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2022-11-06 19:00:36




大理古城简称榆城,位居风光亮丽的苍山脚下,距大理市下关13公里。大理古城始建于明洪武十五年(1382年),是全国首批历史文化名城之一。 大理古城东临洱海,西枕苍山,城楼雄伟,风光优美。大理城的规模壮阔,方围12里,原城墙高7.5米,厚6米,东西南北原有四座城门,上有城楼。如果说,自治州首府下关给人以繁盛、喧闹的印象,那么大理古城则是古朴而幽静。 城中有一贯穿南北的大街,街边有各种专卖大理石制品、扎染、草编等名特产品的店铺和风味十足的白族饮食店。 城内流淌着清澈的溪水,到处可见古朴雅的白族传统民居,这里居民不论贫富,都有在庭院内养花种草的习惯。大理古城也就有“家家流水,户户养花”之说。 大理古城距下关很近,乘公共汽车十多分钟即可到达,城内各汽车站和主要宾馆前都有车前往。也可由下关乘小马车前往,不过千万要在上车前谈好价钱。 到大理古城旅游,如要留宿,城内有许多按照白族传统民居建造的旅馆可供选择,价格不算贵。
















洱海的水,透明度较高,湖面碧波荡漾,每当风和日丽的夜晚, 行近洱海之滨,仰望天空,玉镜高悬,俯视海面,万顷银涛,一轮明月在海中随波飘荡。








始建于清康熙年间。楼额悬挂云南提督偏图于康熙四十年(公元1720___年)所题的“文献名邦”匾额,故名文献楼。“文献名邦”匾两侧有清代文人周仁所写的长联:“朔溯汉唐以还,张叔传经,杜公讲学,硕彦通儒代有人,莫让文献遗风暗消在新潮流外;登楼台而望,鹫岭夕阳,鹤桥小路,熙来攮往咸安业。但愿妙香古国常住于大世界中”。这幅时联简单明了地介绍了大理古国风情。楼上楹联还有佚名氏的“百二山河双鹤拓;千秋文献一楼存”。 另有“文献楼”、“南诏故都”等匾额。楼的东墙上还镶嵌着一块刻有“张叔盛览故里”六字的石碑,传说汉代大理人张叔盛览负笈外出求学,是大理最早的汉文化传播者。这些碑刻楹联都是张扬大理人杰地灵的,使外来者未进城即感受到大理文化之风,建楼者颇具匠心。












南诏国最先定都太和城,公元779年,南诏王异牟寻迁都羊苴咩城。羊苴咩城的整个布局井然有序、庄重威严,很有王权的气概。其内部结构分五大部分,即宫、廷,高级官僚住宅区、南北通衢和客馆,南诏王丰佑在位时修建起五华楼,成为羊苴咩城的第六部分 。








Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the foot of beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city. Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south, east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecture capital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.

Dali ancient rippling erhai lake in the east, west lean on perennial green features, form the "ancient city of monohydrate around features, features" of urban landscape. By the gates into the city, south Beijing changfu promotes a pass-through northward, became a bustling streets, shops along the street on a par, selling ethnic handicrafts and jewelry, jade, such as marble, tie-dye, etc. Streets between some of the old curtilage, also still to be found, former pond in the garden flowers and trees, birdsong, and outdoor streams flowing water channel, "three Wells, a door a few potted flower" scene still. The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.


Dali elm leaves for short, is also called the purple city, its history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now the city near the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming hongwu fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12, the walls of two zhangs five feet, thick two zhangs. North and south, east and west of a door, in both towers, four corners and turrets. Liberation, the walls are broken down. In 1982, rebuilt south side door, door head "Dali" two characters is a concentration of guo moruo calligraphy. By the gates into the city, south Beijing changfu promotes a pass-through northward, became a bustling streets, shops along the street on a par, selling ethnic handicrafts and jewelry, jade, such as marble, tie-dye, etc. Some old curtilage, the streets are also are still to be found, pond in the garden flowers and trees, birdsong, and outdoor streams flowing water channel. "Three Wells, a door a few potted flower" scene still.

The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose writing, leaving the country attracts blond "laowai", linger here, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.

The ancient city of history can be traced back to began years, NaZhaoWang GeLuoFeng built my sheep baa city (now near the city of the west tower), for its new capital. Ancient city was built in Ming hongwu fifteen years (AD 1382), around 12.

On February 8, 1982, the state council announced Dali is one of China's first batch of 24 historical and cultural city.

The gate of the ancient city of Dali in yunnan province, the first batch of key cultural relics protection "emperor sai-jo flat yunnan tablet", it stands on the march street street field.

