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2023-09-20 20:20:45




Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on Malaysian Prime Minister Claiming Sovereignty Over the Danwan Reef


Q: It’s reported that Malaysian Prime Minister Badawi inspected the Danwan Reef of the Nansha Islands on March 5 and claimed sovereignty over the Reef and adjacent waters.How does China respond to this?


A: China owns indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters.China stands






properly through consultation.We hope relevant party could earnestly observe the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and refrain from taking actions that may complicate and aggravate the iue so as to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.外交部发言人秦刚就斯里兰卡国家板球队遇袭事答记者问

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on the Attack on the Sri Lanka National Cricket Team


Q: It is reported that the Sri Lanka National Cricket Team suffered a terrorist attack in Pakistan on March 3.At least seven Pakistani policemen and civilians died and several players and coaches were injured.How do you comment on this?


A: The Chinese Government strongly condemns this attack.We convey our profound condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured.外交部发言人秦刚就国际刑事法院签发对苏丹总统逮捕令答记者问

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on the Iuance of Arrest Warrant to Sudanese President by the International Criminal Court

问:国际刑事法院于3月4日发出对苏丹总统巴希尔的逮捕令。请问中方对此有何评论? Q: The International Criminal Court(ICC)has iued an arrest warrant to Mr.Omar Al-Bashir, President of Sudan on March 4, 2009.How do you comment on this?


A: China regrets the disconcerting decision of the International Criminal Court to iue an arrest warrant for the Sudanese President.The current priority of the international community is to maintain stability in Darfur and keep pushing forward the political proce and the UN/AUhybrid miion in Darfur.China opposes any actions which may interfere with the peaceful situation in Darfur and Sudan.We hope that the UN Security Council respects and listens to the calls of the members of the African Union, League of Arab States and Non-Aligned Movement, takes neceary actions according to Article 16 of the Rome Statute and requests the ICC to suspend the trial.2014年1月2日,外交部发言人秦刚主持例行记者会。

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang held a pre conference on January 2, 2014.秦刚说,女士们、先生们,欢迎大家出席2014年首场外交部例行记者会。在新的一年里,我们将继续通过这个平台,向大家更好地介绍中国外交。我们也希望媒体的朋友们能够向世界报道好中国,解读好中国。祝愿大家在新的一年里工作顺利,万事如意。

Qin Gang: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first regular pre conference of the Foreign Ministry for the year 2014.In the new year, we will continue to make full use of the platform to give you a better understanding of China's diplomacy.We also expect friends from the pre to faithfully report on and introduce China to the world.May your work achieve smooth progre in the new year and wish you all the best.秦刚随后发布消息:应埃塞俄比亚外长特沃德罗斯·阿达诺姆、吉布提外交和国际合作部长马哈茂德·阿里·优素福、加纳外交与地区一体化部长汉娜·特塔赫、塞内加尔外交和海外侨民部长曼克尔·恩迪亚耶邀请,外交部长王毅将于1月6日至11日访问上述四国。Qin Gang then made an announcement: At the invitation of Foreign Minister Tewodros Adhanom of Ethiopia, Foreign Minister Mahamoud Ali Yououf of Djibouti, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration Hannah Tetteh of Ghana and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese Abroad Mankeur Ndiaye of Senegal, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit the above four countries from January 6 to 11.自1991年以来,中国外交延续了一个好的传统,那就是中国的外长在每年新年之际的第一次出访就访问非洲国家。这体现了中国对非洲的重视,对中非传统友谊的珍视。这次也不例外,王毅外长传承了中国外交的这个好传统。这也是中国新一届政府执政以来,中国外长首次访问撒哈拉以南非洲,双方都非常期待此次访问。

China's diplomacy has kept up a fine tradition since 1991, that is, Chinese foreign ministers would choose African countries as the destinations of their first overseas visits at the beginning of every new year.It embodies the importance attached by China to Africa and China-Africa traditional friendship.This time is no exception.Foreign Minister Wang Yi carries forward the tradition of China's diplomacy.This will also be the first time for the Chinese Foreign Minister to visit the Sub-Saharan Africa under the new leadership.Both sides are looking forward to the visit.访问期间,王毅外长将与往访国的领导人和外长就双边关系以及共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换意见。我们相信在双方共同努力下,这次访问一定会达到增进友好、互信与合作的目的,推动中国与上述四国双边关系以及中非友好合作关系的发展。

