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2024-07-01 00:09:02




B:Ladies and gentlemen,my dear friends.


B:Welcome to the Christmas Party. I’m very happy to host the party for you. Thank you for your coming. On this romantic Christmas Day, let’s share the happiness together. Merry Christmas!


B:First of all. It’s my great honor to introduce our guests to all of you. They are Mr Huang and Miss Qian. Let’s welcome!

G:首先,我非常荣幸地向大家介绍我们的客人:黄老师和钱老师。让我们欢迎他们! B:Now let’s welcome Mr Huang to make a speech for us.


B:Thanks. The 7th English Culture of Yangzi No.4 Primary now starts.

G: 扬子四小第七届英语文化节开幕。

(第1个节目)When Christmas comes to the town当圣诞来到城镇 二 ( 1、4 )班 B:No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve,Hoping Santa's on his way. Putting up the Christmas tree With friends you come around. it's so much fun when Christmas comes to town.


B:Please appreciate the song: When Christmas comes to the town!


(第2个节目)Winne The Phoo 小熊维尼 五 ( 4 )班

B:Hello, everyone, do you like Winne The Phoo? Today, Winne and his friends come and join us. Look, they are coming.


(第3个节目)Old Macdonald had a farm 老麦克唐纳有个农场 二( 2 )班 B:Thank you for your excellent performance.


B:Old Macdonald had a farm. And on his farm he had a cat, a dog, a duck, a cow, a turkey, a pig and a sheep. So many lovely animals. Look, they’re coming.


(第4个节目)The little match girl 卖火柴的小女孩 六(3)班

B:Now a poor little match girl is coming. Best wishes to the little match girl. Let’s welcome her.

G: 可怜的买火柴的小女孩来了,祝她好运,让我们欢迎她的到来。

(第5个节目)Three butterflies 三只蝴蝶 一 ( 1 )班

B: There are three lovely butterflies. They are red butterfly, yellow butterfly, white butterfly. Listen to their story.

G: 有三只可爱的蝴蝶。它们是红蝴蝶,黄蝴蝶和白蝴蝶。听听它们的故事。

(第6节目)The snow white 雪公主 五( 2 )班

B: A long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother didn’t like her very much. She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night. Let’s enjoy the nice story.

G: 一个可爱美丽的公主因为后母嫉妒其美貌而*逃到森林,偶遇善良的七个小矮人。最后在他们帮助下,克服了后母的诅咒,找到真爱的王子。让我们欣赏这个美丽的故事。

(第7节目) English songs英语歌曲联唱 一( 1 2 )班

B:Where there is music, there is joy; where there is music, there is hope.


B:Let’s enjoy the English songs to explore the joys and hopes. Now let’s welcome the students from Class1and2, Grade1 to perform for us.


(第8节目) The cat and the bell猫和铃铛 四 ( 1 )班

B:Mice afraid of cats, that is a truth. But today the mice in a big house want to change this piece of truth. They have got an idea. Is it really a good idea?


B: So now no more seconds wasted. Let’s welcome the students from Class1, Grade4. G:不浪费时间了。让我们欢迎四年级1班的同学为我们带来表演。

(第9节目)Indiscriminate Yu provides several 滥竽充数 三 ( 3 )班

B:Do you know the story about Nanguo, it tells us hold what you really know and tell what you do not know -this will lead to knowledge. Now welcome the students from Class3, Grade3. They will show us the story.


(第10节目)Mr. Dongguo and the wolf东郭先生和狼 四( 5 )班

B: Nanguo is going, Dongguo is coming. One day Mr Dongguo was walking in the road. Suddenly a wolf ran very fast to him.What happened next? Please watch…

G: 一天,东郭先生在一条路上走着。突然,有一只野狼飞快地朝他跑来。然后发生了什么?请看……

(第11节目)Big big world大大世界 五( 5 )班

B: We’re in a big big world. How to express our love? Let’s welcome the students in

Class5, Grade5.They will bring us a song : Big big world.

(第12节目) Snow White and seven drawves白雪公主和七个小矮人 六( 1 )班 B:All of us like Snow White. She is beautiful. Look, Snow White is coming, too. Let’s have a look what she is like.


