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2022-11-18 19:42:14



Dear friends

hello everyone!

See Lishui river again, it's time for us to say goodbye. In just a fewdays, I know that you have fallen in love with Zhangjiajie, and you can see thatyou are reluctant to give up Zhangjiajie from your eyes, which reminds me of ayoung talent singing by the Bank of Kangqiao many years ago: "I walk awaygently, just as I come here gently, I wave my hand gently to say goodbye to theclouds in the West.". Yes, let's leave Zhangjiajie with this beautifulscenery.

In a few days, we visited Huangshi village, Tianzi mountain, Shili Gallery,Huanglong cave, Baofeng lake and MaoYan river rafting. Do you still remember? Wesang and laughed all the way. We could not forget the surprise when we walkedinto the quartz sandstone peak forest. We were surprised by the magical nature.We could not forget the majestic and precipitous Huangshi village. Of course,there were the indomitable pines growing on the cliff. We could not forget thebeautiful and quiet Jinbian river. There were also some well-known and unknownflowers on the roadside; Can you forget the beautiful peak forest of Tianzimountain? Yes, they stand up and shake their spirits, showing the spirit, spiritand spirit of the people in the mountain. I can't forget the walk of ShiliGallery, wandering among the landscape paintings. The most important thing isthat there is a hale and hearty old man to accompany me. Do you remember themagnificent stalactites in Huanglong cave, the dreamlike scenery in Baofenglake, and the thrilling surf in MaoYan river. Yes, all of these let us indulgein it and enjoy the joy it brings us.

So, in addition to these, is there anything worth remembering? Yes, theclouds on the Tianzi mountain, the monkey play by the Jinbian River, themelodious and graceful folk songs on the stilts, and even the Tujia people'sconvenient and environmentally friendly little basket on the market. As a matterof fact, what we are reluctant to give up is not only that. When we come toZhangjiajie, we feel a kind of soft life. Today, people who are tired in modernlife increasingly hope to find a post station for their soul. Here, Zhangjiajiehas given it to you. Walking in the mountains and rivers, there is a brightmirror of mountains and rivers to illuminate our hearts, drink a mountainspring, wash away many tired in our hearts. So many of our group members weredeeply moved when they saw a wisp of cooking smoke, or the bright blue sky. Yes,this quiet life has been away from us for too long. There are also many groupmembers who say that the moon in Zhangjiajie is very big, round and bright.That's for sure. If you breathe in the air without pollution, the moon is verymoist. So, my dear friends, when you are tired, come back to Zhangjiajie, feelthe fresh wind, and enjoy a night's stay in Longxing.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your presence, which givesZhangjiajie a stage and gives us the opportunity to show you our infinite charm.I would also like to thank you for your support and understanding of our work inthe past few days, so that our journey will be so colorful. At the same time, weare deeply sorry for the shortcomings in our work. I hope you can give us morevaluable opinions. With your suggestions and encouragement, we will continue toimprove.

Well, dear friends, our destination has arrived, send you thousands ofmiles, there will be a difference, please leave your smile, take away the deepaffection of our Zhangjiajie people, I wish you all the best in the future life,all the best. Still, Zhangjiajie will always welcome you. Goodbye, friends!


Is located in known as the "roof of the world", the northeast of qinghai-tibet plateau, located in the northeast of qinghai province tongshan, riyue mountain, qinghai nanshan, surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the scenery magnificent, is the largest salt water lake in China, called the west lake. Scenic area in plateau lakes as the main body, both grasslands, snow-capped mountains, desert landscape, etc.

Three stone mountain, the lake has a sea heart xishan, bird island, sea, sand island five forms of islands, mountains, unique landscape, it is known as the bird island. The lake is 3266 meters above sea level, it is about 90 kilometers long, the north and the south, about 40 km wide, covers an area of 4635 square kilometers, and the basin area is 10 times greater than the surface of the lake, there are 50 short import from all corners of the three mountains, river no sea pathway, which is the largest inland lake. Lake qinghai Mongolian called "Noel", Tibetan language is called "wimbledon", that is the meaning of "blue lake". Lake qinghai lake less oxygen content, salt content, the biggest plankton scarce, transparency of 8-9 meters above, so is very blue.

