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2024-10-16 10:26:47



good morning!

i"m from the pearl river beautiful chemical city, is along the yangtze river industrial development zone south of the four five (1 ) class of xx.

today, the power of love let me stand here.

it is because of the world love nature, from spring to winter, the wind snow and rain, that nature has become so colorful, beautiful;

it is because the fraternity of mankind, created world peace, away from the war suffering, so that people enjoy the achievement of science and technology, a life of happiness;

it is because of the culture of mutual love, the achievements of world civilization, language of the united states, china and the world to build a bridge for communication of information, enable people to eliminate misunderstanding, friendship;

it is because of the love," premier" lead me to the door of wisdom, make my day to spare some time, with him, and it company, swim in the english of this little world, let me feel the fullness of life and the joy of learning.

because of love, the world will be so beautiful!










I don’t know what that dream is that you have. I don’t care how disappointing it might have been, as you’ve been working toward that dream. That dream that you are holding in your mind that is possible. That some of you already know that is hard. It’s not easy. It’s hard changing your life. That in the process of working on your dreams, you’re going to encounter a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain. The moments when you’re going to doubt yourselves,


ask god“why, why this happening to me. I am just trying to take care of my children and my mother. Am I trying to steal or rob from anybodyHow does this have happened to me”For those of you that have experienced some hardships, don’t give up for your dream. There are right time on the way to have come, but they have not come to be seen, they have come to past.



Uniqueness is not this wonderful as all tell it delusive. God like featuring in that. Only the special among us are will ever take in something that truly exists in all of us.

It’s very important for you to believe that you are the one. Most people they raise their family, they earn their living and then they die. They stop growing. They stop working on themselves. They stop stretching. They stop pushing themselves. That a lot of people like to complain but they don’t want to do anything about their situation. And most people don’t work on their dreams. WhyOne is because of the fear, the fear of failure. What if things don’t work outAnd the fear of success, what if they do and I can’t handle it. These are not risk takers.



You spent so much time with other people. You spent so much time channel. You get other people to like you. You know other people more than you know yourselves. You study them. You know about them. You want to hang out like them. You want to be just like them. And you know whatEven better so much time and man, you don’t know who you are. I challenge you should spend time by yourselves.

你花了很多时间和他人相处打交道,成功地让他人喜欢上你。你了解其他人的程度远胜于你了解真正的自己。你研究他们,熟悉他们,想过上他们的生活,成为他们其中一员。但是你知道吗?虽然你花了很多时间在他们身上,却失去了你自己。我要你学会与自己坦诚相处。 It’s necessary that you get the losers out of your life if you want to live your dream. But people who are running toward their dreams, life has a special kind of meaning.

如果要实现自己的梦想,就要远离失败者。对于勇于追逐梦想的人,生活有着不一样的意义。 When you become the right person, what you do is to start separating yourselves from other people. You begin to have your certain uniqueness. As long as you following other people, as long as you will be a copy cat. You will never ever be the best copy cat in the world. But you will be the best you could be. I challenge you could find your value. That everybody want to see it, that everybody want to join you, that everybody want to have a vision, it’s necessary to know that you are uncommon breed, it’s necessary you’re allowing yourselves with people who are trying to enter your business who are hungry, people who are unstoppable and ueasonable, people who are refusing to live life just as it is and who want more. The people who are living their dreams are fighting winners to attach themselves to .The people that are living their dreams are the people they know if it’s gonna happen, it’s up to them.


If you want to be more successful, if you want to have and don’t stop and never to be bored, let them all to invest in you, to invest in you, to invest in you.

Someone has the opinion that you do not have to become your reality, that you don’t have to go through life being a victim. Even though you face disappointment, you have to know within yourselves. Can I do itEven no one sees it from me, I am gonna see it from myself.



This is what I believe and I am willing to die for, too. No matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I am going to make it. I want to represent an ideal, I want to represent possibilities.

