为什么加拿大的教育会走在中国的前面?可能跟他们的教育方式有关吧?他们非常注重实践,更加关注学生的创造性思维。接下来的几天,Kath采用了各种不同的活动和游戏来激发我们的积极性,事实证明她真的很棒。让我印象很深刻的有好多。首先,几个外教一起教我们跳traditional anadian dane ,大家都很兴奋,也很投入,我们笑啊,跳啊,真的像个孩子,更夸张的是,我们亲爱的外教竟然站在桌子上示范,那股子认真劲,真的让我们自叹不如。今天Kath还教我们跳了hiken dane,她说这是sill dane, 我们边跳边笑,最后狂笑,真的很开心,其实我们在开心的同时,不知不觉地学到了知识,锻炼了自己的听力,也增加了自己的词汇量,在这种愉快的气氛中,我们更能够接受知识,我们是这样,我相信学生更是这样,他们更需要兴趣,需要动力,需要轻松愉快的氛围。我们还做了很多的games,比如说“Chain Reation”,“Charades”, “name games”等,所有游戏的设计,都是为了激发我们的学习兴趣。今天Mr.Rorgers还给我们做了一个报告,主要是关于加拿大的教育,这让我感触很深,他们的教育,尤其是高等教育,面向的是大多数的学生,他们会给学生创造很多的机会,很注重提问的艺术性,他们不会歧视学生,他们给学生更多的是respet(尊重)。他的报告中有几点给我留下了非常深的印象,也是很难做到的:
一.Tr to teah the students to listen to eah other, let them bee good listeners.二.If e ant others to be politefriendl to us, be politefriendl to them first.三.As teahers, e should treat ever student as our on hildren.我列举的只是他的报告中的部分,从他的报告中,我了解到了他们的教育理念和教育方法,这些对我的启发很大。当然,由于国情不同,学生素质不同,社会环境的差异,我们不可能完全模仿他们的理念和方法,但是我们完全可以有选择的吸取他们成功的经验。毕竟,同样是青少年,应该有共同的生理和心理特点,至少让学生在轻松愉快和谐的氛围中学习生活,我们应该能做到的吧?对学生,我们更多的应该是尊重,而不该总是抱怨;更多的应该去正面表扬,而不是一味 的挖苦或者惩罚。教育的确需要纪律,可是适当的民主可能会让我们收到意想不到的效果。英语教学也是一样,由于环境的约束,我们的学生不可能时时说英语,因此除了课堂,他们很少有机会开口,而语言最大的作用就是用来交际,所以我们的学生会觉得学英语很困难,假如没有适当的鼓励和指导,时间长了,他们就没了兴趣和信心。所以作为教师的我们,仅仅敬业是不够的,备好每堂课,上好每堂课,批好每本作业,那只是最基本的工作,除此以外,我们需要关心每一个学生,给他们提供更多表现自己的机会,尊重他们的人格,让他们喜欢我们,然后才能喜欢我们的课,喜欢我们教的学科,可以这样说,民主融洽的师生关系对学生的自主学习有一种推波助澜的作用。
总之,培训的 看完,记得打分哦:
英语说明文范文 英语说明文范文 1 The puter is a onderful mahine.It is the most important invention in man ears.Toda it is used a great deal in various fields.Espeiall, it is useful in automati ontrol and data proeing.And no it is finding its a into the home.Computer plas an important role in our life.The an do most of things people an do.The an give ou information on buing and selling things, provide ou ith suggestions of ho to deal ith ertain illne and ho to solve the problems ou are faed ith.There is no doubt that people an live muh easier ith the help of the puter.Hoever, man sientists don't think that puters ill replae us pletel.No matter ho lever the ma bee, puter are no more than an extension of our human brains
Something You Must Kno This librar is and English Language teahing and learning librar.If ou ant to borro some books, ou must fill out a librar appliation form and put it in the box on the librarian's desk.Beause of the large number of appliations e reeive eah eek, ou must ait oneeek.Please bring our student or ork ard to pik up our librar ard.Librar appliation forms hih are not piked up ithin 2 months ill be disarded and ou ill have to reappl.3.English Corner English Corner is ver useful to learn to muniate in English.Learning a foreign language requires four skills: reading, riting, listening and speaking.The English Corner is a onderful plae to pratise both listening and speaking.English Corner is also a good plae to meet ne friends.When I ent to English Corner last Sunda, I ame aro a variet of people, ho all had one thing in mon;that is the anted to muniate in English.So the atmosphere as relaxing.English Corner enlarges our ould.As e listen to foreigners talking about their ountries and ustoms, e learn man things that e an't learn from books.Without ou ,it ould have never been poible.Thank ou.4.This is a diagram of our shoolard.It is four hundred meters long and three hundred meters ide.The shool gate faes the south.Our teahing building stands in the middle of our shool ard.It is a building of five stories.The teahers'
offies are on the third floor.There is a garden in front of the teahing building.On the left of the garden is our librar.Our lab is on the right of the garden.There is a large plaground behind the teahing building.Man trees are planted around the shool-ard.5.English Ditionaries Most English ditionaries ill tell ou a number of things about the language.There are three important things, spelling, pronuniation and meanings.The first is the spelling of the ords.If ou are not sure about the spelling of a ord, ou an tr to find the orret spelling in a ditionar.The ords are alas given in alphabetial order.The seond thing is pronunia-tion, Most ditionaries give the pronuniation of a ord in a speial kind of alphabet, hih isalled phoneti.The third thing a