Lake full of vitality, stroll everywhere yak, cattle, sheep eating grass, constitute a "wind blow grass low see cattle and sheep" idyllic picture. The lake there are two wonders, one is the fishing grounds, one is bird island. Green lake is rich in fish pool lake, is a rich natural fishing grounds. The qinghai-tibet plateau is fascinating treasure-house, since ancient times, mountain scenic spots are mainly sea heart and bird island. Bird island, to 10 m above the lake, known as the "kingdom of the birds," said, every spring, a large number of birds from places such as India, Nepal, all the way to qinghai lake thrive, autumn XieEr and women to fly back to the south, the state attaches great importance to this kind of bird resources, on the island has special protection agency. Also called great scholar island sea heart mountain, covers an area of about 1 square km,green water on show here, beautiful scenery. Provided a lot of people once in the heart the mountain temples, and houses, some monks practice on the island, many shepherds to island grazing, "buddhist mountains" has become a unique landscape.

Qinghai lake, the beautiful and rich is rich in taste and high nutrition put the fish. The vast natural pasture, on both sides of lake here much snow in winter, and rainy summer, grass thon, had a good conditions of the development of animal husbandry, already became the important animal husbandry base of qinghai province.

Around the qinghai lake water is enough, abundant rainfall, fertile land, cattle and sheep flocks, pastoral, at the same time of developing animal husbandry, local people are fully developed oil, feed mainly of agriculture.


Dear guests

Hard work all the way!

Now, you have reached the destination of this trip: Zhangjiajie. My name is__X. I'm a professional tour guide of X__ travel agency. The license number isX__. The city tourism complaint telephone number is 8380193. It's a great honorto be your guide today. I will serve you wholeheartedly and spend a wonderfultrip in Zhangjiajie.

Zhangjiajie City, located in the heart of Wuling mountains in the northwestof Hunan Province, covers an area of 9563 square kilometers with a totalpopulation of 1552000. Zhangjiajie is a multi-ethnic area, with 19 ethnicminorities with Tujia as the main body reaching 1118400, accounting for 72.06%of the city's total population, including 980000 Tujia, 108000 Bai and 26900Miao (according to the statistics at the end of 1998).

Zhangjiajie belongs to the monsoon humid climate of the middle subtropicalmountain prototype, with an average temperature of 16.8 degrees Celsius, anaverage annual rainfall of 1400 mm, a frost free period of 258 days, an averagetemperature of 28 degrees Celsius in summer and 5.1 degrees Celsius in coldmonths. It can be said that there is no severe cold in winter, no severe heat insummer and pleasant temperature in four seasons. It is the most suitable placefor human beings to live.

Please look back: Tianmen Mountain is famous all over the world. I believeyou still remember the magnificent scene of the world aerobatics Grand Prix inDecember 1999 when the plane passed through Tianmen cave.

The river we see now is called Lishui river. It originates from Badagongmountain in Sangzhi County, marshal Helong's hometown. It passes through cliffgorge for hundreds of kilometers and flows into 800 Li Dongting Lake. It is theless polluted and most beautiful "ecological river" among the four major riversin Hunan Province. The first domestic unpowered rubber boat tourism rafting islocated in Maoyan River, which is the most splendid in the upper part of the LiRiver.

The initial formation of the modern geomorphic framework of Zhangjiajie wasabout 100 million years ago in the Yanshan Himalayan period of the Mesozoic andCenozoic. Located between the uplift area of Yunnan Guizhou Plateau and thesubsidence area of Dongting Lake, the uncanny workmanship of nature has createdspectacular canyons, turbulent rivers, isolated stone peaks, deep karst cavesand mysterious underground Yinhe river for us. The first stop of our trip,Wulingyuan scenic spot in Zhangjiajie, is a classic work of nature'sorogeny.

