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2022-03-13 20:10:51



英文简历中的精美句子  Mature,dynamic and honest.  思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。  Excellent ability of systematical management.  有极强的系统管理能力。  Ability to work independently,mature and resourceful.  能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。  A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.  需要有能力及适应力强的人。  A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.  个性稳重、具高度责任感。  Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.  能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。  Bright,aggressive applicants.  反应快、有进取心的应聘者。  Ambitious attitude essential.  有雄心壮志。  Initiative,independent and good communication skill.  积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。  Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.  愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。  Willing to assume responsibilities.  应聘者须勇于挑重担。  Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.  思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。  Energetic,fashion-minded person.  精力旺盛、思想新潮。  With a pleasant mature attitude.  开朗成熟。  说明应聘职位  Stating Your Job Objective  1、A responsible administrative position which will pro  vide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.  负责管理的职位,该职位将提供挑战和自由,使我能充分发挥我的进取精神及创造能力。  2、An executive assistant position utilizing interests, training and experience in office administration.  行政助理的职位,能运用办公室管理方面的兴趣,训练与经验。  3、A position in management training programs with the eventual goal of participating in the management rank of marketing.  管理 培训 计划方面的职位。最终目标在参与市场管理层。  4、An entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal; manager of marketing department.  销售方面的初级职位。最终目标:销售部门的经理。  5、A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or investment field.  财务或投资领域需运用分析技巧的职务。  6、To begin as an accounting trainee and eventually become a manager.  从当会计见习开始,最后成为经理。  7、An entry-level position in an accounting environment, which ultimately leads to financial management.  会计部门的初级职务,最后能够管理财务。  8、A position as data-processing manager that will enable me to use my knowledge of computer systems.  资料处理经理的职务,能保证我运用电脑系统的知识。  9、An entry-level position responsible for computer programming.  负责计算机程序设计的初级职务。  10、Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be assets.  高级管理人员的行政助理,将用上速记和打字技能。  11、A position which will utilize my educational background in biology, with prospects of promotion.  谋求能运用我在生物学方面的学识,并有晋升前途的职位。  12、A position in charge of management training programs.  负责管理 培训 项目的职位。  13、Responsible managerial position in human resources.  人力资源方面负责管理的职务。  14、A position in Foreign Trade Department, with opportunities for advancement to management position in the department.  外贸部门的职位,有机会晋升到该部门的经理职务。  15、An administrative secretarial position where communication skills and a pleasant attitude toward people will be assets.  行政秘书的职务,用得上交际技巧和与人为善的态度。  16、A position as a design engineer in an engineering department.  工程部门设计工程师的职位。  17、Looking for a position as a computer programmer with a medium-sized firm.  