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幸福终点站 观后感

2022-11-18 19:51:40

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See the name of the movie, the first feeling is certainly not good, so holding the mentality of going to bed to see, happy terminal view. It turned out how stupid my feelings were. So at the beginning of reading, I teach myself a lesson: superficial things are only a means to confuse us.

The movie began, as usual, without a theme and in an unintelligible language. As the theme came to the fore, my interest was attracted by it. In the movie, there are many places that I feel are instructive, and there are also many places that I can learn from.

Because of the war, the hero cannot go back to his own country, let alone set foot on the land of New York just one door away. So he had to wait silently in the airport lounge. When he saw his country fighting on the battlefield on TV, he could not understand what it said. He could only know from the pictures that it was a terrible nightmare. Meanwhile, loneliness and helplessness attack him. He wants to ask for help, but no one can. He just wants his message to be understood. So when he knew he had to wait there, he didn't give up. Because he had no one to rely on, and god seemed to play a joke on him, everything on the body is useless, useful but lost, so he did the first thing is to solve the problem of eating. When he found out that he could earn enough dollars to feed himself by doing labor, he did it without hesitation.

He can sacrifice themselves for others is a person, no matter what time, I always consider others, from helping the flight attendant, to help the russians drugs were detained, and in order not to leak around you that although only a few months time friend's secret and decided to return home, these are highlights the hero image. In the end, all the people in the airport were moved by him and made friends with him. They all went to help him and gave him friendly looks.

Finally, what I thought was the theme of the movie really came out: promise -- the terminal. In order to fulfill his father's last wish, the protagonist went to New York to find a singer to sign his name, which was a promise to his father, but also to himself. Nothing could wear away his commitment, which he had been striving for since his father's death. We know that he is never defeated, he showed us that happiness is actually very simple, as long as you promise to do one thing well.

Think about the present society, found that he had happiness, here is a luxury, and is the kind of extremely luxury. How many people can do their promise, people are always for their own can not complete something the simplest thing to find a lot of reasons, pretend to be justified, but do not know, that is the most ridiculous. The vast majority of people do not have the same quality as the protagonist, they always run counter to the trend of reality, perhaps, but with the traditional culture, has been a million miles away. We should improve their quality and cultivation, lost all this, we will only live in emptiness and darkness. It would be helpful for us to learn from the hero!

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