Now, I will briefly introduce the development history of ZhangjiajieCity.

Zhangjiajie used to be called Dayong instead of Zhangjiajie. It is the seatof ancient Yongguo. According to historical records, "Yong is the name of acountry. "Zuo Zhuan" in the 16th year of Wengong (611 BC), Chu destroyed Yong Sothere is a saying that "Dayong, ancient Yongguo is also".

As early as in the late primitive society, the ancestors began to breed onboth sides of the Lishui river. In the period of Yao and Shun, "Shun put his joyin Chongshan to change Nanman", so there was a saying of "Nanman" in Chinesehistory. The mountain standing side by side with Tianmen Mountain is Chongshan.After the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, the first emperor of the Qin Dynastydivided the world into 36 counties, and Dayong was assigned to Qianzhong County,which is now Yuanling County. Later, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty,assigned Dayong to Wuling county (now Changde City) and changed it to ChongxianCounty; In the sixth year of Wu Yong'an in the Three Kingdoms period (263),Songliang mountain, which is now Tianmen Mountain, suffered a landslide, whichdestroyed half of the mountain and created a world wonder, a huge cave throughthe mountain. Sun Xiu, king of Wu, regarded it as an auspicious omen. He changedSongliang mountain to Tianmen Mountain and divided Wuling County into TianmenCounty, which was in charge of four counties, so as to enhance the politicalstatus of Tianmen Mountain. In the long history of 1720 years, Dayong waspromoted and abolished several times, and went through more than 30 times ofconstruction and reform. In the early 1980s, due to the discovery of a rarenatural wonder of sandstone peak forest in the northern mountains of DayongCounty, the world was shocked.

So there was a series of big moves by the government:

In September 1982, the first National Forest Park in China was established,which filled the gap that there was no national park in China;

In February 1985, the former Central Committee of the Communist Party ofChina inscribed for Wulingyuan;

In May 1985, the State Council approved the withdrawal of Dayong county andthe establishment of Dayong city (county level);

In May 1988, the State Council approved the promotion of Dayong city to aprefecture level city with jurisdiction over Yongding District, WulingyuanDistrict, Cili County and Sangzhi County;

In August 1988, Wulingyuan was listed in the second batch of 40 nationalkey scenic spots;

On December 24, 1992, Wulingyuan was listed in the world heritage list byUNESCO;

In April 1994, the State Council approved the change of Dayong city toZhangjiajie City;

In March 1995, he personally inspected Zhangjiajie and positioned it forits future development: "building Zhangjiajie into a famous tourist attractionat home and abroad.".

So far, Zhangjiajie has finally completed the long span of time and space,and finally walked out of Xiangxi, Hunan, the whole country and the world fromthe "boudoir".

In order to achieve Jiang's goal as soon as possible, Zhangjiajie City hasformulated the "tourism driven" development strategy, which has been affirmed byHunan provincial Party committee and government. It is clear that Zhangjiajieshould regard tourism as the leading industry of the city's economic developmentand the pillar industry of enriching the people and strengthening the city.

Since the establishment of the National Forest Park in 1982, after nearly20 years of development, Zhangjiajie's leading industry position has beenfurther clarified. Since the establishment of the city, the city has received16.8 million domestic and foreign tourists, including 400000 overseas tourists,with a tourism income of 3 billion yuan. In 1999, the city received 3.27 milliondomestic and foreign tourists, with a total tourism income of 950 million yuan,ranking second in the province. The proportion of tourism income to GDPincreased from 2.34% in 1989 to 16.9% in 1999. Tourism has become a leadingindustry driving the city's economic and social development and plays anincreasingly important role in the development of tourism in the whole provinceand even the whole country. The structure of the three industries was adjustedfrom 47:18:35 in 1989 to 27.0:26.4:46.6 in 1999. The leading position of thetertiary industry is more prominent and the economic structure tends to bereasonable. It has initially built a large tourism environment pattern withairports, customs, railway stations, high-grade highways, modern communications,star hotels, universities and technical secondary schools, advanced medical andhealth facilities, national folk culture exhibition base, and constantlyexpanding and improving functions. At present, Zhangjiajie railway station hasopened passenger trains with more than 10 large and medium-sized cities inChina. Zhangjiajie airport has opened flights to more than 20 large andmedium-sized cities in China, and charter flights to Hong Kong, Macao andBangkok have been opened. The city has more than 400 hotels (including more than20 star rated hotels), with a total of 40000 beds. There are 52 travel agenciesin the city, including 5 international agencies and 47 domestic agencies. Thetourism industry has 18000 employees, initially forming a supporting servicefacility integrating "food, housing, transportation, tourism, entertainment andshopping". At the same time, we have successfully received a large number ofParty and foreign heads of state and international friends, and successfullyheld several international forest protection festivals and world aerobaticscompetitions, thus winning the reputation of Zhangjiajie and expanding itspopularity. Zhangjiajie tourism is becoming mature.


