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一年级Unit 4 新 What do you see教学设计

2022-09-06 14:52:50

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Period 1

Step 1 1. Ask the Ss the following questions to review some

Warming up words they know to describe their friends--Brainstorming:

1) Do you have good friends?

2) What do you think of them? / Why do you think he / she is your good friend?

3) What kind of people do you want them to be your friends ?

4) Are there any other words we can use to describe a friend?

2. Review and learn some useful words:


tall short thin fat strong slim beautiful pretty handsome(attractive, fair) smart (quick, bright)


kind kind-hearted / warm-hearted polite

helpful gentle noble

honest trustworthy frank openhearted

brave great full of courage / courageous

loyal true faithful to a friend dependable

wise clever bright learned

3. Ask the Ss to use the following sentences to describe themselves or their friends, first write them down and discuss in groups, finally the whole class.

1) I think I am ______, ______ and _______.

I think I am ________ because I ________. So when you ______, you can _______.

2) I think he / she is _______, _______ and ________.

I think he / she is _______ because __________.

4. (If time permits, do it in class. Or after class) Go over Part 2 on Page 87. Ask the Ss to make sentences as the example. Ask Ss to pay attention to the English meaning of the new words and the way to use in the sentences. First write them down and then discuss in groups, finally the whole class.

Possible answers:

Brave: My friend Lily is brave. She is courageous. She is full of courage when she has difficulties or is in trouble. She once saved the life of a little boy who had fallen into a river.

Loyal: My friend Li Lei is very loyal. He is always faithful to his friend me. He wouldn’t talk to David whom I don’t like at all.

Wise: My friend Lucy is very wise. She is a learned one in our class. She always gives us the best advice.

Handsome: My friends Jim is a handsome boy. He is very proud because he thinks he is good-looking.

Smart: My friend Harry is a smart guy. He often asks good questions in class. We all think he think quickly. He is intelligent.

(After finishing it, Ss should get the English meaning of them by working in team or group)

5. Language points:

1).What is he like? He is very handsome.

What does she look like? She looks tired.

What does Lucy like? She likes apples.

What’s that kind of radio like? It’s very nice and fine.

What’s sb like?表现内在品质或外在特点。

What does sb look like?侧重外表。

2).What quality should a good friend have?

①. 品质、品性,可数名词

He has all the qualities of a successful businessman.

Kindness is his best quality.

②. 质量、质,可数或不可数名词

Quality is more important than quantity.

注:quantity 量,分量,不可数名词。

如:a large/great quantity of 大量的,后接不可数名词或复数

Teaching methods; Task (differences) ---Team work (make sentences)---Conclusion-3) & 4)

3). Bright, smart, clever, wise(聪明四兄弟)

①. bright着重于“心思灵敏,反应快”。多指年轻人或小孩,常用于口语。

He is the brightest boy in class.

②. clever着重于“思维敏捷的,灵巧的,理解快的”,强调理解、接受能力强。

He is rather clever in saying that.

She is clever at maths.

③. Smart与clever同义,但更强调“精明的,机灵的,调皮的”。用于不太庄重的通俗用语。

You are a smart boy. But do what I say and don’t be too smart.

④. Wise意为“聪明的,明智的,英明的”。 强调经验、学识丰富、判断力强,有远见、有智慧,有谋略。

He is always wise enough to deal with difficult problems.

4). A 5-star friend

①. a ten-speed bicycle a million-pound note

an 800-word article a ten-year plan

②. peace-loving people grass-eating animals

③. a water-covered globe a stated-owned farm

④. an ordinary-looking girl an easy-going teacher

⑤. a warm-hearted woman a narrow-minded person

⑥. a full-time job a new –type computer


Step 2 1. Listen to the tape and finish the three situations one

Listening by one. Then ask the Ss to check the answers with

their partners.

Answers: 1). Peter is often late for football practice. I think that he should try to be on time in the future.

2). Ann usually borrows things without asking and she doesn’t return things on time. She should ask the owner if she wants to borrow something and try to return it on time in the future.

