时光飞逝,转眼间为期两个月的实习生活在不知不觉中落下了帷幕。在这段时间里,我学到了很多在大学课堂里根本学不到的东西,也体验到了很多人生中从未有过的经历。回首这两个月以来,真的是酸甜苦辣什么滋味都有,而正是这些滋味见证了自己一点点的进步. 实习开始,我的心情和所有参加实习的同学一样,心中充满了兴奋与憧憬,想象着在实习学校大显身手,大展宏图。这段时间里,我的情绪波动也是挺大的。由开始的担心到后面的不舍,在和老师学生了解后,觉得很舍不得那些可爱的学生,以及热情帮助我的指导老师。 回顾两个月的实习生活自己学到了很多东西,我的心中充满了成就感, 记得上第一节课时,我当时特别紧张,带着羞涩与忐忑匆忙地走上了讲台,尽管我做了许多准备工作,当我面对那么多双眼睛时,我不由的紧张了,但我在最难的时刻内努力使自己平静下来,要理顺思路开始上第一堂课,接着就是知道老师交代的教学步骤进行着,由于学生都很配合,所以整堂课还是挺顺利地完成了教学任务。课后我走到学生中间去,问他们是否听得懂,有没有什么疑问,有没有什么意见或建议。
以后的每次上课,我都会备好课:备教材,备课标,备学生。我先自己写好教案,写好teaching plan,与其他组员再一起讨论,试讲。同时,在临睡前,第二天在去实习学校的公交车上,以及上课前15分钟,我都会在脑子里回顾下将要上的课的基本教学步骤。到
实习学校,我都会将要上的课的教学目标,教学重难点,以及教学步骤和导师说下,让导师给我意见和建议。我觉得这点是很重要的。特别是我们对学生已有的认知水平不了解。这个时候张老师就会告诉我,这个知识点学生已学过了,只要复习下即可,或对学生还是新知识,需要详细讲。同时导师们都比较有经验,他们了解学生,知道什么样的方式学生易于接受。所以我每次上课前,都会先请教导师然后才上讲台。上完课,我都会与导师,与其他实习生交流,让他们给我评价。在回学校的车上,我也会反思下今天的教学以及和导师,和学生的相处情况,回到宿舍,写下反思日志,反思并总结一天的情况。反思自己课上做得好的地方以及不足之处并想出解决办法。第二天上课时,我就特别注意提醒自己不要犯同样的错误。同时,我也经常去听其他组员的课,把自己的课与他们的进行比较,找出值得自己学习的地方。此外,我也积极参加了英语组的集体备课活动。在备课过程中,我也积极发表了自己的一些设计想法。有些想法也得到了导师们的认可与采纳。导师们还说不愧是陈老师带出来的啊,我听了也觉得很自豪。当然在与导师的交流中,有时也会出现自己的想法和导师的发生问题。这时,我就会仔细分析问题的根源,分析导师的观点,然后尽量把两者的精华相结合。如,在上Unit 6备课时,课文中出现了wool,cook,foot,wood,look,book cool等单词时,尤其是字母“oo”这个发音,在什么情况下读长音/u:/,什么情况下读短音/u/;张老师说讲的不是很清楚,这时我想出了一条好的记忆方法,就是“毛厨师踩着木头看书”,除此之外都读长音/u:/,在讲课的时候学生都感觉
另外,我发现学生对老师的评语其实是很重视的。而我发现自己在课上只会说:very good, good ,excellent这种评价学生根本
我同时进行了两个月的临时班主任工作,深入学生之中了解他们的情况和想法,并及时与原班主任交流,找出解决问题的办法。积极准备并组织了一次关于如何学习英语的班级周会。并批阅学生们的周记,了解他们对自己的认识以及自我发现的问题和进步。在课后,是学生的好朋友,与他们谈心,从生活和学习等各方面关心他们。 “每天早出晚归,一天的批改作业,备课,坐班等工作”,这就是
我进入xxx外语学校,一所私人培训学校。作为其少儿部的一名全职教师,实习主要有两项基本工作,其一,周六周日做助教,偶尔踏上讲台;其二,每周三天的时间学习教师需要具备的专业知识、十大基本功、基本技能和教师素养。作为助教,故名思意,既要协助又要教学,要协助外教维持课堂纪律,必要时将他们的英文翻译成汉语,保持课堂教学顺利进行,还要教好孩子们,帮着外教达到教学目标。同时,作为教师这支队伍中的新人,自己还不知该如何操纵三尺讲台, 起初的工作便是模仿老师的优质课,然后试讲给师长,试讲给同事,试讲给朋友,从而得到他们真诚的建议和务实的帮助。
Plan 1
- page de garde (1 page env.)