ditionar ill tell ou is the meanings of ords, Man ords have more than one meaning, and a good ditionar ill explain all of the ord's meanings.These are some of the important fats that ou an learn from ditionaries.6.Hans Christian Anderson Hans Christian Anderson as a orld-famous riter of fair tales.He as born in 0 5.When he as eleven his father died.His famil as then so poor that he ould not go to shool during his hildhood.He learned seing from a tailor.At the age of fourteen, he ent to ork in a theatre.Later helped b some arm-hearted artists,he ent to shool.In28, he began to get advaned eduation.After graduation, he devoted himself to literature.He rote plas, novels, poems and so on.He orked hard at literature.This led to his great sue.He rote more than 160 stories in all.He as famous for his funn fair tales, hih beame popular all over the orld.He died in7 5.7.M favorite program Noadas radios and TVs pla a more and more important role in our dail life.There are man programs shon ever da.Some of them are ver good.M favorite program is “The Animal World”, hih is broadast b CCTV ever Sunda night.The program provides us ith natural senes, the life of all kinds of ild animals and the onderful explanation about it.We also aquire some knoledge about animals, even some plants.So in m opinion, it is an interesting as ell as an instrutive program.Be sides, the pitures are ver beautiful.It's reall a great jo to ath it.If ou don't believe it, Just ath it ourself.篇2:
1.Problems in the Ne Centur Write an expositor ea on the problems man ill be faed ith in the ne entur.In the ne entur, human beings ill be filled ith hope and live more advaned life.What used to be depited in siene fitions an be
the realit of the near future.Hoever, man ill also have to onfront ith some problems that ill urtail 5.Living Together Is Not Wise(议论文)There is a tenden among ollege students that a oung bo and a oung girl rent a house off ampus and live together before being formall married.Aording to an offiial ensus, during the ears beteen 201X and 201X, the number of ollege students living together in Beijing alone has almost inreased five times.While parents and teahers sho deep onern and orries about it, a questionnaire suggests that a onsiderable number of students themselves don’t strongl objet to it.Despite their attitude, I, as a ollege student mself, don’t think it health for ollege students to live together beause it not onl has aused some safet problems but also ontributed to the moral orruption of our soiet.It is true that living together an help one to relieve loneline and preure experiened b ollege students, espeiall for the students hose families are far XX from olleges.But is it ise to use the a of 1iving together to ahieve the aim hen other effetive as remain open to us? Living together, an informal a of married life, is one of fe things vital to one’s lifetimehappine.We an’t afford to tr again and again like other things.One ma argue that these student ouples mean to be serious and plan to get married after graduation.B testing their relationship, the
an avoid problems after marriage.I don’t think this argument holds ater.Just opposite.Living together an atual1 spoil a good relation beteen to people ho intend to marr eventuall, for it, most often than not, an develop into eakne rather than strength, doubt rather than trust.A follo-up stud shos that fe premarital ouples living together end in marriage.It must be pointed out that ollege bos and girls live together not so muh beause of their desire to relieve loneline as of the influene of movies ith a lots of sex in them.In this respet, to have a sound judgment and a orret moral attitude is ver important.6. Can Men Wear Makeup? 要点提示: 1)引入段: 从广告导入主题: 男人开始化装。
留下好印象;老人不愿显老;化妆品行业有利可图。3)负面影响: 反传统;女人味儿。4)结论:
男人化装将成趋势。To handsome oung Korean men alk past eah other in the sunlight.Their shoulders lightl brush, and the turn their heads for a loser inspetion.“Wo, he's got great skin,” murmurs one, hile the other asuall informs