3). Adam borrowed John’s CD player yesterday and now. It is broken. Adam can ask his uncle to fix it.

2. Go over Part 1 in Listening on Page 85.

Answer: 1). Try to understand your friend/try to talk about the problems in different ways.

2). Start by telling each other that you are sorry and take it from there. A simple apology is often enough.

3). Keep your secrets to yourself.

3. Go over Part 2 in Listening on Page 87

Answer: rope notebook pan gun mirror compass hammer match airplane movie

4. language points:

What are they arguing about?

1). argue with sb about/over/on sth 为某事同某人争论

He wanted to argue with the driver about the accident.

2). argue for/against 赞成/反对

He argued for the 5-day work. She argues against me about it.

3). argue +that clause(从句)。通常不接不定式或when, what, whether引导的从句

He argued that he shouldn’t go.

Step 3 Written work:

①. Part 2 on Page 87 in the exercise book.

②. Describe one more friend and give the reasons

③. Try to use the language points correctly

Homework Reading:

①.Go over Speaking Part on Page 2 and finish the table on Page


②. Prepare the talking part on page 85 & 86. Try to think how to make apologies to your good friends.

Period 2

Step1 1. Ask the Ss to tell what they learned in the last period

Revision and their opinions about what a good friend should be.

Step 2 1. The whole class read the materials on page 2 and finish the table on Page 3

Speaking 2. Work in pairs. Ask each pair to decide who could be friends and give the reasons for their decisions.

3. Task: Each one uses the structures and useful expressions to write down some sentences to introduce himself/herself. Discuss it in groups. Then one of each group reads his/her piece to the whole class. The Ss who want to be his/her friend will stand up and give the reasons for the decision.

4. Language points:

1). I also like reading, especially stories about people from other countries.

especially =particularly

①. 特别,格外

People, especially youngsters don’t seem so polite these days.

②. 专门

This crown was made especially for the king.

③. especially 与specially

especially 意思是“特别地,不寻常地”,强调程度,常用在进一步补充说明前面所述的事的时候,前面一般用逗号隔开,一般用来修饰形容词、介词短语或状语从句。Specially意思是“特意地,专门地”,强调目的,一般用在表示目的的不定式或介词前面。

She likes the country, especially in spring.

Though the weather was especially cold and windy, I came here specially to see you.

1). I don’t enjoying singing, nor do I like computers. (nor do I like computers.是一个倒装句。)

①. “nor/neither +be/助动词/情态动词+另一主语”表否定的倒装。”so+be/助动词/情态动词+另一主语”表肯定的倒装。

I have never been there, nor has he.

He can ride a bike, so can I.

②. 思考下句请举出类似结构。

He doesn’t like swimming, nor does he like playing games.

③ 前一句中说了两件事,出现了两个不同的谓语,表示“…也(不)”可用“It is the same with…/So it is with….”。

A fish needs water and without water it will die. So it is with a man.

It was so hard that I couldn’t work it out. So it was with Lucy.

2). I hate hiking and I’m not into classical music.

①. hate 意为:dislike. hate doing /to do sth

He hates playing games, but today he doesn’t hate to play.


②. be into=be interested in; long for; like very much. 对…感兴趣;渴望;非常喜欢

She is into watching TV. She is interested in watching TV.

3). I’m fond of singing.

①. be fond of 表示习惯性的“喜欢”、“爱好”,通常不与具体的时间状语连用也不用于不定式,其后接名词、代词或动名词。

Most children are fond of toys. I am fond of playing football.

②. Be fond of 中的be可换成其它系动词。如:get; become

My little sister has got fond of drawing.

4). I’m sure ….

①. be sure of/about 对…确信,深信….

②. Be sure +clause 加从句,能确定…., 知道….

③. Be sure to do sth

④. Be not sure if/wether +clause 弄不准是否….

⑤. Make sure that +clause 确保,安排妥当。

2. Ask the Ss to tell if there was anything unhappy that once happened between them and their friends and how did they solved it.

Step 3 1. Ask the Ss to go over Part 1 in Talking on Page 85, Talking

Apologies first in pairs, then in class.

