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2024-06-30 23:07:15



1、Trick or tread 不请吃就捣蛋

2、I dress up as a ghost.我穿得像鬼。

3、What a horrible night!多么可怕的晚上啊!

4、What are you going to be?你会打扮成什么?

5、My heart keeps pumping。我的心一直跳得厉害。

6、Are you going to wear a mask?你要带面具吗?

7、Have a great Halloween.愿你有个很棒的万圣节。

8、Let me give you some candies。我给你们些糖果吧。

9、I am making my own costume.我要自己完成我的装扮。

10、I'm going to put on a dark suit。我要穿件黑衣服。

11、Our masks will scare off the spirits!我们的面具可以把幽灵吓走!

12、How should I prepare for Halloween night?在万圣节之夜我该如何准备?

13、What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?万圣节前夕你要穿什么?

14、Dress up like monsters or strange creatures.打扮得像怪物或奇怪的生物。

15、Do you want to help me make a jack-o'-lantern?你愿意帮我做个南瓜/杰克灯吗?

16、The jack-o-lantern is the symbol of Halloween.“空心南瓜灯”是万圣节的象征。

17、They go Trick or treat from house to house at night.他们玩“不招待就捣蛋”的把戏。

18、They can get a lot of candy by the end of the day. 一天下来,他们就会得到很多糖果。

19、People use me to make a jack-o-lantern on Halloween. 人们在万圣节时用我制作“鬼火”。

20、Older boys put us up to pointing the red statue on Halloween.年纪大的男孩指挥我们在万圣节前夕将雕像漆红。

21、Few holidays tap into the American psyche so closely as Halloween.与美国人心理最接近的节日莫过于万圣节前夜。

22、The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume.当面对那个穿万圣节服装的人时孩子尖叫起来。

23、Children would make Halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns.孩子们会制作各种各样桔黄色南瓜灯作为万圣节的装饰品。

24、We use the lantern to light the way for skeletons, devils,witches, ghosts, and thedead friends or relatives, for they will visit the earth。我们用灯笼为骷髅、魔鬼、女巫、鬼魂和死去的朋友和亲戚照路,他们要来人间。

25、It is a happy festival for children. But at the same time, there is a more sinister(阴险的) side to Halloween.虽然对于孩子们来说这是个欢乐热闹的节日,但与此同时,它也有“阴森可怖”的一面。






女: 我是主持人薛雯文。

男: 我是主持人任春明。



女: 今天来自全市各行各业的几十名网友云集九N元食府。

男: 今天在九N元食府酒店,享受听觉、视觉、味觉的欢乐盛宴。

女: 首先请大家用热烈掌声感谢为本场圣诞联欢晚会操劳忙碌一个月的浅秋赏月先生。

男: 同时也感谢九N元食府为本场提供场地以及圣诞晚会礼物。






女: 因为相聚,让我们分享了这快乐的时光,因为浪漫的圣诞让我们承载无尽的祝福。


女: 有请本次活动的总策划,总导演浅秋赏月先生致开幕词。

男: 首先有请青年歌手大赛亚军刘洋先生献上两首歌曲。

[月半弯][ 吉它弹唱,征服] 大家给予掌声欢迎帅哥登场。

女: 下面有请美女小堤琴手刘梅梅,张津岛,带来的[康康舞曲]。

男: 我们秦皇岛__网是人才集锦,高手如林,下面有请群友常亮帅哥给大家带来两首歌曲[嫁人要嫁灰太郎][ 兄弟干杯]

男: 前一段时间我们秦皇岛__网优秀管理经过近壹个月的网上投票选举,今天落下帷幕,最终憨厚[大坡] 以92票摘得桂冠。




[西班牙斗牛士] 大家给予掌声。

男: 谈起圣诞大家都联想到圣诞老人,今天我们现实版的圣诞老人为我们准备许多圣诞礼物,有请浅秋赏月抽取圣诞三等奖。

男: 有请我们的美女搭档张宝温帅哥,幽蓝美女,为大家带来男女对唱[有一点动心]

男: 帅哥美女对唱之后,大家还想听吗?想听的给点讷喊和掌声,有请张宝温带来的一首独唱[爱情码头]


男: 我带大家做一组金鸡独立游戏,有请我们在座的4位单身美女,和4位单身帅哥上场,看我们的帅哥用单腿站立背起美女。



男: 有请小灵铛组带来的新编排的舞蹈[灵动] 掌声欢迎。


[心碎了无痕][ 天意] 大家掌声欢迎。





男:有请我们的小美女带来的狂歌劲舞,[使劲摇][ 哈妮] 掌声。













Jenny: Good evening Ladies and Gentle men, I am your host Jenny.

Mail: It is wonderful to see you tonight, I am your host Mail.

Song: Oh, you must be kidding me, I remember this music is for dating on TV. But whatever, Hi, guys, I am your host Mr.Song

Song: at this moment, a poem can express our feelings :With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Mail: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears

Jenny: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves Mail: with the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us

Song: Let's shout,

All: " Welcome to our Christmas party!

Song: well the candles are so beautiful and the opening is amazing, right? So at this special moment, I can't be more excited. What about you?

Jenny: Of course, me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Mail: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I guess our audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance.

