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2022-03-23 12:48:50




Teaching Objectives: instruct students how to finish a writing task (写作任务为2013年安徽英语高考作文 on the way to school) Teaching important points: how to help students to finish a composition of good quality in a limited time Teaching methods: discuion and presenting Teaching Procedures: Step1.Pre-writing


作为老师,我们首先要做到的就是教学生审题,确定文章所属的题材,了解文章的主题,并按照先后的顺序将文章分段。高中英语写作题材以说明、记叙和议论为主。以2013年高考英语作文on the way to school 为例,文章要求以在我上学的路上为背景,从遵守交通规则和注意文明举止两方面说明如何讲求文明,从我做起。这种作文应为以记叙为主,并有少量议论,“讲求文明,从我做起”为主题,“遵守交通规则,注意文明举止”为要点。段落划分为三段:第一段点明主题并交代背景:在我上学的路上;第二段从“遵守交通规则,注意文明举止”两个要点阐明如何讲求文明;第三段总结全文。

2.学生们小组自由讨论:What bad behavior do you often run into on the way to school? 这种Brainstorming活动可以帮助激活学生们对话题的已知信息,为下一步的写作做好铺垫。 3.议题。

在审题的基础上,我们应先列出与文章主题内容有关的词汇、短语和句式,并形成写作思路。如讲文明应为be civilized, 从我做起应为start from me,遵守交通规则 obey traffic rules ,注意文明举止应为 behave yourself 或 well behaved。遵守交通规则的行为有不闯红灯 run red, 走人行横道 zebra croing。cause harm to 造成危害;as for… 就…而言;keep… in mind 牢记在心;keep to the right 靠右;the pedestrian croing 人行横道;regard/consider … as my duty… 把…看做职责;make a difference 有作用;有影响。讲文明的行为包括不随地吐痰spitting,不乱扔垃圾littering 。 Step 2.While - writing 第一步:学生们分小组认真读题、思考,并讨论对于这个话题他们可能会提出哪些问题(自由地,无序地,想到什么就提什么问题)。 第二步:学生们把他们的问题从语篇结构上分类。如:

第一段:目前存在的问题(紧扣主题:遵守交通和举止文明方面)及其影响 ■ How is the present situation of people obeying traffic rules? ■ How do people behave in public? ■ What are the consequences of people breaking traffic rules? ■ What effects does people’s bad behavior have? ■ …


■ What should we do to help to make a change? ■ What means of transport should I choose when I go to school? ■ If I take a bus to school, what should I do? ■ If I take my dad’s or mum’s car to school, what should I do? ■ If I ride a bike to school, what should I do? ■ If I walk to school, what should I do? ■ What should I do when I see some litter on the way? ■ What should I do when I see an old lady or man who wants to cro the road? ■ …

第三段:总结(感受、期望或呼吁等) ■ How do I feel about my behavior? ■ What do I anticipate? ■ …




其次,语篇标志表达(Discourse Marker)。


2.“起、承、转、合”的连接表达,如: ⑴ 表并列关系的词语:

■ and, or, also,as well, too;

■ as well as…,not only…but also, both … and… ⑵ 表增补的词语:

■ in addition, furthermore, besides, moreover, again, also, what’s more, similarly…

⑶ 表转折对比的过渡词:

■ although, but, however, yet, instead, on the contrary … ⑷ 表原因的词语:

■ because, since, as, for, now that, because of, thanks to, due to, owing to, for this reason, considering that, seeing that; as a result of …

⑸ 表结果的词语:

■ so, so that, so…that, such…that,as a result;therefore; thus;consequently …

⑹ 表特定的顺序关系的词语:

■ First / Firstly, … Second / Secondly, … Third / Thirdly …

■ First of all / To begin with , then, next, finally/in the end/at last … ⑺ 表总结的词语:

■ in a word, to sum up, in conclusion, in short, in general, generally speaking, finally, to conclude …


最后,学生们讨论可能会用到哪些高级词汇、短语以及句型。 第五步:学生们独立完成各自的作文。 Step 3.Post-writing 1.教师需引导学生从以下四个方面对原稿进行再加工:①文章是否跑题。②开头和结尾是否点题,条理是否清晰,布局是否合理,内容是否连贯,格式是否正确。③要点是否写全,有无遗漏。④有无主谓、人称一致,有无时态、语态、冠词及名词单复数等方面的语法错误。





提供佳作范文,让学生用心揣摩、赏析、学习。 附:范文佳例

On the way to School These days, breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon, causing serious harm to life and the environment.Changing this situation requires considerable effort on the part of everyone.As for me, it should start on my way to school.I will keep traffic rules in mind all the way.If I ride a bike, I’ll always keep to the right and never cro a road until the traffic light turns green.If I walk, I’ll never forget to use the pedestrian croing.Meanwhile, I will regard it as my duty to help keep our environment clean and healthy.Not only will I keep from littering and spitting anywhere, I will also help clean up the roadside litter whenever poible.I hope my behavior will make a difference.

赏析:本文要点齐全,层次清晰, 表达地道,并使用相应的高级句型和高级词汇,不失为一篇佳作。


dear john,

i came to your home but you were out. tomorrow is wang hong’s birthday. we will have a birthday party at wang hong’s home. we will dance, sing and share a big birthday cake. it would be great if you can join us.

wang hong’s home is not farfromour school. if you come, you may go straight along the people’s road, then turn right at the guangming road, then go across the xiangyang road. and you will find a cinema on the left. wang hong’s home is just beside it.

hope to see you tomorrow at the party.

  zhang bin


Dear sirmadam:

On date, we will host an evening of celebration in honor of the retirement of name, President of pany. You are cordially invited to attend the celebration at hotel, location, on date from to p.m.

name has been the President of pany since year. During this period, pany expanded its business from to . Now its our opportunity to thank him for his years of exemplary leadership and wish him well for a happy retirement. Please join us to say Good-bye to name.

See you on date.

  Yours sincerely


推荐专题: 自我介绍的英语作文 英语作文读后感模板

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