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2022-11-18 19:50:28



Chengdu is a famous entertainment city. With the changes of the times, italso has a rapid development, and gradually become a modern city. However, inthis city, there is still an ancient street Jinli.

Jinli is located in Wuhou District of Chengdu, next to Wuhou Temple. Koi isalso the name of a kind of fish. The reason why Jinli is named Jinli is that thefish ponds in the old street are full of Koi. Whether it's day or night, it hasits unique charm. You will involuntarily follow the crowd into the depths ofJinli to experience the beauty of this old street.

When you come to Jinli during the day, you need to experience the quiet.The weather in Jinli is generally colder. During the day, I walk slowly on thestreet, feeling the cool breeze and the charm of the ancient street. The carp inthe fish pond also swim slowly. Sprinkle a handful of fish food, and the fishwill come to grab food immediately. The strong one immediately grabs the front,the weak one is pressed down, and the lucky one grabs the food from the mouth ofother weaker fish... You will laugh when you see this scene.

The night in Jinli is also beautiful. At this time, you have to feel theexcitement. Looking east and looking west, this is the unified action of peopleon the street, because there are so many interesting and delicious things on thestreet! The lights are bright everywhere, especially at the Lantern Festival,there are all kinds of colorful lights at the door, which are extremelybeautiful! There are not a few people who fall down because they are absorbed inwatching the lights. All kinds of ancient dramas will also be performed on thestage in Jinli, which adds color to the word "ancient".

Over the years, Chengdu has changed with each passing day. Only this oldstreet still tells the past. Its ancient charm will make people all over theworld remember it, a resounding name - Jinli!


亲爱的游客朋友们,大家好,我是你们今天的导游,我姓王,大家可以叫我 小王,今天由我带大家游览我国最大的咸水湖――青海湖,一路上希望大家在互相配合,并且玩的 愉快!


青海湖又名“库库淖尔”,即蒙语“青色的海”之意。它位于青海省东北部的青海湖盆地内,既是中国最大的内陆湖泊,也是中国最大的咸水湖。它浩瀚缥缈,波澜壮阔,是大自然赐与青海高原的一面巨大的宝镜。 由于青海湖一带早先属于卑禾族的牧地,所以又叫“卑禾羌海”,汉代也有人称它为“仙海”。从北魏起才更名为“青海”。







Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to travel here.

Zhangjiajie, formerly known as Dayong, is the seat of ancient Yongguo. Asearly as in the late primitive society, the ancestors began to breed on bothsides of the Lishui river. In the period of Yao and Shun, "Shun put his joy inChongshan to change Nanman", so there was a saying of "Nanman" in Chinesehistory. In 221 BC, the first emperor of Qin set up a county. Zhangjiajiebelongs to Cigu County, Qianzhong county. The county government is located inguantaping, Cili County (now Taiping Village, Jiangjiaping township). In 264A.D., Songliang county was named Tianmen Mountain, and Tianmen county was setup. Up to liangpu and Northern and Southern Dynasties, it belonged to louzhongand linli counties. Dayong county was established in the Ming Dynasty in 1369,and Yongding County was established in the 13th year of Yongzheng (1735A.D.).

From 1949 to 1988, Cili County belonged to Changde district. By the end of1988, Dayong and Sangzhi were under the jurisdiction of Tujia Miao AutonomousPrefecture in Western Hunan. In May 1988, with the approval of the StateCouncil, Dayong City, a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of theprovince, was established. In April 1994, the prefecture level Dayong city wasrenamed Zhangjiajie City. Zhangjiajie City is famous for Zhangjiajie NationalForest Park at home and abroad.

Zhangjiajie City is located in the northwest of Hunan Province. It islocated at the junction of the uplift of Qugui plateau and the subsidence areaof Dongting Lake. It is between 109 ° 40 to 111 ° 20 E and 28 ° 52 to 29 ° 48 n.It is adjacent to Shimen and Taoyuan counties in the East, Yuanling County inthe South and Hefeng and Xuanen counties in Hubei Province in the north. Thelongest city boundary is 167 km from east to west and 96 km from north to south.The total area of the city is 9653 square kilometers, accounting for 4.5% of thetotal area of the province.

