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2022-06-01 00:24:01





某地 + has a long history of ... years. 某地有…年的历史。

The old tower has a long history of 2000 years. 古塔有两千年的历史

某地 + is a ... place/ country with... history. 某地是具有…年历史的地方/国家。 Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 埃及是一个具有悠久历史的阿拉伯国家。

某地 + date back to / date from... 从…时就有的, 回溯到…, 远在…年代。 The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century. 这座古城建于十七世纪后期。 【介绍旅游景点的历史背景句子示例】


London dates back to 43. A. D.



①某地 + be covered with + ....某地为……所覆盖。

This area is covered with grassland. 这个地区为草原所覆盖。 ②某地 + be made up of /consists of…某地由…组成。如:

Sichuan Province is made up of a basin and some mountainous areas. 四川省是由一个盆地和山区组成。

(二)常用词语: continent大陆, mainland大陆,mountain山脉, plain 平原,grassland草原, desert沙漠,forest 森林,valley山谷地,island 岛,ocean大洋,peak山顶, 巅,slope山坡,hill小山,rock 岩石,bank河岸,stream小溪,source源头,spring泉水,canal运河,lake 湖泊,pond池塘,basin盆地,coast 海岸,gulf 海湾,beach 海滩,shore海滩,tide潮,wave 浪,shore海岸,strait 海峡,waterfall瀑布。 【用英文介绍旅游景点的自然特点句子示例】 这个岛的三分之一都是森林。

One-third of the island is covered with forest. 海南省由海南岛和附近的小岛及广阔的海域组成。

Hainan Province consists of Hainan Island and neighbouring isles as well as wide sea areas.



①There are many places of interest, such as... 有许多名胜,比如…。 There are quite a lot of places of interest in Xi’an, such as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses,the old City Wall and so on. 西安有许多名胜,比如兵马俑、古城墙等。

②某地 +has many places of interest, among which is...某地有许多名胜,其中就有…。 Beijing has many places of interest, among which is the Forbidden City. 北京有许多名胜,其中就有紫禁城。


①某地 + is famous / well-known for...。某地因…而闻名。 Hangzhou is famous/well-known for its beautiful West Lake. 杭州以它美丽的西湖而著名。

②某地 + is famous /well-known as ...。某地作为…而闻名。 北京作为中国的首都而闻名。

Beijing is famous as the capital of China.



① 某地+is / lies + 地点状语。某地位于…。如:

The city lies across the river.这个大城市位于河的两侧。 ② 某地+be located/situated地点状语。某地坐落于…。如: The new gymnasium is situated at the eastern of the city. 这座新体育馆位于城市的东边。


某地+ lies + 数词 + metres above sea-level。某地海拔…米。如: Xizang lies at an average of 4,000 metres above sea-level. 西藏平均海拔4000公尺

【用英文介绍旅游景点地理位置句子示例】 1) 中国位于亚洲东部,太平洋的西岸。

China lies in the east of Asia and on the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. 2) 这个美丽的公园坐落于湖的沿岸

The beautiful town is located along the shore of the lake. 3) 这个村子坐落在群山之中。

The village lies among the mountains


1. It was extremely beautiful ! 太漂亮了。 2. The scene was so charming!

真美啊。 3. What a beautiful scene it was!

景色真的太美了。 4. How beautiful the scene was!


5. I have never been to such a lovely place! 从来没见过这么没的风景。 6. It was really a wonderful place! 这个地方真的太好了。

7. It was a picturesque scene! 【picturesque adj. 如画的;独特的】风景如画。

8. The scene was as beautiful as a painting! 风景如画。 9. It was so picturesque that I swore it was painted backdrop. 那里风景如画,简直像是画上去的背景幕。

