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2024-06-07 16:24:52









上个月迪士尼曝光了《加勒比海盗5》的首支预告片,IMDB显示影片目前的副标题为Dead Men Tell No Tales(死无对证),然而今天有消息称该片的英国片名敲定为Salazar's Revenge(萨拉扎的复仇)

据帝国杂志消息,《加勒比海盗5》的英国片名实际上是“Salazar's Revenge”,萨拉扎指的正是片中的大反派,由哈维尔·巴登饰演的萨拉扎船长。目前IMDB上显示,此标题还用在了巴西、西班牙、匈牙利、意大利、瑞典、新加坡和土耳其。

目前北美地区的`标题还是现在的“Dead Men Tell No Tales”,迪士尼目前尚未最终确定将使用哪一个标题。



[Jack]: Will you be saving her? [Mullroy]: I can't swim.[Jack]: Pride of the King's Navy,you are.Do not lose these.[Murtogg]: What was that?

[MAN]: Make way!

[Murtogg]: I got her!

[Mullroy]: She's not breathing!

[Jack]: Move!

[Mullroy]: I never would've thought of that.[Jack]: Clearly you've never been to Singapore.Where did you get that?

[Norrington]: On your feet.[Swann]: Elizabeth!Are you all right?

[Swann]: Now will you shoot him? [Norrington]: Open fire!On his heels!

[MAN]: Take cover,man!

[Norrington]: Gillette,Mr.Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows.I would hate for him to miss it.[MAN]: Search upstairs!

[MAN#2]: Look lively,men!

[Will]: Right where I left you.Not where I left you.You're the one they're hunting.The pirate.[Jack]: You seem familiar.Have I threatened you before?

[Will]: I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.[Jack]: It would be a shame to put a mark on your record.So if you'll excuse me.Do you think this wise,boy? Crossing blades

with a pirate?

[Will]: You threatened Miss Swann.[Jack]: Only a little.You know what you're doing.I'll give you that.Excellent form.But how's your footwork? If I step

here.Very good.And now I step again.That is a wonderful trick.Except,once again,you are between me and my way out.And

now you have no weapon.Who makes all these?

[Will]: I do.And I practice with them three hours a day.[Jack]: You need to find yourself a girl,mate.Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you found one and

are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet.You're not a eunuch,are you?

[Will]: I practice three hours a day so when I meet a pirate,I can kill it!You cheated.[Jack]: Pirate.Move away.[Will]: No.[Jack]: Please move.[Will]: No.I cannot just step aside and let you escape.[Jack]: This shot is not meant for you.[MAN]:There he is!Over here!

[Norrington]: Excellent work,Mr.Brown.You've assisted in the capture of a dangers fugitive

[Brown]: Just doing my civic duty,sir.[Norrington]: I trust you will remember this is the day The Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped.Take him away.[MAN]: Can you smell it? Come here.[Jack]: It's marrowbone.([MAN]: Come here.)Want a nice juicy bone?([MAN]: Come here,boy!Come on.)You can keep doing that

forever.The dog is never going to move.[MAN]: Oh,excuse us if we haven't resigned ourself to the gallows just yet.[WOMAN]: There you go,miss.It was a difficult day for you,I'm sure.[Elizabeth]: I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose.I must admit,I wasn't prepared for it.[WOMAN]: I meant you being threatened by that pirate.Sounds terrifying.[Elizabeth]: Oh.Yes,it was terrifying.[WOMAN]: But the commodore proposed.Fancy that.Now,that's a smatr match,miss,if it's not too bold to say.[Elizabeth]: It is a smatr match.He's a fine man.He's what any woman should dream of marrying.[WOMAN]: Well,that Will Turner.He's a fine man,too.[Elizabeth]: That is too bold.[WOMAN]: Well,begging your pardon,miss.It was not my place.[Swann]: Has my daughter given you an answer yet?

[Norrington]: No,she hasn't.[Swann]: Well,she has had a very trying day.[Swann]: Ghastly weather,don't you think?

[Norrington]: Bleak.Very bleak.[Swann]: What's that?

[Norrington]: Cannon fire!Rerurn fire!

[Jack]: I know those guns.([Norrington]:Men to arms!)It's the Pearl.[MAN]: The Black Pearl? I've heard stories.She's been preying on ships and settlements for neat 10 years.Never leaves any

survivors.[Jack]: No survivors? Then where do the stories come from,I wonder?