During his visit, Foreign Minister Wang Yi will have an in-depth exchange of views with leaders and foreign ministers of the host countries on bilateral relations as well as international and regional iues of common interest.We believe that with the concerted efforts of the two sides, this visit will build up friendship, mutual trust and cooperation, pre ahead with China's bilateral relations with the above four countries as well the relationship of friendly cooperation between China and Africa.问:美国国防部和国务院日前宣布,向斯洛伐克移交在关塔纳摩监狱关押的3名中国籍维吾尔族嫌犯。中方对此有何评论?中方是否会要求将他们移交中国?

Q: The US Department of Defense and the US State Department announced the other day that they would send the last three Uighur suspects held at the Guantanamo Bay to Slovakia.What is China's comment? Will China demand them be handed over to China? 答:中方一贯要求美国将关押在关塔那摩监狱的中国籍嫌犯移交中国,并坚决反对美国将上述嫌犯移交第三国安置,也反对任何国家以任何名义接收他们。上述嫌犯是联合国安理会认定的恐怖组织“东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动”成员,是地地道道的恐怖分子。他们不仅严重威胁中国国家安全,而且对接收国自身安全也将构成威胁。中方希望有关国家认真履行国际义务,不给犯下恐怖罪行的人员提供安全庇护,早日将嫌犯移交中国。

A: China always requires the US to transfer Chinese suspects held at the Guantanamo Bay to China.We are firmly opposed to the US transfer of the aforementioned suspects to any third country or any other country's acceptance of them in any name.These suspects are members of the "East Turkistan Islamic Movement", a terrorist organization designated by the UN Security Council.They are terrorists without any doubt.They will not only pose severe threat to China's national security, but also to that of the recipient country.China hopes that relevant countries could earnestly fulfill international obligations, do not provide those who commit terrorist crimes with safe haven and send those suspects back to China at an early date.问:据报道,1日下午,一名中国男子乘热气球在钓鱼岛海域坠海,请介绍有关情况。Q: On the afternoon of January 1, a Chinese man flying in a hot air balloon fell into the waters off the Diaoyu Islands.Please give us more details.答:据了解,1月1日下午,正在钓鱼岛海域巡航的中国海警船获悉1名中国热气球爱好者落海后,第一时间在出事海域全力搜寻、救助。有关出事人员被附近日方船只救起后移交中方。目前当事人身体状况良好。

A: On the afternoon of January 1, the Chinese coast guard veel patrolling in the waters off the Diaoyu Islands, upon learning the accident, made all-out efforts to search and rescue the Chinese balloon enthusiast in the waters where the accident took place.The one involved in the accident was saved by a nearby Japanese ship and transferred to the Chinese side.He is now in a normal physical state.问:据了解,中国参与叙利亚化武海运护航的军舰已于12月31日起航。请介绍进展情况、中方发挥的作用以及可能面临的挑战。

Q: It is learned that the Chinese naval veel engaged in escorting the shipping of chemical weapons in Syria has set off on December 31.Please brief us on the development.What role will China play and what challenge may China face? 答:12月31日,中国参与为叙化武海运护航的护卫舰盐城舰起航赴地中海执行任务。为确保中方军舰顺利抵达任务海域,外交部与埃及、塞浦路斯、叙利亚等国政府保持着密切联系,为军舰通行和靠港补给提供便利。

A: The Chinese frigate dubbed Yancheng left for the Mediterranean Sea on December 31 to perform the task of escorting the shipping of chemical weapons in Syria.The Chinese Foreign Ministry is in close communication with governments of Egypt, Cyprus, Syria and other countries, so as to ensure that the Chinese naval veel will reach the relevant waters smoothly with convenience provided in paage and replenishment at ports.目前,盐城舰正在通过苏伊士运河。埃及政府破例为中方军舰快速通航提供便利。中方对此表示高度赞赏。这再次表明,叙利亚化武销毁及其护航任务是一次多边协作行动,受到国际社会广泛支持。

The veel is now paing the Suez Canal.The Egyptian government makes an exception to facilitate the Chinese naval veel's rapid paage.China highly appreciates that.It shows once again that the destruction of chemical weapons and the escort miion is an action of multilateral coordination, which has won broad support from the international community.叙化武海运护航具有一定危险性和复杂性,各方需要加强协调,保持沟通与合作,确保化武运输安全。盐城舰抵达塞浦路斯利马索尔港后,将与俄罗斯等其他国家舰艇进行前期协调配合。外交部将与各方继续保持沟通,确保护航顺利进行。