Song: Right, before we continue with other performances, let’s first ask one of the leaders to give us some words a welcome speech, please welcome our teacher Ms. Gong


Jenny: thank you for that inspiring words of wisdom from our own Ms. Gong Yuxiang. Mail: and now, we know Christmas is coming, so first, let’s welcome Jenny from Business English 121 to give us a short introduction about Christmas.

II the meaning of Christmas Jenny

Song: thank you for Jenny’s short introduction, now that you know why we celebrate Christmas, and I know you can’t help wanting to know what will happen next.

Host 2 : so Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the grade 1, applied English 131 for their class song “Jingle Bells” to begin the series of performances followed by “Rabbit Dance”, Rodulf the Red Nosed Reindeer, We are the world and the Fashion show.

Jingle Bells applied English 131

Rabbit Dance Winnie & Team

Jenny: hi Mail, do you know the story about Rodulf?

Mail: no, can you tell me sth?

Jenny: Listen, the story will begin, let’s welcome Business English 121 for their class song “Rodulf the red nosed reindeer”

Rodulf the red nosed reindeer” Business English 121

Voice over: Song: next welcome S and his team for their song We are the world We are the world S & Team

Voice over: Mail: and next are the lovely girls with their fashion show.

Comedy Fashion Show Abby & team BE122

Song: WOW, this is really fantastic, I feel so surprised at all of your potential talents. So let’s give them a big applause and thank you for all of them. And you know the party is not over. As you know, Christmas is about giving, so at this point, here comes the first exciting moment, boys and girls. it is giving time. Do you know where is Santa Claus? Do you know who it is? And we are coming into giving time. Please welcome AVA and Rain, Santa Claus together with our teachers.

Gift giving Santa Claus with AJ

It’s Christmas AVA and Rain

Serenade: give love on Christmas day

Mail: well that is the meaning of Christmas, give love on Christmas day. Give what you have to make others happy. Merry Christmas.

Jenny : and now our party will come into a new stage. Hi mail, I want to ask you a question.

Mail: go ahead, please.

Jenny: do you know how to say Merry Christmas in Spanish?

Mail: so easy, Feliz Navidad.

Jenny: right, and do you know how they dance to celebrate for Christmas? Mail : sorry , I do not know.

Jenny: and now let’s welcome business English 122 for their dance Feliz Navidad.

Dance Feliz Navidad BE122

Song: well it is amazing and wonderful, and then I want to ask you, do you still remember S singing the song “take me to your heart” on your first English corner? Do you want to hear it once again? Ok now welcome our handsome boys with their song “take me to your heart”.

Take me to your heart the boys group

Host: well it is wonderful, and next you will see an army in the battle, but they are all girls. Stand still, don’t move, the war is coming.

The Battle AE 122


Where there is music, there is joy; where there is music, there’s hope., next the girls of AE 122 will give you the best wishes for Christmas.

We wish you a merry Christmas AE122

Host 2: thank you for such marvelous performances. Once more, let’s give them a big big hand.

Host 3: and next, it is the time for children, we all know children are the happiest in the festival but today, they will show their marvelous gifts. Let’s welcome the first cool man: the violinist the pianist the singer

Lovely children to show their stage play:

And the last one is a pair of singers you will never think of. He is the best singer inEnglish department and has a very lovely daughter。They are our dean, the big boy Mr. and his daughter 叮当 with their song《爸爸去哪了》

Chirdren’s time

Host 2: wow so lovely children, let’s wish them be happy everyday.

Host 3: right, and now, it’s time for another surprise. It’s time for raffle draw. This round, we’ll see, who are the next lucky dogs. Let’s welcome Santa Claus to pick up 10 lucky winners for tonight to receive presents.

RAFFLE DRAW: 10 LUCKY WINNERS WANG XU DONG Host 3: congratulations to all the lucky ones.

Host 2: well now you have found our teachers standing on the stage. We always see them on the platform everyday in the classroom, but not in a performance.

Host 3:This time we will see a totally different manner. Ladies and gentlemen, use all of your energy to welcome our teachers.

Teachers’ show teachers

Host 2: wow, I have never seen this so shocked singing. And now let’s give another loud applause for our teachers. They are so great. It’s a fantastic show.

Host 3:And finally I have to say our party will come into the final time and first welcome our beloved Dean Mr. Pu to give us some words.

Closing remarks Mr. Pukun

Host : thank you our dean’s inspiring words and expectations. Before we end our show, let’s first sing some songs together as a united department. Please welcome S to lead us in the community singing.

Community singing S

Thank you for their performance.


Though Jingle bells is around my ears, I have to say the party is formally over. 1. This evening we send our blessing. 2. This evening we stay here singing and dancing.

3. This evening we are full of passion and excitement. Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas 1.Thank you for the great performance of our students! 2. Thank you for the presents of our teachers! 3. And thank you for what you have done today. And finally we want to say, 1. Let’s look forward to our next party! 2. Let’s wish our department a good future. 3. Let’s enjoy our holidays and our lives.

And at last I want everybody to stand up and say Merry Christmas! Loudly. Bye bye.

推荐专题: 党课主持词 春节晚会主持词 圣诞晚会主持词英文

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