In 1 km northwest of ancient city, is listed as the national first batch of key units to be protected by the state council of the Dali three towers, and, at the southwest corner of the ancient city a holy temple tower, is relatively and added a layer of bright colors for the ancient city.

Dali city roads are still maintained the chessboard type grid structure since the Ming and qing, known as the nine street 18 lane. The north-south confrontation of the two towers have been restored.

Foreigners' street in the city from south to north, across a street, deep deep and remote street lane, from west to east, across the city to the polished tile roof, the wall of the cobble stones, according to the ancient city of of primitive simplicity, chic and elegant.

Seen from the features of Dali, the literature building, south gate house, five China building, beicheng gate house, where towering magnificent, the ancient city has an attractive artistically. Streets, bai nationality ancient sweet patina.

An aerial view of Dali ancient city first floor - literature. In Dali ancient north gate 1 km literature building, known as the ancient city of the first door, is the landmark of the ancient city of Dali. Founded in the qing emperor kangxi years. Building the frontal hanging yunnan prefect partial figure Yu Kangxi forty years (AD 1701) the title of "literature of nations" plaque, therefore the literature. Literature building into a Dali passage across the south road on both sides LiuShuCheng shadow, stroke yiyi, quite a picturesque, is the government guideline dignitaries portal. Literature building is two layers of jehiel mountain type civil structure of dysprosium floor, with typical bai architectural features, it stands in the masonry structure above the door, magnificent.

Foreigners' street - nation road. The ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". Here one by one between Chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.

Dali ancient nanzhao "world first" - five degrees. 5 China building is ancient NaZhaoWang state guesthouse, also called to a building. Since nanzhao, five China building burned down many times, and rebuilt many times, the smaller is built. Five floor area, has formed a certain scale of calligraphy and painting market, operating varieties include calligraphy, Chinese painting class, character of landscape painting of flowers and birds, etc., and leather trade such as painting, oil painting is very active.

Dali Christian churches. Dali Christian church is located in Dali changfu promotes heping road intersections, was founded in 1904 in June, called "Chinese Christian church". In 1956, changed its name to "Dali Christian unity". In 1980, changed its name to "Dali Christian church". Again in 2004 changed its name to "Dali Christ church". In 2008 is listed as the municipal cultural relics protection units. Church timberwork, four left the main structure of soil water tile roof, maintained the style of the western church, but also has strong bai architectural characteristics, is a combination of Chinese and western church.


Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the foot of beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city.

Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south, east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecture capital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.

A north-south street in the city, the street has a variety of monopoly marble products, tie-dye, straw and other special products stores and bai trattoria flavour is dye-in-the-wood.

With stream in the city, everywhere the bai traditional local-style dwelling houses of primitive simplicity, here people, both rich and poor, are in the habit of inside the courtyard gardening. Dali is also "the every family running water, flowers".

Dali from shimonoseki close, more than 10 minutes by bus to arrive before the city's bus station and the main hotel to all of them. Also can be made of shimonoseki by small carriages to, just to talk about in front of the bus.

Travel to Dali, if want to stay, the city has many according to the traditional bai local-style dwelling houses building hotel to choose from, the price is not expensive.


Dali referred to as "elm city, the scenery at the foot of beautiful framed, 13 km from the Dali shimonoseki. Dali ancient city was built in Ming dynasty fifteen years (1382), is one of the first batch of historical and cultural city.

Dali erhai lake in the ancient east, west pillow features, towers majestic, beautiful scenery. Dali city the size of the grand square around 12, the original walls 7.5 meters high, thick 6 meters, north and south, east and west four gates, original on towers. If, autonomous prefecture capital of shimonoseki to flourish, the noisy impression, Dali is a simple and quiet.

A north-south street in the city, the street has a variety of monopoly marble products, tie-dye, straw and other special products stores and bai trattoria flavour is dye-in-the-wood.

With stream in the city, everywhere the bai traditional local-style dwelling houses of primitive simplicity, here people, both rich and poor, are in the habit of inside the courtyard gardening. Dali is also "the every family running water, flowers".

Dali from shimonoseki close, more than 10 minutes by bus to arrive before the city's bus station and the main hotel to all of them. Also can be made of shimonoseki by small carriages to, just to talk about in front of the bus.

Travel to Dali, if want to stay, the city has many according to the traditional bai local-style dwelling houses building hotel to choose from, the price is not expensive.

推荐专题: 自我介绍的英语作文 英语导游词 大理导游词英语

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