2. Let the Ss say what patterns we can use to make


You said that you would … Why did / didn’t you …?

You promised to … Why didn’t you …?

Please forgive me.

I’m very sorry. …It won’t happen again.

I’m sorry I forgot.

3. Go over Part 2 on Page 86, first in pairs and then

with the whole class.

4. Go over Part 3. First ask the Ss to complete the role

cards in pairs. Then check some cards in class. And then ask the Ss to work in pairs to act out (Don’t write down the dialogues)

Example : Teachers’ book on P18.

Step 4 Written work:

①. Part 3 on Page 87.

②. Get ready to make a standard of making friends in groups

③.Try to use the language points correctly

Homework Reading:

①. Prepare the reading part before class.

Period 3

Step 1 1. Suppose you are alone on a deserted (empty, no one

Pre-reading lives there) island. How do you feel? (Angry, desperate, lonely, hngry, worried, hopeful/hopeless, happy, afraid) You have to survive (remain alive, try not to die) without friends and all the things you use in your everyday life. Which of the items (things, articles) in the box would be the most useful to you on the island? List three most useful items and explain why you think they would be useful.

Example: ①.I think a knife would be the most useful item, because I could use it to kill animals and cut the meat. It could also be used to cut wood.

②. I also think a box of matches would be useful because I could use the matches to make fire. If I had a fire, I could cook food, stay warm and keep wild animals away. More importantly, if someone saw the fire, they would come and save me.

2. Ask the Ss to discuss their answers in groups of four and then ask some of them to report their answers.

3. Ask Ss if they have read books or seen movies about island life, for example, Robinson Crusoe, Cast Away, Six days and seven nights. How did the main characters survive? Did they have friends there? Talk about the movie post of CAST AWAY.

(the film shows us how Chuck, a busy manager who never has enough time, ends up on an island with nothing but time. He manages to survive on the island and he realizes the importance of friends and friendship. The text describes his experience and the lessons he learns from his unusual friend, a volleyball he calls Wilson)

Step 2 Ask the Ss to read the passage silently. Encourage the Ss to read without using a dictionary. If the Ss can’t guess the meaning of a word or phrase in the text, tell them to mark the word or phrase. and find the answers to the following questions:


1) What is the movie about?

2) Who is Chuck?

3) What happens to Chuck one day when he is flying across the Pacific Ocean?

4) How many years has he spent on the deserted island?

5) What becomes his best friend there? Why?

Step 3 1. Ask the Ss to find the answers to the first three

Post-reading questions in Post-reading part.

2. Ask the Ss to discuss the fourth one in groups of four, and then report to the whole class.

3. Finish the following.

①. Which of the proverbs best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. Dead men have no friends

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed

C. No pains, no gains

D. Where there is a will, there is a way

②. Which of the following is Chuck most likely to eat on the island?

A. Rice, cheese and hot dogs

B. Fish, birds and fruits

C. Bread, beef and vegetables

D. Noodles, chicken and cabbage

③. When Chuck asks a question, Wilson _____.

A. gives an answer B. listens carefully

C. never answers D. gets angry

④. If Chuck is rescued and returns to his normal life, he will _.

A. play volleyball every day

B. shut himself at home

C. work even harder than he used to

D. spend more time with his friends

⑤. What does the writer mean by “friends are teachers”?

A. We can’t survive without friends.

B. We can learn from friends and become better persons.

C. We need friends to share happiness and sorrow.

D. It is important to have someone to care about.


Step 4 1. Ask Ss to summary the main ideas of the text

Summary and 1). Chuck Noland, a successful businessman, lands on a

Discussion deserted island after a plane crash.

2). Chuck has to learn basic survival skills on the island. In order to cope with his loneliness, Chuck develops a friendship with a volleyball he calls Wilson,

3). Five year’s life on the island teaches Chuck the importance of having friends and being a good friend. Wilson may just be a volleyball, but their friendship is real and in some ways better than Chuck’s friendships in the past.

4). Human friends and unusual friends are important in our life. Friends and friendship help us understand who we are and how should behave.

