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2024-12-24 11:09:42






















楚门是个普通人,普通得就像生活在我们身边。他有许多的欲望,又很容易满足。因此,他有时欣喜若狂,有时如丧考妣,大多的时候则彷徨郁闷,不知所措。这时,天才的导演又有了用武之地,他不断地制造新的刺激,使他的长剧变得波澜起伏,吊人胃口。他在楚门快乐的时候便给他制造些麻烦,在其沮丧的时候,则不失时机地给其开启一线生机。他让金发女郎如言情小说般突然出现在楚门的视线中,开启他爱欲的阀门,又让她突然离去,使其心灵坠入无底的深渊;他让楚门从未谋面的“已故父亲”突然现身,夸张滑稽的相认场面令其热泪盈眶,同时也赚取了电视观众的热泪;他又让楚门的知心朋友在其情绪恶劣的时候去关怀他、开导他,令其感受到这“荒漠中的甘泉”而重生信心,虽然那位朋友只是一个演员,而且正背着大段台词…… 很佩服电影中那位才华横溢、不可一世的天才导演,他让人想到了上帝,同时看到那个软弱、疲惫、徨惑的楚门被一次次的虚伪所玩弄,还是对生活和前途充满了乐观时,我的内心就一阵阵地酸楚,我不忍面对DD不忍面对一个真实的“我们”!

“人生如戏,戏如人生”,哲人如此感叹,但人生舞台上的演员DD我们,是不是时刻都有一种演戏的自觉呢?还是在上帝的欺瞒和安排下,忘我地做着无意义的事呢?快乐,不 足以使我们热爱这个世界;挫折,不足以使我们抛弃这个世界。上帝就像那个天才的导演一样,掌握着很好的度,他知道该在何时给我们当头一棒,何时又给我们烧起暖暖的火炉,他使我们在痛苦中保持希望,在希望中忍受痛苦,因为痛苦制造着剧情的波澜,也制造着收视率,希望则是赏给我们的出场费,使我们不至于中途罢演。




"I just finished watching the movie " The Trueman Show",acted by Jim Carrey .

What a movie! , I couldnt help saying that when finshed that movie.

It talks about a show created by a director. He selected a baby and put him into a world he had created for him. In that world, everything was nice, people were friendly though they were all actors and actresses ,which means they were all fake. The boy was named Trueman. Since Trueman was born, he was left in that artifical island. Then people in the real world watched this Trueman Show everyday. The director designed everything for trueman, his school, his friends, his fake parents, his fake wife...everything. He wanted to creat a person and world without worries but he was wrong. Trueman one day sensed the weird around him: everyday at the same time same place happened the same thing, people spoke the same thing with the same expression, no way!

He tried to run away but failed. Troubles seemed to be his twin brothers whenever he intended to escape from the island. Accidents, fires, traffic jams...Finally , he managed to escape from the cam and got a boat. Despite the seasick, he got on the boat and went on sailing. The director paniced while they found trueman was away. He set storms intending to stop Trueman but failed. Trueman was determined to have a true life. He kept sailing and sailing.

Truemans boat stopped when it hit something. It was the end of the island. It was a wall colored like the sky. Trueman raised his head and he found out everything in the sky was painted. The sky, the clouds, the sea, everything was painted.

He found a Exit button on the sky-blue wall, while trying to click it, he heard the directors voice from the sky." Trueman, the outside world has no lelies than this one I created for you. You belong here, I created the perfect world for you. " Trueman hesitated, yet clicked the button.

The show was over after more than 20 years and Trueman became a real true man when he dared to lose somehting, conquer somthing and face to something. Thats how we all became a true person.

I can never forget the sky wall and the directors God-like voice came from the unknown place. It reminds me so much of the world we are living in. Somehow we are all in a Trueman world. Parents wanna control us, we work everyday following a certain routine. We dare not to lose the fortune weve gained and we lose more: hapiness, trust , friendship, health...

It was said that the real hapineis the balance of your heart. A friend told me if something is a little risky ,that means its worthy to do it.

A lot of students lost the chances to follow their dreams due to the so called shoulds people had arranged for them , then they kept copying other peoples lives and they lost their own.Guewhat happened in the end? You never have lived in this world!

