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2022-07-14 08:03:14




作者:未知 文章来源:应用文大全 点击数:

26746 更新时间:2005-10-2






























私人交往欢迎词一般是在个人举行较大型的宴会、聚会、茶会、舞会、讨论会等非官方的场合下使用的欢迎稿 。通常要在正式活动开始前进行。私人交往欢迎词往往具有很大的即时性、现场性。


这样的欢迎词一般在较庄重的公共事务中使用。要有事先准备好的得体的书面稿,文字措词 上的要求较私人交往欢迎词要正式和严格。



中国有句古话是“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”,所以致欢迎词当有一种愉快的心情,言 词用语务必富有激情和表现出致词人的真诚。只有这样才可给客人一种“宾至如归”的感觉 ,为下一步各种活动的完满举行打下好的基础。


欢迎词本意是现场当面向宾客口头表达的,所以口语化是欢迎词文字上的必然要求,在遣词 用语上要运用生活化的语言,即简洁又富有生活的情趣。口语化会拉近主人同来宾的亲切关系。








称呼要求写在开头顶格处。要写明来宾的姓名称呼。如“尊敬的各位先生们女士们:”、“ 亲爱的××大学各位同仁:”。






又如:中共温州市委副书记陈艾华于1998年1月13日所作的《在全国普通高校招生改革研 讨会上的致辞》的开头部分。




欢迎词在这一部分一般要阐述和回顾宾主双方在共同的领域所持的共同的立场、观点、目标 、原则等内容,较具体地介绍来宾在各方面的成就及在某些方面做出的突出贡献,同时要指 出来宾本次到访或光临对增加宾主友谊及合作交流所具有的现实意义和历史意义。如《在全 国普通高校招生改革研讨会上的致辞》的主体部分。 借这次会议的机会,我简要地把温州的情况向大家介绍一下,温州地处浙江省东南沿海,是浙南地区的经济文化和交通中心,是全国首批14个沿海开放城市之一,全国改革试点城市之一,全市面积11783平方公里,人口700万,管辖三区、两市、六县。党的十一届三中全会以来,我们把党的改革开放政策和温州的具体实际结合起来,发扬“自主改革、自担风险、自强不息、





通常在结尾处再次向来宾表示欢迎,并表达自己对今后合作的良好祝愿。如《在全国普通 高校招生改革研讨会上的致辞》的结尾部分。

各位领导,各位同志:这次全国普通高校招生改革研讨会在我们温州召开,这是对我市教育 改革和发展工作的一个很大的鞭策。我们要借这次会议的东风,认真学习兄弟地区的先进经 验。我们也热忱地希望各位领导和同志们,对我市教育工作多加指导和帮助。





欢迎词是出于礼仪的需要而使用的,因此要十分注意礼貌。具体而言,要注意以下几点。 称呼要用尊称,感情要真挚,要能较得体地表达自己的原则立场。

措辞要慎重,勿信口开河,同时要注意尊重对方的风俗习惯,应避开对方的忌讳,以免发生误会。 语言要精确、热情、友好、温和、礼貌。






Welcome to my hometown Jilin city.And I am the tour guide of China National Tourism Administration you can call me Vera.or Mi Zhang , and on my left hand is our driver Mrs.Li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe. There is a sentence in China as the saying goes regards: Construct such that the same boat spends for a century. Today we will be: Repair same car dealer s for a century. Everybody knows each other well from not being acquainted for to meeting in all of us being gone to from different place ride in in the same vehicle with a destination, this is really one kind of very marvellous and fine as well preordained relationship , lets us carry this fine preordained relationship through to the end so right away. That Little meng first here wish everybody trip to Dalian happy, hope we Dalian good mountain, good water, good tourist guide, good driver bring a portion to a portion good state of mind, make everybody with face to face Dalian expectation and


long for but come with face to face Dalian satisfied and linger around but return to.Ble everybody Shu eating in Dalian finally. 篇2:欢迎词范文英文版

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.【称呼语】 Welcome to Panyu.【表示欢迎】

Please sit down and relax.Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don t haveto worry about it.【稳定游客情绪】

Let me introduce my team first.Mr.Zhang is our driver.He has 25 years of driving.My name is Gao Xiaoming, your tour guide, you may just call me Mi Gao, which is my surname.We re from the China International Travel Service, Panyu Branch.On behalf of CITS Panyu and my colleagues, I d like to welcome to you all.【略作介绍,再表欢迎】

During your stay in our city, we ll do everything poible to make your visit a happy experience.If you have any problems or requests, please don t hesitate to let me know.【提出建议】

You re going to stay at Panyu Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel.The hotel is in downtown, it is easy acce to many places of interests in Panyu.And you ll be staying our city for two


and a half days.【提醒入住地点和时间】

There is one thing I must warn you against.You must remember the number of our bus.The number is 84645555.let me repeat: 84645555.【提醒游巴电话】 I hope you ll enjoy your stay in our city!