him, “It's just that I've hanged skin lotion.” The sene is from a television advertisement haking hat is alled a “olor lotion for men.” Atuall, it's a liquid foundation designed, as the ad sas, to over the imperfetions.No adequate evidene indiates that more and more men ear make-up, espeiall in parts of Asia, ith South Korea in the leading plae.Its popularit, it seems to us, is inevitabl natural seen from several aspets.First of all, some people believe that one’s skin eighs heavil hen it es to be intervieed for a job.During the intervie, the first impreion is so ritial that it ma deide hether a job appliant an get the opening or not, and thus determine his lifelong happine.To bee a sueful salesperson, one must be attrative to the ustomers.A slight touh-up of one’s appearane inreases men’s marketabilit in the intense petitive soiet.This is partiularl true to those ithout a good looking.Furthermore, in our soiet, men don’t ant to look shabb hen the gro older.Although the elderl are supposed to be respeted, men no find that the need to appear ounger in this highl petitive orld.This is beause everone onedes that a smooth fae ithout rinkles, a head of blak, shin hair, ros heeks----all these are aoiated ith vigor and vitalit.Another important fator for men’s earing osmetis is that the industr is alas a highl profitable and rih one.The manufaturers have been dreaming
of opening up this setor hih has exlusivel belonged to omen for long.Hoever, other people are orried about and fron on the idea.Their diatisfation an be justified.For man enturies, our deepl-rooted ulture stipulates men to be masuline.Podering, appling lotion and lipstiks, trimming eebros, and so on, are all girl stuff.Female is alas regarded as a seondar gender, le important and more vulnerable in famil, soiet and politis.Almost no man ants to bee the eak sex in the soiet, exept lunatis or freaks.Besides, effeminate men ma be mistaken as homosexual ga, hih is against human nature and in some parts of the orld is regarded as immoral.So the barrier for men earing osmetis seems to originate from our tradition.But this ieberg is beginning to tha.No the hair de is idel aepted, and more and more oung people are the pioneers of using make-up, dreing in skirts, earing long hair.We have ever reason to believe that one the pshologial barrier is broken through, men’s osmetis ma be ell on the a to being popular.7.Migrant Workers- Construtors of Our Cities(议论文)Noadas more and more migrant orkers or peasant orkers have poured into the ities.This trend has merits and demerits for the eonomi development of present China.Please rite an ea and give a prehensive analsis of the impats migrant orkers
have had and ill have on various aspets of people’s life, in urban areas as ell as in rural areas.要点提示:
民工对社会的影响,正面的 和负面的影响(不利城市就业;给城市带来社会压力等)。With the reform and opening-up poli being implemented, our national eonom is developing rapidl and the living standard of average Chinese people is ameliorated step b step, espeiall in big ities.Hoever, in some rural areas, the living standard of some peasants is rather lo.Due to the sarit of arable land, the surplus laborers have to go out of the poor rural areas and flood into some osmopolises to make a living, or earn as a prodigious amount of mone as the ould, so as to realize their dream of being ealth.With more and more migrant orkers like these streaming into the ities, there is an ambivalent feeling toards them.No one denies the important ontribution that rural orkers have made to the eonomi development of present China.The have done most of dirt, dangerous and underpaid jobs in heav industries, onstrution sites and other fields that it residents are unilling to enter into.Meanhile, some rural orkers ith higher eduation ertifiation do their best in high-tehnolog areas.Therefore, the have bee an indispensable part of urban life to a point here the mahine of a it annot operate ithout those ogs, hoever small and unnotied.Furthermore, these migrant orkers earn mone ith
