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2022-03-03 09:30:06







Plan 1

- page de garde (1 page env.)

- remerciements (1 p. env.)

- Mini-résumé sur le stage (1 p.env.)

- I Introduction (3 pages max.)

- II Le cadre de travail (3 p. max)

- III Le problème à résoudre (détails du but du stage etanalyse du problème à résoudre) (5 p. max)

- IV Le travail réalisé (10 p. max)

- V Les difficultés rencontrées (lesquelles, pourquoi, comment fait-on pour résoudre ces difficult és habituellement, qu’avezvous choisi comme solutions et pourquoi, etc.) (10 p. max)

- VI Conclusion (3 p. max

- Bibliographie

- Lexique

- Annexes

- Résumé et quelques mots-clefs au verso en franais et anglais

Plan 2

- page de garde

- remerciements

- Mini-résumé sur le stage

- I Introduction

- II Le cadre de travail (Entreprise,etc.)

- III Le problème à résoudre

- IV Le travail réalisé 1ère partie

- V Le travail réalisé 2ème partie(Les difficultés rencontrées peuvent être mêlées à ces 2 chapitres IV et V)

- VI Conclusion

- Bibliographie

- Lexique

- Annexes

- Résumé et quelques mots-clefs au verso en franais et anglais

Nombre de pages

Il est conseillé aux étudiants de L3 de faire un mémoire de 25 à 35 pages, aux étudiants de M1, de 30 à 45 pages, et aux étudiants de M2 de dépasser 40 pages. Ces chiffres ne sont donnés qu’à titre indicatif et sont, bien sr, fonctions de la police de caractères utilisée (ici, police de 10 points avec une interligne *** et des marges normales). 这里有点意思, 防止用大字体凑数



Recruiting manager of the testing department


This August I found a new job which is a recruiting manager of a famous software company。 Because of the operation of our company is providing world-class IT solutions to global clients。 So every position requires good English communication skills including mine。 In this job I lead a hiring team and be responsible for supporting staffer needs of the testing department。 The latter half of the year is the busiest period, because many new projects have been processing。 Almost all the project teams are short of hands。 Software outsourcing is an agreement that provides deadlines for completion of the work。 If we could not find employable engineers in time, the vender must change the order to other competitory company。 In order to drive for quality hire with short cycle time。 I communicate with testing projects leaders to know every projcet’s distinctive characteristic, technical details, position salary and tensity of the task。 Then list a rate of progress, arrange recruiters in charge of different project according this plan。 For expedite the recruiting progress, I also take on the role with responsibility for ADOBE and EMC (clients’ company)。 Define the job and recruiting action plan。 Choosing resumes, interviewing with candidates and commending qualified candidates to attend client’s final test are my daily grind, to most effectively coordinate with staffing processes。 If the candidates pass the final test, we will announce correlative dept to transact procedure。 Implement testing department staffing processes to ensure compliance。 Up to last month our recruiter team has hired seventy eight qualified staffers including I found the nineteen engineers。



Recruiting manager of the testing department


This August I found a new job which is a recruiting manager of a famous software company. Because of the operation of our company is providing world-class IT solutions to global clients. So every position requires good English communication skills including mine. In this job I lead a hiring team and be responsible for supporting staffer needs of the testing department. The latter half of the year is the busiest period, because many new projects have been processing. Almost all the project teams are short of hands. Software outsourcing is an agreement that provides deadlines for completion of the work. If we could not find employable engineers in time, the vender must change the order to other competitory company.

In order to drive for quality hire with short cycle time. I communicate with testing projects leaders to know every projcet’s distinctive characteristic, technical details, position salary and tensity of the task. Then list a rate of progress, arrange recruiters in charge of different project according this plan. For expedite the recruiting progress, I also take on the role with responsibility for ADOBE and EMC (clients’ company). Define the job and recruiting action plan. Choosing resumes, interviewing with candidates and commending qualified candidates to attend client’s final test are my daily grind, to most effectively coordinate with staffing processes. If the candidates pass the final test, we will announce correlative dept to transact procedure. Implement testing department staffing processes to ensure compliance. Up to last month our recruiter team has hired seventy eight qualified staffers including I found the nineteen engineers.





















Report for Exercitation in Kautex

I participated the exercitation project in Kautex Cancun Plant (a joint venture between Kautex Textron and a local corporation, producing plastic fuel tanks for FAW-Volkswagen, FAW-Mazda and Shanghai GM) from July 10th to August 2nd。 I took part in the work of several departments of the plant and the achievements are as follows。

1。0 Technical Department

1。1 visit the assembly lines

1。2 analyze the structure of PQ35 as an example of the products

1。3 analyze each process of the production

1。4 audit the technical discussing of the engineers

2。0 Management Department

2。1 training of 6-Sigma with DMIAC

2。2 training of 7-Waste / Muda

2。3 understand the idea

2。4 audit the daily conference of the company executives

3。0 Project Department

3。1 study of process diagram of Kautex project system

3。2 project management case study

4。0 Quality Control department

4。1 watch the operation of CAQ system on the assembly line

4。2 analyze the internal problems of system failure

4。3 study some criteria of automobile industry

4。3。1 TS 16949 / ISO 14001

4。3。2 QS 9000 / VDA6。1 / OHSAS 18001

4。4 experiments

4。4。1 observation of section slices of the fuel tanks

4。4。2 measuring the actual size of a fuel tank (PQ-35) in a three dimensional frame

5。0 Others

5。1 visit assembly line of FAW-Volkswagen Plant

This exercitation offers me practical experience and new knowledge of modern way of production and management。 It is of great use in the further study and orientation of my major in the university。

Chen Shen

Summer XX

推荐专题: 英文自我介绍范文 委托书英文 英文版实习报告 英文实习报告

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