Zhangjiajie is famous for its unique tourism resources. Wulingyuan scenicarea, which is composed of Zhangjiajie, the first National Forest Park in China,and Tianzishan and SUOXIYU nature reserves, covers an area of 369 squarekilometers. The area is mainly composed of quartz sandstone peak forest andCanyon landform, which is rare in the world. It integrates the beauty of Guilin,the wonder of Huangshan, the danger of Huashan and the power of Mount Tai. Ithas an "expanded bonsai" style "The shrinking fairy mountain".

Zhangjiajie is rich in tourism resources. Wulingyuan scenic spot, composedof Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, SUOXIYU scenic spot, Tianzishan scenic spotand yangjiajie scenic spot, is a national key scenic spot with an area of 264square kilometers. It was listed in the world natural and cultural heritage listby UNESCO in December 1992. In the scenic area, three thousand odd peaks risefrom the ground, and eight hundred streams meander. The scenery is strange,beautiful, secluded and dangerous. It is known as "the origin of Chineselandscape painting". Puguang temple, yuhuangdong grottoes and other places ofinterest, he long, Du Xinwu and other celebrities' former residences constitutethe local cultural tourism resources; and the simple ethnic customs and folkmartial arts hard Qigong add to the local tourism resources.

Well, tourists, I'll explain it to you today. Thank you for yoursupport!






各位游客朋友们,离开了倒淌河,离开了文成公主的传说。我们前方将要到达的是我们美丽富饶的青海湖。青海湖古称"西海",藏语称为"错温布",蒙古语称为"库库若尔"。大家知道为什么称为"库库若尔"吗 相传,古时的青海湖美丽而宽广,但这里一写部落头人却肆意地欺压百姓。有一个叫库库卓尔的英雄解仇释怨,使群众团结和睦,亲如一家,并帮助邻里部落解决危难,度过饥荒。他死后,被天帝封为团结之神,保护善良。从此,蒙古族称青海湖为"库库卓尔",即我们所说的"库哭若尔"。对于青海湖的形成原因,现代地质学研究表明,大约在两千多派万年以前,如今的青藏高原是一片汪洋大海。后来,由于大陆板块挤压,地壳运动,海底渐渐向上隆起,逐渐形成了被称为"世界第三极"的青藏高原。而青海湖则是在地壳隆起过程中断层陷落而形成的。关于它的形成,还有着一些非常有趣的传说。如有的说,这是水晶宫老龙王最小的儿子,引来108条江河的水汇成的。还有的说,当年孙悟空大闹天空时,与二郎神大战。二郎神被追赶到这里,觉得又饥又渴,发现了此处被石板盖住的神泉。他跑过去大喝一通后,忘了盖上石板,神泉滚滚涌出,汇成了大湖。而此时,孙悟空也已经追上来了。二郎神急忙顺手抓了五块石头,压住泉水。后来这五块石头就变成了湖中的五座小岛。二郎神连做的饭都顾不上吃,拔腿跑时不小心,一脚踢翻了锅。锅里有盐,倒在湖中,从此湖水就变咸了。不止如此,他的盐口袋被扯了个口子,边套边撒,一路漏盐。于是青海湖畔就有了大大小小数不清的盐湖和盐泽。




青海湖的魅力不仅在于它的碧草连天,轻波万里,山水相映,及其优美的环境。它还有一些独特的自然现象,如文开湖,武开湖。所谓文开湖,就是指一种表现得比较安静的湖水解冻现象,而武开湖则表现得有如万马奔腾。听我这么说,大家是不是很想去见识一下呢 昨天我从有关媒介那得到消息,说是过几天很可能会出现文开湖这一独特的景观。大家如果有兴趣的话,不如在这多呆一两天,亲身去感受一下大自然的神秘莫测。


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