2. Discuss the following questions in groups.

1). What can we do to be good friends even if we are very busy?

2). Does a successful man or woman need friends?

3). The text talk about giving and taking. How do friends give and take?

4). Is it better to have a human friend or an unusual friend such as a volleyball, a pen or a dog?

Step 5 1. Ask Ss to make a list of useful words and their expressions

Words and and give reasons (Teachers’ book on page 13)

Expressions 2. Work in groups to finish item 1 of step 5 (what-how-why--what). Then report them to the whole class.

Step 6 Language points:

1. imagine that you were alone on an island.

Imagine v: think of sth, suppose n:imagination

imagine +n 想像… Imagine the children and women in the war

imagine doing sth 想像做… He imagined buying a bike.

imagine sb doing sth想像某人做… She imagined me playing.

imagine +that+clause想像… (见课文)

imagine oneself +n. 想像自己…He likes to imagine himself an actor.

imagine sb to be+n/adj想像…的情况 (通常不直接跟动词不定式)

I imagine his son to be strong.

2. Tom hanks played a man named Chuck Noland.

1). Play vt: act 扮演 (见课文)

2). Play vi 上演,演出 They are playing at the Center Theatre.

3). Play a part/role in…起…作用,扮演…角色

He played an important part in the project.

3. One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.

1). On a flight: 乘航班 be on a flight=be flying

2). When =and then 正在那时,这时,引起一个意想不到的动作。常用将来时或进行时的句型:

be just about to…when.. be doing…when…

I was just about to go to bed when there was a ring.

3). ①.Crash v=break violently (使)猛撞,(使)撞毁

He crashed his car against the tree.

①. crash n 撞车事故,失事

All the people died in the air crash.

4. Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.

1). Survive=go on living vt经历(灾难等)之后还活着,vi经历…之后残留下来

Only one baby survived the terrible car crash.

2). ①.desert=leave empty or alone v 遗弃,抛弃,离弃

He is so selfish that all his friends have deserted him.

②. deserted adj 无人的,被抛弃的,被遗弃的

It’s too hot. I see nothing in the deserted street.

5. He has to learn to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire.

1). how to do sth what to do what to with sth why/where/when to do(sth)

2). Hunt for=look for 寻找 hunt for a lost thing hunt for a job

3). Make a fire 生火 catch fire着火 on fire 燃烧着的

set fire to… 纵火于…. Set…on fire 放火

6. Perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends

1). Challenge n 可数名词。挑战,邀请赛

give a challenge 挑战 accept a challenge 接受挑战

2). challenge sb to sth 向某人挑战某事

She challenged me to a race.

3). Challenge sb to do sth. =invite sb to do sth to test one’s ability 向某人挑战做某事

He challenged me to play chess.

7. In order to survive, Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend-a volleyball he calls Wilson.

1). ①. In order to =so as to in order to引导的不定式短语可放于句首或句尾,其否定形式in order not to do sth。而so as to通常放于句尾而不放于句首。

You come here in order to /so as to go to college.

②. in order for sb to do sth

He came here in order for me to see him.

②. in order that =so that 引导目的状语从句

They went to Athens in order that/so that they took part in the Olympic Games.

2). Develop 发展,养成,培养,发扬

develop a friendship with sb (friendship不可数,表一段友谊时可数。)

3). Develop-make or become bigger 开发,培育,发生,冲(胶卷)

8. He realizes that ha hasn’t been a very good friend, because he has always been thinking about himself.

1). ①. Realize =understand clearly 认识,体会,领悟

I realized my mistake.

②. Realize =come true使(计划)变为现实

但realize vt come true vi

2). Think of 与think about

①. think of 考虑,关心

He has many things to think of.

②. think of 想起,记得

I think of my hometown when I saw the pictures.

③. Think of …as 把..看作

He is thought of as a great man.

④. Think about 就…思考,考虑

He is thinking about the computer games in class.

⑤. 常用短语: think well/ill of 认为…好/不好

think much /little of 认为….很不错/不重视

think nothing of 把….看得很平常

3). Has been thinking 是现在完成进行时,体现其未完结性、持续性

We have been learning English.

