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英文主持词 晚会(范文六篇)

2024-06-30 23:46:23

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A : Good evening , boys and girls , welcome to our dumpling party .

B : 晚上好,朋友们,欢迎来到我们的“饺流天下”晚会。

A : Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food , full of delicious taste and ancient intelligence .

B : 饺子是中国一大传统美食,深深蕴藏着鲜香美味与古人的智慧。

A : Tonight , it's our honour to gather together and enjoy the entertainment of making dumplings and sharing cultures .

B : 今晚,让我们欢聚一堂,共同分享包饺子的乐趣,共同体验多文化的魅力!

A : Nothing more to say , just let's start our fantastic journey of dumplings !

B :别的`也不再多说,就让我们现在开始我们的“饺子之旅”!

A : Ready ? Go !

Show time演出阶段

A:After such a busy and happy time , let's just be relaxed and enjoy excellent performance. Now , it's the show time !

B : 结束了忙碌充实的动手时光,现在让我们都来放松心情,一起欣赏来自中外的精彩表演!

A : First , let's enjoy an amazing kongfu show from the association of Taijiquan .

B :下面让我们来欣赏来自太极拳协会的武术和太极表演。

A : Terrific ! Chinses kongfu is full of magic , have you been excited by that ? Ok. Now, let's enjoy a classical music , a Er Hu recital from Zhang Yi .

B : 中华武术博大精深,是不是已经震惊在座了呢?那好,现在我们来欣赏一曲中国传统艺术,来自张怡的二胡独奏,大家欢迎。

A : Beatiful ! That's the first word appears in my mind . What do you expect next ? all right , still from the music association , let's welcome Zhao Lingxiao and his Gusuxing !

B :行云流水!这是不是第一个出现在你脑海里的词呢?那么我们不妨在欣赏一曲管弦独奏,有请音乐协会赵凌霄和他带来的《姑苏行》 !

A :Enjoyed so much traditional shows , do you think it's time to change a pace . Now , let's waiting for our foreign friends and their songs !

B :欣赏了那么多传统节目是不是也想换换口味了呢?那么现在就请要求我们的外国朋友为我们带来他们的精彩演出!

A : There is always no boundary among songs , having finished those exotic culture , do you want to get back to something native ? Well , just hands for Tan Shiqi and her fabulous song !

B : 音乐总是没有国界的,听完了异域风情的旋律,是不是也想回归一下本土呢?现在就让我们掌声迎来谭诗琪和她动人的歌!

Food time 美食时间

A : So much for those colorful performances , everyone must be waiting for one thing ----yeah ! Dumplings ! Look they are coming !

B :今晚可谓是星光闪耀、异彩纷呈。欣赏的够了,热闹的久了,大家现在最期待的是什么呢?没错,就是大家自己动手做出来的饺子啦!!!当当当当,看,它们来了!

A : Just enjoy yourself !

B : 尽情享用吧!

A : Happy time is always short , we always feels it limitied . But we should also remember that there's always time for goobye .

B : 美好时光总是稍纵即逝,但是天下没有不散的筵席。

A : And this time's farewell is for next time's meet again .

B :今日的道别是为了明日的重逢。

A:So , let's have a happy emnding ! Memorising this great night ! B :那么就让我们开开心心的结束,铭记今晚的奇幻一切精彩!

A : Dear ftiends , See you next time !

B : 亲爱的朋友们,让我们下次再见!


We are gathered here this ____ to unite this man ____ and this woman _____in the bonds of holy matrimony which is an honorable estate。

Into this, these two now come to be joined。

If anyone present can show just and legal cause why they may not be joined,let them speak now or forever hold their peace。

Who gives this woman to this man? (MAN)_______, will you have this woman asyour lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will youlove her, honor her, comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health;forsaking all others, be true to her as long as you both shall live? (Iwill)。

(WOMAN)_______, will you have this man as your lawful wedded husband, tolive together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love him, honor him, comforthim, and keep him in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true tohim as long as you both shall live? (I will)。

BEHOLD the symbol of wedlock。

The perfect circle of love, the unbroken union of this man and this womanunited here today。

May you both remain faithful to this symbol of true love。

Please join hands and repeat after me (man first, while placing ring onproper fingers)。

I,_______, take _____ as my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this dayforward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and inhealth, to love and to cherish, till death do us part。

I,_______, take _____ as my wedded husband, to have and to hold from thisday forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness andin health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part。