10. I felt as if I had been in a different world.仿佛置身于世外桃源。 11. I actually had a fairly restful life.我过了一段悠闲的时光。

12. The combination of wind, sand and sea is really romantic.微风,沙滩和大海真是太浪漫了。

13. I would recommend Guilin for a family vacation or a nice romantic getaway for two. 我觉得桂林很适合家庭旅行或者两个人的浪漫之旅。

14. Sometimes the scenery on the way depends on the mood while viewing it. 有时候风景如何取决与看风景人的心情。

15. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking.景色真是太美了。


关于旅游的英语作文 中英对照如下:




Last summer vacation, my family and I went to Qingdao by train. There was always sunshine and fresh air, which made us so comfortable. We went to the seaside, the sea was as blue as the sky, and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing. I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister. There we bought many interesting souvenirs, I was planning to send them to my friends. We ate many tings there, such as fish, prawn, and so on. They are very delicious.

Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel, and the price was not so expensive.

I like Qingdao very much, and if I got a chance, I hope to come here again, it is such a beautiful and interesting place.


dear teacher, dear students:

hello everybody!

my topic today is "making the self-confidence."

thomas edison once said: "confidence is the first secret of success." yes, in life, we can not do without self-confidence everywhere. a person without faith, is bound to be abandoned by the society of a person, a person has been abandoned by successful, one was abandoned by the people themselves! therefore, we can say without hesitation: self-confidence is a person's soul!

self-confidence does not equal arrogance. it is a determination, has the power over life and death. never blindly self-confidence, it is hard honing the ability of the condensed. ability is like the crown, it is only mounted on a self-confident fengyun sparkling diamonds, will become eye-catching and gorgeous. similarly, there is no ability to foil, and let confidence no matter how brilliant, but also like the loss of green flowers, value greatly reduced.

i believe we all heard of "with confidence" the idiom story! good at the northern song painter painting paper with bamboo, when pen to paper without thinking each time they claimed a life-like bamboo map. how did he do it? it turned out that his daily observation of the bamboo hut, seasons, his unshakeable. over time, the length of bamboo thickness, leaf shape color, he is familiar with the heart, naturally, put the bamboo painted superb.

this is the power of self-confidence!

how, if there is no confidence to support him, to encourage him, even though the text was the same with earth-shattering, then do not believe in their own strength and what is the use? he would be buried in the chinese long history of five thousand years in the dust.

self-confidence can pass through time and space, it come and go like the wind, but in everyone around to stay. but if you can not catch it, it will as the yellow river water gone.

in life, we need to seize confidence. hold self-confidence, we can turn in the highest satisfaction of life; in growth, we need to seize confidence. hold self-confidence is the most perfect pass into the society; in the struggle, we need to seize confidence. hold self-confidence, success is not far away in front of you!


•Nowadays, sports equipment hasn’t been in use for a long time. Needless

to say, students are ridded of the opportunity to do sth .Confronted with /faced with the harsh reality, there are many disputes over sports time.

•As fas as I can judge, it is sensible to highlight the children’s safety during

sports class .However, over-protecting can only result in the decline of health condition. It is no exaggeration to say that everything fades next to a healthy body. We should guarantee enough sports time for students, which is beneficial to mental and physical development. We should not discourage students from doing sports for fear that they may get hurt, which is obviously a ridiculous action.

•It is high time that we should strike a balance between health and safety.

Schools can restore old equipment and provide some effective skills of sports. With the safety of sports insured, we are bound to see the students health improved, ambition inspired and success achieved. Under no circumstances can we discount the importance of doing sports.

•Nowadays, sports equipment hasn’t been in use for a long time. Needless

to say, students are ridded of the opportunity to do sth .Confronted with /faced with the harsh reality, there are many disputes over sports time.

•As fas as I can judge, it is sensible to highlight the children’s safety during

sports class .However, over-protecting can only result in the decline of health condition. It is no exaggeration to say that everything fades next to a healthy body. We should guarantee enough sports time for students, which is beneficial to mental and physical development. We should not discourage students from doing sports for fear that they may get hurt, which is obviously a ridiculous action.

•It is high time that we should strike a balance between health and safety.