their on hand.With this mone, the an pa for their hildren’s eduation, improve their living ondition, and sometimes support their helple parents bak at home.This serves as a means to narro the gap beteen urban and rural life.Hoever, there are some people ho maintain that rural people should sta at their hometon.Those people plain that migrant orkers have threatened to take the alread sare urban jobs, hile man more rural ones are aiting for a hane to pete for emploment.Those ith anti-migrant attitude also blame them for the sharp rise in the rime rate in the ities.For example, e sometimes see thieves from the ountrside ho slip their hands into others’ bags.Also beause the shelters here the orkers dell are dirt and stink, the have defaed the it’s image in some a.Besides, ith the floating population inreasing, the extra onsumption of eletriit, ater, and other resoures like publi failities adds to the it’s alread heav burden.Despite the problems posed b migrants, I think, one thing is ertain: a grand, prosperous edifie of our ountr is based on the ork of millions of migrant orkers and peasant orkers.We need them and should give them more preferential onditions.At the same time, to eduate 篇3:
初中英语写作范文 he is a student of Guangming middle shool.He is ver tall and strong.He orks hard at shool and ould like to help others.When I ame to this shool in the beginning, I as bad at math and English.I failed in a test and as orried about m stud.At this time, Li Hua gave me a hand and helped to improve m math and English.Thanks to his help, m math and English improved a lot and I got good results in the folloing exams.Graduall e beame ver good friends.In m opinion, Li Hua is not onl an exellent student but also a helpful and kind person.Everone ould like to be his friend.牛刀小试 A Mrs Bron Mrs Bron is an exellent teaher.She is a good-looking oman, ith gentle manners and a kind smile.Mrs Bron likes her ork ver muh.She orks hard and tries her best to make ever la perfet.Listening to her talk is an artisti treat indeed.She treats her students as her on hildren, not onl stritl but also kindl.She alas shos deep onern for them and makes great efforts to train them into persons of abilit.All the students respet her ver muh.B Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin as born in89 in London.He ame from a famil of artists.His mother as an atre and his father as an ator.He started daning and singing for mone in9 4.In04, he ent to Ameria and he beame a film diretor in1 4.He made man funn films from14 to6 6.He died in7
7.Man people ere ver sad at the nes.People all over the orld ill remember him forever.C M Pen Pal-Tom Tom Bron, m pen pal, is an Amerian bo.He is ears old.He lives at 69 Park Road, Ne York ith his parents.Tom is a student of No.4 High Shool.On eekdas, he studies ver hard.Art, musi and puter are his favorite subjets.In his spare time, he likes doing sports.He usuall goes alking or simming on eekends.He also likes traveling.He goes to man ountries during the summer holida ever ear.under onstrution.It seems that our life gets more and more onvenient.It is said that man tall buildings nearb ill be put up.It is reported that a ne park in the north of our neighborhood ill be built soon.What a green and nie neighborhood it ill be!B A ne teahing building has been set up in our shool.It is in the north of the shool.It has six floors.On the first floor, there are three siene labs.We an do all kinds of experiments here.We often have English laes in the sound labs on the seond floor.On the fifth floor there is a big reading room and three puter rooms.We an learn to operate puters ever da.The reading room opens from Monda to Frida.B the a, behind the building there is a botanial garden.C Australia lies on the est of the Paifi Oean.It overs an area of 7.6 million square kilometers.It has a population of over10 million.Most of them live in the east of the ountr b the sea.Canberra, the apital of Australia, is a beautiful it.Sdne is one of the biggest ities in Australia.It has man plaes of interest.The Sdne Opera House is famous all over the orld.about 100 m high and its olor is blue, m favourite.It plas an important part in m shool life.And I hope someda in the future, I'll have a ar to drive.A ar is muh faster and more onvenient than a bike espeiall hen it rains or snos.I'll drive m mom anhere she ants.