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2022-03-12 22:18:42



function and application of descriptive translation studies

1 introduction

the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).

dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.

my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.

the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.

a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.

the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.

in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.

2 outline

2.1 development and major concepts of dts

in this part i will describe holms’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.

2.2 methodolgy

i will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.

2.3 dts in contrast to other theories

a contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.

2.4 case study

in this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.

2.5 conclusion

based on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.

(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)


















1. 加速制订和颁布相关法律法规和技术标准

2. 强化政府在应对绿色壁垒时的作用

3. 农产品生产和出口企业应对绿色壁垒的措施

4. 面对入世的中国农业,农民也应提升对绿色壁垒的认识



20XX.2.15---3.10 资料与数据收集,整理与分析

20XX.3.13---3.19 完成翻译和开题报告

20XX.3.21---3.29 完成读书笔记

20XX.3.31---4.15 完成论文初稿,并请老师修改

20XX.4.17---4.27 完成论文二稿

20XX.4.29---5.30 定稿及写实习心得

20XX年6月 答辩






1. 原国峰(2003),“农产品靠什么跨越‘绿色壁垒’的门槛”,《人民日报》1月6日;

2. 黄冠胜(2004),“我国应对技术壁垒的战略选择”,《中国技术论坛》第1期;

3. 胡涵钧(2004),“WTO与中国农业专题”,《WTO与中国对外贸易》;

4. 郑有国(2005),“福建省水果出口面临的技术性贸易壁垒分析及对策”,《国际贸易问题》第12期;

5. 孟昌,张瑜(2005),“积极应对后WTO时代绿色壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响”,《国际贸易问题》第11期;

6. 朱团钦(2006),“世贸组织框架下我国农业保护的现实选择”,《国际贸易问题》第3期


1. Our university and school of foreign languages have provided the basic study and research conditions and facilities, including books and journals in the library and reading rooms.

2. The Internet is another source of information and on the campus we have easy access to the Internet.

3. I have been assigned an instructor to guide me through the whole process of planning and writing.



Despite the references I have collected and read, a thorough study of ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from the point of freely using still needs far more. What’s more, owing to the limited ways of getting references in Xinjiang, I will have to make full use of my present resources. Also, this is the first time I have ever written such a serious academic paper. I am therefore a learner and lack the needed training and experience.