(第13节目)Three bears三只小熊六(2)班

B:Do you know three bears? What happened to the bear family? Let’s welcome the students in Class2, Grade6.They will bring us a show.


(第14节目)The tigers look for the food 老虎找食物 五 ( 5 )班

B:The twin tigers are very hungry. But they don’t like ice-creams, cakes. They only like meat. Do they eat any meat at last? Guess!


B: OK, let’s welcome the students in Class5, Grade5. They will bring us a short play: The tigers look for the food.

G: 好的,让我们欢迎五(5)班的同学为大家带来的短剧:老虎找食物。


B:Hello, everybody. Till now, our party has come to an end. Thanks again to all of you! G: 大家好。到现在为止我们的派对接近尾声了。再次感谢大家!

B:My dear friends, Let me finally wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year. May Santa Claus make all our dreams come true. See you, everybody. Merry Christmas! (Music)



合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!


Jack: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Lily: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears,

Obama: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves,

Anne: with the kindest Santa Clause in red walking towards us 合: Let’s shout, “Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!”

Jack: Hello, I’m Jack. I’m honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. On behalf of the Entire Staff of TianTian Education(天天教育中心,不知这样对不?), I wish all of you a happy Christmas Eve.


Lily: Before we go, I’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun.


Obama: First of all, let’s welcome our principal, Mrs. Wang, to give us a welcome speech.


Anne: Thank you, Mrs. Wang.


Jack: Now, the first program, all the students sing the song “Silent Night” with Santa Clause.

Lily: What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody.

Obama: Anne,at this special moment, I can’t be more excited. How about you?

Anne: Of course, Obama, me too. And I dare say that I’ve never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Obama: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I guess our audience can’t wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?

Anne: It’s just the truth. So now, let’s enjoy the second program. Semichorus: Edelweiss and Santa Clause is coming to the town.

Jack: Thanks for their great performance!

Lily: Have you heard the Christmas story? Tonight, Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen will tell you a Christmas story. Let’ s welcome them.

Obama: What a funny story! Thank you two. Please applaud for Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen.

Anne: Oh, here comes the first exciting moment, games time, “biting apples”. We need 10 students to bite these apples, the student who can bite the apple first is the winner. Then you can get the apple and Santa Clause will give you a present.

Jack: It’s very interesting, isn’t it?

Lily: Yes. We are very happy. But I have a question. What can you do when you are hungry? Cooking by yourselves or asking for your parents? Today our little lions will give you an answer. Please enjoy a play “I am hungry”.

Obama: Thanks for their exciting performance. Well done!

Anne: Boys and girls, the exciting moment is coming, the lucky draw! Obama: Let’s invite our Father Christmas. Please draw out the wish cards for us. We’ll satisfy their wishes.

Anne: How lucky they are!

Jack: Have you heard the story of Three Little Pigs? Please enjoy Three Little Pigs, played by the second grade students.

Lily: How lovely they are! Thanks for their interesting performance!

合:Everybody, put on your masks and dance with the music. Let’s end our Christmas Eve with dancing! See you next year, have a good dream tonight!



B:Ladies and gentlemen,my dear friends.


B:Welcome to the Christmas Party. I’m very happy to host the party for you. Thank you for your coming. On this romantic Christmas Day, let’s share the happiness together. Merry Christmas!


B:First of all. It’s my great honor to introduce our guests to all of you. They are Mr Huang and Miss Qian. Let’s welcome!

G:首先,我非常荣幸地向大家介绍我们的客人:黄老师和钱老师。让我们欢迎他们! B:Now let’s welcome Mr Huang to make a speech for us.


B:Thanks. The 7th English Culture of Yangzi No.4 Primary now starts.

G: 扬子四小第七届英语文化节开幕。

(第1个节目)When Christmas comes to the town当圣诞来到城镇 二 ( 1、4 )班 B:No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve,Hoping Santa's on his way. Putting up the Christmas tree With friends you come around. it's so much fun when Christmas comes to town.


B:Please appreciate the song: When Christmas comes to the town!


