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2022-11-18 19:49:20



This is an American love movie launched by Dreamworks. After watching it for too long, many details in the movie have become blurred, but the situation of the protagonist in the movie is still fresh in my mind.

The story takes place in the 1980s, and victor, the protagonist, is an Eastern European. In order to fulfill his father's wish, he took a plane to the United States alone with simple luggage, and all his misadventures happened at the airport where his flight landed -- Kennedy International Airport.

As soon as he got off the plane, he planned to take a taxi out of the airport and go straight to the bar to look for people according to the address information left by his father. But the airport staff stopped him. The customs officer patiently explained to him in English that his passport information was invalid, and the government had not yet issued measures to deal with him, so he could not be released. But he could not understand English and could only explain his purpose to them using a few words he knew. But the customs officer did not understand his mother tongue and shrugged his shoulders. He learned from the airport television news that his country's government had been overthrown in a coup and that the new government had not yet been recognized by the international community. He felt at that moment that all the information that had previously identified him was nullified -- that he was a man without a country.

With no language to communicate, almost no identity information, no money and only simple luggage, food is the biggest problem at the airport where that person is coming and going. By watching other passengers, he discovered that he could get a small amount of coins by taking the scattered luggage cart back to the designated spot, which could hopefully solve his food problem. Using their own hands to transform the airport's abandoned toilet, so that they have a temporary shelter. While using his wisdom and hands to solve the basic problems of life, he actively communicated with the airport staff repeatedly in order to fulfill his father's wish. It was in this not too large closed terminal building that he experienced life in all its forms.


This is a film of love and reason.

It has two parts, one is the extraordinary experience of victor that we keep seeing throughout the film; The other part is the clue of love. Victor kept a promise made by his father, and the Indian old man stopped the plane resolutely. At the end, Victor finally said goodbye to this period of displaced life, which moved me a lot.

Victor's experience has given me a glimpse into real life. It can be very difficult to enter a completely new environment. In the face of these, should learn victor's desire to be at ease, to adapt to this strange environment.

People are complicated and life is full of changes. Perhaps this is life itself. In the face of all kinds of variables, improve our ability to resist pressure in the heart, so that we will become strong. When we are confused, do not feel despair, optimistic look at everything, rely on their own ability to survive.

In the film, Victor makes a living by placing carts, and is finally chosen as a construction worker by an engineer. All of these can be seen that he is positive to face life, and does not complain, fully accept the reality!

In the past, no matter regret or miss, we go back. No one can predict the future, can grasp only now, to play a good role in the present, to live real.

The beginning of the film is the airport. Although the airport is only a small physical space, there are lots of joys and sorrows here every day, and all kinds of people deduce their own life stories here. The airport may be a microcosm of American society at large.

When the movie played Victor to save the poor man, I was very moved, he can in his own plight to help people who have never met, it is worth learning, it suddenly occurred to me that gold always shine, and IF I let the light shine on everyone!

Through the experience of the elderly Indians, I saw that the Surface of the United States is calm, but its essence is like boiling water. People are sentient, the system is cold and heartless.

A system can embody a country's style, but not all its people. Victor's second job may be a bargain, but it's also a sign of his optimism and willingness to help. Because of this, he became good friends with many people at the airport! It also tells us to help the people around us in need, when we need help, we won't be lonely and helpless!

Victor is persistent and he goes to New York for his father's promise, to wait for a phone call, to wait for a person with all his heart. Rely on their own efforts to strive for happiness.

This movie is just a part of life. Life doesn't end when the movie ends. The ending of this article may be relatively satisfactory, but what makes me more satisfied is that Victor has fulfilled his promise through continuous efforts!

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