题目名称:Politeness Principle as a strategy in Business Negotiation  商务英语谈判中的礼貌策略研究  学生姓名:  学号:  学院:  专业年级:英语专业商务方向**级  指导教师:  职称:  一、选题的依据:  由于商务活动的需要,在世界高度一体化,国际商务活动日益频繁,中国进入WTO 的国际背景下,需要人们熟练掌握对外商务活动的原则和技巧;而商务谈判是对外商务活动的重要环节,商务谈判实际上是通过语言来进行的经济活动, 其成功与否很大程度上取决于语言的应用。在谈判过程中谈判双方都希望己方利益化,因此双方在谈判过程中的语言表达和应用对谈判有着深远影响。得体、合适的语言表达能促进商务谈判的顺利进行。而礼貌原则作为一种语用策略是商务谈判的必要技巧,我们通过运用礼貌策略减少谈判双方的利益摩擦,缓和谈判环境,使双方在快乐的条件下获得共赢和理想的谈判结果。本选题旨在研究礼貌语言策略在商务谈判中的影响及具体应用。其意义如下:  意义:1. 得体的谈吐能树立谈判者良好的文化素养和职业道德形象,是商务谈判中的润滑剂;  2.增加谈判者之间的信任度,提高谈判中的自觉性,增加谈判的成功性,从而实现经济利益;  3. 对商务谈判中礼貌原则的研究有利于对今后礼貌原则文化差异起着促进作用;  4. 对礼貌原则的研究及礼貌语言的学习、应用利于人们生活实际中的交际和商务活动,利于个人生活。  2)综合国内外有关本选题的研究动态和自己的见解  我国学者何自然认为礼貌语言实际上是一种语用策略。大量学者对语用学中的礼貌策略进行了研究。我国学者胡艳芳认为礼貌是人类文明的重要标志,是人类社会活动的一条重要准绳(2009),普遍存在于人类的交际活动中。国内学者徐盛恒也有深入的见解他认为礼貌语言是语言交际可能涉及的各方关系的杠杆(1992),起着调节人际关系的作用。他们的研究都说明了礼貌语言策略在人们生活交际中有着重要的作用。  国外学者对其的研究更为突出。早在20世纪50年代,美国学者戈夫曼(Erving Goffman)就提出了“面子行为理论”,建立了礼貌模式。20世纪60年代,美国语言哲学家Grice(1975)在Austin 和Searle的言语行为基础上提出了会话合作原则,该原则认为人们在所有会话中都应遵循质量,方式和相关的四准则。R.Lakoff(1972,1973,1975,1977)在上世纪七十年代提出礼貌三规则。1978年Brown 和Levinson 提出了“面子论”。而英国语言学家利奇(Leech,1983)将语用原则分为“人际修辞”(interpersonal rhetoric)和“篇章修辞(textual rhetoric),提出了礼貌六准则。语用学中礼貌语言策略的历史来源及国内外学者的研究为诸多学者对礼貌策略在商务谈判中作用及应用的研究有着巨大的指导意义。许多学者就Grice的合作原则及相关理论,Leech的礼貌六准则,以及Brown和Levison的“面子论”在商务谈判中的应用进行了相关研究。他们的研究结果表明礼貌原则这一语用策略不仅适用于人们生活中的交流同时在商务谈判中依然适用并发挥着重要作用。  在此基础上,本选题在浅析各位学者对语用范畴中礼貌策略研究的同时,着重研究其具体礼貌语用策略和准则在商务谈判中的影响及应用。深入探讨 Grice的合作原则、Leech的礼貌六准则(得体,慷慨,赞誉,谦逊,一致,同情准则)及 Brown和Levison的“面子论”及他的礼貌策略(积极和消极礼貌策略)在商务谈判中的应用进行深入探讨。从而说明礼貌语言策略在商务谈判中的重要性。  二、研究内容  (1)主要研究内容及观点:  本选题在浅析各位学者对语用范畴中礼貌策略研究的同时,着重研究其具体礼貌语用策略和准则在商务谈判中的影响及应用。深入探讨 Leech的礼貌六准则(得体,慷慨,赞誉,谦逊,一致,同情准则)及 Brown和Levison的“面子论”及他的礼貌策略(积极和消极礼貌策略)在商务谈判中的应用进行深入探讨。  (2)论文内容提纲:  1 商务谈判的简单介绍  1.1商务谈判的定义  1.2商务谈判的基本原则(语言特征)  2 礼貌语言策略的介绍  2.1礼貌的定义  2.2相关的礼貌理论( Grice(1975)会话合作原则; Leech的礼貌六准则; Brown Levison的“面子论”等)  2.3 相关礼貌理论下的具体礼貌原则和策略  3一些语用礼貌策略在商务谈判中的应用(重点)  3.1 “得体准则”(把Grice的合作原则中的量的准则,质的准则,关系准则纳入为得体准则 说明:此为创新点)  3.2 慷慨准则的应用( Leech原理)  3.3 逊准则的应用( Leech原理)  3.4 Brown Levison积极和消极礼貌策略的应用  4 总结  三、研究方法、技术路线、实验方案及可行性分析  本选题的主要研究方法有文献资料法和经验总结法,以网络技术、人工智能为研究手段,采用对比分析、综合分析等方法和手段,通过对国内外学者在礼貌原则领域的见解和研究成果的对比和解析,总结出礼貌语言策略在商务谈判中的应用的重要性。  四、进程安排和采取的主要措施  2012.9.3- 9.19:  资料收集,阅读整理资料,拟定论文研究大致方向  2012.9.19 - 9.24:  向论文老师申报论文题目;确定研究方向,拟定出论文大纲,积累资料  2012.9.24 -10.15:  撰写开题报告及交予老师审核  2012.10.15 -11.10:  听取指导老师建议结合实际撰写、修改论文一稿  2012.11.11 -11.25:  听取指导老师建议撰写、修改论文二稿  2012.11.26.- 12.5:  听取指导老师建议撰写、修改论文三稿  2012.12.6.-12.15:  撰写论文定稿  2012.12.16-12.18:  上交论文定稿  2012.12.19-12.23:  将论文定稿交予老师审查  2012.12.27―12.28:  做好答辩准备  五、主要参考文献  [1] Brown, P. &Levinson, S., 1978, “Universals in Language Usage. Politeness Phenomena”. In E.N . Goody(ed.), Questions and Politeness: Strateges in Social Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1978, pp.65-311.  [2] Grice, H.P., 1975, “Logic and Conversation”. In Cole &Morgan(eds.). Syntax and Semantics 3: Speech Acts. New York : Academic Press. 1975, PP.41-58.  [3] Goffman,E., 1967, International Ritual: Essays on Face Cto Face Behacior. New York: Doubleday and Company.  [4] Leech .G. Principle of Pragmatics [M]. New York : Longman Inc, 1983.  [5] 胡艳芳(Hu, Yanfang),积极礼貌策略在英语课堂教学中的应用[J]. 重庆工学学院学报(社会科学版)2009(1).  [6] 何自然(He, Zirran).语用与英语学习[M]. 上海外语教育出版社, 1997.  [7] 邱天河(Qiu Tianhe), 语用策略在国际商务谈判中的运用[J]. 外语与外语教学.  [8] 徐盛恒(Xu Sheng hen)礼貌原则新拟[J]. 外语学刊,1992.  [9] 熊学亮(Xiong, Xueliang).礼貌文化参数. 简明语用学教程, 2008.5: 1165-170.  [10] 杨林聪(Yang Lincong)礼貌原则在商务沟通中的应用[M].长沙.国防科技大学出版社,2002.  六、指导教师意见  指导教师签名:  **年**月**日  七、所属系(教研室)意见  负责人签名:***  八、学院意见  主管院长签名:


(1) I shall make full use of my already acquired references which come from books, magazines and the Internet as well.

(2) I shall value my own original thoughts and mainly rely on detailed analysis that I have read from the books which have closely idea with my purpose.

(3) When I have difficulties in the writing process, I shall consult my instructor and seek for help.























function and application of descriptive translation studies

1 introduction

the intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.

since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).

dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.

my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.

the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.

a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.

the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two english versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.

in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.


This academic paper is a feasible project and the reasons are as follows:

1.I have great interests in the way of English-Chinese translation.

2.I have already studied translation methods and have been familiar with the functions and applications of ellipsis .

3.I have collected enough references both Chinese and Western on ellipsis in

translation and do a scrupulous study of the relationship between them.

4.I have a carefully planned schedule and have worked out a detailed outline of this thesis.

5.I have acquainted myself with the correct format, a clear and complete structure required by the academic paper, and my adequate English competence will enable me to write in fluent and precise English.

6.My instructor is a qualified translator who is familiar with the subject I havechosen.

推荐专题: 毕业论文开题报告范文 论文开题报告范文 英语专业论文开题报告范文 论文开题报告 毕业论文开题报告 英语专业毕业论文开题报告

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