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2024-06-06 06:13:31



My name is zhang xxx.I'm 12 years old and I study in cla 1, beihai primary school, gaoyou city, jiangsu province.I am not tall, I am not fat, I have black hair, I have a pair of big eyes.I like music, especially the erhu.As long as I know the song, will pull.Adults say I'm a bit of a BBB.I heard it, I was very happy.My advantage is that I study hard at home and review my leons.Every time the teacher aigned the homework I did it carefully.The math is also rechecked with draft paper.So, my grades are fine.My disadvantage is that I dare not speak boldly in cla.Take the second unit exam of Chinese language to say, I have some words that can write wrong, the composition also write to go.So that was a really bad test.I'm already trying to get rid of these shortcomings and try to be a better student.

I like to bet with others.Lose, mouth and go.If he had won, his eyes had turned into a crack.One time, I bet my clamate that the student said he had 200 yuan, and I thought, "who will have so much money, and the time is a braggadocio".Let him pay for the money.As expected, he said to me, "I am lying to you", and I laughed and shouted, "I won! I won!" Ha ha! This is me


Good afternoon, teachers and classmates. Its a pleasure to meet everyone here. First of all, please allow me to briefly introduce myself.

My name is xx and I graduated from XXX Middle School. I am a girl with an outgoing personality, so my. I have a wide range of interests and hobbies. I have a passion for sports and enjoy playing basketball, table tennis, badminton, and running in my spare time. When a person is at home, they enjoy surfing the internet or listening to music. I think combining work and rest is the best way of life. I dont know if there are any friends who love sports like me, and I have the opportunity to exercise with everyone in the future. Then I have always maintained a positive attitude towards learning and hope to learn and progress together with the classmates present. My motto is that as long as you work hard, there will be gains. Thank you, teachers and classmates.

My introduction is complete.





大家好,我叫xxx,平时大家可以叫我小黄,今年13岁了,毕业于红旗中心小学。 说道自己的性格,我是一个乐于助人的人。而我也有一点点野心,那就是用自己的口才使世界和平。也许,我现在的口才不太好,但是我一定会努力。





Hello everyone, my name is xxx, and you can usually call me Xiao Huang. I am 13 years old and graduated from Hongqi Central Primary School. Speaking of my personality, I am a helpful person. And I also have a little ambition, which is to use my eloquence to make the world peaceful. Perhaps my eloquence is not very good now, but I will definitely work hard.

My favorite thing in daily life is to sit at my desk, let the sun shine on it, and then open my beloved book, reading page by page. That was really a wonderful time.

In fact, I also have a "skill", which is "p-photography". At that time, a popular technique for beautifying photos on the internet was already very popular. If classmates or teachers needed it, I would definitely make their photos more sunny and beautiful.

If you want to talk about my personal problem, it is "laziness" because I have always disliked sports, so my physical education performance has not been very good. In the new semester, I will resolutely change this bad habit.

Next, I will enter junior high school life. How to say it? I have both longing and inexplicable fear in my heart. Anyway, its all about facing it, so I might as well accept it with an optimistic heart. Facing so many new classmates, I am very confident to become a close friend of each and every one of them. To tell you the truth, I have many unique characteristics and differences. If you want to fully understand me, it seems that we will have to spend some time together.


My hometown is Guangdong xx which lies in the south coast of China. I study in Shiyan High school and I’m in grade 2.Our campus is very beautiful and there are much charming view.

I study hard every day and I wish to go abroad for further education.I have some hobbies such as basketball,tennis,swimming and so on.I like making friends with others.






我要作我自己。齐白石老先生说过:"学我者,似我者死。"走不出前人的框架,自然也没有自己的天地。当流行《flash fiction》时,我觉得那是浪费时间:当流行网络游戏时,我感觉那是虚度时光。我要做自己,要看清自己,要拿出十二分的信心向他人证明――我就是我,凭什么和他一样!抛开浮华雕饰,亮出自己的王牌,追求自己的个性:做最好的我。


I am a junior high school freshman named xxx. I am ordinary and confident. I am a young man full of passion and blood. In the vast sea of people, I am a drop of water, without a strong body or beautiful appearance, in the endless Gobi. I am a grain of sand, not filled with knowledge or a pleasant voice. I am just hidden in the midst of a thousand armies and horses, a small pawn with aspirations, just a confident mule.

Although I am ordinary, I do not want to be a person who goes with the flow. Frost once said, "The yellow forest divides into two paths, but unfortunately I cannot set foot in them at the same time." So, like him, I chose the narrow and sparsely populated one. I didnt want to follow the vulgar old path of others, go to the same vulgar life as others, and even more, I didnt want to deny myself while peeping at others with everyone. On the contrary, I prefer to take the narrow and unique path to fame.

I want to be myself. Mr. Qi Baishi once said, "Those who learn from me, like me, die." If they cannot walk out of the framework of their predecessors, they naturally do not have their own heaven and earth. When Flash Fiction was popular, I felt like it was a waste of time: when online games were popular, I felt like it was a waste of time. I want to be myself, see myself clearly, and demonstrate with twelve percent confidence to others - I am who I am, why should I be like him! Set aside flashy decorations, showcase your ace, and pursue your personality: be the best of me.

I am a small grain of sand, but I am not willing to fall behind. With a sound of mediocrity and inaction, I am willing to be the master of life and an immortal pearl tear. I aspire to move towards the tower of art, the pinnacle of culture, and the building of my career, to live up to this colorful era and sprinkle harmony and beauty onto the world.

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