[PIRATE]: Coming through!

[Norrington]: Sight the muzzle flash!

[MAN]: Aim for the flashes!

[Norrington]: I need a full strike,fore and aft.Mr.Stephens,more cartridges!Governor,barricade your self in my office.That's an order.[Elizabeth]: Don't!

[Pintel]: Hello,chum.[Ragetti]: Up there.[WOMAN]: Miss Swann, they've come to kidnap you!

[Elizabeth]: What?

[WOMAN]: You're the governor's daughter.[MAN]: In here!

[WOMAN]: Listen.They haven't seen you.The first chance you get,run to the fort.[Ragetti]: Gotcha.No!No!No!It's hot!You burned me!

[Pintel]: Come on!We know you're here,poppet.[Ragetti]: Poppet.[Pintel]: Come out and we promise we won't hurt you.We will find you,poppet.You've got something of ours,and it calls to

us.The gold calls to us.Gold.Hello,poppet.[Elizabeth]: Parley.[Pintel]: What? [Elizabeth]: Parley.I invoke the right of parley.According to the Code of the Brethren set down by the pirates Morgan and

Bartholomew,you have to take me to your captain.[Pintel]: I know the Code.[Elizabeth]: If an adversary demands parley,you can do them no harm until the parley is complete.[Ragetti]: To blazes with the Code.[Pintel]: She wants to be taken to the captain.And she'll go without a fuss.We must honor the Code.[PIRATE]: Say goodbye.[Will]: Goodbye.[Elizabeth]: Will.[Pintel]: Come on!

[Will]: Elizabeth.[PIRATE]: Out of my way,scum!

[MAN]: My sympathies,friend.You've no manner of luck at all.[Jack]: Come on,doggy.It's just you and me now.Come on.That's a boy.Good boy.Come get the bone.That's a good boy.Come

on.A bit closer.A bit closer.That's it.That's it,doggy.Come on,you filthy,slimy,mangy cur.Don't do that.No,no!I

didn't mean it!I didn't.[Twigg]: This ain't the armory.[PIRATE]: Well,well,well.Look what we have here,Twigg.Captain Jack Sparrow.[Twigg]: Last time I saw you,you were all alone on a godforsaken island,shrinking into the distance.His fortunes aren't

improved much.[Jack]: Worry,about your own fortunes,gentlemen.The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers.So there

is a curse.That's interesting.[PIRATE]: You know nothing of hell.[Jack]: That's very interesting.[PIRATE]: I didn't know we was taking on captives.[Pintel]: She's invoked the right of parley with Captain Barbossa.[Elizabeth]: I'm here to--

[PIRATE]: You'll speak when spoken to.[Barbossa]: And ye will not lay a hand on those under the protection of parley.[PIRATE]: Aye,sir.[Barbossa]: My apologies,miss.[Elizabeth]: Captain Barbossa,I an here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal.[Barbossa]: There were a lot of long words in there.We're naught but humble pirates.What is it that you want?

[Elizabeth]: I want you to leave and never come back.[Barbossa]: I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.Means “no.”

[Elizabeth]: Very well.I'll drop it.[Barbossa]: Me holds are bursting with swag.That bit of shine matters to us?Why?

[Elizabeth]: It's what you've been searching for.I recognize this ship.I saw it eight years ago on the crossing from

England.[Barbossa]: Did you,now? [Elizabeth]: Fine.I suppose if it is worthless,there's no point in me keeping it.[Barbossa]: You have a name,missy?

[Elizabeth]: Elizabeth Turner.I'm a maid in the governor's household.[Barbossa]: Miss Turner.[Pintel]: Bootstrap.[Barbossa]: How does a maid own a trinket such as that?Family heirloom,perhaps?

[Elizabeth]: I didn't steal it,if that's what you mean.[Barbossa]: Very well.Hand it over.We'll put your town to our rudder and ne'er return.[Elizabeth]: Our bargain?

[PIRATE]: Still the guns and stow them.[Elizabeth]: Wait!You have to take me to shore.According to the Code--

[Barbossa]: First,your return to shore was not part of our agreement.So I must do noting.You must be a pirate for the

Pirate's Code to apply,and you're not.Thirdly,the Code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules.Welcome aboard the Black Pearl,Miss Turner.[Will]: They've taken her.They've taken Elizabeth.[Norrington]: Mr.Murtogg,remove this man.[Will]: We have to hunt them down.We must save her.[Swann]: And where do you propose we start?If you have any information concerning my daughter,please share it.[Murtogg]: That Jack Sparrow.He talked about the Black Pearl.[Mullroy]: Mentioned it is more what he did.[Will]: Ask him where it is.He could lead us to it.[Norrington]: No.The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell,ergo they are not his allies.Governor we

will establish their most likely course.[Will]: That's not good enough!