Leaders and teachers:

Good morning, everybody! Today is another great event of our educational circles in Lu Kou Town. Today is full of the attention of all schools to teaching and research activities, which fully shows the enthusiasm of our teachers to participate in the teaching and research activities and the desire for the implementation of the new curriculum and the promotion of quality education experience. In particular, Mr. Ho, the director of the Education Bureau, will come from Hefei to visit the field for guidance. Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang will make a special report for everyone in his busy schedule, which is more inspiring to each of our teachers in Lu Kou. Here, on behalf of Lu Kou Zhen central school, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the leaders and teachers.

With the support of the director Liu and the Ling Party group, the education and research activities have fully reflected the care and affection of the County Education Bureau and the leadership of the teaching and research office to my town. At the same time, it also condenses the enthusiasm and strength of the general colleagues of the schools to the teaching and research activities.

In recent years, under the correct guidance of the teaching and Research Department of the county, Lu Kou Town focuses on the sustainable development of education, deeply comprehends the spirit of the whole church, combines education with the plan of 12th Five-Year, tries to standardize the behavior of running a school, deepens the curriculum reform, based on the main channel of the classroom teaching, and develops the multi channel effectively, in order to realize the three orientation of quality education. A lot of exploration has been made to achieve the "three dimensional goal" of the new curriculum. In this period, teaching research and research activities are carried out in various schools, and teaching research is supported by teaching research to promote the progress of teaching, promote the growth of teachers, and apply the achievements of teaching and research to practical teaching. But there is still a gap between the expectations of leaders and the aspirations of the community. We sincerely hope that the leaders will give us valuable suggestions and suggestions during the meeting, and the teachers will learn and understand them carefully and further improve the level of school and the quality of education in our town.

Comrades, quality education gives us the important task of history and provides a broad innvation stage for teaching and research work. Let us make full use of the platform of collaborative teaching and research, strengthen cooperation and exchange, create a new situation for the teaching and research work of my town hand in hand, and create a team of famous teachers in my town.

Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all of you who have won this joint examination, and wish this conference a complete success. Thank you.















英文欢迎词:Good afternoon,everyone,welcome to Nanjing on behalf of our company,I am your local guide *****,this is the driver Mr.Wang.It’s my honor to be here to provide service to you.whenever you need my help just tell me please,I’m always ready for it and hope you have a pleasant trip with me.thank you!Nanjing is the provincial capital and the political,economic and cultural center of Jiangsu Province.It’s located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze river.It covers an area of over 6500 square kilometers,with a population of about 6.4 millions,about half of them in the urban area and the other half in the suburban area.Nanjing is one of the 4 ancient capitals in China.The city of Nanjing has a history of over 2400 years ,it was first built as a city in 472 BC.its name was Yuecheng.Nanjing bears the reputation of the capital of Ten Dynasties,being since the year 229 AD the capital of Wu,Easten Jin,Song,Qi ,Liang,Chen,Southern Tang,early Ming Dynasties,Taiping Kingdom and Republic of China subsequently.Nanjing is not only the cultural center of this province,it’s also one of the 4 cultural center of the whole country.I should say that Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities with splendid cultural heritage.It produced many scientists,litterators and artists in the history,And now there are 48 universities and institutes for higher learning and 523 scientific research institutes with 350,000 scientific and technological personnel in Nanjing,some of them are quite well-known in the country.It has 4 clear seasons with average temperature of 15 degrees centigrade.we have plenty of water here.We have about 40 inches of rainfall annually.This area is called the land of fish and rice.Nanjing is quite famous for it’s beautiful trees.We’ve planted more than 30 million trees along the main streets,averagely 10 trees per person..and we’ll try to build the whole city as a garden city.I wish you’ll enjoy your stay in Nanjing,thank you!

南京概况:Nanjing is an ancientcapital of six Dynasties with a history ofmore than 2500 years,andalso calledtheMetropolitan of Ten Empires.They are the Easten Wu, Easten jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen,southern Tang, early Ming, Taiping Heaveanly Kingdom and the Republic of China.

