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2024-07-01 00:25:05



合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!


Jack: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Lily: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears,

Obama: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves,

Anne: with the kindest Santa Clause in red walking towards us 合: Let’s shout, “Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!”

Jack: Hello, I’m Jack. I’m honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. On behalf of the Entire Staff of TianTian Education(天天教育中心,不知这样对不?), I wish all of you a happy Christmas Eve.


Lily: Before we go, I’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun.


Obama: First of all, let’s welcome our principal, Mrs. Wang, to give us a welcome speech.


Anne: Thank you, Mrs. Wang.


Jack: Now, the first program, all the students sing the song “Silent Night” with Santa Clause.

Lily: What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody.

Obama: Anne,at this special moment, I can’t be more excited. How about you?

Anne: Of course, Obama, me too. And I dare say that I’ve never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Obama: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I guess our audience can’t wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?(可能这里很罗嗦,需要精减)

Anne: It’s just the truth. So now, let’s enjoy the second program. Semichorus: Edelweiss and Santa Clause is coming to the town.

Jack: Thanks for their great performance!

Lily: Have you heard the Christmas story? Tonight, Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen will tell you a Christmas story. Let’ s welcome them.

Obama: What a funny story! Thank you two. Please applaud for Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen.

Anne: Oh, here comes the first exciting moment, games time, “biting apples”. We need 10 students to bite these apples, the student who can bite the apple first is the winner. Then you can get the apple and Santa Clause will give you a present.(不知道这个游戏具体该怎么说,全盘否定也没关系)

Jack: It’s very interesting, isn’t it?

Lily: Yes. We are very happy. But I have a question. What can you do when you are hungry? Cooking by yourselves or asking for your parents? Today our little lions will give you an answer. Please enjoy a play “I am hungry”.

Obama: Thanks for their exciting performance. Well done!

Anne: Boys and girls, the exciting moment is coming, the lucky draw! Obama: Let’s invite our Father Christmas. Please draw out the wish cards for us. We’ll satisfy their wishes.

Anne: How lucky they are!

Jack: Have you heard the story of Three Little Pigs? Please enjoy Three Little Pigs, played by the second grade students.

Lily: How lovely they are! Thanks for their interesting performance!

合:Everybody, put on your masks and dance with the music. Let’s end our Christmas Eve with dancing! See you next year, have a good dream tonight!



Dear teacher, the classmates:


Today, I am very pleased with everyone together to celebrate "si- one" theinternational children's day. Here, on behalf of the county Party committee andgovernment, to the children's friends greetings! To cultivate the flowers of themotherland, make painstaking efforts and hard work of teachers pay tribute! Toobtain the 20__ annual less advanced collective, team work and e-cellent teamless counselors and safflower young the honorary title of the school, teachersand students e-pressed warm congratulations!


The young pioneers, children, youth is the beginning of a better life,lofty ideals bred here, noble sentiments sprouted here, a good habit to develophere, brilliant life here in the foundation. Today, you are the naivete of thered scarf. Tomorrow, you will be the new home construction, the construction ofthe motherland. To see the students the spirit of vigorous, I feel very happyand pleased. I hope the students cherish this wonderful time, aim high, tobecome ideals, morality, culture, discipline of the "four new", was set up forthe rise of Chinese reading lofty ideals; inherit and carry forward thetraditional virtues of the Chinese nation, start from every little bit, everyword and action, and gradually develop a civilized manners, solidarity, honestand trustworthy, law-abiding, thrift, love of labor good conduct; maintain astrong thirst for knowledge and self-motivated, hard study, hard to learnvarious subjects, make good knowledge base; actively participated in variouse-tracurricular activities, contact the nature, social understanding, broadenone's horizon, further improve the practice ability; physical e-ercise, todevelop good health habits, continuously enhance the physical and hone theirbrave and staunch, meet the challenges of the future to a strong body, strongwill, become the future construction of the motherland, the rejuvenation of theChinese nation "!


Children are the future builders of our motherland, is the successor ofsocialist cause, concerned about the growing up of children is the common dutyof the whole society. In recent years, my county children's cause in the correctleadership of the county Party committee, county government under the jointefforts of the county, in the lower, achieved significant results. I hope thatall the educational administrative staff and teachers can make persistentefforts, innovation, advance with the times, to further implement the party'seducation policy, conscientiously implement the "protection of Minors Act" andother laws and regulations, to create a rela-ed, equality, positive, upwardeducation environment and growth environment for the children. Hope that themajority of teachers and children's workers love their work and career, tostrengthen their self-cultivation, to guide the children to the correct wordsand deeds, cultivate children with noble sentiments, education of children wholove the motherland, respect their parents, honest and trustworthy, law-abiding,diligent self-reliance, to create a good environment for the majority ofchildren young grow sturdily, make students get better development in morality,intelligence, body, beauty. As long as the school, family, society can beconcerned about the growth of children, to pay attention to children'seducation, Jingbian's tomorrow will be more glorious and resplendent!


Finally, I wish teachers healthy, smooth work! I wish the students a happyholiday, study hard, make progress every day!


Thank you.

推荐专题: 党课主持词 春节晚会主持词 中英文晚会主持词

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