- remerciements (1 p. env.)
- Mini-résumé sur le stage (1 p.env.)
- I Introduction (3 pages max.)
- II Le cadre de travail (3 p. max)
- III Le problème à résoudre (détails du but du stage etanalyse du problème à résoudre) (5 p. max)
- IV Le travail réalisé (10 p. max)
- V Les difficultés rencontrées (lesquelles, pourquoi, comment fait-on pour résoudre ces difficult és habituellement, qu’avezvous choisi comme solutions et pourquoi, etc.) (10 p. max)
- VI Conclusion (3 p. max
- Bibliographie
- Lexique
- Annexes
- Résumé et quelques mots-clefs au verso en franais et anglais
Plan 2
- page de garde
- remerciements
- Mini-résumé sur le stage
- I Introduction
- II Le cadre de travail (Entreprise,etc.)
- III Le problème à résoudre
- IV Le travail réalisé 1ère partie
- V Le travail réalisé 2ème partie(Les difficultés rencontrées peuvent être mêlées à ces 2 chapitres IV et V)
- VI Conclusion
- Bibliographie
- Lexique
- Annexes
- Résumé et quelques mots-clefs au verso en franais et anglais
Nombre de pages
Il est conseillé aux étudiants de L3 de faire un mémoire de 25 à 35 pages, aux étudiants de M1, de 30 à 45 pages, et aux étudiants de M2 de dépasser 40 pages. Ces chiffres ne sont donnés qu’à titre indicatif et sont, bien sr, fonctions de la police de caractères utilisée (ici, police de 10 points avec une interligne *** et des marges normales). 这里有点意思, 防止用大字体凑数
It is in JINXIU travel agency that I have my practice.There are six departments and I was in two departments: treatmemt department and ticket department. My job is receiving guests in the office and ordering plane ticket for costomers, and some times I also answered the phone, helping visitors understand traveling route of travel agency or taking tickets for them.
Because tourism is a service industry, so I want to learn how to communicate with different People and learn some business about travel agency.Must pay attention to others every action and every movement, must learn the skill which converses with the visitor. This is I learns the most useful experience in the travel agency.
Through this experience, I received some knowledge we must understand first as follows,
First, I ought to kown the traveling place’s inside and outside traffic and the environment protection.
Second, the travel agency’s service regulations and management tips.Third, the travel agency’s nature and management business and management model.
Travel agency is the professoinal organazation which provides traveling service for people. Since the professioal nature, the tourism is the service industry. It provides meal, hotel, route etc service.
Service atitude is very important in tourism. You ought to smile to every person in order to make them finding you are friendly. And I must strive for the opportunity. Regarding this point, I have the depth experience. Because is an intern, therefore the company cannot invest too many resources to you. The company thought the practiceborns with is the practice finished must return to the school tostudy, future not necessarily will be able in the practice unit work.Often practised the unit to arrange the work for you, could not specially teach you more things. After I entered company period oftime, I realize this question. How then solves this problem? Whenever after I complete the work task, I all can help other staff to handlesome trivial matters on own initiative. For example: Printing, typing, scheduling. This procedure advantage is obtains outside other staffs favorable impressions, they in unconsciously center already relied on you, some matters were used to it you to do. Thus, I have the opportunity to ask for advice other staffs, learns more knowledge,obtains more experiences.
In addition, I must work hard and serious. I found everything is not easy. I can’t make any mistakes when I check the plane ticket or seting a fax, or I can make a worse consequence. And I also should be careful for my writing, it’s very important to make other people understand you meaning well. From this experience, I feel sincere to every person are so important, if you are sincere to others, they can sincere to you too. Sincere is very important to communicate with others. And whatever you do, patience and obligation are so important, you should be calm down first and you can do it well.Each internship is a student must have some experience, it enabled us to understand the social practice, we learned a lot in the classroom attendance less than the fundamental knowledge, but also opened up a vision and experience, as we move further toward the community after laying a solid foundation.
But this experience also make me recognize a lot of shortcomings for myself. It competes very seriously between travel agencys. You not only should take hold of professional knowledge but also you should understand how to get along with different people. I find I’m lack of education and experience. It’s very different between school and social. I feel the theory which learned in school are not the same to the work concept. That’s the reason why we are practice. It can make me strengthen and understand the knowledge in class and bring up our living capability.
