男:Good afternoon,everyone,my honored teachers and my fellow students.女:We’re very honored to be the host for todays party this morning to give the English party for everybody.
合:Thank you for coming to this great party
男:First of all, please allow us to introduce ourselves, I’mXXXX
男:In today’s show.35 contestants (选手)will join this party.During the contest, for each student, you can take it easy to give your speech.And after your speech, our teacher will make a conclusion for our performance .
A: 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾
B: 亲爱的老师、同学们:大家
合: 晚上好!
A: 时光如梭,我们走过花谢花开、春去秋来
B: 年华似水,我们经历如诗岁月、如火青春
C: 冬雪铺陈昨日的辉煌,告别过去,我们铭记每一个奋进的日子
D: 锣鼓敲响新的征程,迈进公寓文化建设年,我们打造大学生温馨的家园
B: 今天,xx校区迎来XX级新生,焕发出新的活力,给xx大学注入新的希望
C: 岁月不居,迎着纷繁的落叶,成长在吉大这片沃土的栋梁如今乘帆远航,挥洒激情
D: 天道酬勤,踏着晶莹的秋霜,向往着吉大这片沃土的希望如今乘兴而来,激昂青春!
A: 清晨,踏着韶光园清幽的小径,我们走向知识的殿堂
B: 傍晚,伴着广播里温暖的问候,我们清点沉甸甸的收获
C: 朝阳初露时,浩瀚的图书馆里,智慧的光芒照亮我们前行的路
D: 华灯初上的此刻,激情澎湃的礼堂中,青春的力量奏响祖国新时代的华彩乐章!
B: 今晚,我们将从这里展翅飞翔,秉着“求实创新、励志图强”的校训,追随心中永不放弃的梦想。
C: 准备好你的热情、准备好你的憧憬
D: 让我们锐意进取,让我们携手并进,为青春
合: 放声歌唱!
D: 下面我宣布,XX大学XX校区20XX年“南湖起航,天翼飞翔”迎新晚会
合: 现在开始!
A: 今夜,我们欢聚一堂,激情满怀
B: 今夜,我们载歌载舞,心潮澎湃
C: 今夜,我们让青春在此启航
D: 今夜,我们让梦想自由的飞翔
A: 飞扬的歌声,吟唱难忘的岁月,凝聚心头不变的情节
B: 熟悉的旋律,演绎时代的激越,回荡勇攀高峰的豪情
D: 让我们在XX的怀抱中茁壮成长,用力量的臂膀让共和国
合: 神采飞扬 凯歌嘹亮!
C: 最后,衷心的感谢各位老师和同学们的到来
D: 我宣布:XX大学XX校区20XX年迎新晚会——
合: 到此结束!
合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!
Boy: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,
Girl: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears
Boy: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves
Girl: with the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us
合: Let's shout,"Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!
Girl: Jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you?
Boy: Of course, Monica(女主持人姓名), me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?
Girl: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I gueour audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?
Boy: It's just the truth. So now, let's enjoy!!!
Girl: Thanks for the great performance of our students!
Boy: Thanks for the present of our dear parents!
Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas, Let's look forward to our next gathering! Merry Christmas again! See you.......
Good evening and welcome to the party. I am , I am honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. On behalf of the entire staff of education, I wish all of you a happy Christmas eve.
Before we go, I’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun.
First of all, let’s welcome our principal, Mr. zheng to give us a welcome speech.
Thank you Mr. zheng.
Next, our first program, all the students sing the song ‘happy new year’ with your teachers together, please.
What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody. Now, let’s welcome Mr.to read the Letter of Commitment.
Ok, here comes the first exciting moment, boys and girls, the lucky draw! During this round, 8 of you will be awarded with 50 RMB and a nice gift for the third prize.
Have you heard the story of Snow White? I think every little girl must have ever dreamed to be snow white, am I right? But I am sure, you have never seen the story being played by your classmates, now,let’s enjoy, the snow white, played by sixth grade students.
Thank you for their exciting performance, thank you. Great job. Applaud for them.
We have seen the exciting performance of the students, what about the teachers? Finding Nemo, dubbed by Mr.
Ok! Lucky draw again! This round, we’ll see, who is the next lucky dog? Each of the winners is gonna get 100 RMB as scholarship and a nice present for the second prize.
Now, the talent show, presented by , welcome.
Boys and girls, the most exciting moment, the last round of lucky draw tonight. Two of you guys will get 200 RMB as scholarship and a nice present for the fist prize.
Next, poetry reading, to new year, by
Last here is a piece of VCR for the parents, pls enjoy, and your kids will go to different classroom to choose four games to play
Boys and girls , have fun!
合:good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! welcome to our christmas party!
boy: with the snow flakes falling from the sky,
girl: with the christmas carols resounding around our ears
boy: with the christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves
girl: with the kindest santa christ in red walking towards us
合: let's shout,"christmas is coming! merry christmas!!!
girl: jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, i can't be more excited. how about you?
boy: of course, monica(女主持人姓名), me too. and i dare say that i've never been so happy in my life. i bet you do, yeah?
girl: sure, you are right. so why are we still waiting? i guess our audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. do you think so?
推荐专题: 广场舞主持词开场白 春节晚会主持词 大学晚会英文主持词开场白