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2024-06-24 23:32:15



时光如梭,转眼即逝。在学习上我严格要求自己,后很强的分析能力,成绩优异。我喜欢交朋友,有很强的交际能力。同时,我还具有创新意识和合作精神,因为我始终相信,朋友对一个人至关重要。作为一名团员,我首先思想先进,积极投身实践,时刻准备为祖国奉献一分力量。开朗的我积极参加各种活动,学校举行的演讲比赛、“同一首歌”等活动,我都积极参加。我还在爱心捐赠活动中感受到了情感的意义。在课外,我和同学一起参加搞研究性学习,在顺应时代的前提下,探讨了我们最感兴趣的课题,这对我来说一样重大,因为它使我了解了社会,体验了社会。其他方面,由于兴趣爱好,我参加了运动会,足球,篮球比赛,为班级争光。三年的学习生活,使我增长了知识,提高了素质,培养了全方面的能力,这为我以后贡献社会打下了坚实的基础。当然,我也 发现我的不足,吃苦精神不够,韧劲欠缺。当然,我会努力完善我,用全新的面貌去应对新的挑战。作为,跨世纪的新一代,我即将告别中学时代的酸甜苦辣,迈入高校寻找另一片更加广阔的天空。在这,我将更加努力,也以次书写人生的 篇章中最光辉的一页。












I love the motherland, abide by the law, to own a Chinese people are proud of every change in the motherland, are affecting my heart, Hong Kong's return to the days of the launch of Shenzhou V, the successful Olympic bid, Is my most memorable, the most exciting day, and every one I love the motherland of the Chinese people, as the moment of arrival and cheered.

I grew up in a habit. Whenever you see the flag rising on TV, you can not help but stand up and salute. Once the school has been protecting the standard-bearer, has also been my pride and glory experience. When the national flag was raised and the national anthem was played, my heart was filled with pride, and the daily news network was my must-see.

In my spare time, sitting in the car, watching the night view of my hometown, is one of the most relaxing things. In the past few years my hometown has changed too much. The overpass, the landscape road and the leisure square are getting better and better. , I love the motherland, love home, some efforts to learn, for the development of the motherland and home more to make a contribution.

I am a middle school student, usually I can follow the words and deeds of the "daily behavior of secondary school students," the requirements of the school rules and regulations to strictly abide by the time to go out to comply with public order and traffic regulations, public facilities To love, go out by car I will take the initiative to those in need seat or help them.In the course of labor has never been lazy.

At home, often help parents do housework, such as washing dishes, wipe the ground, repair some simple electrical appliances, home computer virus from the system, the parents busy, not at home, you can do some simple meals, Help cousin cousin to learn, my father busy with work, the strength of the family live, are my mother to help dry.

In school and students get along to be honest, keep its promise, usually no matter how busy learning, as long as the students asked me to help things, I will promise them. For example, they will organize the characteristics of classes, need me to guest, or need me to help find the material, I will carefully prepared.

Can take the initiative to help teachers organize a variety of activities, have a certain organizational skills, teachers have regarded me as their good helper.

Can actively participate in various activities, participate in and organize classes and schools of various activities inside and outside classes, activities and students to live in harmony, concern for the collective, has a strong sense of collective honor. Willing to help others, in a variety of labor actively work hard, not afraid of dirty, not afraid of tired.




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