Come on my friends, we only live once, if you have a dream, seize it!If the world world wants to go left and you feel like going right, go right, you dont have to follow, just go, its very easy..."











Honestly, I have seen few movies, no matter Chinese movies or foreign movies. Therefore, I treated movies only as entertainment before. I never thought that a movie can have profound meaning and can provoke my thoughts on my life and the world.

It is always true that people hold various reviews from different perspectives. My focus on this movie is freedom.

It seems that Truman is familiar with the world he lives. However, he gradually ascertains that his life is exposed on television because a kind-hearted girl Sylvia reminds him to notice his life. Ultimately, Truman overcomes the obstacles both from the “outside” and inside. The “outside” is completely controlled by Christof, the creator of The Truman Show. What he does is to encumber Truman’s leaving in order to maintain his audience. As for Truman himself, he is terrified of the water and dogs. There’s no doubt that these factors impede his escape. Truman’s action proves a saying----“It’s by no means easy to get freedom.”

Imagining a world that everything is arranged for me, what should I do? Like Truman, escape from it to pursue my own happiness, or just live the “normal” life-----in such life I’ m unable to discern whether my love loves me whole-heartedly, and my friend is loyal to me or not. That’s the reason why freedom is extremely invaluable. Freedom bestows a variety of choices on me so that I can create my ideal life on my own instead of controlling by others. When it comes to freedom, it is connected with delight and satisfaction. The reason is quite simple: as an adult, I can make decision about selection, no matter it is marvelous or disappointing. It’s my own choice. Furthermore, freedom means little or no burden. It provides me with a chance to put what I intend to do into practice without fear of failure. Like the rainbow on the sky after several days’ heavy rain, freedom is the precious treasure one finally get through struggle. For Truman, maybe the “new” world waiting for him is not so perfect, however, he, as human being, belongs to it instead of television.

Similarly, together with the movie The Shawshank Redemption, they exert inspiring impact on me. At the beginning, I think that they are accustomed to their situation. But, both of them choose a new life full of unbeknown changes. They are brave enough to challenge their limitations. Their perseverance also plays a significant role on their way to pursue freedom. Only this real world, blending angel with devil, can offer them reality and security.

Truman’s experience attests that people must pay for their pursuit of freedom. Sometimes, obtaining freedom means that people have to give up their routine life which is hard for them to get rid of. Sometimes, gaining freedom means people have to experience tough test. If they have the capability to pass through it, they win and gain freedom. But if they fail to pass, maybe freedom will be a distant dream they can hardly achieve.

Mental freedom is easier than physical freedom in my sight. In light of Truman’s saying----“You never had a camera in my head.” No one can pour his or her thoughts into my mind which I’m not interested in. I own the freedom to imagine freely, however, others have no rights to interfere. But, just imagine. That is what I consider as mentally free. Physical freedom is always a symbol of endeavoring and honing. Truman experiences heavy storm that ordinary people can’t bear, cheat and privacy exposal. At last, he reaches the path leading to freedom, hence, I understand the truth----Don’t count on imagination only, sometimes it turns out to be mirage. What I need to do is to spare no effort to turn my dream into reality.

It is Truman himself who impedes his way to acquire freedom. Meanwhile, it’s also himself who paves the way for freedom. There’s no denying that his choice depends on his resolution and courage. It reminds me that I myself is the final one to make decision and be responsible for my future.

Christof says, “He (Truman) can leave at any time if he has more than just a vague ambition, if he was absolutely determined to discover the truth.” His words apply to freedom pursuit, not for Truman only, but also for all “true men”.

People won’t cherish what they get smoothly, it’s so normal that people forget it quickly. The beauty of freedom indwells not in the consequence, but in the process, especially the process of struggling, endeavoring and conceiving. People always bear in mind their spectacular and unusual experience and they perceive it as their permanent possession. Youth and life should not be conservative, and people should not waste time on boggling. If people have no idea what to do for their future, just calm down and follow the voice of their heart. Hear is the source of power, inspiration, courage and so forth. Heart never lies to people. So, hearing the voice of heart, plus endeavor, one day people have the ability to obtain freedom so that their dreams will come true.

推荐专题: 世界文化遗产导游词 自我评价的英文 楚门的世界英文版观后感

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