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2022-04-04 11:24:54



My school’s name is Bansanpasak. My director’s name is Mr .Pikad Kadtipan. He is 58 years old , a very nice kind and active working man.

Bansanpasak school is located in the NongKwai , Hangdong district, Chiangmai, Thailand since the year 1916.And now, it is 95 years old and very old as old as my grandfather’s age. North of my school is Kunse village and it is near my school .If you ask for directions to my school, you will be told that it is neat Sanpasak market.

South of my school is the market. It is ne_t to my school just a minute’s walk.

East of my school is placed Bansanpak village.

The are 56 teachers working for my school,8 male teachers and 48 female teachers .There are 850 students who are in the kindergarten and in the secondary school.

There are some labs in my school : mathematics lab, science lab, computer room and English sound lab.

The special activities groups are Artist, Dancing, English , and Music .It is done in the last period of Tuesday.

And we also have a big library, which is necessary for the classes. It is quite a good room, clean , tidy and with lots of

interesting books for reading.

We learn 8 subjects in our school: Thai, mathematics, science, history, social, art , health and English. The daily program of the school is:

School begins at 8:15 a.m. All the students are in groups doing national activities ,and the students also learn spelling before going back to the classes.

The first class starts by 9:00 a.m. There are subjects in the morning from 9 to 12and then we stop for lunch for one hour. We have more classes from 1 p.m. and finish them at 4 p.m. The students go back home from school at around 4:30 everyday. My school is lucky to have many e_perienced teachers. They are e_cellent teachers who make us e_cellent. We feel warm and happy when we are in school because of teachers’ goodness and patience. So the students are willing to go to school everyday. And I love my teachers very much too. I want to become a good person and do the right things as my teachers want.

My school stands on an small area of land though, there are 4 big buildings used for the students’ classrooms. Three of them are made of concrete and one another ,the oldest one is made of wood.

I would like to tell you about each of them. The first two

buildings which have three floors with 9 big rooms .One is for students of grade 4,5and 6 ,and the other is for grade seven to nine. The third building which has two floors contains 6 classes for the students grade two to three. And this building is the oldest one in my school.

The fourth building only have two floors too, which is smaller than the others.

There is a big Buddha put in front of the school for us to respect when we arrive at school.

I’ve just remembered the kindergarten is at the back of school. It is ne_t to the canteen and the farm.

Our school can provide students with clean drinking water. There are many green trees around school to make it a better place for studying.

The students in my school study very hard. Every year ,some of them can win the competitions ,and our parents are proud of us.

At last, I want to say :I feel really happy studying in this school . It is the first school I attended .I have never been to any other schools before and I don’t know how different they are, but I am very proud to be a student here and when I have my own children in the future ,I will take them to this school too.



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