谋求一家中型公司的计算机程序员职位。  18、To serve as sales promoter in a multinational corporation with a view to promotion in position and assignment in parent company s branch abroad.  担任多国公司的推销员,期望在职位上有晋升并能分派到母公司的海外分公司去工作。  应届毕业生如何制作英文简历  对于应届生来说,制作简历是件很麻烦的事情,那英文简历就很麻烦了,所以,怎样在我们有限的英文水平下,写出适合自己同时又被人称赞的英文简历呢?下面一起来学习一下。  其实不难,你只要知道一些常用的英语还有跟自己专业相关的一些 英语 ,再套用一个好的简历模式,就足够了。下面我们就来介绍一种比较适合大众,也是国外最普遍,最流行的一种简历模式:  一、首先,自己的姓名,地址,联系方式。比如电话或者电子邮箱等等。一般采用居中的方式,其他的则居左就可以了。如下:  Name  Address  Phone No. Home  Cell phone No.  Email Add  二、接着,要写objective(求职意向)。这一栏是最重要的一项了。很多公司主要看这一项的内容是否跟他们所要求的一致或者接近。比如:  OBJECTIVE:  A sales management or business development position where my strategic and consultative selling, cross-cultural relationship building, team facilitation, business management, organizational insight, and advanced technical skills will be continually challenged. I aspire to senior management responsibility and seek a company that embraces growth and change, where compensation is performance-based and increased levels of responsibility offered those with demonstrated potential.  (销售经理职位或者和企业发展有关的职位,可以使我的战略头脑、销售能力、建立跨文化关系的能力、团队能力、商务管理能力、组织能力和先进的技术能力都能够进一步的发挥和进步。……)  上面这个例子是老外的简历中的原句,当然对中国人来说比较复杂,如果对 英语 要求不高的话,其实也不需写这么多。一般来说可以直接 翻译 中文简历中的句子,但是也有很多比较好大家普遍接受的表达方法,由于各行各业不同,而应聘职位也不同,要根据情况而不同,具体请点击查看英文简历中各行各业应聘职位用语。但是如果你想要应聘外企或者所应聘的公司对英语要求比较高的话就可以把使用的句子修饰一下,当然要在自己的能力范围内哦。  另外要注意的是,如果工作经验很多,也没有必要完全列举出来,可以挑几项自己感觉最得意的或者对自己提升的来写。  三、下面要写summary了,也就是(个人简介)。这可是展现自己能力的一个好机会,既要赞美自己,又不能使对方觉得自己在自夸。有很多自我赞美的句子,具体请点击查看 个人简历 中如何用英语自我赞美。  四、Experience 工作经验。这一点,别人可帮不了你,得自己写。不过以什么样的形式写,我可以给大家一个建议,比如:  2005 - Present Company  Sales Executive - Financial Services  Just started an exciting new position selling data integration solutions to the insurance and financial services vertical for Pervasive. Will try to soon.  上面这个例子中体现的方式是外国人普遍采用的方式。因为外国人从很小的时候就开始独立,那么他们可能从事过很多工作,这种方式即使是罗列很多条也比较清晰,而且还把时间和当时的职位用一种比较明显的方式标注,也能突出重点。职位下面的那句话就是对你所担任的那个职位简单描述了。  五、再接着要写education(教育背景)。一般从大学开始写起,时间,学校,专业,所获得的学位,还有awards也就是所获的奖项,尤其是特殊奖项等。(注意:如果教育经历不多的话一般教育和背景写在一起,但是如果教育背景或者奖项很突出的话,则可以另列一栏。)  以上这些是必写的内容。还有一些可以有选择性的写,比如:Associations(参加的社团组织),现在的公司对计算机或者外语能力都有一定的要求,所以还可以写自己的Computer background(计算机能力)和Language skills,最后还可以写一栏Personal profile(个人评价),比如:  A dynamic, articulate, talented leader, manager and sales professional who inspires confidence and respect, grasps ideas and concepts quickly, is adept at organizing complex projects, recognizes or creates solutions to problems, believes in setting and achieving goals, and possesses the integrity and commitment to high quality performance that produces outstanding results of lasting value.  写好英文简历的七大技巧  现在许多单位都希望应聘者有比较扎实的英文基础,特别是外企和涉外交往比较多的单位,一份漂亮的英文简历会帮助你给用人单位留下很好的印象。  刚刚走出校园的学生由于工作经验很少,写不出太多的东西,如何把你的英文简历写得更充实呢?在此介绍一些特别的技巧:  1、教育背景中写相关课程。不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。这样不很有效,别人也没耐心看。  2、奖学金一项一行。  3、语言精炼,表达准确。  4、加大字号。可将10号、小五改成12号、小四,方便阅读。  5、社会工作细节放在工作经历中。  这样会填补工作经验少的缺陷,例如,您在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么活动,联系过什么事,参与过什么都可以一一罗列。  6、暑期工作。作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。当然如果您有就更好了。  7、中学情况。一般都写。但不要写太多。当然,小学就不用提了。




