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2022-03-05 14:46:21



英文欢迎词:Good afternoon,everyone,welcome to Nanjing on behalf of our company,I am your local guide *****,this is the driver Mr.Wang.It’s my honor to be here to provide service to you.whenever you need my help just tell me please,I’m always ready for it and hope you have a pleasant trip with me.thank you!Nanjing is the provincial capital and the political,economic and cultural center of Jiangsu Province.It’s located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze river.It covers an area of over 6500 square kilometers,with a population of about 6.4 millions,about half of them in the urban area and the other half in the suburban area.Nanjing is one of the 4 ancient capitals in China.The city of Nanjing has a history of over 2400 years ,it was first built as a city in 472 BC.its name was Yuecheng.Nanjing bears the reputation of the capital of Ten Dynasties,being since the year 229 AD the capital of Wu,Easten Jin,Song,Qi ,Liang,Chen,Southern Tang,early Ming Dynasties,Taiping Kingdom and Republic of China subsequently.Nanjing is not only the cultural center of this province,it’s also one of the 4 cultural center of the whole country.I should say that Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities with splendid cultural heritage.It produced many scientists,litterators and artists in the history,And now there are 48 universities and institutes for higher learning and 523 scientific research institutes with 350,000 scientific and technological personnel in Nanjing,some of them are quite well-known in the country.It has 4 clear seasons with average temperature of 15 degrees centigrade.we have plenty of water here.We have about 40 inches of rainfall annually.This area is called the land of fish and rice.Nanjing is quite famous for it’s beautiful trees.We’ve planted more than 30 million trees along the main streets,averagely 10 trees per person..and we’ll try to build the whole city as a garden city.I wish you’ll enjoy your stay in Nanjing,thank you!

南京概况:Nanjing is an ancient capital of six Dynasties with a history of more than 2500 years,and also called the Metropolitan of Ten Empires.They are the Easten Wu, Easten jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen,southern Tang, early Ming, Taiping Heaveanly Kingdom and the Republic of China.

Nanjing is now the provincial capital of Jiangsu,hence the political economic and cultural center of the province.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,Nanjing has become a productive city.Especially from 1978 when china started practice of open policy,fast progre has likewise been made in the fields of industry, agriculture,education, science & technology, culture and tourism as well.Its GDP has reached to over 150 billion RMB a couple of years ago.

Nanjing is located on the lower reaches of the Yangtze river.It covers an area of 6515 square kilometers with a population of more than 7 million.As in the subtropical zone,its climate is mild,having the four seasons clear cut.It used to be one of the three furnace cities along the Yangtze river.But thanks to the efforts made in forestation,it is no longer a furnace any more.

As a city with an ancient cultural background,there are many places of historic to visit.According to the itinerary made for the group,I’ll take you to vist dr.sun yatsen’s mausoleum this morning.

Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province and the provincial political, economic and cultural center, is located in the lower reaches of Yangtze River, southwest of the province.The population of its urban area is about 2.7 million.

Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.The discovery of the Nanjing Ape revealed the trace of human influence some 350,000 years ago.The area war inhabited and cultivated about 6000 years ago.Nanjing bears the reputation of the Capital of Ten Dynasties, being since the year 229 AD the capital of Wu, Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen, Southern Tang, Ming, Taiping Kingdom, and Republic of China subsequently.

Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities, with a splendid cultural heritage.It produced scientists, literators, and artists.The great scientist Zu Chongzhi computed the Ludolphian number with the accuracy to the 7th place of decimals, 1000 years ahead of the rest of the world.The Imperial Academy of Ming Dynasty in Nanjing, which received some 9000 students, was the largest higher education institution in China at the time.Many celebrities were buried in Nanjing after their death.

The attraction of Nanjing consists in the combination of rich natural and cultural heritages.It is a famous scenic tourist city, which is an integration of mountains, waters, forest, as well as monuments and historical relics.With many a relics of the Republic of China era in particular, Nanjing is recognized as the museum of modern Chinese history

中山陵:Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum

The Mausoleum of Dr.Sun Yat-sen (中山陵) is situated at the foot of the second peak of Mount Zijin (Purple Mountain) in Nanjing, China.Construction of the tomb started in January of 1926 and was finished in spring of 1929.The architect was Lu Yanzhi, who died shortly after it was finished.Guangdong province of China on November 12th, 1866, and died in 1925 inBeijing, China.On April 23rd, 1929,the Chinese government appointed He Yingqin to be in charge of laying Dr.Sun to rest.On May 26th, the coffin departed from Beijing, and on May 28th, it arrived in Nanjing.On June 1st, 1929, Dr.Sun was buried there.Sun, considered to be the "Father of Modern China" both in mainland China and in Taiwan, fought against the imperial Qing government and after the1911 revolution ended the monarch reign system and founded the Republic of China.mountain slope, the majestic mausoleum blends the styles of traditional imperial tombs and modern architecture.Lying at the mountainside, the vault is more than 700 hundred meters away from the paifang on the square below, which is the entrance of the mausoleum.There is a three-tier stone stand on which a huge bronze ding, an ancient Chinese veel symbolizing power, perches.To the north of the square, the paifang towers high.Beyond is the 480-meter-long and 50-meter-wide stairway which has 392 stairs, leading to the vault.On both sides, pine, cypre, and gingko trees guard the way.At the end of the stairway is a gate which is 16 meters high and 27 meters wide.The tri-arched marble gate is inscribed with four Chinese characters written by Dr.Sun, "Tian Xia Wei Gong" which means "What is under heaven is for all".Inside of the gate, there is a pavilion in which a 9-meter-high stele is set, which is a memorial monument set by the Kuomintang (KMT).A few stairs up is the sacrificial hall and the vault.In front of the sacrificial hall there stands a pair of huabiao, ancient Chinese ornamental columns, which are 12.6 meters high.The sacrificial hall is actually a palace of 30 meters in length, 25 meters in width and 29 meters in height.In the center of the hall a 4.6-meter-high statue of Dr.Sun sits.The statue was sculptured out of Italian white marble.The ceiling of the hall features the flag of theKuomintang.Biographical information on Dr.Sun is available to visitors in the hall.North of the hall lies the bell-shaped vault, wherein lies the sarcophagus of Dr.Sun.Architectural influence of the Mausoleum's design is evident in Taiwan'sChiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.