It is dangerous and complicated to escort the shipping of chemical weapons.All parties need to enhance coordination and stay in communication and cooperation to ensure the safety of the shipping.After the veel's arrival at the Limaol port of Cyprus, it will engage itself in earlier-stage coordination and cooperation with veels from Ruia and other countries.The Chinese Foreign Ministry will stay in touch with all parties to ensure that the escort will go smoothly.问:美国务院副发言人日前在回答新疆莎车暴恐案件时称,美方呼吁中方允许公民自由表达不满,希望中国公安部门保持克制。中方对此有何评论?

Q: Deputy Spokesperson of the US State Department Marie Harf said when asked about the violent terrorist case in Shache, Xinjiang that the US called on the Chinese government to permit its citizens to expre their grievances freely and the Chinese security forces to exercise restraint.What is China's comment? 答:新疆自治区公安部门已就有关案件发布了情况。我想强调的是,这是一起暴力恐怖案件,事实清楚,证据确凿。恐怖主义就是犯罪,是反社会、反人类的国际公害。在打击恐怖主义这个问题上,国际社会是有共识的,认识也应该是统一的。我们一贯坚决反对个别国家在反恐问题上采取“双重标准”。美国务院副发言人的表态罔顾事实,苍白无力,根本无法自圆其说。美国人民也是恐怖主义的受害者。己所不欲,勿施于人。大家可以设想,如果类似的暴力恐怖案件发生在美国,别的国家也做出类似美国国务院那位副发言人那样的表态,美国人民会作何感想,美国政府又将作何反应。我们敦促美方在反恐问题上摒弃“双重标准”,立即停止这种说一套、做一套的做法,避免向暴力恐怖势力发出错误信号,以实际行动维护国际社会反恐合作。

A: The public security authorities of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region have released information on the relevant case.I want to point out that this is a violent terrorist case, as is proven by clear facts and solid evidence.Terrorism is a crime and an anti-society and anti-human common enemy to the international community.The international community has consensus and should have a unified understanding on the iue of counter-terrorism.We have always been firmly opposed to the "double-standard" adopted by some individual countries on the iue of counter-terrorism.The remarks made by the Deputy Spokesperson of the US State Department are unfounded and feeble and cannot justify themselves at all.The American people are also victims to terrorism.Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you.Just imagine, if this kind of violent terrorist attack takes place in the US and other countries make remarks similar to those by the Deputy Spokesperson of the US State Department, how will the American people feel and what reaction will the US government make? We urge the US to discard the "double-standard" on the iue of counter-terrorism, immediately stop the behavior of saying one thing and doing another, refrain from sending a wrong signal to the violent terrorist force and take concrete actions to uphold international counter-terrorism cooperation.





Toast by Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing on the New Year Eve Reception 2005/12/30

Your Excellencies Ambaadors and Representatives and Your Partners.Ladies and Gentlemen.I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and in my own name, a very warm welcome to you, and I extend to you my best wishes for a happy new year.During the past year, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, under the leadership of the CPC Central committee with comrade Hu Jintao as the General Secretary, have made concerted and innovative efforts and made fresh progre in the cause of reform, opening-up and modernization drive.The major development goals set in the Tenth Five-Year Plan have been met ahead of schedule and China’s economic and social development has maintained good momentum.Over the past year, China has conducted extensive exchanges and cooperation with other countries with the aim of safeguarding the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and people acro the world.It has played a constructive role in resolving major international and regional iues, and has made its due contribution to maintaining world peace and promoting common development.The year 2006 will be the first year for China’s implementation of the Eleventh Five-Year Guidelines.This five-Year period will play a key role in building in an all-round way a society of moderate prosperity in China.We will keep forging ahead with full confidence from this new starting point.We will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, adhere to the independent foreign policy of peace, pursue a road of peaceful development and promote development and harmony at home and enhance peace and cooperation abroad.We will work with the people of all other countries for the cause of peace, development and human progre.Now I wish to propose a toast,To the world peace and common development,To the harmonious and bright tomorrow of the mankind,To the health of all our guests, friends and comrades!

























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