The Lion King movie tells the story of the young lion Simba's growing up. Simba was instigated by Uncle Scar to go to Bison Valley and accidentally killed his father, Mu Shafa. Therefore, Simba was very self-blame and sad, so he left his lion group and wandered around. When Simba grew up and should inherit the throne to protect his territory, Simba was unwilling and did not have the courage to face it all. . It was the baboon elder who helped Simba find his true self-a brave, confident and responsible lion. In this way, Simba defeated Scar and regained the throne with the help of family and friends, and became a great Lion King.
I learned a truth from this film: "You must face difficulties bravely at any time, actively solve problems, and not shrink back." I will also face difficulties bravely in my studies, actively and bravely solve difficulties, and strive for gain. good grade.
"The Little Prince" this book in high school when I read, just heard the classmate said that this book is very famous, so I borrowed to read. After reading just feel that the story is very novel, limited by the ability to understand, but do not know the meaning of the whole story? What idea does the writer want to express? What do the rose, the red bread tree, the sheep, the fox and the snake represent respectively? What does it mean in real life? Have no idea.
It has been more than ten years since I read The Little Prince. At that time, I did not understand anything, nor did I think about it with my heart. Knowing that "The Little Prince" is going to be made into a movie, I am looking forward to it, booking movie tickets in advance, and I want to recall the memories of my youth and review the years of that year. The deeper meaning is to seek their own shadow from the film, perhaps the desire for their own redemption. After so many years, I still have not changed, I long for freedom, but layer by layer, the soul is tightly bound in the shackles, living fragile, sensitive, twisting bar.
"You can only see it with your heart," said the little prince. Yes, if the heart is there, the dream is there.
Roses have always been the fetters of the little prince, no matter where the little prince goes, there are concerns in his heart. Now I think "rose" is the original dream in my heart, no matter how far we go, the original dream in my heart always has a corner in my heart. Do not be paralyzed by life trifles, do not be submerged by material desires, do not be influenced by all kinds of characters, do not be destroyed by all kinds of setbacks and suffering in life, do not compromise to the good life in the secular sense and you do not like the life, and even dare to say no to the unsatisfactory life. Only by finding the original dream can we live truly.
这部影片里的音乐实在是非常好听,是名副其实的奥斯卡音乐奖。尤其是那首《when you believe》非常知名,我也非常爱听。这首歌不仅节奏优美而且音乐动听,还告诉了我们很多道理。比如“精诚所至金石为开”,告诉我们:只要有决心,就能做好任何事。这也是在讲述埃及王子自己的故事。“时光像夏天的鸟儿一样总是容易飞走”告诉我们:要珍惜时光,不然,他就会从你的指缝中逃走。这是他们在懊悔没有珍惜时光。
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