For as much as ______ and ______ have consented together in wedlock, andhave witnessed the same before this company of friends and family, and havegiven and pledged their promises to each other, and have declared the same bygiving and receiving a ring, and by joining hands。

By the authority vested in me by the State of New Hampshire,I pronouncethis couple to be husband and wife。


开场白A: Dear Parents

B: 亲爱的家长们

C: Dear friends

D: 亲爱的朋友们

合:Welcone to our party

A: I'm Anny

B: I'm

C: I'm

D: I'm

A: Today is the children's Day

B: 今天是6 1儿童节

C: And happiness is belong to everyone

D: 而61的快乐是属于大家的

B: Today we're here together

A: 今天我们相聚在这里

D: And enjoy our Party

C: 一起享受我们的晚会

1 CD: Please enjoy singing《童年》

A: Dear daddy

B: Dear mummy

A: I f you love me , Please give me a huge

B: 如果你们爱我请你抱抱我

B: If you love me , Please give me a kiss

A: 如果你们爱我请你亲亲我

A: If you love me , Please give me a big hand

B: 如果你们爱我请你为我们鼓掌

A: If you love me , Please understand me

B: 如果你们爱我请你理解我们

2AB: Please enjoy 《只有你能欣赏我》

A: Today I'm very happy . Are you happy?

CD: Yes


good evening and welcome to the party. i am , i am honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. on behalf of the entire staff of education, i wish all of you a happy christmas eve.


before we go, i’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun.



Man: Dear colleagues. Good evening, guys.

Woman: in the golden autumn, the fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans, in this big day of national celebration.

Man: stop! Stop - stop! I read less, you don't cheat me, listen to you say so, I instantly feel my whole people are confused!

Woman: what's the matter? On this happy day.

Man: I said, can we still have fun together? This evening is the time for many departments of Shanghai Yihong group company to get together and share the year-end grand meeting. You are both osmanthus and fragrant. What's the matter? Together with you, you are holding a rabbit on the osmanthus tree. After the Mid Autumn Festival and the 11th National Day, how do you want to spend the Spring Festival together? Big day? After that, you plan to live in the tree? Monkey!?

Woman: ouch, I hate it. I don't mean that. I'm very happy and excited when I see a small group of us together

Man: talk well!

Woman: good! Hello, guys. I'm Guan Yan, the host of the party today.

Man: Hello guys, I'm Bao Erchao, the host of the party today.

Together: I wish you a happy new year and all the best!


Pause for 2 seconds

Man: standing at the end of the year, we look back to the past. There are too many touching stories in the past.

Female: standing at the beginning of the year, we look forward to the future. There are more expectations and dreams in the future.

Man: on this day of carrying forward the past and opening up the future, we hold a happy and peaceful annual meeting to celebrate our achievements, look forward to our future and look back on our past.

Woman: on this happy day.

Man: that's enough. I just want to be a beautiful man quietly. (Garland finger movement) please introduce the process of our party.

The evening party is divided into two parts: welcome and entertainment.

Female: in the interactive link, there are many kinds of prizes prepared by the company for our friends. I hope you can actively participate and win the prizes. I wish you all a good harvest!

Man: it's better to hit than to choose. Let's play a game first. All the friends present have it. Raise your left hand (note that it must be your left hand), and then raise your right hand. Yes, then clap with both hands. OK, thank you for clapping for me.

Woman: Er Chao, you are so naughty, do your family know? OK, let's go to the party.

Male: Inheriting yesterday's Huazhang, Kai Yihong Xinhang, Yihong group's 20-year new year meeting officially begins. First of all, let's welcome Chairman Liu Dong of the group company to give an opening speech.

Mr. Liu delivered a speech and announced Jiacheng real estate spring festival annual meeting. Officially!


Male: respected leaders, distinguished guests and dear friends. Welcome to the company's year-end party on this wonderful evening.

Woman: the wheel of time has run over 20 years. The past year is a year of hard work and hard struggle for the company.

Man: in the past year, we used sweat to create glory and youth to weave dreams.

Female: in the past 20 years, the company's various undertakings have been thriving, innovation has led the enterprise to move forward, and development has achieved a beautiful chapter.

Man: the glorious 20-year period has left us too much excitement and joy. The exciting 20-year period is about to play a magnificent movement. Today, let's praise tomorrow with singing and pray for the future with dancing.

Man: dear friends!

Woman: Ladies! Gentlemen!

Good evening, everyone!

Man: first of all, please watch the Group Introduction movie!

Man: another season of snow!

Woman: it's another year!