9. He talks to him and treats him as a friend.

1). Treat vt 对待,治疗,处理,款待

Why do you treat the matter as a joke?

2). Treat…as… =look one….as…., regard….as…, think of…of…, consider…as… 把….当作…. (见课文)

3). 常见短语:treat sb for…给某人治…病

treat…like… 对待…像….一样

treat sb to….用….款待某人

10. Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow, and that it is important to have someone to care about.

1). 此句learn后有两个that引导的宾语从句,第一个that可省略,但第二个不可省略。

2). Share sth with/among/between sb与…共同使用,与...分享

If you have an umbrella, let me share it with you.

3). Care about 与care for

①. care about 关心,在意

He didn’t care about his study.

②. Care for =feel like 喜欢 =look after 照顾 =care about 关心

③. I don’t really care for math.

11. For example, many of us have pets, and we all have favorite objects such as a lucky pen or a diary.

1). For example 与such as. For example 可用于句首、句中、句未。而such as通常置于名词之后,引出一系列例子。

2). 常见短语: take … for example 以…为例

set sb an example/set an example to sb 为某人树立榜样

Lei Feng set a good example to us.

12. If someone is quick in mind and action..

1). Quick =intelligent 敏捷,伶俐,敏锐

2). Be quick at sth/doing sth 学…很快

He is quick at languages.

3). Be quick about/in sth 敏于做某事

He is quick about his decisions.

4). Be quick to do sth 迅速做某事

They are quick to learn foreign language.

13. The lesson we can learn Chuck and all the others who have unusual friends is the friends are teachers.

1). Learn one’s lesson 得到教训,启示

We learned his lesson that we should listen to the teacher carefully.

2). Teach sb a lesson. 给某人一个教训

The accident taught him a leeson.

3). Is that friends are teachers 系表语从句

Step 7 Written:

1. Read and finish the materials on Page 88-89 of workbook.

Homework 2. Find out the difficult sentences and go over the

notes to this text.

3. Try to use the useful exptresions in language points


①. make sentences;

on a deserted island, hunt for food, make a fire, care about/for

be alone on the island, become / be fond of …, treat sb as…, share happiness and sorrow, make friends with , play, such as

②. translate;

1) Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.

2) One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.

3) Perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends.

4) In order to survive, Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend - a volleyball he calls Wilson.

5) … it is important to have someone to care about.

6) He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.

7). we must give as much as we take.

8) The lesson we can learn from Chuck and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers.


1. Listen to and read the text again and again.

2. Retell the text.

Period 4

Step 1 1. Check the answers of workbook on p88--89

Review 2. Ask the Ss to retell the reading part in groups and then to the whole class

Step 2 The usage of learn:

Word study 1. To gain knowledge or skill by study, experience or

being taught

learn a foreign language

We’re learning English now.

Have you learned how to drive a car?

One can learn from his mistakes.

2. fix in the mind or memory; memorize

Let’s try to learn the poem by heart.

3. realize; become aware

They learned that it was no use arguing with him.

4. know, get to know

They offered help as soon as they learned that we were in great trouble.

I learned of the accident only yesterday.

learn one’s lesson; learn a lesson from sb

learned a learned teacher

Step 2 1. Ask the Ss to discuss the difference between Direct

Grammar Speech and Indirect Speech in pairs.

2. Summary:

1). In Statements;

“I like reading adventure stories,” said John.

John said (that) he liked reading adventure stories.

“I don’t like computers,” Sarah said to her friends.

Sarah told her friends (that) she didn’t like computers.

“I will come here tomorrow.” She said.

She said that she would go there the next day/the following day.

“We are thinking now.” They said.

They said that they were thinking then.

“This book is not mine”. He said.

He said that book was not his.

2). In General Questions:

“Ann, have you see my blue notebook?” Peter asked.

Peter asked Ann if /whether she had seen his blue notebook.

“Will you help me?” He asked.

He asked if /whether I would help him.

“Did you see her three days ago?” Lucy asked.