Schools can restore old equipment and provide some effective skills of sports. With the safety of sports insured, we are bound to see the students health improved, ambition inspired and success achieved. Under no circumstances can we discount the importance of doing sports.


I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason to go to the P.O. box at the end of the day, and that was mainly because my mother has never believed in email, in Facebook, in texting or cell phones in general. And so while other kids were BBM-ing their parents, I was literally waiting by the mailbox to get a letter from home to see how the weekend had gone, which was a little frustrating when Grandma was in the hospital, but I was just looking for some sort of scribble, some unkempt cursive from my mother.

And so when I moved to New York City after college and got completely sucker-punched in the face by depression, I did the only thing I could think of at the time. I wrote those same kinds of letters that my mother had written me for strangers, and tucked them all throughout the city, dozens and dozens of them. I left them everywhere, in cafes and in libraries, at the U.N., everywhere. I blogged about those letters and the days when they were necessary, and I posed a kind of crazy promise to the Internet: that if you asked me for a hand-written letter, I would write you one, no questions asked. Overnight, my inbox morphed into this harbor of heartbreak -- a single mother in Sacramento, a girl being bullied in rural Kansas, all asking me, a 22-year-old girl who barely even knew her own coffee order, to write them a love letter and give them a reason to wait by the mailbox.

Well, today I fuel a global organization that is fueled by those trips to the mailbox, fueled by the ways in which we can harness social media like never before to write and mail strangers letters when they need them most, but most of all, fueled by crates of mail like this one, my trusty mail crate, filled with the scriptings of ordinary people, strangers writing letters to other strangers not because they're ever going to meet and laugh over a cup of coffee, but because they have found one another by way of letter-writing.

But, you know, the thing that always gets me about these letters is that most of them have been written by people that have never known themselves loved on a piece of paper. They could not tell you about the ink of their own love letters. They're the ones from my generation, the ones of us that have grown up into a world where everything is paperless, and where some of our best conversations have happened upon a screen. We have learned to diary our pain onto Facebook, and we speak swiftly in 140 characters or less.

But what if it's not about efficiency this time? I was on the subway yesterday with this mail crate, which is a conversation starter, let me tell you. If you ever need one, just carry one of these. (Laughter) And a man just stared at me, and he was like, "Well, why don't you use the Internet?" And I thought, "Well, sir, I am not a strategist, nor am I specialist. I am merely a storyteller." And so I could tell you about a woman whose husband has just come home from Afghanistan, and she is having a hard time unearthing this thing called conversation, and so she tucks love letters throughout the house as a way to say, "Come back to me. Find me when you can." Or a girl who decides that she is going to leave love letters around her campus in Dubuque, Iowa, only to find her efforts ripple-effected the next day when she walks out onto the quad and finds love letters hanging from the trees, tucked in the bushes and the benches. Or the man who decides that he is going to take his life, uses Facebook as a way to say goodbye to friends and family. Well, tonight he sleeps safely with a stack of letters just like this one tucked beneath his pillow, scripted by strangers who were there for him when.

These are the kinds of stories that convinced me that letter-writing will never again need to flip back her hair and talk about efficiency, because she is an art form now, all the parts of her, the signing, the scripting, the mailing, the doodles in the margins. The mere fact that somebody would even just sit down, pull out a piece of paper and think about someone the whole way through, with an intention that is so much harder to unearth when the browser is up and the iPhone is pinging and we've got six conversations rolling in at once, that is an art form that does not fall down to the Goliath of "get faster," no matter how many social networks we might join. We still clutch close these letters to our chest, to the words that speak louder than loud, when we turn pages into palettes to say the things that we have needed to say, the words that we have needed to write, to sisters and brothers and even to strangers, for far too long. Thank you. (Applause) (Applause)