I am a foreign language professional tourism students and I learn in books on the management aspects of the knowledge and English, it seems easy to understand, but not put into practice. During this experience, to the unit after the internship experience difficulty of how to personally stood up to the time before aware of their knowledge, abilities and experience is how the lack of. During the internship, I have broadened our horizons, a growth of knowledge, experience the brutal competition in society.
And I have to talk about something about traveling.
First, I found some advertisements in the newspapers and magazines published the almost same routes as in the dining trip accommodation, transport and other more or less the same by diffenent travel agency. because this is the same single product, Leading to big price war among travel agencies, travel agencies are bring down the price of a line, which will inevitably lead to a decline in the quality of service, and travel agencies also do not want to develop new tourist routes and tourism products, as a new tourist route development requires substantial financial resources. Spent a great cost. And the development of the new line will be out soon after the other copy to use travel agents, this would weaken the competitiveness of the travel agency, so it is imperative to strengthen the tourism property rights, not just the protection of the right to travel, but also to consumers in general to embody a new surprise.
Second, theguided tours of service quality dorpped.Tour guides, they led a group of very rich experience, on average, they have 2 or 3 years of work experience, their qualifications compared to other places for education is high, tour guides have evidence, but most are primary or middle level. High Guides did not have Chinese as a foreign language tour guide for the lack of qualified personnel, which guides the basic wage less money in general and how many number of times a group linked to the group also earn more.
Third, The travel industry is characterized by seasonal tourism market demand for seasonal tourism formed, resulting in travel demand due mainly to seasonal changes in the small tourist destination of the natural climatic conditions, tourism activity by natural climate conditions than Great. In general. Seasonal climate conducive to attracting a large number of leisure tourists come to visit. Holiday,Bitter cold and Hot, such as bad weather is not conducive to tourists tourism.
That’s some limits for tourism, but I believe people will solve it in future.
This experience makes me learn a lot of konwledge about travel agency and society. Andmakes foundation to my work in future. So, it’s very meaningful to me.
function and application of descriptive translation studies
1 introduction
the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.
since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).
dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.
my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator&’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.
the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.
a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. norm is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.
the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.
in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.
2 outline
2.1 development and major concepts of dts
in this part i will describe holms&’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.
2.2 methodolgy
i will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.
2.3 dts in contrast to other theories
a contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.
2.4 case study
in this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.
2.5 conclusion
based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.
(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)
Plan 1
- page de garde (1 page env.)
- remerciements (1 p. env.)
- Mini-résumé sur le stage (1 p.env.)
- I Introduction (3 pages max.)
- II Le cadre de travail (3 p. max)
- III Le problème à résoudre (détails du but du stage etanalyse du problème à résoudre) (5 p. max)
- IV Le travail réalisé (10 p. max)
- V Les difficultés rencontrées (lesquelles, pourquoi, comment fait-on pour résoudre ces difficult és habituellement, qu’avezvous choisi comme solutions et pourquoi, etc.) (10 p. max)
- VI Conclusion (3 p. max
- Bibliographie
- Lexique
- Annexes
- Résumé et quelques mots-clefs au verso en franais et anglais
Plan 2
- page de garde
- remerciements
- Mini-résumé sur le stage
- I Introduction
- II Le cadre de travail (Entreprise,etc.)
- III Le problème à résoudre
- IV Le travail réalisé 1ère partie
- V Le travail réalisé 2ème partie(Les difficultés rencontrées peuvent être mêlées à ces 2 chapitres IV et V)
- VI Conclusion
- Bibliographie
- Lexique
- Annexes
- Résumé et quelques mots-clefs au verso en franais et anglais
Nombre de pages
Il est conseillé aux étudiants de L3 de faire un mémoire de 25 à 35 pages, aux étudiants de M1, de 30 à 45 pages, et aux étudiants de M2 de dépasser 40 pages. Ces chiffres ne sont donnés qu’à titre indicatif et sont, bien sr, fonctions de la police de caractères utilisée (ici, police de 10 points avec une interligne *** et des marges normales). 这里有点意思, 防止用大字体凑数
function and application of descriptive translation studies
1 introduction
the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.
since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).
dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.
my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator&’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.
the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.
a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. norm is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.
the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.
in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.
2 outline
2.1 development and major concepts of dts
in this part i will describe holms&’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.
2.2 methodolgy
i will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.
2.3 dts in contrast to other theories
a contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.
2.4 case study
in this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.
2.5 conclusion
based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.
(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)