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2022-05-28 23:39:32



The story of Little Prince is both beautiful and sad: the pilot "I" was forced to land in the Sahara Desert far away from people because of the plane failure, when a charming and mysterious little boy appeared and obstinately asked "I" to draw him a sheep. He is a little prince, pure and melancholy. He comes from an unknown asteroid in the solar system. He loves to ask questions, but never answers other people's questions.

During the conversation, the secret of the little prince was gradually revealed, and he left angrily because of the emotional entanglement with his beautiful and proud roses. He roamed the worlds, visited the worlds of kings, conceited people, drunks, businessmen, lamplighters and geographers, and finally landed on the earth, trying to find a good way to relieve loneliness and pain. In The Little Prince, I learned a responsibility called "domestication". When the fox described his heart to the little prince, he said, "If you tame me, my life will be full of sunshine, and your footsteps will become different from others.

Other people's footsteps will make me hide under the ground quickly, and your footsteps will call me out of the cave like music. Do you see the wheat field over there ... You have golden hair, and golden wheat will remind me of you, and I will be happy.


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Reading Report ――The Little Prince I’m reading a book called The Little Prince written by Exupery,S. He was born in Lyon in 1900. He was a pilot during his early life. Unfortunately,he was died at the age of 44 in 1944 when he was carrying out the eighth flying mission. And The Little Prince was his most famous novel.

This novel tells the story of the little prince, who came from the asteroid known as B-612.The narrator met the little prince when he crashed in the desert. Little by little, he learned more about the prince from words dropped by chance. The planet was so small that nobody could go very far. As is seen to all, he owned a flower and three volcanoes. Apparently, he was very earnest, honest and stubborn. Every time he put forward a question, you can’t ignore it and must answer it instantly to satisfy his curiosity. Don’t want to walk through these questions seemed boring and meaningless. Because they were more important than how much your salary is. Meanwhile, we cannot overlook another character――the flower loved by the little prince. It seems ridiculous that he fell in love with a flower, but their true love is moving in fact. At first, he was attracted by her charming appearance. However, she begun very quickly to

torment him with her vanity. Gradually, he had soon come to doubt her. Finally, they broke up, which had taken him to the earth. But he still could not forget his lover all the time.

The most memorable matter is that people could not understand the narrator’s first drawing until he drew out every detail. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. To his disappointment, they thought it was a hat. And after several times of modification, these grown-ups made out his idea in the end. But the little prince could understand this picture at the beginning. In a conclusion, I think it is because grown-ups are short of imagination and their thoughts are complicated. Their hearts are not pure any more. This impressed me a lot is when you praise a beautiful house, these grown-ups cannot imagine how wonderful it is unless you tell them the house costs $20,000. There’s no denying that it is a very sad truth, however, also a common phenomenon. The reason is so clear that everybody knows it. What can it be except for their money worship? Although they might know it is bad, they never want to change the actuality because the temptation seems impossible to resist. As a result, they become complicated and only care about money. They used to be pure, but the realistic world has changed them greatly. Of course, we cannot

shift the responsibility onto them, because that’s it all the time. We must make up our mind to change the current situation thoroughly. Do not just pay attention to money is very important, and also hard to carry out.

I think this book is written for adults instead of children. On account of the deep meanings between the lines, innocent children maybe cannot undersand it very well. So the author asked the indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating it to a grown-up. In my opinion, this book is good for those grown-ups who have lost their childishness. I hope they can find themselves by reading this novel.

In a word, this book is worth reading.


When I was very young ,I ofen hear about something about the little prince ,it is a holy boy in my heart ,but for some special reations ,I didn’t have opportunity to read it carefully .Recently , I finally read it over , it is so wonderful , as if I was in a fatastic world .