[Norrington]: Mr.Turner,you are not a military man.You are not a sailor.You are a blacksmith.And this is not the moment

for rash actions.Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here who cares for Elizabeth.[Will]: You.Sparrow.You are familiar with that ship.The Black Pearl.[Jack]: I've heard of it.[Will]: Where does it make berth?

[Jack]: Where does it make berth?Have you not heard the stories?Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the

dreaded lsla de Muerta.It's an island that cannot be found,except by those who already know where it is.[Will]: The ship's real enough.Its anchorage must be a real place.Where is it?

[Jack]: Why ask me?

[Will]: Because you're a pirate.[Jack]: And you want to turn pirate yourself,is that it?

[Will]: Never.They took Miss Swann.[Jack]: Oh,so it is that you found a girl.I see.Well,if you're intending to brave all,hasten to her rescue,and so win fair

lady's heart,you'll have to do it alone,mate.I see no profit in it for me.[Will]: I can get you out of here.[Jack]: How's that?They key's run off.[Will]: I helped build these cell.These are half-pin barrel hinges.With the right leverage and the proper application of

strength.The door will lift free.[Jack]: What's your name?

[Will]: Will Turner.[Jack]: That would be short for William,I imagine.Good,strong name.No doubt named for your father,all right?

[Will]: Yes.[Jack]: Uh-huh.Well,Mr.Turner,I've changed me mind.If you spring me from this cell,I swear on pain of death.I shall take

you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass.Do we have an accord?

[Will]: Agreed.[Jack]: Agreed.Get me out.[Will]: Hurry.Someone will have heard that.[Jack]: Not without my effects.[Will]: We're going to steal the ship? That ship?

[Jack]: Commandeer.We're going to commandeer that ship.Nautical term.One question about your business boy.There's no use

going.This girl.How far are you willing to go to save her?

[Will]: I'd die for her.[Jack]: Oh,good.No worries,then.[Will]: This is either madness or brilliance.[Jack]: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.Everyone stay calm!We are taking over the ship.[Will]: Aye!Avast!

[Gillette]: This ship cannot be crewed by two men.You'll never make it out of the bay.[Jack]: Son,I'm Captain Jack Sparrow.Savvy?

[Elizabeth]: Yes,I'm fine.[Swann]: Shoot him.[Elizabeth]: Father.[Swann]: What?

[Elizabeth]: Commodore,do you really intend to kill my rescuer?

[Norrington]: I believe thanks are in order.Had a brush with the East India Trading Company,did we,pirate?

[Swann]: Hang him.[Norrington]: Keep your guns on him,men.Gillette,fetch some irons.Well,well.Jack Sparrow,isn't it?

[Jack]: Captain Jack Sparrow,if you please,sir.[Norrington]: Well,I don't see your ship,Captain.[Jack]: I'm in the market,as it were.[Murtogg]: He said he'd come to commandeer one.[Mullroy]: Told you he was telling the truth.These are his,sir.[Norrington]: No additional shot nor powder.A compass that doesn't point North.And I half expected it to be made of wood.You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.[Jack]: But you have heard of me.[Elizabeth]: Commodore,I really must protest.[Norrington]: Carefully,Lieutenant.[Elizabeth]: Pirate or not,this man saved my life.[Norrington]: One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness.[Jack]: Though it seems enough to condemn him.[Norrington]: Indeed.[Jack]: Finally.[Swann]: No.No!Don't shoot!

[Jack]: I knew you'd warm up to me.Commodore Norrington,my effects,please.And my hat.Commodore.It is Elizabeth,isn't it?

[Elizabeth]: It's Miss Swann.[Jack]: Miss Swann,if you'd be so kind.Come,come,dear.We don't have all day.Now if you'll be very kind.Easy on the

goods,darling.[Elizabeth]: You're despicable.[Jack]: Sticks and stones,love.I saved your life.You save mine.We're square.Gentlemen,milady,you will always remember

this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.加勒比海盗3台词






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