good morning! ladies and gentleman! (早上好!女士们,先生们!)

first on behalf of zhejiang international travel service and myself welcome everyone come to zhejiang province. (我仅代表浙江国际旅行社和本人欢迎大家来到浙江省。)

i’m very pleased to be your tour guid

e during your stay in zhejiang province.(在浙江游玩期间我很高兴做你们的导游)

if you have just come to here i can show you around。


now please allow me introduce myself,my name is xxx.(现在请允许我介绍一下我自己,我的名字叫xxx)

sitting beside me is our driver mr.li he has more than ten year’s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one。

(坐在我旁边的是我们的司机李先生,他有十多年驾驶经验,使得我们的旅行安全愉快) an old chinese saying may expre our hospitality:“here come friends afar, exceedingly how happy we are!”


mr.li and i will do as much as we can to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable。 (李先生和我将尽最大努力使大家的旅行更愉快、有趣。)

i hope that your visit to this beautiful zhejiang province will be a happy and memorable experience in your life.



good afternoon ladies and gentlemen ! first let me introduce myself.my name is mina ,a student from nanjing audit university .im honored to have this opportunity to welcome dear guests from skema busine school .

an old chinese saying may expre our hospitality:“here come friends afar, exceedingly how happy we are!” your visit makes our campus full of fragrance and paion despite of the extremely cold weather.this also marks the friendship between skema busine school and nanjing audit university is just like a ship which is advancing through the huge waves and winds.the communication will promote the internationalization proce between the two schools.therefore, please allow me to expre the sincere greetings and warm welcome to our honorable guests on behalf of all the teachers and students of our school.to all of you who just arrive at our school , i know there are a lot of things new to you.you may be excited, may be amazed by the differences and even a bit confused.it is totally understandable and expected.but there is one thing we want you to know that you are all welcomed here with warm arms and hearts! there is no doubt we are totally two different cultures and there are a lots of differences.however, the fact that you are sitting here today tells us that you are willing to take

initiatives to learn more about our schools, our country and our culture.as we all know, culture is not what runs in your blood, but how you participate.

since you have lived in suzhou for a long time ,i suppose that you are familiar with nanjing to some degree.located in the eastern part of china, nanjing is the capital of jiangsu province which is developed in economy and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river.nowadays, nanjing has developed into a multiple-producing industrial base in eastern china, an important hub of transportation and communication center.

nanjing is very rich in natural and artificial landscapes.it is one of the first 24 well-known historic and cultural cities announced by the state.dr.sun yat-sens mausoleum, the ming tomb, the ancient city wall of nanjing, the stone carvings of southern tang dynasty,the rain flower terrace and other places are the main scenic spots and historic sites.the eastern suburbs scenic area, the qixia mountain, the xuanwu lake, the mochou lake, the qinhuai river scenic belt and other scenic areas are well-known far and near.among them, dr.sun yat-sens mausoleum and the qinhuai river scenic belt are among 40 best tourist scenic spots in china.

today, we build a new cooperation platform, and we will make a new contribution to the friendship and communication between the two countries.

may the friendship between skema and nau live forever.may the two schools make great progre together.

we sincerely hope our noble french guests will have a good trip in nanjing.thank you very much!



欢迎辞 welcoming speech ladies and gentlemen,

following the increasing rapidity of our communications with countries abroad, china is having a large number of visitors from different countries.today, we feel very much honored to have [prof.martin.wilson] with us.[prof.martin.wilson] is well known to the world for his achievements in the field of [mathematics].

first of all, let me, on behalf of all present here, extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guest.

now let us invite [prof.wilson] to give us a lecture.女士们,先生们:




i am peter, sales manager of the company.

first of all, i would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our company.

as you are aware that our company is the one of the leading companies.i know you will be proud of you being a member of our company.it is always my great concern to keep the busine going.we can never rest on our laurels.we need to set new goals for ourselves all the time.as you are equipped with new knowledge, new thoughts and new insights, make full use of them while they are still fresh in your minds.

work hard, not only for our company but also for yourself, thats the only way for you and our company keep growing. again i would like to welcome you and from today on, lets strive for development.






















各位游客朋友们,大家好!很高兴见到各位。首先我代表开心旅行社欢迎你们来到南京参观。我姓 ,是大家的导游,你们可以叫我 。我身边这位是我们的司机,陈师傅。陈师傅有多年的驾驶经验,一定会大家一个安全舒适的旅行。今年我们会参观南京的几个著名的景点,有明孝陵、中山陵、夫子庙等。我会尽力为大家提供最好的服务,同时也希望得到大家的配合。最后,预祝大家在南京旅游期间能够得到一个较大的收获,留下一个美好的记忆。















台阶 从碑亭到上面的祭堂共有八段大石阶,每段设有一段平台。上三下五的八段平台设计寓意为“三民主义、五权宪法”。这八段大石阶共有290级,如果从博爱坊算起,共有392级台阶。











1.中山陵墓址是怎么选定的? 2.中山路的由来 3.孙先生的生平

4.三民主义、五权宪法、新三民主义的内容 5.辛亥革命的历史意义 6.中山陵设计者、设计意义




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