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2022-04-24 12:46:54






Fighting? Whats fighting?!What for? Every man in the world may go to fight,for peace,for freedom,or just for rage.

These days I watched some excellent movies which received many awards in their times.

Yesterday,I just finished watching Brave Heart.The excellent movie did gain tremendous achievements in those days .For instance,it was awarded Best Cinematography,Best Director,Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing,Best Makeup,Best Picture in Oscar and so on.

The acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant.Everything that happens in this movie is unpredicted,such as Murrons death,Williams participation in the battle,the reneging of Robert which caused by his father actually,and so on. The amount of courage and bravery was inconceivable.I do respect for those heroess courage very much.However, I was shocked by their unjustice death.They did not deserve so miserable a way of dying!! I hate Roberts father.The old man is really rascal! He broke his sons promise to William not only once,and its he who brought William to death! Fortunately,the young leader,Robert the Bruce,was able to lead the fight for the scots freedom at last.Thanks for his bravery and justice.

In addition,I respect the courage of other captains as well,such as Hamish.They fight for their sire,their grate William Wallace,the macaulish!

Furthermore,when Iooked deep into their eyes, it remind me of the fight between Naruto and carra.I was surprised to find the same meaning in the eyes of these brave fighters! I admire them!

I am so aflame in my heart after watching the movie that I hardly calm down,let alone to go to sleep.

Brave Heart,as valiant as heroes! I will treasure the precious movies up.


This should be my second time to watch this film. I watched it once before in high school. In my opinion, it should be a very meaningful film and an excellent film. Although it was shot very early, it is not inferior to many films now. After watching it, I think it organically combines the two eternal themes of love and war, It highlights the greatness of love, freedom and the cruelty of war. The protagonist's last "freedom" shouted cheerfully. The departure of heroes and the sorrow and resentment of bagpipes. Inspire the Scottish people's uprising and encourage us to live bravely in life.

In my opinion, this film is not only a war film, but also a historical song praising human national integrity. It is an epic creation that can be thought of by everyone.

The film is set in the British national liberation war. It tells the story of Scottish national hero William, who was involved in the war against the English colonists in order to avenge his beloved wife. The last out of control, Waller led the people who loved freedom to fight for the release of slavery in England. Finally, the son of the hero, William Waller, saved the pattern of the war at his own expense, The Scottish people were free and finally liberated forever. In William. When Wallace was a child, his father, Scottish hero Marceau. Wallace died in the struggle with the British army. When he was young, he studied culture and martial arts under the guidance of his father's friends. In order to consolidate the royal rule of Scotland and allow the Royal maiden to marry like an arrow in the dark night. Princess Isabella is a decisive talent. She knows that this law will make the British nobles interested in Scotland, but it will arouse the resistance of the Scottish people. The young Wallace returned to his hometown after studying and proposed to the beautiful girl Mellon. He was willing to be a person who kept his own place. However, Meilun was unreasonably robbed by the British army and killed. National hatred finally broke out in Wallace. He broke into the British Army station alone and killed many British troops. When the villagers shouted "after the hero", they rose up and killed the British soldiers to declare an uprising. Rob, a Scottish nobleman, wanted to become the Lord of Scotland. Under the instigation of his father booth, he pretended to alliance with Wallace. Wallace defeated the British troops who came to attack. The Scottish aristocratic parliament made him a knight and appointed him the patron saint of Scotland. Wallace found that these Scottish nobles were considering. We are only concerned about our own interests and do not worry about the future of the people and the country at all. In order to ease the situation, Edward sent Isabella to the peace talks. However, because the British king did not consider the freedom and equality of the people at all and only wanted to buy Wallace as a condition, the peace talks failed. When Isabella returned, she found that the peace talks were a cover. The king of England joined the Irish army and the French army to surround Wallace's Scottish army. She quickly sent a letter to Wallace. Under the pressure of the army, the nobles were in a panic. Wallace led the troops to fight. In a scuffle, he accidentally found that rob was in collusion with the king of England, so he couldn't help being hit. In order to ease the situation, King Edward sent his daughter-in-law Isabella to the peace talks, but Isabella was overwhelmed by Wallace's pride and came to the station to pour out her true feelings to him. They were intoxicated with the happiness of love. The British king once again proposed peace talks. Wallace knew it was a trap, but for the sake of peace, he still promised to go. The plot took him to the king of Edinburgh and caught him in Edinburgh. Rob was furious at his father's trick and Wallace was finally sentenced to death. Isabella failed to plead. Before the king died, she told the king that she was not pregnant with the prince's blood, and the child would soon become the new king. Wallace shocked everyone by shouting "freedom" before his execution. Wallace has not only represented a person, but a spirit and a belief, which has been transformed into a strong belief in fighting for freedom. From then on, the whole Scots united to fight for freedom and finally won. Everyone has a brave heart and firm faith. A person's long death has awakened the people's firm faith and overcome all difficulties with a brave heart. Then his departure will become eternal and a stronger and stronger driving force for you and me. A few weeks later, when he was canonized, rob shouted the slogan of revenge for Wallace and bravely inherited Wallace's will against the British army.

I think Wallace is a real hero. The Scots fought a bloody battle to defend their dignity and glory. If human beings have no freedom, everything will disappear. The material world such as money and interests and the spiritual civilization such as culture and exchange must be under the premise of freedom. And mutual respect and understanding between people. Freedom is a noble ideal, a beautiful and unspeakable belief. Freedom is Wallace and the ideal of the Scottish people. They are fighting for freedom. Although Wallace died, he left freedom to the brave Scottish people. Since then, their only faith is freedom.

Wallace was brave. Even when he knew his father's death when he was young, he would pick up the sword to hint his inner anger. His uncle took the sword away. He said to Wallace, "I will teach you to use your brain first, and then teach you to use the sword". A hero should not only have courage, but also wisdom. Wallace's courage inherited from his father is the rudiment of his life. However, only those who have courage are thin. His uncle took him away from his hometown, traveled the world and filled him with wisdom. It is with both courage and wisdom that Wallace can be loyal to his longing for freedom and lead the Scots to light.

It can be said that this film tells a process of fading from a boy to a man. It is hard and full of blood and tears. It can be released only before great grief.

推荐专题: 舌尖上的中国观后感 电影北极星的观后感

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