The little prince is a boy who has a angelical heart ,his life is also very simple . A small planet which is full of flowers and monkey bread tree seedlings..The little prince is always depressed ,and when he was sad ,he would sit on a chair and see the sunset . He even see 43 times sunset in a day to make himself feel better . His life turned to a new appearance when a beautiful rose came out . She is a flower who is very prouded ,when her lie was exposed by the little prince ,she felt embarrassed . The small misunderstanding between them made the little prince determined to leave the planet he lived on .

In the first planet ,there lived a a king ,also ,he is the only citizen . The king was also to find reations to show his authority . He want the little prince to be under his control ,of cource the little prince would not obey his assignment . Then the king who is mad about taking control of others appointing the little prince to be his ambassador to tour and visit other planets .

The second man on the next planet .is very conceited,in his opinion ,what he had done was all right ,he is the beautiest ,best weared ,richest and the most cleaver man in the world , though ,contradictly,he is the only man in the planet .The little prince was so puzzled about the man’s behavior .

The time he stayed at the next planet was very short ,but it made the little prince very sad .

What are you doing there?" he said to the tippler,

"I am drinking," replied the tippler, with a lugubrious air.

"Why are you drinking?" demanded the little prince.

"So that I may forget," replied the tippler.

"Forget what?" inquired the little prince, who already was sorry for him.

"Forget that I am ashamed," the tippler confessed, hanging his head.

"Ashamed of what?" insisted the little prince, who wanted to help him.

"Ashamed of drinking!" the tippler said.

The fouth planet was belong to a businessman,he was busy caculating figures every day ,It’s so funny that he also didn’t koow what he did for .

In the following days ,the little prince met a lamplighter,a geographer.They were very strange ,in the little views of little prince ,what they did are allmeaningless,

At last ,the little prince came to the earth ,

The pure boy met a snake,he was like an old man who had gone through many hardship.The snake’s appearance.is the base of the little prince’s disappearance .After a long walk ,the little prince reached at a garden which was full of roses ,the roses in the garden were so many ,which made the little prince got depressed . For that the little prince always thought the rose in his planet was unique,but the fact made him disapported .

A fox’s appearance,the little prince got him dociled。Through the fox,little prince understood that he was dociled by the flower in his planet ,for this reasion ,she is unique ,for him .

The man in the desert was the last man he met on the earth ,The little prince’s purity made “me” very suprised.It seemed that I came back to my childhood .The accident of the plane threw “me” into a hard invironment .So I stayed with the little prince in the desert ,listening to the story that he undergo,

“Water is good for hearts”he said .but I did’nt understand the meaning.

“I” drew him a sheep a box ,he used them to take control of monkey bread tree seedlings.

The little prince began to miss his flower ,the sole flower in his heart .Then he decided to come back .May be ,”I”was dociled by the little prince .His depatment depressed me so much .

At last ,the snake used his poisonous fluid sent him back .

From then on ,I never told the story to others,my partners,was happy for my returning ,but I was not .“I’m too tired ”I told them .I was always worried about the little prince and his flower ,I thought ,I was dociled by the little prince throughly .

Maybe an adult can’t understand the book .They were surrounded by the meaningless figures and money .Just like the six men that little prince met before.We live in a complex society ,everyday we must be faced with all kinds of person ,which made our heart more and more cold and detached.The pure heart we have in the childhood disappeard.

When you felt tired to face the society ,you can read little prince ,it will take you to a clean and honest world that you ever stayed in the childhood ,then you find everyting is so simple and the life is so beautiful.


A fairy tale lying on my desk is full of roses.

The little prince has a rose, a beautiful and proud Rose. She floated to the planet of the little prince, rooted and bloomed. The little prince fell in love with her, and at the same time, he was injured. Because roses are so proud and proud to express their love in their hearts. So the little prince left.

Roses play the role of "love" in this intriguing fairy tale. So what is the love she interprets?

The Rose told the little prince himself to be the only one. This is a lie. Yes, but this lie is not malicious at all. Because roses want to be the best thing in the heart of a little prince. But when the little prince came to the earth, he was sad. There were roses everywhere, which was not different from his own one.


Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your onlyentertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that newdetail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me:

"I am very fond of sunsets. Come, let us go look at a sunset now."

"But we must wait," I said.

"Wait? For what?"

"For the sunset. We must wait until it is time."

At first you seemed to be very much surprised. And then you laughed toyourself. You said to me:

"I am always thinking that I am at home!"

Just so. Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States the sunis setting over France.

If you could fly to France in one minute, you could go straight into thesunset, right from noon. Unfortunately, France is too far away for that. But onyour tiny planet, my little price, all you need do is move your chair a fewsteps. You can see the day end and the twilight falling whenever you like…

"One day," you said to me, "I saw the sunset forty-four times!"

And a little later you added:

"You knowone loves the sunset, when one is so sad…"

"Were you so sad, then?" I asked, "on the day of the forty-foursunset?"

But the little prince made no reply.

On the fifth dayagain, as always, it was thanks to the sheepthe secret ofthe little prince's life was revealed to me. Abruptly, without anything to leadup to it, and as if the question had been born of long and silent meditation onhis problem, he demanded:

"A sheepif it eats little bushes, does it eat flowers, too?"

"A sheep," I answered, "eats anything it finds in its reach."

"Even flowers that have thorns?"

"Yes, even flowers that have thorns."

"Then the thornswhat use are they?"

I did not know. At that moment I was very busy trying to unscrew a boltthat had got stuck in my engine. I was very much worried, for it was becomingclear to me that the breakdown of my plane was extremely serious. And I had solittle drinking-water left that I had to fear for the worst.

"The thornswhat use are they?"

The little prince never let go of a question, once he had asked it. As forme, I was upset over that bolt. And I answered with the first thing that cameinto my head:

"The thorns are of no use at all. Flowers have thorns just for spite."


There was a moment of complete silence. Then the little prince flashed backat me, with a kind of resentfulness:

"I don't believe you! Flowers are weak creature. They are native. Theyreassure themselves at best they can. They believe that their thorns areterrible weapons…"

I did not answer. At that instant I was saying to myself: "If this boltstill won't turn, I am going to knock it out with the hammer." Again the littleprice disturbed my thoughts.

"And you actually believe that the flowers"

"Oh, no!" I cried. "No, no, no! I don't believe anything. I answered youthe first thing that came into my head. Don't you seeI am very busy with mattersof consequence!"

He stared at me, thunderstruck.

"Matters of consequence!"

He looked at me there, with my hammer in my hand, my fingers black withengine-grease, bending over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly…

"You talk just like the grown-ups!"

That made me a little ashamed. But he went on, relentlessly:

"You mix everything up together…You confuse everything…"

He was really very angry. He tossed his golden curls in the breeze.

The little prince was now white with rage.

"The flowers have been growing thorns for millions of years. For millionsof years the sheep have been eating them just the same. And is it not a matterof consequence to try to understand why the flowers go to so much trouble togrow thorns which are never of any use to them? Is the warfare between the sheepand the flowers not important? And if I knowI, myselfone flower which is uniquein the world, which grows nowhere but on my planet, but which one little sheepcan destroy in a single bite some morning, without even noticing what he isdoingOh! You think that is not important!"

His face turned from white to red as he continued:

"If some one loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in allthe millions and millions of stars. He can say to himself, 'Somewhere, my floweris there…' But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will bedarkened…And you think that is not important!"

He could not say anything more. His words were choked by sobbing.

The night had fallen. I had let my tools drop from my hands. Of what momentnow was my hammer, my bolt, or thirst, or death? On one star, one planet, myplanet, the Earth, there was a little prince to be comforted, I took him in myarms and rocked him. I said to him:

"The flower that you love is not in danger. I will draw you a muzzle foryour sheep. I will draw you a railing to put around your flower. I will"

I did not know what to say to him. I felt awkward and blundering. I did notknow how I could reach him, where I could overtake him and go on hand in handwith him once more.

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.

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