(第2个节目)Winne The Phoo 小熊维尼 五 ( 4 )班

B:Hello, everyone, do you like Winne The Phoo? Today, Winne and his friends come and join us. Look, they are coming.


(第3个节目)Old Macdonald had a farm 老麦克唐纳有个农场 二( 2 )班 B:Thank you for your e-cellent performance.


B:Old Macdonald had a farm. And on his farm he had a cat, a dog, a duck, a cow, a turkey, a pig and a sheep. So many lovely animals. Look, they’re coming.


(第4个节目)The little match girl 卖火柴的小女孩 六(3)班

B:Now a poor little match girl is coming. Best wishes to the little match girl. Let’s welcome her.

G: 可怜的买火柴的小女孩来了,祝她好运,让我们欢迎她的到来。

(第5个节目)Three butterflies 三只蝴蝶 一 ( 1 )班

B: There are three lovely butterflies. They are red butterfly, yellow butterfly, white butterfly. Listen to their story.

G: 有三只可爱的蝴蝶。它们是红蝴蝶,黄蝴蝶和白蝴蝶。听听它们的故事。

(第6节目)The snow white 雪公主 五( 2 )班

B: A long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother didn’t like her very much. She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night. Let’s enjoy the nice story.

G: 一个可爱美丽的公主因为后母嫉妒其美貌而-逃到森林,偶遇善良的七个小矮人。最后在他们帮助下,克服了后母的诅咒,找到真爱的王子。让我们欣赏这个美丽的故事。

(第7节目) English songs英语歌曲联唱 一( 1 2 )班

B:Where there is music, there is joy; where there is music, there is hope.


B:Let’s enjoy the English songs to e-plore the joys and hopes. Now let’s welcome the students from Class1and2, Grade1 to perform for us.


(第8节目) The cat and the bell猫和铃铛 四 ( 1 )班

B:Mice afraid of cats, that is a truth. But today the mice in a big house want to change this piece of truth. They have got an idea. Is it really a good idea?


B: So now no more seconds wasted. Let’s welcome the students from Class1, Grade4. G:不浪费时间了。让我们欢迎四年级1班的同学为我们带来表演。

(第9节目)Indiscriminate Yu provides several 滥竽充数 三 ( 3 )班

B:Do you know the story about Nanguo, it tells us hold what you really know and tell what you do not know -this will lead to knowledge. Now welcome the students from Class3, Grade3. They will show us the story.


(第10节目)Mr. Dongguo and the wolf东郭先生和狼 四( 5 )班

B: Nanguo is going, Dongguo is coming. One day Mr Dongguo was walking in the road. Suddenly a wolf ran very fast to him.What happened ne-t? Please watch…

G: 一天,东郭先生在一条路上走着。突然,有一只野狼飞快地朝他跑来。然后发生了什么?请看……

(第11节目)Big big world大大世界 五( 5 )班

B: We’re in a big big world. How to e-press our love? Let’s welcome the students in

Class5, Grade5.They will bring us a song : Big big world.

(第12节目) Snow White and seven drawves白雪公主和七个小矮人 六( 1 )班 B:All of us like Snow White. She is beautiful. Look, Snow White is coming, too. Let’s have a look what she is like.


(第13节目)Three bears三只小熊六(2)班

B:Do you know three bears? What happened to the bear family? Let’s welcome the students in Class2, Grade6.They will bring us a show.


(第14节目)The tigers look for the food 老虎找食物 五 ( 5 )班

B:The twin tigers are very hungry. But they don’t like ice-creams, cakes. They only like meat. Do they eat any meat at last? Guess!


B: OK, let’s welcome the students in Class5, Grade5. They will bring us a short play: The tigers look for the food.

G: 好的,让我们欢迎五(5)班的同学为大家带来的短剧:老虎找食物。


B:Hello, everybody. Till now, our party has come to an end. Thanks again to all of you! G: 大家好。到现在为止我们的派对接近尾声了。再次感谢大家!

B:My dear friends, Let me finally wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year. May Santa Claus make all our dreams come true. See you, everybody. Merry Christmas! (Music)




































合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!


Jack: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Lily: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears,

Obama: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves,

Anne: with the kindest Santa Clause in red walking towards us 合: Let’s shout, “Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!”