牛刀小试 A Chinese Food China is ver famous for its food all over the orld.There are Cantonese uisine, Sihuan uisine, Shanghai uisine and so on.Cantonese uisine is a bit light, Sihuan uisine is ver hot and Shanghai uisine is rather oil.In the north of China, people eat a lot of noodles and dumplings.In the south of China, people eat a lot of rie and seafood.Chinese food is good in olor and taste.So I like it ver muh.B Polo Cars The Polo ar is designed onl for Chinese families.The ar is in a popular and fashionable ithfour seats, and it an travel on all kinds of roads and under an eather onditions.In addition, the proper size of the ar makes it eas to drive.Usuall, its highest speed is0 kilometers per hour.Anone ho ons Polo ill enjo it ver muh.The prie-RMB 130 000, is loer than that of the same kind both at home and abroad.It is ertainl a ise hoie to bu a Polo ar.C The Eiffel Toer Do ou kno the Eiffel Toer? It's the smbol of Paris.Nobod ill mi the hane to visit it hen he or she arrives in Paris.It's 320 meters in height.It is made of iron and it is about 7 000 tons in eight.There're 1 711 steps to the
top.It took 250 orkers 2 ears to build it.It as finished in8 9.It's one of the most famous buildings in the orld.out for a alk.To alk ver often is good for our health, espeiall for those fat people.As everone knos, it an help them lose eight.Besides these, taking a alk ever da is also good for our heart.If ou tr to alk as often as poible, ou'll have a healthier heart.In a ord, alking is reall a onderful exerise.C Some students often sta up late to improve their grades.A fe students sta up late beause of the preure of exams.Some of them sleep for onl three or four hours ever night.The next da, the often feel sleep in la.Some even sleep.As a result, the ouldn't ath hat the teahers sa.Not having studied their leons ell, the find it diffiult to make good performane in the exams.So, it is not orthhile to sta up late if ou ant to stud ell.is a kind of health drink.It tastes good and is simpl made.To make it, follo this eas proe:
First, tr to make sure that the tomatoes are lean.Next, put them in hot ater for a fe minutes to loosen the skin.Then, ut them into small piees and pre the juie from them.Finall, mix the juie ith a little sugar.Soon ou an drink a gla of nie tomato juie.B Ho to Learn English Well Is English important? Ho to improve English? Firstl, e should be brave enough to talk ith others in English.B doing this, e an improve our speaking and listening skills.Seondl, e should tr to listen to all kinds of English programs as muh as poible.In this a, e an graduall improve our pronuniation and listening.Thirdl, e should often read English books.Fourthl, e should often rite.It is ver important to avoid riting in Chinese a and using the Chinese grammar.As long as ou listen, speak, read and rite more, ou are sure to learn English ell!C Ho to Be a Good Student? Ho to be a good student? I think a good student should have the folloing qualities:
First, a good student should have good behavior.A person ith fine qualities ill set himself an exellent example of good manners for people around him.People like to make friends ith himher beause heshe is friendl.It's more important than knoledge.Seond, a good student should stud
hard and use the knoledge to solve problems.The knoledge heshe uses ill benefit his life.Third, a good student should be in good health.If he isn't health, he an do nothing.So it is ver important.In short, hoever has these qualities ill be a good student.
帮助幼儿学习倾听他人的谈话,并及时从中捕捉有效的语言信息;帮助幼儿学习围绕一定的话题谈话,充分表达个人见解;帮助幼儿学会基本的运用语言进行交谈的规则,提高语言交往水平。2.程序和策略 环节一:创设情境。
活动目标 1.帮助幼儿学习安静地倾听别人谈话,不随便插嘴,养成良好的倾听习惯。
2.引导幼儿围绕“水果”这一话题交谈,能用简单的句子谈论自己爱吃的水果名称、形状及味道。 3.鼓励幼儿与同伴个别交谈,并愿意参与集体谈话活动;在集体面前谈话时,要求幼儿讲话声音响亮。活动准备
1.每人带一个自己爱吃的水果,用塑料袋装好,上课前放在幼儿椅子下面。 2.另买几个水果,切成块状,上面插上牙签,用盘子装好。活动过程
评 析
1.引导幼儿通过仔细准确的观察,了解图片所表现的重点内容。 2.重点指导幼儿讲述乌龟是怎样机智地躲过狗熊追捕的。3.通过讲述活动,培养幼儿的幽默感和创造力。活动准备
(2)在幼儿初步了解图中的主要内容后,教师引导幼儿仔细地去观察。理解图片中主要角色与次要角色的神态、动作。教师可以这样提问:乌龟看见熊来追它们,脸上露出什么样的表情?熊看见乌龟是怎么想的?脸上有什么样的表情?乌龟想了什么办法来对付熊? 2.幼儿运用已有经验讲述。
评 析
1.要求幼儿发准“盖(gài)、怪(guài)、菜(cài)”等容易混淆的字。 2.培养幼儿集中注意倾听,迅速把握语言信息的习惯与能力。3.提高幼儿语言表达和动作反应的敏捷性。活动准备
1.小铝锅盖一个(锅盖中心最好有个孔)。 2.丰富幼儿对有关菜名的经验。活动过程 1.设置游戏情境。
噗!一口风,噗!二口风,噗!三口风。评 析
推荐专题: 培训学习心得体会 培训心得体会 幼儿园语言培训心得体会