1.Our main goal is to establish brand awarene among our target audience.2.Our main purpose is to establish brand awarene among our target audience.3.The main objective is to establish brand awarene among our target audience.本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展,英文调查报告。"main goal", "main purpose", "main objective",都是指‘主要的目标'。
1.According to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in Taiwan.2.The numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women's magazines in Taiwan.3.As the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of Taiwan's top-five selling women's magazines.说明调查的结果,并作为下文结论的根据。关键词为"figures"、"numbers"和"facts"等,调查报告《英文调查报告》。
1.If you'll take a look at this chart, the best media mix, then, would be a combination of TV and magazine ads.2.By looking at the chart you can see that the best media mix would be a combination of TV and magazine ads.3.As you can tell by the chart, the best media mix would be a combination of TV and magazine ads.根据调查结果提出方案时,通常会以图表作解释。请与会者看图表时可使用"if"句型,但它不是假设语气,而是一种客气的说法。
1.To conclude, even though our target audience is clearly defined, introducing a new product is always a gamble.2.In summary, even though we have defined our target audience, introducing a new product is always a gamble.3.I've shown you how to reach our target audience, yet I also think introducing a new product is always a gamble.在最后一段可略述个人对此活动的观感,并简单扼要的下结论。"to conclude","in summary"或"I think"都是做结论的实用词汇。