★ 英语作文演讲稿模板范文

★ 五分钟英文演讲稿优秀模板大全

★ 高中英语作文演讲稿模板5篇

★ 经典英文演讲稿范文5篇

★ 英语作文演讲稿一分钟范文

★ 5分钟英文个人演讲稿范文大全

★ 英文简短演讲稿范文5篇

★ 2分钟英文演讲稿模板大全

★ 英文即兴演讲稿范文5篇

★ 3分钟英文演讲稿范文5篇


classifying rubbish , improving environment good morning, respectable judges, teachers. today, standing here makes me feel really honored and excited. the title of my speech is classifying rubbish , improving environment.

personally, rubbish has been a big headache in beijing. as the year -- is coming ,every citizen has realized green beijing and green olympics will bring the far-reaching impact on beijing and even all china . the scense of rubbish nearly everywhere has given all of us a really bad impression, and i'm sure none of us wish to show off the bad side of beijing to athletes and journalists all over the world, for it would blemish the city's and even china's image and leave a bad reputation. so we really have to work hard on green olympics.

now, we are middle school students. we must improve the sense of protecting the environment and make a contribution to green olympics .

in our life, a lot of rubbish , such as waste paper, plastic bottles ,batteries and so on , is produced every day . after we learnt the passage make our environment more beautiful , we found a lot of rubbish thrown into dustbins could be recycled in fact during our discussion. so we thought it would be better if we could classify rubbish . we told our idea to our teacher and he supported us very much . we became volunteers to classify rubbish . firstly we got three big boxes and put them in a corner of our classroom . one is for waste paper , one for plastics and coke cans and the other is for batteries . with teacher's help ,soon all the students took part in the activity of classifying rubbish .in a month , we collected three boxes of paper , a box of batteries and a box of plastics and coke cans .we sold them for 28 yuan and bought some young trees with the money . we planted the trees around our school . we were all spoken highly of by our school principals. now we keep on the job and are all proud of improving environment .

the world trusts beijing .beijing still has a lot to do to reach the level the world expects, but we have the confidence to make beijing a green city. great changes are taking place, and not far in the future, beijing will be the focus of all worlds' attention. we'll grasp the opportunity and do our best to make the sky bluer, water greener and air fresher by the year --.

let's all wish the best for the -- olympics in beijing. thanks for your listening.



good afternoon, class.

many students like getting online very much. they think on the internet they can get some information, play some educational games and these games help them learn a lot. they can also make friends online.

but there is also something bad getting online. it takes students too much time, so they do worse in their lessons. spending too much time online is also bad for their health. i don’t think they should spend too much time getting online. i think they should put their hearts into their studies.

Dear teacher:

I would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester. You were alway so patient when I asked you questions. You listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. You showed me different ways to practice and remember new words and usage. I felt so encouraged and became more comfortable in speaking English. You made the excercise so interesting that I was always very eager to participate and practice. My English has improved so much. How could I thank you enough?! I cannot wait to take your clanext semester and keep working on my English.

Last wish best wishes .

Sincerely yours

My last holidays were my longest holidays, and I think that I learnt how to spend the time. I enjoyed a lot with my friends, and my family, and I met new people too, because I was in different places during the summer, and I wanted to meet people everywhere. The first place I visited was Calpe, a town in Alicante, because I was invited for some days by a friend who has a house there. I went with some friends, and we spent there just five days, but it was enough time to want to come back next summer! We stayed on the beach for hours, in the mornings, just lying and asleep, taking enough energy for the rest of the day and for the night! At night, we went out until next morning. We danced, met people, walked near the beach... while we watched the moon in silence. Next, I went to Paris with my parents and my sister. Actually, I did not go to Paris, I went to Disneyland. We stayed there for four days, and it was really unforgettable. When I saw the park, I opened my eyes the most I could and I did not close them until the night at the hotel. I felt like a little girl again. Finally, I was in Salou. My parents looked for a really relaxing time, and we were on the beach for some days. There, we did not visit anything, we were there just to rest. After those days, we came , and, unfortunately, we had to start our routines agai。

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