Man: in a flash, 20 years has left us with firm steps, and the new year has given us new hope.

Woman: how brilliant the new year is.

Man: here, I sincerely wish that in the new year, we will always be like the sun in the morning,

He: full of vitality, full of vitality, full of hope.

Woman: next, I announce that the year-end party of the group branch company will begin now!

Male: first of all, let's welcome Mr. Jian to speak on behalf of our big parent, the chairman of the board of directors!

(speech by Chairman)

Female: Thank you for your new year's wishes. At this moment full of expectations, I hope you can relax and enjoy the wonderful program we brought to you while enjoying the delicious food. First of all, let's welcome Mr. Jiang to bring us the song "March rain".

Female: Thank you for your singing!

Woman: it will be Chinese New Year in a few days. Everyone is making a year-end summary. Summing up work and life, we should learn to be grateful at the same time.

Man: Yes, it's necessary to be grateful. We should always remember to be grateful for life and parents. Here's the heart of gratitude.

Woman: what a touching song. Here is the time of the first round of lucky draw. Please draw ten winners for us!

Woman: after listening to so many songs, let's enjoy a dance, but it's not easy to dance!

Man: our company is full of talented people. Let's invite our colleagues from the domestic sales department to bring you the dynamic hip-hop dance "tell me".

Man: Thank you for their wonderful performance. I believe they should have prepared for such a dynamic dance for a long time!

Woman: Yes, I think every program is prepared by everyone's hard work. Speaking of hard work, who do you think works the hardest in our company?

Man: I think the hardest part is the technicians in the technical department. Every day we urge them to help us catch up with marks and samples. Some of them have to work overtime on weekends.

Woman: next, let's save time for the masters of the technology department to talk about their hard work. Let's have a round of applause from to bring you "good intentions".

Man: it's really a good intention. Now let's welcome the same from the technology department to bring you plateau red. Welcome!

Female: Thank you for your affectionate performance. Tonight's program is really wonderful. The following program is carefully prepared by our female compatriots. It can be said that it is full of motion. Now please enjoy the dance of joy brought by the girls from business group 2 and business group 3.

Man: next is the second round of lucky draw time. Please draw ten lucky and Ruyi prizes for us!

Female: (asking aloud) I believe everyone has seen "there are no thieves in the world". There is a classic line: what is the most important thing in the 21st century?

Man: talent.

Woman: Yes, the most important thing in the 21st century is talents. As the saying goes, it's easy to get thousands of talents, but hard to get good talents. This year, our company will strengthen investment in cost budget and performance improvement. How can we do without talent support? No, after asking for instructions, miss, our company will recruit excellent talents in the talent market before the Spring Festival

Woman: remember Jay Chou who just came to our company for an interview? After the preliminary examination of our company, he has been employed in advance.

Man: after hearing this news, he was very excited, and urged to present a song for you -- the main song of the album "when the wind blows again". Let's applaud!

Woman: before, the style of Dong Zhou was really unusual. Now for the third round of lucky draw, please pay attention to the situation that you didn't draw in two rounds! Please, sir, draw ten lucky New Year Awards for us.

Man: the following two programs can be described as cultural collision and exchange. First of all, please bring us the Chinese Huangmei Opera "in the end, there is more joy in the world.".

Man: a Huangmei opera gives us a deeper understanding of China's long history and culture. Now let's go to India to see the Indian style dance!

Female: let's welcome the girl from India to bring us the Indian style dance Tianzhu girl.

Man: thanks for the wonderful performance of the girl from. Now, let's make the fourth round of lucky draw. Let's invite Mr. -- to draw ten new year's prizes for us!

Woman: we're going to have a good time tonight. There are big prizes below! But I have to watch the show first. Next, let me sing Faye Wong's hypnosis.

Woman: have you been hypnotized? The following program will make you think. Let's welcome business group 2 to bring you a witty question and answer "bingo". The chorus "love to fight will win".

The following performance awards will be presented by three members: (--, --, --, chief financial officer, Mr. Jiama lottery) - Chairman Jiama lottery, Longteng New Year Award, and Longhua Wealth Award.


Man: new start and new harvest in the new year,

Woman: I'm in a good mood for the new year.

Man: at the end of the annual meeting, let's thank you again for your presence!

Female: Thank you again for your wonderful performance tonight!

Man: I wish you all an unforgettable and happy evening!

Together: This is the end of our annual meeting! thank you.

推荐专题: 党课主持词 春节晚会主持词 英文主持词晚会

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