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2022-05-12 16:07:55











In a twinkling of an eye, it has been a year since I left the university campus for work. Over the past year, under the guidance and cultivation of leaders at all levels, under the care and help of colleagues, their own thinking, work, study and other aspects have made certain achievements, personal comprehensive quality has also been improved to a certain e_tent, now I will this year's thought, work, study situation for a brief summary report. In terms of study and life, I have completed the transformation of students' role, entered the working state completely and worked hard.

When I first came to work in the company, I used to worry about how to get along with others and how to do a good job because I was far away from home and in a completely strange environment and living condition. However, the loose and harmonious working atmosphere, good opportunities for learning and development, and the care and help of leaders at all levels in the company enabled me to quickly complete the transformation from a student to an employee. In the work can always maintain a positive attitude and work hard. Through nearly a year of e_perience, I have gradually adapted to the working situation here. I feel great motivation and pressure for the leaders' care and concern, and I will strive to make more efforts in the future work and life in return for e_cellent performance. Not only can make up for their own delayed work and study, but also can make achievements, live up to the e_pectations of leaders.

With the help of leaders and veteran comrades at all levels, I have made some achievements, but I am well aware that I still have some shortcomings and shortcomings, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. The foundation of political theory is not solid, and the combination of theory and practice is poor;

2. Able to complete the work tasks of the company seriously, but not motivated enough;

3. Insufficient communication with leaders and comrades in the company in terms of ideas, work and business;

4, their overall quality and business learning still need to be further improved.

The past year has been a year of continuous learning and enrichment, of active e_ploration and gradual growth. I also know that in the business knowledge, and their own job requirements still have a certain gap. In the future work and study, to further strict with themselves, strengthen ideological and political and business knowledge learning, seriously sum up e_perience lesson, to overcome the deficiencies, at all levels of leadership with comrade's care and help, through the unremitting efforts to become a national talents, to build a harmonious society, make their contribution to build a new socialist countryside.









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