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2023-09-09 05:19:12




Duties of team leaders and team checker


Duties of team leaders


Team leaders should carry out guidelines and policies seriously, and set an example to obey rules and regulations.二、贯彻实施安全生产责任制,作好安全、文明生产的管理;

Team leaders should carry out system of responsibility for production safety, and make sure production routine is safe and civilized.三、按客人提出的生产工艺要求,做好产前样;

Team leaders should make pre-production sample according to costumes’ technological requirements.四、据车间主任和技术部对样衣的审核要求,认真修改产前样;

Team leaders should modify pre-production sample according to production audit suggestions of workshop manager and technological department.五、准时参加产前会议,到裁床领货并到仓库领辅料,准备大货的生产;

Team leaders should take part in pre-production meeting on time, and fetch materials at cutting room and fetch acceories at stock, and do preparations for final production.六、组织安排流水工作,认真分配本组员工的生产任务,保持流水畅通;

Team leaders should organize and manage production line, and aign tasks for team workers, and make sure the production line is clear.七、认真检查每款货物各部位的尺寸规格,严格控制货物的质量;

Team leaders should exam dimensions of all parts of each goods, and keep a tight control of the quality.八、协助主管对本组人员的培训和技术考核等工作;

Team leaders should aist workshop manager to train workers and take technical examinations.九、协调本组员工关系,合理安排劳动力,努力提高工作效益;

Team leaders should coordinate members’ relationship, and arrange labors reasonably and try to increase work efficiency.十、关注本组当日的生产状况及人事情况,并对主管报告;

Team leaders should pay attention on both production situations and personnel affairs, and report workshop manager every day.十一、负责本组的生产秩序与生产纪律的监督检查工作;

Team leaders should supervise and examine the production order and disciplines.十二、负责本组的环境卫生,生产安全的监督检查工作;

Team leaders should supervise and examine both environment health and production safety.十三、提前预防控制解决组里的工作异常,并对主管报告;

Team leaders should control and handle work exceptions in advance, and report exceptions to workshop manager.十四、完成主管安排的其他任务并对主管负责。

Team leaders should finish other tasks and be responsible for those have done.组检职责

Duties of team leaders


Team checkers should carry out disciplines and policies of our company seriously, and set an example to obey rules and regulations.二、贯彻实施安全生产责任制,作好安全、文明生产的管理;

Team checkers should carry out system of responsibility for production safety, and make sure safety and civilizer production.三、熟读每款货物的质量单和工艺制单,并了解相关的执行标准;

Team checkers should understand well about each goods’s quality and technique, and know related executive standard.四、配合组长做好半成品质量监督,严格控制产品规格,做到有问题早发现早解决;

Team checkers should aist team leaders in the supervisory of semi-products’ quality, and control production specification strictly, and make sure problems find and solve early.五、认真及时地检查车间成品品质,每包货物的尺寸质量均合乎要求,同时做好每天的成品产量记录;

Team checkers should check the quality of end products timely and seriously, make sure end products’ size and quality meet the requirements;meanwhile, team leaders should keep daily quality record of end products.六、认真核对本组的每款产品,确保产品的收发数准确无误;

Team checkers should check each production, and make sure the quantity of goods received and dispatched are correct.七、与本组员工有良好的沟通,提高员工的工作效率和积极性,完成下达的指标;

Team checkers should communicate well with team workers, and increase workers’ working efficiency and activity to finish targets.八、认真修改本组不合格的产品,争取保质保量的完成工作;

Team checkers should modify those unqualified productions, and make sure complete tasks with good quality and right quantity.九、保持本组的卫生和产品堆放整齐;

Team checkers should keep environment healthy and productions tidy.十、完成公司安排的其他临时工作,并对公司负责。

Team checkers should finish other tasks and be responsible for those have done.






推荐专题: 车间实习报告 车间主任岗位职责 服装生产车间组长岗位职责

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