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2022-03-23 12:51:57



Task based writing—How to describe a person I.Teaching objectives: Students will be able to:

1.Learn how to write a short paage of a great man.2.Get some useful adjectives for describing a person 3.Develop students’ awarene of waring

4.Get some information about how to write a basic writing.5.Develop students’ writing ability.II.Writing strategies:

1.Learning Book1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero to get some useful adjectives to describe a person 2.Knowing how to write a basic writing 3.Brainstorm about the topic 4.Finish the writing in group

III.Teaching aids: multi-media equipments (computer, slides, PPT,etc.)

IV.Homework: writing another paage V.Teaching procedures Lead in

Step 1: T.let students think about how to describe a person.Such as "Mary is a nice girl." "Jim is an outgoing boy."

Brainstorming how to describe a person and get vocabulary input.Writing strategy: Get some useful adjective to describe a person and get vocabulary input.Pre-writing Step 2 T presents a short paage about a famous singer to students and asks them to gue that who he is.

Showing students a sample about how to describe a person Find out: 1.Who is he?

2.Find out some useful words, expreion and sentence patterns in the paage

3.If you want to write a composition about a person, how will you write it? While-writing

Step 3 1.Give students a writing topic in the form of a chat and this writing topic is about Nelson Mandela.

2.Tell students that the paage must be written with five sentences.3.Give students time to get key information

Step 4: Ss try to translate the information they get into five English sentences

Sentence Main information

1 When was Mandela born and his hobbies. 2 Mandela's experience when he was a lawyer 3-4 What did he do for poor black man in South Africa

5 His famous saying and dream. Post-writing

Step 5 Group work: Discuion

1.Ss check the translation for their partners and discu how to correct their mistakes

2.Thinking: Great people are also famous people, but famous people may not be great people.So what should a great people be? 3.What can we learn from a great person.VI.Sample and Summary

Step 6 Show Ss a poible version for the writing and ask them to find out some useful words, expreions and sentence patterns Step 7 Sum up: How can you do a task based writing

1.Examining the writing topic and ensure the person, tense and writing style of it.

2.Make out an outline which can be translated into five English sentences

3.Translate the information you get into five English sentences 4.Check your composition and discu it with you partner 5.Correct your mistakes if available VII.Step 8: Homework (after cla)

Write an article in the form of task based writing which is about an armle pianist-Liu Wei(刘伟)


Dear Susan:

I know you are interested in oil painting, so I’m sure you’ll be interested in Mr. and Mrs. Lin dun! They are ing here

to supper next Sunday night, October the twelfth, and we’d like you and Walter to e, too.

Mr. and Mrs. Lin Dun are that very charming couple we met in London last summer. They have a wonderful collection of oil paintings of various stages; and I understand that Mr. Lin Dun is quite an authority on oil painting. I’m sure you and Walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their pany.

We’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. If I don’t hear from you before then, I’ll be expecting you on the twelfth!

  Affectionately yours,

  Li Ming






Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadnefilling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishneof the secular world for a long time.

It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens.

The resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindneand the wickedneof all the characters.


Dear Miss Chang,

We have planned a house party as a sort of farewell before our trip to Soochow, and we are particularly anxious to have you join us . I hope there is nothing to prevent youfromcoming out to canton on February 25th and remaining here with us until the Eighth of March.

Mr. Simpson Chen and Mr. And Mrs. L. T. Ying will be here too, along with severa l others whom you do not know, but whom I am most anxious to have you meet.

I am enclosing a time-table for your convenience, And I have checked the two tra ins that I believe are most convenient for you. If you take the 7:10 in the morn ing you will arrive here at 11, and you will be able to meet some of our guests at tiffin at 12. There is an earlier train in the morning if you prefer it. If y ou let me know which train you expect to take, I will see that there shall be a car at the station to meet you.

  Very cordially yours,

  Margaret Li-Huang.

推荐专题: 自我介绍的英语作文 英语作文读后感模板

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