Nanjing is now the provincial capital of Jiangsu,hence the political economic and cultural center of the province.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,Nanjing has become a productive city.Especially from 1978 when china started practice of open policy,fast progre has likewise been made in the fields of industry, agriculture,education, science & technology, culture and tourism as well.Its GDP has reached to over 150 billion RMB a couple of years ago.

Nanjing is located on the lowerreachesofthe Yangtzeriver.It coversan area of 6515 square kilometers with a population of more than 7 million.As in the subtropical zone,its climate is mild,having the four seasons clear cut.It used to be one of the three furnace cities along the Yangtze river.But thanks to the efforts made in forestation,it is no longer a furnaceany more.

As a city with an ancient cultural background,therearemanyplaces ofhistoric to visit.According to theitinerary made for the group,I’ll take you to

vistdr.sun yatsen’s mausoleum this morning.

Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province and the provincial political,

economic and cultural center, is located in the lower reaches of Yangtze River, southwest of the province.The population of its urban area is about 2.7 million.

Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.The discovery of the Nanjing Ape revealed the trace of human influence some 350,000 years ago.The area war inhabited and cultivated about 6000 years ago.Nanjing bears the reputation of the Capital of Ten Dynasties, being since the year 229 AD the capital of Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen,

Southern Tang, Ming, Taiping Kingdom, and Republic of China subsequently.

Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities, with a splendid cultural heritage.It produced scientists, literators, and artists.The great scientist Zu Chongzhi computed the Ludolphian number with the accuracy to the 7th place of decimals, 1000 years ahead of the rest of the world.The Imperial Academy of Ming Dynasty in Nanjing, which received some 9000 students, was the largest higher education institution in China at the time.Many celebrities were buried in Nanjing after their death.

The attraction of Nanjing consists in the combination of rich natural and cultural heritages.It is a famous scenic tourist city, which is an integration of mountains, waters, forest, as well as monuments and historical relics.With many a relics of the Republic of China era in particular, Nanjing is recognized as the museum of modern Chinese history

中山陵:Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum

The Mausoleum of Dr.Sun Yat-sen (中山陵) is situated at the foot of the second peak of Mount Zijin (Purple Mountain) in Nanjing, China.Construction of the tomb started in January of 1926 and was finished in spring of 1929.The architect was Lu Yanzhi, who died shortly after it was finished.Guangdong province of China on November 12th, 1866, and died in 1925 inBeijing, China.On April 23rd, 1929,the Chinese government appointed He Yingqin to be in charge of laying Dr.Sun to rest.On May 26th, the coffin departed from Beijing, and on May 28th, it arrived in Nanjing.On June 1st, 1929, Dr.Sun was buried there.Sun, considered to be the "Father of Modern China" both in mainland China and in Taiwan, fought against the imperial Qing government and after the1911 revolution ended the monarch reign system and founded the Republic of China.mountain slope, the majestic mausoleum blends the styles of traditional imperial tombs and modern architecture.Lying at the mountainside, the vault is more than 700 hundred meters away from the paifang on the square below, which is the entrance of the mausoleum.There is

a three-tier stone stand on which a huge bronze ding, an ancient Chinese veel symbolizing power, perches.To the north of the square, the paifang towers high.Beyond is the 480-meter-long and 50-meter-wide stairway which has 392 stairs, leading to the vault.On both sides, pine, cypre, and gingko trees guard the way.At the end of the stairway is a gate which is 16 meters high and 27 meters wide.The tri-arched marble gate is inscribed with four Chinese characters written by Dr.Sun, "Tian Xia Wei Gong" which means "What is under heaven is for all".Inside of the gate, there is a pavilion in which a 9-meter-high stele is set, which is a memorial monument set by the Kuomintang (KMT).A few stairs up is the sacrificial hall and the vault.In front of the sacrificial hall there stands a pair of huabiao, ancient Chinese ornamental columns, which are 12.6 meters high.The sacrificial hall is actually a palace of 30 meters in length, 25 meters in width and 29 meters in height.In the center of the hall a 4.6-meter-high statue of Dr.Sun sits.The statue was sculptured out of Italian white marble.The ceiling of the hall features the flag of theKuomintang.Biographical information on Dr.Sun is available to visitors in the hall.North of the hall lies the bell-shaped vault, wherein lies the sarcophagus of Dr.Sun.Architectural influence of the Mausoleum's design is evident in

Taiwan'sChiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.

推荐专题: 新生欢迎词 公司英文欢迎词

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