Wuhou Temple is a memorial hall for Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of ShuHan in the Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang was granted the title of Marquis ofWuxiang before he died. After he died, he was named as Marquis of Wuxiang.

Wuhou Temple in Chengdu is the only temple in China where monarchs andministers are worshipped together. It was built in 223 AD and Liu Bei was buriedin Huiling. According to the Han system, there must be a temple beside themausoleum, so after Liu Bei was buried in Huiling, the original temple for LiuBei was built by the Shu Han Dynasty at that time. (the original temple is thetemple for worshiping the emperor beside the mausoleum of the emperor. In Tangand Song Dynasties, people generally called Liu Bei's original temple the formermaster temple. )(because there are three main buildings in Chengdu Wuhou Temple,two of which have appeared after Liu Bei's death, so Liu Bei's burial in Huilingis the beginning of Chengdu Wuhou Temple. )In the northern and SouthernDynasties, people built Wuhou Temple not far from Huiling and Xianzhu temple. Inthe Tang and Song Dynasties, Wuhou Temple had become a famous historic site andtourist attraction. Du Fu left a description of "where to find the ancestralhall of prime minister, where to find the cypress outside Jinguan city". In theMing Dynasty, Zhu Chun, the king of Shu, thought that "the monarch and theminister should be integrated", so he combined the Wuhou Temple with the formermaster's temple, which was called "Han zhaolie Temple". In the late Ming Dynastyand the early Qing Dynasty, the temple was destroyed by war. The Wuhou Temple wesee today was rebuilt on the old site in the 11th year of Kangxi (1672A.D.).

Although the government has always called it the "Han zhaolie Temple", aplaque of "Han zhaolie Temple" is also hung at the gate. But people are stillused to call it Wuhou Temple. Why? In a poem written by Zou Lu during the periodof the Republic of China, the reason is explained: "the great book on the gate,zhaolie temple, is the temple of marquis Wu. The reason is that the primeminister has made great achievements in the past. In other words, because of hisgreat historical achievements, Zhuge Liang has more prestige in the hearts ofthe people than Liu Bei, so people can't care about the etiquette of the monarchand his ministers.

From the brief introduction to the left side of the gate and the schematicplan, we can see that the temple of marquis Wu is hidden in the dense greencypresses. The hall sits in the north and south, and is arranged on a centralaxis. It has five layers: the gate, the second gate, the hall of Liu Bei, thehall of passage, and the hall of Zhuge Liang. On the west side is the mausoleumof Liu Bei Huiling. There are 47 clay statues of historical figures of Shu Hanin Qing Dynasty, more than 50 steles, more than 60 plaques and couplets, andmore than 10 tripods, stoves, bells and drums. Therefore, to be exact, WuhouTemple should be called the memorial hall of Shu Han monarchs and ministers. Itis a museum for the study of Shu Han history.







