appearance, they have profound implications. Theyrepresent the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in a year. Builtin 1954, the four seasons pavilion has a unique shape and a Xieshan Paviliontop. The three sides of the handrails inside the pavilion are called"meirenkao", and the top of the pavilion is decorated with aquatic plants lotus,lotus leaves and lotus pods. In ancient China, aquatic plants were regarded asmascots to avoid fire. How can we distinguish the four pavilions? First, we cansee the plants planted beside the pavilions: plum blossom and Yingchun besidethe spring pavilions; Nerium indicum beside the summer pavilions; Osmanthusfragrans beside the autumn pavilions; Chimonanthus praecox beside the winterpavilions. The second is to look at the location of the four pavilions. Wuxi islocated in the coastal area with a low latitude and a subtropical climate. Thewind directions in spring, summer, autumn and winter are mainly east, South,West and North. Therefore, the location of the four Pavilions in the East,South, West and north is determined.

Four seasons Pavilion also has a better name, which was selected in Wuxidaily in 1980. They are: Spring Pavilion is called "Yihong", Summer Pavilion iscalled "DiCui", Autumn Pavilion is called "zuihuang", winter Pavilion is called"Yinbai".

I came to be a tour guide and built a "six corner Pavilion" near the lakein the southwest corner of Liyuan, which is the most beautiful view of Liyuan.It has cornices, green tiles and red pillars. Because there was a crane on thetop of the pavilion, it is also called "crane Pavilion". In 1958, it wasdemolished during renovation and replaced with the current hulucan spire. Thereare 12 pieces of wood on the top, which are connected by brackets. There are 60Golden Phoenix carved on the top. Each five Phoenix is led by a dragon, andthere are two dragons playing with pearls in the middle, so it is also called"dragon and Phoenix Pavilion". In 1981, Wuxi calligrapher and painter Ni Xiaojinwrote the plaque of "yuebo Pingtiao" hanging in the center of the pavilion.Standing in the pavilion, you can overlook Wuli Lake and appreciate the sceneryof the lake and mountain, so it is also called "Wanghu affair".

Dear tourists, if we take a boat to visit Lihu lake here, we can see theBaojie bridge in the distance. It was built by Rong Desheng when he celebratedhis 60th birthday in 1934. The bridge has a total length of 375 meters, a widthof 5.6 meters and a height of 7.7 meters. There are 60 holes under the bridge,symbolizing rongdesheng's 60th birthday. Because the bridge is at the foot ofBaojie mountain, it is called Baojie bridge. Because it is the longest bridge inWuxi, it is also called Changqiao.

[Chunxiao in the South - Qianbu corridor - dark red smoke green - Ningchuntower]

At the front of the "Wanghu Pavilion" is the "South dike" beside the lake.In the early 1930s, Yu xunzhen planted peaches and willows here, known as"spring dawn on the south bank", and became the first of the "eight sceneries ofQingqi". Now there are more than 300 willows and 600 peach trees. Every spring,more than ten varieties of peach blossoms, such as Hongbi peach, ziye peach,Jinshan Jinbi peach and double petal Baibi peach, etc., are blooming, competingfor splendor and beauty, making this place extremely beautiful. Along the Southdike to the East, through the rockery cave, is a small patio, on the left is theincense tree, on the right is a wisteria, and then forward through the moon cavegate, is the corridor. The 289 meter long corridor, also known as "Qianbucorridor", was built in 1952. It not only connects Laoli lake and Yuzhuang, butalso forms a unique landscape. On the other side of the corridor is a long wallwith more than 80 leaky windows and various patterns made of green tiles. If youlook carefully, you will find that each pattern is different and unique. On theeast side of the corridor, there are 38 brick carvings carved by Su Dongpo, MiFu, Wang Yangming and others, which were inlaid when the garden was built in1928. Benches are set on the water side of the corridor, which not onlydecorates the corridor, but also provides visitors with a rest and a view byleaning on the fence. People can really appreciate the artistic conception of"mountain light shining on the sill and water circling the corridor". At theeast end of the promenade, the trestle and the promenade are connected by thepavilion in the center of the lake. The pavilion in the center of the lake is aflat bridge culvert structure, which extends about 50 meters into the lake. Itwas built by Wang Kangyuan in 1935. The pavilion is rectangular, with cornicesand corners. It is open on all sides. The top is covered with golden glazedtiles, and the bottom is made of yellow scaffolding materials. On one side ofthe wall, there is a mural of Jiahu Jiahua; on the other side, there is a plaqueof "clear red smoke green", which indicates that the scenery of Wulihu ischangeable, so it is also called "dark red smoke green" Shuixie. Across thewater from the pavilion in the middle of the lake is the "Ningchun tower", aboutseveral meters high, with five stories and octagons, red bricks and green tiles,small Lingxi, a combination of Chinese and Western culture, which is a famousscene in Liyuan.

[Banting Spring Autumn Pavilion]

I've come to be a tour guide. Now when we return from the Qianbu corridor,we can see that at one end of the corridor, there is a unique building, which isconnected with the corridor. Half of the corridor and half of the pavilion, soit is called "Banting". Banting is an extension of Qianbu corridor, whichconnects Liyuan new area and plays a transitional role. It is also the bestplace to enjoy the Spring Autumn Pavilion.

Tourists: the three story Pavilion in front of us is "spring and AutumnPavilion". It was built in 1978. Let's get close to the pavilion. You can see:this single eaves building on the top of the hill stands at the highest part ofthe whole garden, adding a variety of layers to the architecture of Taiyuan.Under the eaves hung a horizontal plaque of "spring and Autumn Pavilion", whichwas written by Liu Haisu, a famous calligrapher and painter. The name of thepavilion comes from the story of fan Mai and Xi Shi in the spring and Autumnperiod. Tourists: there is an ambulatory in the pavilion, which can be viewedfrom afar. At the bottom of the pavilion, there is also a large mural "thepicture of Fan Li's Xi Shi boating" for you to enjoy. Now, please join me on thespring and Autumn Pavilion to enjoy the magnificent landscape of Liyuan!






推荐专题: 丽江古城导游词 英语导游词 无锡蠡园导游词

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