1. Mature,dynamic and honest.


2. Excellent ability of systematical management.


3. Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.


4. .A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.


5. .A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.


6. Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.


7. Bright,aggressive applicants.


8. Ambitious attitude essential.


9. Initiative,independent and good communication skill.


10. Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.


11. Willing to assume responsibilities.


12. Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.


13. Energetic,fashion-minded person.


14. With a pleasant mature attitude.


15. Strong determination to succeed.


16. Strong leadership skills.

17. 有极强的领导艺术。

18. Ability to work well with others.


19. Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.


20. The ability to initiate and operate independently.


21. Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.


22. Be highly organized and effecient.


23. Willing to learn and progress.


24. Good presentation skills.


25. Positive active mind essential.


26. Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。


27. Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。


28. Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.


29. Good people management and communication skills. Team player.


30. Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.


31. Be elegant and with nice personality.


32. With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.


33. The main qualities required are preparedneto work hard, ability

to learn, ambition and good health.

35. 主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。

36. Having good and extensive social connections.


37. Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.


38. With good analytical capability.



1, I am cheerful, sincere people, optimistic, broad interests, have strong organizational skills and the ability to adapt, and has strong management planning and organizational management and coordination capacity.

2, faithful honest, principled, says it will do, and never shirk responsibility; self-control, do things always adhere to the beginnings and ends, never give up halfway; willing to learn, have a problem, not to escape, an open mind is willing to learn from others; confident but not conceited not self-centered; are willing to accept the superior who commends humility, with authority; will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into work; approachable. Is sincere, cheerful, proactive, adaptable, studious, down to earth, there is a strong team spirit, proactive work attitude seriously.

3, cheerful, optimistic, broad interests, adaptable, quick, diligent, practical, serious and responsible, determination, hard, have the courage to meet new challenges.

4, it is warm and cheerful personality, friendly, honest and humble. Hard-working, serious and responsible, hard working, conscientious, patient. Affinity, approachable, good communication.



highly mtivated, creative and versatile real estate executive with seven years f experience in prperty acquisitin, develpment and cnstructin, as well as the management f large apartment cmplexes. especially skilled at building effective, prductive wrking relatinships with clients and staff. excellent management, negtiatin and public relatins skills. seeking a challenging management psitin in the real estate field that ffers extensive cntact with the public.

ver 10 years as an rganizatinal catalyst/training design cnsultant with a track recrd f prducing extrardinary results fr mre than 20 natinal and cmmunity based rganizatins. a cmmitment t human develpment and cmmunity service. energetic self-starter with excellent analytical, rganizatinal, and creative skills.

financial management executive with nearly ten years f experience in banking and internatinal trade, finance, investments and ecnmic plicy. innvative in structuring credit enhancement fr crprate and municipal financing. skilled negtiatr with strng management, sales and marketing backgrund. areas f expertise include (a bulleted list wuld fllw this paragraph.)

health care prfessinal experienced in management, prgram develpment and plicy making in the united states as well as in several develping cuntries. expertise in emergency medical services. a talent fr analyzing prblems, develping and simplifying prcedures, and finding innvative slutins. prven ability t mtivate and wrk effectively with persns frm ther cultures and all walks f life. skilled in wrking within a freign envirnment with limited resurces.

cmmander - chief executive fficer f the u.s. navy, atlantic fleet. expertise in all areas f management, with a prven recrd f unprecedented accmplishment. histry f the highest naval awards and rapid prmtin. prven senir-level experience in executive decisin-making, plicy directin, strategic business planning, cngressinal relatins, financial and persnnel management, research and develpment, and aerspace engineering. extensive knwledge f gvernment military requirements in systems and equipment. cmmitted t the highest levels f prfessinal and persnal excellence.

perfrming artist with a rich baritne vice and unusual range, specializing in classical, spiritual, gspel and rap music. featured slist fr tw natinally televised events. accmplished pianist. extensive perfrmance experience includes televisin, cncert turs and club acts. available fr cmmercial recrding and live perfrmances.


I have five years of accounting experience in large companies, familiar with and love this kind of work. Careful and responsible, strong learning ability, can quickly adapt to the new environment. Like self-improvement, through self-study has been made accounting qualification certificate, and the other is also learning English professional college self-study course. Cheerful, good at communication, treat people sincere and polite, there is team spirit. Love sports, like climbing with friends. I believe that there is no can not do, only you want to do, there is no intention to do with guts.

I am cheerful, active, optimistic, broad interests, work seriously, hard-working, down to earth, have a strong sense of responsibility and honor, a team spirit, but also has strong independent ability, active thinking, innovation Strong sense, good at accepting new things and new knowledge.

Work at ease, hard work with a strong sense of responsibility, motivated.To do everything on the whole of the letter to complete it, "to do on the best" This is my goal of handling everything. Self-control and self-learning ability to have good communication skills, coordination, And a strong sense of service.


I am a warm and cheerful personality, with a positive attitude towards life, a strong sense of responsibility to work, diligent and practical, master the system of professional knowledge of art theory and film editing and other professional knowledge, have some innovative thinking. Have strong communication, organization and coordination skills, have a certain artistic cells and creativity, focus on teamwork and collective ideas, can withstand strong work pressure. Good at learning new things, have a strong sense of responsibility, motivated, integrity.

I am honest and trustworthy, work carefully, proactive, responsible, self-motivated, hard-working. Good interpersonal relationship, good interpersonal skills, strong practical ability, strong communication and coordination skills, strong professionalism and team spirit, sensitive to the digital and have a keen awareness. Proficient in computer, skilled use of gold disc financial software, after years of accounting practice, I have been able to skillfully deal with all sectors of accounting accounting, with a certain financial basis.

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