Ladies and gentlemen, this is Zhuge Liang hall. The lintels and pillars ofthe hall are covered with plaques and couplets left by predecessors. One of themost famous is a couplet hanging in the middle of Zhuge Liang's palace, whichsays, "if you can work hard, you'll lose your mind. From ancient times, you knowthat soldiers are not belligerent; if you don't judge the situation, you'll belenient and strict. Later, you have to think deeply about how to govern Shu.".Lianwen was written by Zhao fan, a native of Jianchuan, Yunnan Province in thelate Qing Dynasty.

The Shanglian said that Zhuge Liang was able to use the tactics of"attacking the heart" in fighting, such as making Meng Huo's heart full ofadmiration when he was in the southern expedition. In this way, he praised ZhugeLiang as a militarist who really knew how to fight with troops, not a warlikeone.

The second couplet praises Zhuge Liang for his ability to judge thesituation and formulate a lenient and strict law, which has achieved goodresults, and reminds those who later govern Sichuan to learn from it. Thiscouplet makes an objective evaluation of Zhuge Liang's use of troops andadministration, and puts forward two enlightening questions of "attacking theheart" and "judging the situation". It is the top grade of the couplets on theplaque of Wuhou Temple and one of the famous couplets in China.

In the hall of Zhuge Liang, there are statues of Zhuge Liang, his son andgrandson. Zhuge Liang is like a man on a platform in the middle of the shrine.He has a feather fan and a silk scarf. He is wearing a golden robe. He isconcerned about the country and the people, and has a deep and farsighted look,which shows the demeanor of a generation of Confucians. Zhuge Liang (181-234),who was born in Yinan, Shandong Province, was an outstanding statesman andmilitarist in Chinese history.

When he was young, he lived in seclusion in Longzhong, Xiangfan. Because ofhis intelligence, hard work and ambition, he got the reputation of "Wolong". Atthe request of Liu Bei, he went out of the mountain to help Liu Bei and foundedShu Han. After Liu Bei's death, he was entrusted with the important task ofassisting his son, Liu Chan, to govern Shu for more than 20 years. He practicedenlightenment, gave strict rewards and punishments, selected talents andappointed talents, built water conservancy, developed production, marched southto central China, and attacked Qishan in the north. With loyalty, diligence,honesty and intelligence, he gained stability and prosperity in Shu. Chen Shou,a historian, commented that the state of Shu at that time had clear politics,honest and upright people, open fields, rich warehouses, and peaceful sceneseverywhere. Due to overwork, he died in wuzhangyuan army at the age of 54. Hewas buried at the foot of Dingjun mountain in Mianxian County, ShaanxiProvince.

Zhuge Liang has done a lot of good things in his life, such as beingdiligent, loving the people and being beneficial to social progress. After hisdeath, people miss him very much and respect him very much for his spirit ofdevoting himself to his life. As a result, people built one Wuhou Temple afteranother to commemorate him, and worshipped him as a model of loyal officials,virtuous prime minister and the embodiment of wisdom.

Zhuge Zhan, the son of Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Shang, the grandson of ZhugeLiang, led the Wei army to fight a decisive battle in Mianzhu when the Shu HanDynasty was faced with survival. Finally, they died for their country becausethey were outnumbered.

There is a bronze drum in Zhuge Liang hall, which is a cultural relic inthe fifth and sixth centuries. Bronze drum, originally a cooking utensil ofsouthwest ethnic minorities in ancient times, has appeared as early as thespring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. Later, the bronze drumgradually evolved into a kind of musical instrument and ritual instrument, whichwas used in assembly and celebration, and also a symbol of wealth and power. Itis said that Zhuge Liang used this kind of bronze drum during his southernexpedition. It was used for cooking in the daytime and for alarming in theevening. Therefore, it is also called Zhuge drum.

In the wing rooms on both sides outside the hall, there are woodcut poemson display. In the west chamber, there are 12 pieces of calligraphy by MaoZedong, Dong Biwu, Zhang Aiping, Fang Yi, Zhou Gucheng, Chu Tunan, LiangShuming, etc., while in the East chamber, there are wood carvings of LongzhongDUI and Chushi Biao.