Lucy asked if/whether I had seen her three days before.

“Did he finish it yesterday?” Lily asked.

Lily asked if /whether he had finished it the day before.

“Shall we play these games tonight?” They asked.

They asked whether they should play those games that night or not.

3). In Special Questions:

“How can you do that?” Mary asked Ann.

Mary asked Ann how she could do that.

“What difference does it make?” Peter asked Jim.

Peter asked Jim what difference it made.

“What did you do last night?” He asked.

He asked what I had done the night before.

“Where can you go next week?” He asked.

He asked where I could go the next week.

4). Imperative sentence;

He said, “Please park your car here.”

He asked/toled me to park my car there.

“Do not play games in the office.”. She said to me.

She asked me not to play games in the office.

3. Ask Ss to pay attention to the differences between direct speech and

indirect speech among time, tense, place

structure, order, pron in team. And then report them to the whole class.

4. Conclusion;

Pron; this that thesethose

Place; herethere


nowthen todaythat day tonightthat night

Yesterdaythe day before last weekthe week before

Three days agothree days before next monththe next month

Tomorrowthe next day/the following day so farby then


一般现在时-一般过去时 一般过去时-过去完成时

一般将来时-过去将来时 现在进行时-过去进行时

过去进行时-过去进行时 现在完成时-过去完成时


5. Go over Part 1 on Page 5.

6. Go over Part 2 on Page 6.

Step 3 Wriiten;

1. Finish Word Study on Pages 4~5.

2. Finish part 1 of the workbook on p87--88

Homework Reading;

1. Read the reading part and the materials on p888-89 of the workbook. .

Period 5

Step 1 1. Check the homework of period 4.

Revision 2. Ask Ss to report the differences between direct speech and indirect

speech to the whole class.

Step 2 1. Go over Part 2 on Page 88.

Workbook 2. Go over Part 3 on Page 88 first in pairs, and then

check with the whole class.

Step 3 1. Read the short passage on Page 6 and tell the main

Reading idea of it.

Writing Questions:

1) What is a pen friend or pen pal?

2) What is an e-pal or key pal?

3) What is the advantage of e-mail?

2. Read the two e-pal ads and tell what kinds of people do you think they are.

Jane: funny, humour, frank, openhearted, friendly

Jack: friendly, funny, humour, openhearted, honest

3. Go over the tips and then write an e-mail message.. And then check each other’s message with the partner. And then report it to the whole class.

4. language points:

1). I like talking and joking…..

joke v& n joke=make jokes

for/as a joke只是(为了)开玩笑 in joke 闹着玩儿的

no joke 不是闹着玩儿的 have a joke(with sb)(与某人)说笑话

play a joke on sb开某人的玩笑 joke about 拿….开玩笑,取笑

2). Drop sb a line =write a short letter to sb给…写信(指短信)

Step 4 1. Read the e-mail on Page 90 and tell what it is about.

Workbook 2. Talk about how to write a response.

Step 5 written;

1. Write an e-mail which is used to introduce yourself to one or more friend who is found in part 1.Then reply it.

2. Have a dictation.

1). New words and their expressions

2). Useful expressions (including phrases) in language points

3). Make a standard of making friends and then discuss in team.

Homework 3. Finish all the exercises about the Grammar in this unit. And go over Parts 1 and 2 on Pages 177~180.

Period 6

Step 1 1. check homework of period 5

2. check and have a dictation

3. Go over Checkpoint 1.

Step 2 1. Ask the Ss to think about what they have learned in this unit (only by yourself)

1). What is the most important thing you learned in this unit?

2). What do you think you did best in this unit?

3). What do you find the most difficult in this unit?

4). Where do you see the most improvement?

5). Where do you need to work harder?

2. team work








Step 3 1. Go over Learner Log on Page 90 to make sure that Assessing the Ss know what it means and how to fill in the table correctly.

2. Go over Reflection and ask the Ss to finish the sentences.

Step 6 1. Review the whole unit.

Homework 2.. Do some reading practice

推荐专题: 一年级Unit4新Whatdoyouse

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