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2024-06-25 00:01:27










The correct understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of companions to understand the objective evaluation of companions can reasonably control their emotions to constrain their behavior. A scientific approach to health awareness, to respect the peer perspective, understanding the situation of companions, and pay some close friends, integration relationship. And the relationship between the teachers and students can correctly understand their own strengths and weaknesses, self-esteem, self-confidence, to do their own to do, challenge themselves, the error to be modest to ask. A team spirit, good at communicating with people.

I am law-abiding, love the motherland, honest and trustworthy, concerned about the collective, to protect the environment. Self-confidence, self-discipline, hard work; responsible for the behavior of individuals; actively participate in public welfare activities; with a sense of social responsibility.Have the desire to learn and interest, can use a variety of learning methods to improve the level of learning, their own learning process and learning the results of reflection habits. Can work with others to establish goals and strive to achieve goals, respect and understanding of others' point of view and situation, to evaluate and restrain their behavior; can use a variety of integrated communication and communication methods of cooperation.

I am willing to participate in collective activities, to treasure the collective honor, to safeguard the collective interests, I can express my personal point of view, when others disagree, I will respect his views, if not, in order not to hurt his pride, I will respect and Encourage him. I am good at communication and cooperation with others, whenever I have a happy thing, I will share with friends. I love life, I like to observe life, in order to develop my practical ability, I will participate in some activities, not only to know some friends, you can also open up horizons.

推荐专题: 审美与表现的自我评价 团员自我评价与批评 合作与交流自我评价评价

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