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2022-10-04 22:08:07





I have never been to Troy, but David Maule made me feel as if I were standing on the high wall of Troy, watching the fierce war. Thanks to this British author, who adapted the famous Homer’s poem into a lively story, I found it easier to understand this story. Though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, I was deeply fascinated by it.

The mysterious plot is one of the reasons why I loved The Story of Troy so much, yet I am more interested in the human heroes of the war.

Hector was the eldest son of king of Troy, Priam. He was not only a real hero of Trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in Greek classic by later historians. The war started because of the mischief of his brother, Paris, whom he didn’t appreciate. However, since Hector was the commander of the Trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force. It was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, Achilles.

It is natural to see death in a war. As a famous Chinese parable says, “A life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as Mount Tai.” Sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom. Achilles was such a typical person. His personal charm made The Story of Troy more attractive. He was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged his fellow soldiers and terrified the enemies. Actually, Achilles was half-god who was almost invincible in people’s mind. That’s why his name was memorized long after his death.

Besides the two great men, the wisdom of Odysseus also proved him to be a great hero. He didn’t want to attend the war because he was happily married and had a lovely son. However, since his country was allied to Mycenae, he had to take the command given by the king of Mycenae. I’m quite sure that the story of the wooden horse is widely known, however, few people know who thought of the brilliant idea, that’s why I admired Odysseus so much because he was the person who got the idea. Thanks to the horse, the ten-year war came to an end at last. If you want to know how the wooden horse worked, just read the book.

The ancient Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses also played important roles in the origin, process and ending of the whole story.

The story of the golden apple was such an example. When Eris, the goddess of argument and disagreement, threw out the golden apple to a wedding ceremony on Mount Olympus, a dispute happened. Hera, the queen of gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, were all involved in the argument for the apple. None of them was willing to give way, so they turned to Paris for a final judgment. Tempted by Aphrodite’s beauty and promise, Paris handed the apple to her. To keep her word, Aphrodite helped him to get Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, as his wife. That was the cause of the war.

Paris’s choice obviously annoyed the other two goddesses. So during the war, they helped the Greek alliance army while some other gods, such as Apollo and Aphrodite, guarded Troy. When Paris dueled with Helen’s former husband Menelaus, Aphrodite saved Paris when he was about to be finished off.

After the duel between those two people, there was a truce between the Greek alliance and Troy. However, both Hera and Athena were not happy to see it. Hera pursued her husband ZEUS:“ Now, will you send Athena to make the Troyjans break the peace?”(Page 22) Then with Zeus’s permission, Athena went down to start the war again and finally she brought the Greeks to success.

From the whole story, we can see that in ancient Greeks’ view, gods sometimes played a much more important role in their life. However, with the rapid development of science, we have learned that the Greek gods never existed. This is why a recent movie of Troy has not mentioned a single god. Everything happened due to men’s ambition, love, loyalty or jealousy. With those emotion and people’s effort, we human beings can accomplish wonders and be master of the world.

God are of less importance than they used to be. Nonetheless, the gods and goddesses made The Story of Troy more mysterious and marvelous.

I have learnt from the book more than the wonderful story of history, love and war. I believe that human can determine their destiny by their own. I highly recommend this book to my friends.


“人们不断追求永恒的生命,于是我们问自己,我们的所作所为会名垂千古吗?在我们消失很久以后,会有陌生人听过我们的名字后好奇我们是谁吗? 会知道我们战斗时多么勇猛吗? 会知道我们的爱情多么伟大吗?“ 开篇的自问许是这场战争中每一个战士的疑问,许是阿基里斯的疑问,许是赫克托耳的疑问,许是我们的疑问。 这一生,选择安逸平淡的一生还是为了荣誉而战? 我想如果阿基里斯自问自己,心里回荡着的只有五个字:为荣誉而战!


就像前面大佬说的, 如果命运真的存在,如果改变不了那场命运,那为何不忘了那个结局呢?阿基里斯出发了,但他遇到了自己的软肋——布里塞伊斯,阿基里斯这一生杀戮无数,终于遇到了一位让自己平静下来的人,也许布里塞伊斯是阿基里斯的又一个“阿基里斯之踵”,阿基里斯在特洛伊城破之时,为了去寻找布里塞伊斯才被二王子帕里斯射中脚踝。

阿基里斯傲慢自大,说出了“Do not waste your life following some fool is orders.”(别为了一个蠢国王搭上性命)这种话,但就像国王阿伽门农所说:”阿基里斯目空一切,不会为任何国家效忠。“但阿基里斯的骄傲和野心让他心甘情愿戴上盔甲,对荣誉的追求和名垂千古的渴望难道不是另一个”阿基里斯之踵“吗?


推荐专题: 委托书英文 小王子英文读后感 特洛伊观后感英文

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