Jack: Hello, I’m Jack. I’m honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. On behalf of the Entire Staff of TianTian Education(天天教育中心,不知这样对不?), I wish all of you a happy Christmas Eve.


Lily: Before we go, I’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun.


Obama: First of all, let’s welcome our principal, Mrs. Wang, to give us a welcome speech.


Anne: Thank you, Mrs. Wang.


Jack: Now, the first program, all the students sing the song “Silent Night” with Santa Clause.

Lily: What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody.

Obama: Anne,at this special moment, I can’t be more e-cited. How about you?

Anne: Of course, Obama, me too. And I dare say that I’ve never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Obama: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I guess our audience can’t wait to enjoy our e-citing performance. Do you think so?

Anne: It’s just the truth. So now, let’s enjoy the second program. Semichorus: Edelweiss and Santa Clause is coming to the town.

Jack: Thanks for their great performance!

Lily: Have you heard the Christmas story? Tonight, Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen will tell you a Christmas story. Let’ s welcome them.

Obama: What a funny story! Thank you two. Please applaud for Shuai Qi and Wang Haosen.

Anne: Oh, here comes the first e-citing moment, games time, “biting apples”. We need 10 students to bite these apples, the student who can bite the apple first is the winner. Then you can get the apple and Santa Clause will give you a present.

Jack: It’s very interesting, isn’t it?

Lily: Yes. We are very happy. But I have a question. What can you do when you are hungry? Cooking by yourselves or asking for your parents? Today our little lions will give you an answer. Please enjoy a play “I am hungry”.

Obama: Thanks for their e-citing performance. Well done!

Anne: Boys and girls, the e-citing moment is coming, the lucky draw! Obama: Let’s invite our Father Christmas. Please draw out the wish cards for us. We’ll satisfy their wishes.

Anne: How lucky they are!

Jack: Have you heard the story of Three Little Pigs? Please enjoy Three Little Pigs, played by the second grade students.

Lily: How lovely they are! Thanks for their interesting performance!

合:Everybody, put on your masks and dance with the music. Let’s end our Christmas Eve with dancing! See you ne-t year, have a good dream tonight!









Leaders, teachers, Dear students: Good evening everyone!

Am pleased to be able to attend today's celebration of "June 1" Children'sDay event in English. Here let me, on behalf of the junior secondary schools tothe young pioneers say holiday GREetings, hard to nurture the growth of ourteachers to e-press my sincere thanks! To join our party from the border ofPing-iang City summer-school students and teachers e-pressed a warm welcome ande-tend festive greetings, and through you to summer-school teachers and studentse-tended holiday greetings and pay high tribute !

This year's "June 1" Children's Day, you too may be the last Children'sDay, which means that you also frozen a step, you Zibianziyan Today, you use theEnglish language programmes to celebrate the festival, this is a very meaningfulThing. Hopefully, this event has brought you the happy life of a memorableevening, I sincerely wish the show was a complete success.

Students, and we often said: Children are the flowers of the motherland isthe future of the country. Is the hope of the nation. As we all know, you Healthon the socialist motherland of the GREat era of vigorous development, the futureof the comprehensive construction of the grand blueprint for a well-off society,to rely on you to personally participate in and draw, the grand goal of nationalstruggle to rely on you to achieve, so I hope you learn Cultural and scientificknowledge, good ideological and moral cultivation, training health strongphysique, starting from now, bit by bit from the start with small, start fromtheir own words and deeds, in school, do a good student, in the family to be aGood boy, in the community do a good boy and become a moral, intellectual,physical, and aesthetic development of talents. We continue to hope andPing-iang Bianzhai children, summer-school children pulling up to hand, the"hand in hand" the activities of mutual concern, mutual learning, solidarity,towards others, and common progress. For the edge of the economy, culture,education and development of the motherland and the prosperity of ourcontribution to the force. Let us join hands to train there for the cause ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics qualified builders and successors ofreliable work!

I wish the students good health and learning proGREss, happy holidays!

I wish evening a complete success!


推荐专题: 党课主持词 春节晚会主持词 中英文晚会主持词

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