At some of you right now, you wanna be , you know I wanna go to the next level. I am gonna count so. I want to be an engineer, I want to be a doctor. Listen to me, you can get to that level, you can get to the level economically where you wanna be. And to use time you invest in mind, you are not reading books, I am telling you that all the books are the compasses.



I am telling you to invest time. I am telling you to be alone. I am telling you to spend out and get to know yourselves. When you become who you are, when you become the person that you are created to be, design to be who you’re designed to be. When you become an individual, what you do is you to take yourselves and you start submarine yourselves underpinned. I am telling you to get to a place where people don’t like you or bother you anymore. WhyCause you are not consort with people and make them happy. Because you try more, you try to invest your mind. 你应该好好利用时间。你应该远离喧嚣。你应该花时间了解自己。为了让自己成为要成为,会成为,本来就应该成为的人,而要想成为这样的人,你就要认清自己,充实自己。你要寻一块清净之地,人们不喜欢你也不会打扰你。为什么?因为这样你才不会费心思进行社交,取悦他人。你要付出更多来培育你自己的心力。

But you still talk about your dream, you still talk about your goal, because we are not done that

big, just taking footsteps. That you can make your parents proud, you can make your school proud, you can charge millions of people’s life. And the world will never be the same again, because you came this way. Don’t let anybody steal your dream. Have we face our rejections and we have a meeting and no one shows upAnd somebody says you can count on me and they don’t come through. What if we have that kind of attitude we don’t possess. Nobody believes in you and you’ve lost again again and again. Your life has cut off, but you still looking at your grieve, revealing it every day and the singular step is not over.

I tell I aware, you can live your dream!




Everyone has a dream.I also have a dream.

I want to be a computer programmer.Because I like playing computergames,andthen I want to make my own games.Of courseI know it is difficult to bea goodcomputer programmer.SoI have to learn more the knowledges about thecomputer.ForexampleIll have some computer lessons when I have time.And I willread morecomputer books everyday.WhatsIll join the computer club in highschool.

In conclusionI will do some things to improve my computer operation.Iamsure my dream will come true one day.





At every stage of our lives we make decisions that will profoundly influence the lives of the people we're going to become, and then when we become those

people, we're not always thrilled with the decisions we made. So young people pay good money to get tattoos removed that teenagers paid good money to get.

Middle-aged people rushed to divorce people who young adults rushed to marry. Older adults work hard to lose what middle-aged adults worked hard to gain. On and on and on. The question is, as a psychologist, that fascinates me is, why do we make decisions that our future selves so often regret?


Now, I think one of the reasons -- I'll try to convince you today ― is that we have a fundamental misconception about the power of time. Every one of you knows that the rate of change slows over the human lifespan, that your children seem to

change by the minute but your parents seem to change by the year. But what is the name of this magical point in life where change suddenly goes from a gallop to a crawl? Is it teenage years? Is it middle age? Is it old age? The answer, it turns out, for most people, is now, wherever now happens to be. What I want to convince you today is that all of us are walking around with an illusion, an illusion that history,

our personal history, has just come to an end, that we have just recently become the people that we were always meant to be and will be for the rest of our lives. 我认为其中一个原因――而我今天想说服你们的――就是我们对时间的力量有个基本的错误概念。你们每个人都知道变化的速度随着人的年龄增长不断放慢,孩子们好像每分钟都有变化,而父母们的变化则要慢得多。那么生命中这个让变化突然间从飞速变得缓慢的神奇转折点应该叫什么呢?是青少年时期吗?是中年时期吗?是老年阶段吗?其实对大多数人来说,答案是,现在,无论现在发生在什么。今天我想让大家明白的是,我们所有人都在围绕着一种错觉生活,这种错觉就是,我们每个人的过去,都已经结束了,我们已经成为了我们应该成为的那种人,在余下的生命中也都会如此。

Let me give you some data to back up that claim. So here's a study of change in people's personal values over time. Here's three values. Everybody here holds all of them, but you probably know that as you grow, as you age, the balance of these values shifts. So how does it do so? Well, we asked thousands of people. We asked half of them to predict for us how much their values would change in the next 10 years, and the others to tell us how much their values had changed in the last 10 years. And this enabled us to do a really interesting kind of analysis, because it allowed us to compare the predictions of people, say, 18 years old, to the reports of people who were 28, and to do that kind of analysis throughout the lifespan.