Sanyi Temple:

After leaving Zhuge Liang hall, there is Sanyi temple. Sanyi Temple got itsname from offering sacrifices to Liu, Guan and Zhang, who were the three membersof Taoyuan. The temple was built in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the QingDynasty, with four entrances and five halls. Now only worship hall, main hall,into a courtyard layout. Sanyi temple was originally located in Tidu street inthe center of the city. Due to the need of urban construction, it was moved herein 1997. In the relocation project, in strict accordance with the nationalregulations on cultural relics, the original building components were removed byserial number and transported to the new site to be built according to theserial number to restore the original appearance.

The restored Sanyi temple is towering, and its architectural form is thesame as that of Liubei hall. The roof is a single eaves hard hill type, coveredby green simple tiles. The structure is a wood stone structure, with a beamlifting wooden frame, and the columns and column bases are made of stone. Thereare 40 round columns carved from the whole stone, with a diameter of 0.5m. Thereare 24 stone pillars engraved with 12 couplets in gold. In the main hall, claystatues of Liu, Guan and Zhang are restored, and ten stone line drawings of thestory of the three kingdoms are added to the two walls of the gallery. Thepainting is taken from the Ming Dynasty version of the romance of the ThreeKingdoms. The contents of these paintings are: three marriages in Taoyuan, threeheroes fighting against Lu Bu, Zhang Fei whipping the governor post, Liu Beirecruiting relatives, Guan Gong scraping bone to cure poison and so on.

Tomb of Liu Bei:

From Sanyi temple to the west, cross the small bridge, pass Guihe buildingand Qinting, and enter the Red Wall Road surrounded by green bamboo. At the endof the road is Liu Bei's tomb. The earth mound of Liu Bei's tomb is 12 metershigh and covered with green shade. There is a 180 meter long brick wallsurrounding the mausoleum. There are steles and halls in front of themausoleum.

After Liu Bei failed to defeat Wu, he retired to Baidi city and died inApril 223. In May, Zhuge Liang Fuling pivot back to Chengdu, August burial, tombknown as "Huiling.". Huiling is a tomb for husband and wife. At the same time,Mrs. Gan, the mother of empress Liu Chan, was buried. Twenty years later,another wife of Liu Bei, empress Mu Wu, died and was also buried here. This tombis more than 1700 years ago. No theft has been found. The situation in the tombis unknown.

There is a story in Youyang Zazu written by Duan Chengshi in the TangDynasty: a group of tomb robbers entered Liu Bei's Huiling mausoleum on a darknight. When they entered the tomb, they saw that the lights were shining inside.Liu Bei was playing chess with one man and ten warriors stood by one side.Scared out of their wits, the thieves knelt down one after another to beg formercy. Liu Bei waved to the guards to give them jade belts and Qiongjiang. Theydrank the jade paste, tied the jade belt, and climbed out of the hole in panic.Looking back, the hole was naturally sealed. The jade belt became a big snake,wrapped around their waist, and the jade paste became glue and stuck to theirmouth. It is said that no one dares to touch Liu Bei's tomb any more.

Out of Liu Bei's tomb, we come to the newly built exhibition area of "ThreeKingdoms culture". The exhibition area consists of exhibition hall and externalenvironment. The external environment is composed of gods and beasts Tianlu,dispelling evil spirits, remnant pillars of the Han Palace, soldiers fightingfor the country, stone inscriptions on the remnant wall, Linjiang immortal byYang Shen, and preface of stone inscriptions. The exhibition hall is dividedinto five exhibition areas, which are war situation, a glimpse of agricultureand mulberry, folk customs, art and forest, and the lingering charm of Liufeng.There are hundreds of cultural relics, materials and pictures on display. Thecontent is rich and colorful, the artistic technique is vivid and intuitive, andit is a combination of knowledge and appreciation, so it is worth lookingat.

After seeing the exhibition, you can also visit the "listening Oriole hall"by the way. It's a small courtyard. The bonsai in it is worth watching. Thetemporary exhibitions also have cultural taste.

推荐专题: 自我介绍的英语作文 英语导游词 青海湖英语导游词

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