Here's what we found. First of all, you are right, change does slow down as we age, but second, you're wrong, because it doesn't slow nearly as much as we think. At every age, from 18 to 68 in our data set, people vastly underestimated how much change they would experience over the next 10 years. We call this the "end of history" illusion. To give you an idea of the magnitude of this effect, you can connect these two lines, and what you see here is that 18-year-olds anticipate changing only as much as 50-year-olds actually do.

这是我们的发现。首先,你们是对的,随着我们年龄的增长,变化会减缓。第二,你们错了,因为这种变化并不像我们想象的那么慢。在我们的数据库从18岁到68岁的每一个年龄段中,人们大大的低估了在未来的10年他们会经历多少变化。我们把这叫做“历史终止”错觉。为了让你们了解这种影响有多大, 你们可以把这两条线连接起来,你们现在看到的是18岁的人群预期的改变仅仅和50岁的人群实际经历的一样。

Now it's not just values. It's all sorts of other things. For example, personality. Many of you know that psychologists now claim that there are five fundamental

dimensions of personality: neuroticism, openness to experience, agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness. Again, we asked people how much they

expected to change over the next 10 years, and also how much they had changed

over the last 10 years, and what we found, well, you're going to get used to seeing this diagram over and over, because once again the rate of change does slow as we age, but at every age, people underestimate how much their personalities will change in the next decade.


And it isn't just ephemeral things like values and personality. You can ask people about their likes and dislikes, their basic preferences. For example, name your best friend, your favorite kind of vacation, what's your favorite hobby, what's your

favorite kind of music. People can name these things. We ask half of them to tell us, "Do you think that that will change over the next 10 years?" and half of them to tell us, "Did that change over the last 10 years?" And what we find, well, you've seen it twice now, and here it is again: people predict that the friend they have now is the friend they'll have in 10 years, the vacation they most enjoy now is the one they'll enjoy in 10 years, and yet, people who are 10 years older all say, "Eh, you know, that's really changed."

而且不光是像价值观和人格这样的'临时性的特质。你们可以问问人们关于他们喜好和厌恶的事,他们基本的偏好。比如说,说出你最好朋友的名字,你最喜欢什么样的假期,你最大的爱好是什么,你最喜欢什么样的音乐。人们可以说出这些事情。我们让他们当中的一半人告诉我们,“你认为这在未来10年内会改变吗?”让另一半告诉我们,“这个在过去十年内变化了吗?”我们的发现是,嗯,这个图你们已经看过2次了,再展示一次:人们推测他们现在的朋友在未来10年中还会是他们的朋友,他们喜欢的度假之地在未来10年内还会是他们喜欢的地方,然而,年长10岁的人都会说:“嗯,你知道,这确实不一样了。” Does any of this matter? Is this just a form of mis-prediction that doesn't have consequences? No, it matters quite a bit, and I'll give you an example of why. It bedevils our decision-making in important ways. Bring to mind right now for

yourself your favorite musician today and your favorite musician 10 years ago. I put mine up on the screen to help you along. Now we asked people to predict for us, to tell us how much money they would pay right now to see their current favorite musician perform in concert 10 years from now, and on average, people said they would pay 129 dollars for that ticket. And yet, when we asked them how much they would pay to see the person who was their favorite 10 years ago perform today, they say only 80 dollars. Now, in a perfectly rational world, these should be the same number, but we overpay for the opportunity to indulge our current preferences because we overestimate their stability.


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